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DOI: 10.4324/9781003190912-27
Laura Sabourin and Gabrielle Manning
By definition, second language (L2) acquisition requires that speakers possess a first language (L1).
This previously established L1 and its similarities and/ or differences with the L2 has been shown
to greatly impact the learning of the latter (e.g., Odlin, 2003; Serratrice, 2013), which is known as
cross- linguistic transfer.1 Similarities in structure and concepts often result in positive transfer and
ease of L2 acquisition and processing, whereas differences result in negative transfer and processing
difficulty (Kotz, 2009).2 In addition to transfer from L1 to L2 and other known languages (Ln), cross-
linguistic effects can also be found from the L2 and Ln on to the L1 (this is sometimes referred to as
L1 attrition; see Keijzer & Seton, this volume; also for more on cross- linguistic transfer to languages
subsequent to L2, see Xu & Wong, this volume).
Cross- linguistic transfer is widely studied from a behavioral perspective, with a focus on effects
found after processing has occurred and not on what effects are occurring as decisions are made.
Although valuable information regarding the transfer of knowledge and how it relates to language
acquisition has been gained from such research, measures of L2 neural processing can provide insight
into the underlying neural mechanisms that regulate how and when our brains process cross- linguistic
transfer. L2 speakers of a language similar to their L1 may benefit from positive cross- linguistic
transfer effects to acquire and use the language to a highly proficient degree. Thus, speakers can
appear to have reached native- like skills in areas such as production, comprehension, and grammar.
However, the possibility exists that these positive transfer effects that result in native- like behavior
by L2 learners may be regulated by different neurological underpinnings (D�az et al., 2016; Mueller,
2005; Wartenburger et al., 2003). For example, it might be possible to see native- like performance in
L2 acceptability judgments, but for participants whose L1 is more like the L2, it may reflect transfer
of linguistic mechanisms (suggesting cross- linguistic transfer of the structure of interest). On the
other hand, participants who have a less similar L1 may be recruiting working memory mechanisms
suggesting that cross- linguistic transfer is not at play (e.g., Sabourin & Stowe, 2008). These effects
may occur at all levels of linguistic processing from phonetic level processing up to and including the
processing of pragmatic information. We will, however, limit our present discussions to the phono-
logical, lexical, and syntactic linguistic levels.
The present chapter focuses on transfer from L1 to L2, with emphasis on the neurological
underpinnings associated with these effects. Below, we provide a brief overview of historical
perspectives that have helped guide current empirical investigations of cross- linguistic transfer.

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Next, we introduce the critical issues and topics surrounding cross- linguistic transfer in relation to
neurocognition and summarize the current empirical knowledge in the field. Finally, we provide
current trends in transfer research and introduce avenues and considerations for future research.
Historical Perspectives
Cross- linguistic transfer has been studied extensively in the field of second language acquisition
(SLA) research with a focus both on facilitation (positive transfer) and interference (negative transfer)
effects on the learning and processing of an L2. This section outlines and evaluates a set of earlier
views based on behavioral data sets that have had a great influence on the field of language transfer
effects in SLA.
Many models and theories of SLA have directly or indirectly focused on the role of transfer from
the L1. For instance, at the phonological level, models such as the perceptual assimilation model
(Best et al., 2001) and the speech learning model (Flege, 1995; Flege & Bohn, 2021) assume that the
ability to acquire L2 speech sounds is related to the degree of similarity between the speech sounds
of the L1 and L2. At the syntax level, models such as those incorporating markedness (Eckman et al.,
1986) suggest that similarity between the L1 and L2 can predict the outcomes of L2 learning.
One of the earliest approaches to transfer, known as contrastive analysis (Lado, 1957), compared
the degree of similarity between L1 and L2 surface forms to predict the outcome of language
learning. Specifically, similarities between the L1 and L2 were predicted to facilitate the process of
L2 learning, whereas differences were expected to make those aspects more difficult to learn. This
approach treated language learning as consisting of a set of habits that needed to be learned, espe-
cially for aspects that were dissimilar (Flynn, 2019). Although this approach to language highlighted
potential areas of learning difficulty, evidence from language learners did not always support these
predictions: differences between the L1 and L2 did not always result in difficulty, and not all errors
produced by L2 learners were due to L1 transfer effects (Whitman & Jackson, 1972). Alternatively,
the error analysis approach viewed L2 grammatical errors as a window into the process of language
learning (Corder, 1967). The source of these errors was thought to reflect language transfer from
the L1. Over time, focus thus shifted from more behaviorist views of language as habit formation
to an internal focus on the rules of grammar and linguistic structure representing competence; SLA
researchers began to investigate the underlying processes of language learning.
