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To cite this article: Neuroendocrinol Lett 2015; 36(2):101–105
Neuroendocrinology Letters Volume 36 No. 2 2015
ISSN: 0172-780X; ISSN-L: 0172-780X; Electronic/Online ISSN: 2354-4716
Web of Knowledge / Web of Science: Neuroendocrinol Lett
Pub Med / Medline: Neuro Endocrinol Lett
Placental pathologic changes
in gestational diabetes mellitus
Patrycja Jarmuzek, Mirosław Wielgos, Dorota A. Bomba-Opon
1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Correspondence to: Assoc. Prof. Dorota A. Bomba-Opon, MD, Ph.D
1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Medical University of Warsaw
Plac Starynkiewicza 1/3, 02-015 Warsaw, Poland.
tel: + 48225830301; fax: +48225830302; e-mail:
Submitted: 2015-03-06 Accepted: 2015-03-12 Published online: 2015-05-18
Key words:
great obstetrical syndromes; gestational diabetes mellitus; placenta;
hypoxia; oxidative stress; VEGF
Neuroendocrinol Lett 2015; 36(2):101–105 PMID: 26071574 NEL360215R01 � 2015 Neuroendocrinology Letters •
Nowadays, the continuous rise of maternal obesity is followed by increased
gestational diabetes mellitus incidence. GDM is associated with adverse fetal and
neonatal outcome that often presents with macrosomia, birth trauma, neonatal
hypoglycemia, and respiratory distress syndrome. Inclusion of GDM into ‘the
great obstetrical syndromes’ emphasizes the role of the placenta in interactions of
the maternal and fetal unit.
The placenta acts as a natural selective barrier between maternal and fetal blood
circulations. Placenta is sensitive to the hyperglycemic milieu and responses with
adaptive changes of the structure and function. Alteration of the placental devel-
opment and subsequent vascular dysfunction are presented in 6 out of 7 women
with all ranges of diabetic severity.
Most placentas from GDM pregnancies present typical histological findings such
as villous immaturity, villous fibrinoid necrosis, chorangiosis, and increased
angiogenesis. The type of dysfunction depends on how early in pregnancy glycae-
mia disorders occurred. Generally, if impaired glucose metabolism is diagnosed
in the early pregnancy, mainly structural dysfunctions are observed. GDM that is
detected in late gestation affects placental function to a greater extent. Moreover
many studies suggest that diabetic placental changes are associated with inflam-
mation and oxidative stress that can lead to the chronic fetal hypoxia.
This article aims to review particular changes of the development, anatomy and
function of the placenta in the environment of abnormal glucose metabolism
which can establish the maternal-placental-fetal interface dysfunction as a poten-
tial source of adverse pregnancy outcomes. A detailed sequence of events that
leads from hyperglycemia to placental dysfunction and subsequent pregnancy
complications may become an important issue for further studies.
- gestational diabetes mellitus
- endothelial growth factor
- fibroblast growth factor
- peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma
- placental growth factor
- mitogen activated protein kinase
- nitrogen oxide synthase
- erythropoietin
- nucleated red blood cell level
- malodialdehyde
- nitrogen oxide
- reactive oxygen species

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Copyright � 2015 Neuroendocrinology Letters ISSN 0172–780X •
Patrycja Jarmuzek, Mirosław Wielgos, Dorota A. Bomba-Opon
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a metabolic
disease defined as progressively impaired glucose intol-
erance with the onset or first recognition during preg-
nancy (WHO 2013). The prevalence of GDM varies
between populations, ranging from 1.7% to 11.6%
(Schnaider et al. 2012). Numerous studies established
that GDM is associated with significantly higher risk
of short- and long-term maternal and fetal complica-
tions. Fetuses with intrauterine exposure to hyper-
glycemia more often present with macrosomia, birth
trauma, neonatal hypoglycemia, and respiratory dis-
tress syndrome (Nordin et al. 2006). Adverse long-term
outcomes of hyperglycemia are caused by intrauterine
fetal programming and consist in a higher prevalence
of metabolic-related diseases (Manderson et al. 2002;
D�rner et al. 2000). The development of subsequent
type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases are
among widely discussed maternal complications (Kwak
et al. 2013; Kessous et al. 2013).