Interest in grammatical competence can be linked to the seminal theories of Chomsky (1965).
According to this view of L1 acquisition, children possess an innate language learning mechanism
(a “Language Acquisition Device” or LAD) rooted in a Universal Grammar (UG). UG is a system of
principles (i.e., universal statements that specify properties shared by all languages) and parameters
(i.e., universal options available within the principles of UG that explain language variation) and is
considered to be innate (Dabrowska, 2015; Towell & Hawkins, 1994). Dulay and Burt (1974) argued
that SLA may be analogous in its usage of the LAD and UG. Within this perspective, there are various
views on the degree of access to specific UG elements that L2 learners are privy to, beyond what is
accessible from L1 grammar via transfer, resulting in different views of transfer: (a) The Full Access
account argues that speakers have the ability to reset their UG parameters when learning a new lan-
guage (White, 1985a; Flynn, 1996), and that all UG mechanisms from the L1 are made available
for transfer and access when utilizing the L2 (Schwartz & Sprouse, 1994); (b) The Partial Access
account states that a subset of UG knowledge is available to L2 speakers during language acquisition
(Hawkins & Chan, 1997; Tsimpli & Roussou, 1991); although the precise aspects of UG knowledge
that is readily available is a matter of debate; and (c) The No Access account claims that speakers
cannot access any UG- related mechanisms that are not present in the established L1 (Bley- Vroman,
1989, 1990; Clahsen & Felser, 2006).

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Other models that may also provide explanations of transfer effects are usage- based models in
which language learning is determined by the properties of input. One such model, MacWhinney’s
Unified Competition Model (1987, 2012), states that children acquire their L1 based on the presence
of cues in the target language. How frequently the cue is encountered by the learner as well as
whether the cue reliably signals the form being learned are both determinants of acquisition (Janssen
& Meir, 2019; MacWhinney, 1987, 2012). These L1 forms become entrenched and create competi-
tion with the L2 patterns being learned. This results in transfer effects that are stronger in adult than
child L2 learners as the L1 patterns have had longer to consolidate in the adult learners (Bates &
MacWhinney, 1981).
Moving forward from the historical perspectives to cross- linguistic transfer, current psycholinguistic
outlooks on this topic and its processes fall under two distinct approaches to language acquisition.
The first was largely influenced by the UG framework and assumes that L2 acquisition, including lan-
guage transfer effects, is constrained by an interlanguage (i.e., the current state between the L1 and the
target L2) that follows UG. This approach led to many studies comparing different types of languages
with contrasting parameter settings and how different parametric values are treated during the pro-
cess of L2 learning (e.g., White, 1985b) and investigating, more generally, the effect of syntactic
differences between L1 and L2. In contrast, the second approach applies a functionalist perspective.
Specifically, it looks at how the L2 learner can process and learn regularities (based on frequency)
provided in the input (Agebj�rn, 2021; MacWhinney, 2012; Shirai, 2019). These different approaches
to transfer have led to several successful research avenues with largely behavioral research methods.
With the use of methods that investigate neural processing, we can pinpoint the locus of transfer
effects. In the section that follows we discuss these methodological issues.
Critical Issues and Topics
There are a number of issues related to the study of cross- linguistic transfer that has made it dif-
ficult to adequately describe the role of transfer in SLA. Current research attempts to document
transfer in terms of positive vs. negative effects and explain whether these effects are modulated by
various factors, such as the underlying grammar of the L1 system being applied during the process
of L2 learning, more strategic processing (i.e., working memory or other cognitive effects), or the
frequency of structures in the input. To distinguish between these explanations of cross- linguistic
transfer, we need to ensure that an adequate methodology is implemented alongside appropriate
research questions. The remainder of this section focuses on methodological considerations and
research considerations in relation to linguistic and non- linguistic processing.
Methodological Considerations
Historically, issues in the field of SLA, and subsequently cross- linguistic transfer, have been studied
using behavioral experimental techniques. These have allowed for the collection of information
regarding accuracy and speed during the production or comprehension of an L2. Although such
results are valuable, we argue that additional neurocognitive evidence is required to obtain a well-
rounded understanding of the impact of cross- linguistic transfer on L2 acquisition and use. Whereas
behavioral techniques have contributed to our knowledge on the final state of processing and surface-
level effects, a neurocognitive approach allows for a deeper investigation into the neurological
underpinnings associated with cross- linguistic transfer, including whether L2 acquisition makes use
of the same or related processing routines and mechanisms as those employed by L1 speakers.3
Although the neurocognitive techniques have yet to provide a definitive answer regarding the precise
mechanisms of transfer effects in SLA, they show promising results (Rothman et al., 2015) and have
started to contribute to a clearer and more complex understanding of cross- linguistic transfer. The

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remainder of this section discusses two (neuro)cognitive experimental approaches, and how they can
be used to investigate cross- linguistic transfer.
One useful method for investigating the neural underpinnings of language processing and cross-
linguistic transfer is the event- related brain potentials (ERPs) technique (see, for example, Sabourin
et al., 2013; Dickson & Pelzl, this volume). By measuring the electrical currents produced in the
brain, ERPs allow us to see how and when the brain reacts with high temporal resolution. Therefore,
ERPs are useful for investigating the time- course of a reaction as well as automatic processing of
language- related stimuli (Luck, 2014). Certain ERP components are strongly associated with lan-
guage processing including the mismatch negativity (MMN), N400, and P600. The MMN is a nega-
tive deflection peaking between 100 and 250 ms post- stimulus that indicates that a change in sound
has been detected in a stream of otherwise similar sounds (N��t�nen, 2001). The N400 is a nega-
tive deflection peaking at 400 ms post- stimulus onset reflective of semantic integration and access
of words into context (Kutas & Hillard, 1980; Kutas & Federmeier, 2011). Finally, the P600 is a
positive deflection peaking at 600 ms post- stimulus onset demonstrating syntactic integration and
reanalysis (Osterhout & Holcomb, 1992). Several aspects of ERP components can be considered
and compared, such as latency (when an effect starts), amplitude (how strong an effect is), polarity
(whether the deflection is negative or positive) and scalp topography (where on the scalp the effect
is seen). In studies of cross- linguistic transfer effects, we can identify which neural mechanisms
are being recruited for each language by comparing how ERP components differ in L1 and L2 pro-
cessing. Thus, researchers can determine if there is simply a quantitative difference between the L1
and L2, as reflected by modulations in the timing and strength of a particular component. This can
be further differentiated from a qualitative difference showing the presence of a different component
altogether, which may be reflective of the use of distinct mechanisms.
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is another brain- imaging technique. It allows
researchers to determine where language processes occur at a neural level via changes in blood flow
(Sabourin & Stowe, 2008a; see also Kousaie & Klein, this volume). Due to its excellent spatial reso-
lution, fMRI can help pinpoint when and if L2 speakers use typical L1 language- related areas in
the brain for processing or whether they rely on alternative neural resources. Although there seems
to be fewer studies utilizing fMRI (likely due to less access to the technique for cost and expertise
reasons) to test cross- linguistic transfer, they provide essential information regarding underlying
neurocognitive processes and add complementary data to ERP findings.
Linguistic vs. Non- linguistic Processing
By investigating transfer from a neurocognitive perspective, we can determine if L2 learners can learn
different structures and whether they make use of the same neural mechanisms as native speakers or
more general cognitive mechanisms. Ultimately, this refers to whether the L2 is learned linguistic-
ally (with primarily the use of linguistic knowledge and strategies) or whether the same processes
and mechanisms that are used in other cognitive domains (e.g., attention, memory, learning) are used
in the learning of the L2. In the case of positive transfer from the L1 to L2, we expect to see similar
ERP components modulated in comparable ways. For example, if grammatical gender information is
transferred from the L1 to the L2, and gender in the target language results in P600 effects by native
speakers, then P600 effects would also be expected when gender must be processed in the L2. On the
other hand, if native- like behavioral level use of the L2 (thought to be the result of positive linguistic
transfer effects) is in fact reflecting the use of the L1 in a strategic, non- linguistic way, we could
observe the absence of language- related ERP components or the presence of components relating
to general cognitive processes (e.g., memory). As discussed below, this distinction in L2 gender
processing can be seen in the comparison of German and Romance learners of Dutch (Sabourin &

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Stowe, 2008). The German speakers can transfer an almost identical gender agreement system to
show similar ERP patterns to gender violations as L1 Dutch speakers (a modulation of the P600
component). On the other hand, Romance speakers show that they can process L2 gender violations,
although their ERP patterns are suggestive of a more general cognitive strategy to perform like native
speakers (a late frontal negativity).