The underlying pathophysiology of GDM remains
a matter of much debate. Maternal insulin resistance
combined with the placental factor, are believed to play
an important role. Recent literature reports consider
GDM to be a part of the ‘great obstetrical syndromes’,
which include pregnancy-related disorders such as pre-
term labor, preterm premature rupture of membranes,
preeclampsia, spontaneous pregnancy loss, stillbirth,
and abnormally delayed or accelerated fetal growth
(Gabbay-Benziv & Baschat 2014; Bronsen et al. 2011).
The concept of the ‘great obstetrical syndromes’ desig-
nates the adverse interaction of the maternal- fetal unit
as the underlying etiology of pregnancy complications
which manifest mainly in the third trimester (Romero
2009). It differs from other theories by pointing to the
role of structural and functional changes of the placenta
in the development of GDM.
This article aims to review particular changes of the
development, anatomy and function of the placenta
in the environment of abnormal glucose metabolism
which can establish the maternal-placental-fetal inter-
face dysfunction as a potential source of adverse preg-
nancy outcomes.
The placenta acts as a natural selective barrier between
maternal and fetal blood circulations and is capable
of controlling nutrient and gas exchange. Moreover,
human placenta is responsible for important endocrine
function and local maternal immune tolerance. Due to
its location, this organ may be exposed to adverse intra-
uterine conditions and act as a target for maternal and/
or fetal metabolic alterations associated with pregnancy
According to the current diagnostic standards,
GDM may be diagnosed at any time in pregnancy
if one or more of the following criteria are met: fast-
ing plasma glucose of 5.1-6.9 mmol/l (92-125 mg/dl),
1-hour plasma glucose of >10.0 mmol/l (180 mg/dl),
and 2-hour plasma glucose of 8.5-11.0 mmol/l (153-
199 mg/dl) following a 75 g oral glucose load (Polish
Gynecological Society Standards 2014). The screening
model for GDM (between 24-28 gestational weeks) and
gradually decreasing insulin sensitivity during preg-
nancy lead to the diagnosis of diabetes mainly in late
gestation. According to Catalano, decreased insulin
resistance and the accompanying increase in insulin
response may be found already in the first trimester in
women who will develop GDM later in pregnancy (Cat-
alano 2014). According to the literature, performing a
screening test during the first trimester could detect
around 30-40% of all GDM cases before 24-28 gesta-
tional weeks (Bartha et al. 2000; Meyer et al. 1996). The
question how early in gestation the changes related to
hyperglycemia occur in the placenta remains to be elu-
cidated. In general, normal placental development can
be profoundly disturbed and followed by structural and
functional changes. If diabetes develops early in preg-
nancy it affects mainly the structure of the placenta,
whereas later disturbances in glucose metabolism are
more likely to affect its function (Madazli et al. 2008;
Laurini et al. 1987).
In the second half of pregnancy, placental villi
undergo extensive angiogenesis and vascularization. In
hyperglycemic environment both of them may remain
uncompleted. Placental development disorders such as
villous immaturity and alteration in villous branching
are suggested to be an adaptation to particular intra-
uterine conditions, mainly related to early onset of dia-
betes (Taricco et al. 2009; Daskalakis et al. 2008).
Macroscopically, a diabetic placenta is enlarged, thick
and plethoric and can be described by increased pla-
cental to fetal weight ratio (Lao et al. 1997; Taricco et al.
2003). Numerous studies determined that the placenta
grows first in a diabetic environment, thus precipitating
transport of glucose and other nutrients. This sequence
leads to accelerated fetal growth, which is proportional
to the degree of hyperglycemia (Gauster et al. 2012).
Various authors suggest that the degree of glucose
tolerance induces not only changes in the placental
weight but also its microanatomical morphology. In a
study by al-Okail et al. (1994), abundance of varying
histologic changes were observed in poorly controlled
GDM placentas. The typical changes included villous
edema, fibrin deposits in the syncytiotrophoblast,
and marked hyperplasia of the cytotrophoblast. Other
studies of diabetic placentas reveled alterations such
as fibrinoid necrosis and chorangiosis on histologic
examination (Madazli et al. 2008; Taricco et al. 2009;
Daskalakis et al. 2008).