Likewise, by using an oddball paradigm to modulate the MMN component it may be possible
to distinguish between whether L2 speakers discriminate non- native speech sounds acoustically
(suggestive of non- linguistic processing of the L2 stimuli) or at a phonological level (representing
linguistic ability to discriminate L2 sounds). An acoustic change in the MMN is seen at bilateral
scalp sites whereas a phonological MMN is larger in amplitude and left lateralized (N��t�nen, 2001;
N��t�nen, Ilmoniemi & Alho, 1994). In short, tracking the presence versus absence of different lin-
guistic ERP components as well as the topography across the development of the L2 should allow for
an exploration of when and how information from the L1 affects L2 processing.
Current Empirical Knowledge
Using ERPs and fMRI, researchers have begun to test when and how cross- linguistic transfer
influences the neurocognitive process of language learning. As previously discussed, transfer from
the L1 to the L2 can be deemed positive or negative (resulting in facilitation or interference) and has
been studied primarily at the syntactic, lexical, and phonological levels of language acquisition and
processing. We will now discuss the current neurocognitive literature in relation to varied linguistic
cross- linguistic phenomena resulting in positive or negative transfer.
Cross- Linguistic Influence Resulting in Positive Transfer
Language similarity plays a considerable role in cross- linguistic transfer resulting in positive
effects. In particular, related languages that are also typologically similar (e.g., French and Spanish)
greatly overlap in regard to lexical items and grammatical rules. When an L2 is closely related to
the established L1, it is argued to result in simpler L2 acquisition. An example of this stems from
research on cognates, which are words with similar or overlapping phonological/ orthographic form
and meaning. Cognates have been shown to easily map from form to meaning in the L2, displayed
through ERPs by the presence of a smaller N400 amplitude, suggesting less cognitive effort to recog-
nize or access the item in the L2 (Midgley et al., 2011). Likewise, L2 speech sounds with equivalents
or near- equivalents in the L1 are easier to produce and perceive (e.g., Werker & Tees, 1984a; 1984b),
indicating that the processing of non- native speech contrasts is heavily influenced by the phono-
logical system of the native language (Best, McRoberts & Goodell, 2001). In fact, it is possibly such
an overlapping phonological system that is partly responsible for the cognate effects. There seems to
be some evidence that both cross- language cognates and cross- language homophones make use of a
shared L1– L2 language specific network (Ghazi- Saidi & Ansaldo, 2017). In contrast, words that are
not phonologically similar across the L1 and L2 seem to activate neural structures associated with
the L1 but also rely on neural regions that are more typically found to be active in working memory
and attention tasks.
Linguistic overlap of syntactic systems has also been shown to result in positive transfer effects.
Using fMRI, Jeong and colleagues (2007) found that Korean L1 speakers show similar neural acti-
vation patterns for Korean and Japanese (languages that share a flexible subject– verb– object word
order), whereas different neural activation was exhibited for Korean and English (languages with
different syntactic structures).4 The lack of substantial difference between Korean and Japanese is
attributed to the languages’ shared syntactic structure, resulting in speakers using Japanese L2 effi-
ciently during processing due to positive transfer.

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Additional evidence for positive transfer effects at the syntactic level is seen when investigating
syntactic violations. Kotz and colleagues (2008) studied a group of L1 Spanish– L2 English speakers
and monolingual English speakers’ neural responses to English sentences containing phrasal
violations or syntactic ambiguities that would require additional syntactic elements in either lan-
guage to be made unambiguous or syntactically sound. A P600 response was elicited in both groups
of speakers, consistent with L1 Spanish speakers having positively transferred structural syntactic
knowledge to their L2. Of particular interest is that similarities in processing were only seen at a
neurological level during the online ERP task and were not reflected in an offline judgment task,
reinforcing the importance of using neurocognitive techniques in studies of cross- linguistic transfer.
Similar transfer effects were found in an earlier study looking at L1 Spanish– L2 English (Tokowicz
& MacWhinney, 2005).
Further effects of positive word order transfer are seen in Swedish L2 acquisition, a verb-
second (V2) language. Andersson et al. (2019) studied L1 English (non- V2 language)– L2 Swedish,
L1 German (V2 language)– L2 Swedish, and L1 Swedish speakers. The L1 German participants
showed an overall pattern of processing like the L1 Swedish speakers. Indeed, the L1 German
group exhibited fully native- like ERP responses to the stimuli, whereas the L1 English group only
showed partially similar processing effects. This was attributed to the fact that the L1 German
speakers were able to transfer their L1 knowledge of V2 word order along with the required pro-
cessing mechanisms.
More examples of positive transfer are found in studies of predictive processing. Alem�n Ba��n
and Martin (2021) studied the processing of possessive pronouns in L2 English learners with either
Spanish or Swedish as an L1. English and Swedish contain possessive pronouns providing refer-
ence to the natural gender of the antecedent (e.g., his/ her), whereas in Spanish possessive pronouns
refer to syntactic features (e.g., number, syntactic gender), of the possessed noun. Therefore, when
accessing possessive pronouns, Spanish activates representations different from those of English
and Swedish. Accordingly, native English and L1 Swedish- L2 English speakers showed an N400
effect when presented with unexpected possessive pronouns (i.e., a mismatch between the possessor
and possessive pronoun), reflective of integration and access difficulties. This was not observed for
Spanish L1 learners, showing that only Swedish L1 learners benefit from potential positive cross-
linguistic transfer in processing the gender of English possessive pronouns.
Studies focusing on the grammatical property of gender are often used as a tool to investigate
cross- linguistic transfer, especially as regards gender agreement and gender congruency (e.g.,
Sabourin et al., 2006; Sabourin & Stowe, 2008b). Gender congruency refers to a noun bearing the
same gender in two languages (e.g., the table in French, la table, and Spanish, la mesa, both possess
feminine gender). Using ERPs, it was found that positive transfer effects at the level of linguistic pro-
cessing only hold when the gender categories are similar across the L1 and L2 (Sabourin & Stowe,
2008b), in contrast to behavioral findings via acceptability judgements (Sabourin et al., 2006).
The studies presented above showed effects of positive transfer at all levels of linguistic pro-
cessing. It seems to be the case that the ability to transfer information from the L1 and have that
information be successfully used to guide L2 learning facilitates may result in the earlier appearance
of native- like processing in the L2.
Cross- Linguistic Influence Resulting in Negative Transfer
In contrast to facilitation because of positive cross- linguistic transfer, negative effects are found when
conflicting information is transferred at various linguistic levels. In studies aimed at determining
whether L2 learners can acquire and discriminate new speech sounds (e.g., Dehaene- Lambertz, 1997;
Rivera- Gaxiola et al., 2000), the focus has been on whether speech sounds that are present, or more
to the point, those that are not present in the learner’s L1 will cause difficulty in the acquisition of a

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new speech contrast. For example, using ERPs, Dehaene- Lambertz (1997) showed that non- native
contrasts did not elicit a MMN (neither within- category nor between category) demonstrating that the
MMN is not simply an index of acoustic similarity but that it is modulated by the phonemic status of
the contrast. On the other hand, Rivera- Gaxiola et al. (2000) did find electrophysiological evidence
(in the absence of behavioral evidence) that both native and non- native contrasts can elicit an MMN.
Both studies, however, do not place a primary focus on transfer effects, but instead on the presence
vs. absence of speech sounds in the L1 vs. L2.