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Neuroendocrinology Letters Vol. 36 No. 2 2015 • Article available online:
Placental changes in gestational diabetes mellitus
In general, a GDM placenta is characterized by a
higher number of transversal interconnections between
the villous brunches. Moreover, higher total length
volume and surface areas of villous capillaries are found
(Jirkovska et al. 2002)
Angiogenesis is considered to be a crucial process,
responsible for the correct function of the placenta.
The human placenta is a rich source of angiogenic sub-
stances which play an important role in maternal vascu-
lar adaptation to pregnancy. The villous vascularization
and formation of terminal villi is under constant control
of angiogenic factors such as endothelial growth factor
(VEGF), fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF), peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor–gamma (PPAR), and
placental growth factor (PlGF) (Reynolds& Redmer
2001; Khaliq et al. 1996). Increased angiogenesis of
feto-placental vessels is a typical feature of a placenta
exposed to hyperglycemic milieu. Vascular dysfunction
may be observed even in cases of well-controlled diabe-
tes mellitus (Leach et al. 2009; Mayhew 2002).
Many studies analyzed potential implications of an
imbalance of angiogenic factors in the placental envi-
ronment which can result in aberrant villous vascu-
larization. In general, VEGF is indicated as the most
important factor but a clear correlation between the level
of VEGF and impaired vascularization of the placenta
involves further investigation. Madazli et al. (2008)
examined maternal and cord plasma levels of VEGF
and revealed a tendency for lower values in GDM cases
and a negative correlation with villous immaturity. On
the contrary, Leach et al. (2009), suggest that in case
of hyperglycemia, a pseudohypoxic environment with
decreased levels of NO is created. These changes lead to
an increased production of VEGF and prostaglandin -
the leading factors of an inflammatory response.
The GDM placenta is also associated with lower
concentrations of adherence and tight junctional pro-
teins. In general, all placental lesions tend to change the
permeability of the maternal- fetal barrier. The feto-
placental vessels exhibit leakiness to macromolecules
larger than albumin as compared to non-diabetic pla-
centa. In a laboratory model, elevated levels of VEGF
and increased albumin permeation occurred after a 4h
hyperglycemic insult (Leach et al. 2009).
Another factor which may influence placental func-
tional disorders is increased level of insulin. Hyper-
insulinemia is the response of fetal pancreas to the
increased transplacental flux of glucose from the mater-
nal circulation. In case of poor diabetes control, fetal
hyperglycemia occurs and results in pancreatic B cells
hypertrophy to meet the demand for increased insulin
secretion. In the second and third trimester, insulin
receptor expression is switched to the luminal surface
of fetal capillaries, which suggests insulin as a regulator
factor of angiogenesis and vascular permeability (Hiden
et al. 2009; Desoye et al. 1994). Constantly higher cir-
culating level of insulin has direct access to maternal as
well as fetal endothelium. The important role of insulin
in angiogenesis has been shown by many studies. There
is evidence demonstrating that by stimulating several
pathways such as eNOS, mitogen activated protein
kinase (MAPK), small GTPase Racl and expression of
the matrix metalloproteinases, hyperinsulinemia is able
to influence the angiogenesis. High insulin level cor-
relates with increased endothelial VEGF and junctional
disruption and increased vascular leaks (Lucas et al.
2008; Nelson et al. 2009; Jahan et al. 2011).
Alteration of the placental development and subse-
quent vascular dysfunction are presented in 6 out of
7 women with all ranges of diabetic severity (Jones
& Fox 1976). The pivotal question is how placental
lesions such as villous fibrinoid necrosis, villous imma-
turity and chorangiosis may affect fetal development.
Maternal hyperglycemia directly stimulates metabolic
and hormonal changes in the fetus. Increased level of
insulin accelerates fetal metabolism and subsequently
enhances fetal oxygen demands. Both, placental abnor-
malities and increased oxygen consumption often lead
to chronic fetal hypoxia (Hytinantti et al. 2000; Taricco
et al. 2009). In the vast majority of cases, oxygen satura-
tion in the umbilical vein is significantly decreased as
compared to non-diabetic pregnancies. Fetal hypoxia
tends to increase erythropoiesis by induction of eryth-
ropoietin (EPO) secretion. Significantly elevated level
of EPO in cord blood is correlated with enhanced
nucleated red blood cell level (NRBCs) (Madazli et al.