Negative transfer effects are commonly observed at the syntactic level of cross- linguistic
transfer, particularly in relation to variation in word order between the L1 and L2 (e.g., Foucart
& Frenck- Mestre, 2012). For instance, Erdocia and Laka (2018) studied whether word order in
the L1 (Spanish) influences the processing of word order in the L2 (Basque). Specifically, they
investigated the processing of subject– verb– object (SVO) and object– verb– subject (OVS) word
orders. The canonical word order in Spanish is SVO, whereas for Basque it is subject– object– verb
(SOV); OVS word order is possible but non- canonical in both languages. Native speakers of
Basque showed a P600 effect to non- canonical (but grammatical) SVO sentences reflecting the
idea that non- canonical word orders are processed, at least initially, as ungrammatical. However,
L2 speakers did not show a P600 effect to the non- canonical SVO word order, which is standard in
their L1. Specifically, L2 speakers processed this word- order using the grammatical restrictions of
their L1, consistent with the negative transfer causing them to fail to recognize the non- canonical
nature of the SVO order in Basque. Likewise, another ERP study (Mickan & Lemh�fer, 2020) also
showed that L2 word order processing remained difficult for learners when there were differences
between the L1 and the L2 and that this was the case for even advanced L2 users. Importantly, they
provided data suggesting that, even for the same participants, comparable L1 and L2 structures
resulted in native- like L2 processing whereas structures that are conflicting do not result in native-
like processing.
A handful of studies have focused on the processing of negative cross- linguistic transfer in con-
junction with predictive processing (e.g., Van Bergen & Flecken, 2017). In the previously mentioned
Alem�n Ba��n and Martin (2021) study, whereas positive transfer effects were seen for L1 Swedish–
L2 English speakers, L1 Spanish– L2 English speakers provided evidence for negative transfer effects
by displaying a P600, suggesting that speakers relied on the structure of their L1 in relation to antici-
patory processing of the gender of possessive pronouns.
Further evidence for negative transfer has been found with agreement relations between languages
with comparable or conflicting adjective placement. For example, both French and German allow pre-
posed adjectives, but only French permits post- posed adjectives. Foucart and Frenck- Mestre (2011)
tested L1 French and L1 German– L2 French learners: participants were read French plural sentences
containing pre- posed adjectives and plural sentences with post- posed adjectives where the gender of
the adjective either agreed (matched) or disagreed (mismatched) with the corresponding noun. L1
French speakers exhibited a P600 to gender agreement violations between pre- posed adjectives and
the noun, as well as post- posed adjectives and the noun. In contrast, German– French learners did not
show an effect of agreement errors in either adjective condition. Although the researchers acknow-
ledge that their study was not intended to directly probe transfer effects, and therefore cannot assert
any strong conclusions, they do discuss the possibility that negative transfer effects from German
may hinder gender agreement processing. As opposed to French, grammatical gender is not overtly
marked when the plural is used in German and, consequently, L1 German speakers potentially relied
on this construction, resulting in processing differences.
In all, research suggests that differences between languages that may cause negative transfer
effects do seem to result in differences in the processing of the L2. This non- native like performance
in the L2 is likely due to the interference of the L1 structures.

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Current Trends and Future Directions
As the field of SLA and cross- linguistic transfer continues to grow and evolve, new methodo-
logical and experimental considerations surface. For instance, various neuroimaging techniques are
becoming increasingly implemented not only within the fields of psycholinguistics and L2 processing
but in the more specific research interest of cross- linguistic transfer. This is allowing researchers
to investigate more than just the effects of positive and/ or negative linguistic processing strategies
at a surface level. For example, Wang and colleagues (2022) investigated morphosyntactic cross-
linguistic influence from the L1 (Spanish or Mandarin) to L2 (English) using functional near infrared
spectroscopy (fNIRS).
Additionally, researchers are adopting newer trends, such as artificial language learning paradigms.
Artificial languages are useful tools to investigate how natural languages are learned, as they are
made up of linguistic rules and constraints that can mimic those found in natural language while con-
trolling the number of variables learners are exposed to (e.g., Ferman, et al., 2009; Morgan- Short,
2020). Artificial languages are taught in a controlled environment where researchers can ensure that
all participants have received equal amounts of input (Braine et al., 1990), and that they have not had
previous exposure to the language (Hulstijn, 1997). L2 learning provides a logical application for the
artificial language learning approach, as all participants would necessarily already have a native lan-
guage and be L2 (or Ln) learners (e.g., Ettlinger, et al., 2016; Robinson, 2005). Thus, these studies are
able to model what is likely to happen during natural SLA in a controlled manner. Studies combining
artificial language learning techniques with investigations of cross- linguistic transfer are gaining in
importance (e.g., Berthelsen et al., 2021; Havas et al., 2017). For instance, Berthelsen and colleagues
(2020) found that speakers of Swedish, a language with word accents (an aspect of some types of
tonal languages) show positive transfer of morphosyntactic tone when learning a novel artificial lan-
guage. Such approaches could be incorporated into neurocognitive studies of cross- linguistic transfer.
Common methods of testing for cross- linguistic transfer effects utilize stimuli items such as
sentences, determiner phrases, and single words. Despite the valuable insight these constructions
provide, it is rarely the case that they are thus spoken, heard, or read in isolation during natural-
istic communication. Therefore, these widely implemented methods are not necessarily ecologic-
ally valid (i.e., representative of natural language comprehension and use). Research has begun to
incorporate more ecologically valid measures (Blanco- Elorrieta & Pylkk�nen, 2018); for example,
Alem�n Ba��n and Martin (2021) implemented a measure that is more reflective of conversational
practices and interactions by providing participants with stories consisting of contextual information
and potential responses.
Recent studies are also touching on the importance of investigating non- linguistic cognitive
processes in conjunction with cross- linguistic transfer (e.g., Verbeek et al., 2022). Inhibitory con-
trol is of particular interest, as speakers are required to contend with interference from the L1 that
may hinder processing in the L2. In addition, by investigating non- linguistic processing, we can
detect what kind of strategies are being used during L2 acquisition and processing. For example, Von
Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn and colleagues (2021) suggest investigating ERP components such as the
P300, which is thought to underlie more general inhibitory processes. It would also be worthwhile to
determine the precise roles of other cognitive mechanisms like working memory and cognitive flexi-
bility (Diamond, 2013; Valian, 2015) on the process of cross- linguistic transfer from the L1 to the L2
and in the ultimate attainment of the L2.
Lastly, there are several other psycholinguistic factors, such as metalinguistic awareness, pro-
cessing demands, age of acquisition, and proficiency, that often play important roles in the ultimate
attainment of the L2. These factors are often reflected in L2 learning strategies (Bialystok, 1990;
Kellerman, 1995, Lago et al., 2021) and have been shown to interact with cross- linguistic transfer.

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For example, increased proficiency in the L2 can counter negative transfer effects, such that highly
proficient non- native speakers show native- like processing patterns (Hopp, 2007). Future studies
determining the strength of these effects, how they interact with language similarity and their time-
line in affecting L2 processing are desirable in contributing to a full- fledged understanding of the
mechanisms of cross- linguistic transfer.
1 Various terms are used throughout the literature to refer to cross- linguistic transfer: transfer, cross- linguistic
influence, language transfer, etc. For the purpose of this chapter, we will refer to this phenomenon as cross-
linguistic transfer, or transfer for short.
2 It should be noted that language- specific structures may also exist: these are not expected to participate in
transfer effects, neither positive nor negative.
3 Falling between behavioral and neurocognitive methods is eye- tracking, which can reveal information
regarding cognitive load and the time- course of processes.
4 It should be noted that participants in this study were L1 Korean, L2 English, L3 Japanese speakers; the
researchers refer to both English and Japanese as L2s.
Further Readings
This article examines behavioral and ERP effects of proficiency and syntactic structure similarity (positive
transfer) and conflict (negative transfer).
Mickan, A., & Lemh�fer, K. (2020). Tracking syntactic conflict between languages over the course of L2 acqui-
sition: A cross- sectional event- related study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(5), 822– 846. https:// doi.
org/ 10.1162/ jocn_ a_ 01 528
This article uses an artificial language learning paradigm to investigate cross- linguistic transfer effects with bilin-
gual heritage speakers.
Perreira Soares, S.M., Kupisch, T., & Rothman, J. (2022). Testing potential transfer effects in heritage and adult
L2 bilinguals acquiring a mini grammar as an additional language: An ERP approach. Brain Sciences, 12(5),
669. https:// 10.3390/ brain sci1 2050 669
This article utilizes a more recent neuroimaging technique to provide valuable neurological information regarding
cross- linguistic transfer.
Wang, D., Wang, S., Zinszer, B., Sheng, L., & Jasińska, K. (2022). Cross- linguistic influences of L1 on L2 mor-
phosyntactic processing: An fNIRS study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 63, 101063. https:// 10.1016/
j.jne urol ing.2022.101 063
The authors thank Ariane Sen�cal for her thoughtful edits and suggestions, and the editors of this edition for their
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