2008; Daskalakis et al. 2008). Both of them are sug-
gested as markers of chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia
(Ferber et al. 2005). Hypoxia is one of the basic triggers
for increased angiogenesis.
Another factor that can affect the physiology of
placental vasculature is oxidative stress. This assump-
tion can be confirmed by widely presented oxidative
stress markers such as 8-isoprostane, increased activity
of superoxide dismutase and glutation peroxidase, or
elevated levels of malodialdehyde (MDA) in diabetic
placentas (Madazli et al. 2008; Coughlan et al. 2004).
The transient dysregulation of NO and reactive oxygen
species (ROS) synthesis may induce vasoconstriction
of the placental vessels and activate synthesis of pro-
inflammatory cytokines. An increased expression of
antioxidant gene may be explained as an adaptation to
altered oxidative stress status.
Elevated total placental weight, low-grade inflam-
mation, and altered vascular permeability are followed
by increased materno-fetal nutrient transfer. Diabetic
milieu leads to upregulation of genes involved in lipid
pathways. Transport of triglyceride and cholesterol is

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Copyright � 2015 Neuroendocrinology Letters ISSN 0172–780X •
Patrycja Jarmuzek, Mirosław Wielgos, Dorota A. Bomba-Opon
significantly enhanced in GDM placentas (Radaelli et
al. 2009). Placental amino acid exchange is also altered
in GDM. Interestingly, even in cases of well-controlled
glycaemia, the concentration of amino acids increases
in umbilical venous and arterial plasma as compared
to maternal circulation (Cetin et al. 2005). Generally,
enhanced nutrient transport and anabolic metabolism
induced by hyperinsulinemia contribute to an increased
fetal fat accumulation and, subsequently, accelerated
intrauterine fetal growth.
Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with adverse
fetal and neonatal outcomes. Despite efforts to explain
the pathophysiology of GDM, effective screening and
prevention remain to be established. Nowadays, inclu-
sion of GDM into ‘the great obstetrical syndromes’
emphasizes the role of the placenta in materno-fetal
interaction. Particular location between the maternal
and fetal bloodstream makes the placenta a mediator in
the materno-fetal ‘dialogue’. On the one hand, the pla-
centa plays an important endocrine function and on the
other hand, it remains sensitive to adverse intrauterine
environment and presents anatomical and functional
adaptive changes. In pregnancies complicated by gesta-
tional diabetes mellitus, particular conditions of hyper-
glycemia and hyperinsulinemia are created. Adverse
metabolic milieu initiates a chain of events that, due to
placental dysfunction, may lead to increased neonatal
morbidity and mortality.
Most placentas from GDM pregnancies present
typical histological findings such as villous immaturity,
villous fibrinoid necrosis, chorangiosis, and increased
angiogenesis. The type of dysfunction depends on how
early in pregnancy glycaemia disorders occurred. Gen-
erally, if impaired glucose metabolism is diagnosed in
the early pregnancy, mainly structural dysfunctions are
observed. GDM that is detected in late gestation affects
placental function to a greater extent. Interestingly,
histologic changes are present in both, well and poorly
controlled GDM.
Many studies suggest that diabetic placental changes
are associated with inflammation and oxidative stress.
The role of this intrauterine environment in fetal devel-
opment remains unclear and further investigation is
needed. Despite normal umbilical artery flow presented
in most cases of GDM pregnancies, increased levels of
erythropoietin and nucleated red blood cells in cord
blood are very common. Elevated markers of chronic
fetal hypoxia may explain adverse neonatal outcome in
GDM pregnancies.
The continuous rise in the rate of maternal obesity
is followed by increased GDM incidence. A detailed
sequence of events that leads from altered glucose
metabolism to placental dysfunction and subsequent
pregnancy complications may become an important
issue for further studies. The concept of the ‘great
obstetrical syndromes’ points to the underlying etiol-
ogy of adverse interactions between the materno-pla-
cental and fetal unit. Ways to modify or even prevent
this sequence of changes remains a challenge for future
Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that
there are no conflicts of interest.
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