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A Review of the Impact of Parasitic Copepods on Marine Aquaculture
Stewart C. Johnson1,*, Jim W. Treasurer2, Sandra Bravo3, Kazuya Nagasawa4, and Zbigniew
1Institute for Marine Biosciences, National Research Council, Canada, 1411 Oxford St., Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2Z1, Canada
Tel:902-426-2630. Fax: 902-426-9413. E-mail:
2Sea Fish Industry Authority, Marine Farming Unit, Ardtoe, Acharacle, Argyll PH34 4LD, Scotland
3Instituto de Acuicultura, Universidad Austral de Chile, Puerto Mont Campus, Puerto Mont, Chile
4Nikko Branch, National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Fisheries Research Agency, Chugushi, Nikko, Tochigi, 321-1661, Japan
5Biological Sciences Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo V9R 5K6, B.C., Canada
(Accepted January 18, 2004)
Stewart C. Johnson, Jim W. Treasurer, Sandra Bravo, Kazuya Nagasawa, and Zbigniew Kabata (2004) A
review of the impact of parasitic copepods on marine aquaculture. Zoological Studies 43(2): 229-243.
Parasitic copepods are common on cultured and wild marine finfish, and there is a substantive literature
describing their taxonomy, life cycles, and host ranges. Although many species have long been recognized to
have the potential to affect the growth, fecundity, and survival of their hosts, it has only been with the develop-
ment of semi-intensive and intensive aquaculture that their importance as disease-causing agents has become
evident. Members of the family Caligidae are the most commonly reported species on fish reared in brackish
and marine waters. These species, often referred to as sea lice, are responsible for most disease outbreaks.
The impacts of sea lice on marine salmonid aquaculture are well documented, with catastrophic losses report-
ed for disease outbreaks that have resulted in high levels of mortality. With the development of a variety of
treatments and management strategies to reduce infection levels, mortality caused by sea lice has been greatly
reduced. At present, economic losses due to sea lice are primarily from the costs of treatments, the costs of
the management strategies, the costs associated with reduced growth rates that are a direct result of infection
and/or treatment, and the costs of carcass downgrading at harvest. Indirect and direct losses due to sea lice in
salmonid aquaculture globally are estimated to be greater than US$100 million annually. In other areas of
marine aquaculture, the impact of parasitic copepods is not well documented. This is especially true for
species such as Atlantic halibut, Atlantic cod, turbot, and haddock that have only recently entered commercial-
scale production. This review discusses the global importance of parasitic copepods as disease-causing
agents in marine aquaculture. We also provide a brief review of the environmental and husbandry factors that
may affect parasitic copepod abundance and the potential roles that parasitic copepods play as vectors for
other disease agents.
Key words: Sea lice, Disease, Caligidae.
Zoological Studies 43(2): 229-243 (2004)
Parasitic copepods are common on cultured
and wild marine finfish, and there is a vast litera-
ture describing their taxonomy and host ranges.
Many of these species have long been recognized
to have the potential to affect the growth, fecundity
and survival of wild hosts (White 1940, Kabata
1958, Hewitt 1971, Neilson et al. 1987, Johnson et
al. 1996). With the development of semi-intensive
and intensive brackish water and marine aquacul-
ture, the importance of parasitic copepods as dis-
ease causing agents has become more evident.
Members of the family Caligidae, also often
referred to as sea lice, are the most commonly
reported species on marine and brackish water
*To whom all correspondence and reprints requests should be addressed.

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Zoological Studies 43(2): 229-243 (2004)
cultured fish throughout the world, accounting for
approximately 61% of all reports (Tables 1, 2).
Members of this family have been responsible for
most of the documented disease outbreaks.
Parasitic copepods feed on host mucous, tis-
sues, and blood, and their attachment and feeding
activities are responsible for any primary disease
that develops. The relationship of the number of
parasitic copepods to severity of the disease is
dependent on 1) the size and age of the fish, 2)
the general state of health of the fish, and 3) the
species of copepod and the developmental stages
present (Pike and Wadsworth 1999 and references
therein). Losses associated with disease are the
result of direct mortality, mortality due to secondary
infections, reduced growth, loss of carcass value,
and costs associated with treatment (Lin et al.
1994, Pike and Wadsworth 1999, Ho 2000).
Caligid copepods generally have direct life
cycles consisting of 2 free-living planktonic nau-
plius stages, 1 free-swimming infectious copepodid
stage, 4 to 6 attached chalimus stages, 1 or 2
preadult stages, and 1 adult stage (Johnson and
Albright 1991a, Ogawa 1992, Lin et al. 1996, Lin et
al. 1997, Pike and Wadsworth 1999). Notable
exceptions include Caligus punctatus and C. elon-
gatus in which the preadult stage is reported not to
occur (Kim 1993, Piasecki and MacKinnon 1995,
Piasecki 1996). Through their attachment and
feeding activities, copepodid and chalimus stages
cause variable amounts of localized damage that
elicit only minor host tissue responses in most host
species (Bron et al. 1991, Johnson and Albright
1992, Roubal 1994, Pike and Wadsworth 1999).
However when present in high numbers especially
on gills, chalimus stages can cause significant
pathology that can result in mortality (Lin et al.
1994, Wu et al. 1997). In most cases, the preadult
and adult stages are not very invasive, generally
not penetrating deeply into host tissues and only
causing minor tissue damage (Ono 1984, Ogawa
1992, Roubal 1994, Johnson et al. 1996). How-
ever, in situations of severe disease such as is
seen in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) when infect-
ed by high numbers of Lepeophtheirus salmonis,
extensive areas of skin erosion and hemorrhaging
on the head and back, and a distinct area of ero-
sion and sub-epidermal hemorrhage in the peri-
anal region can be seen (Brandal and Egidius
1979, Pike and Wadsworth 1999). The formation
of similar skin and head lesions on Atlantic
salmon, Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglos-
sus), and the rabbit fish (Siganus fuscescens) has
also been reported as the result of infection with
Caligus spp. (Wootten et al. 1982, Lin et al. 1996,
Bergh et al. 2001). Infection of the gills and gill
cavity of black sea bream (Acanthopagrus
schlegeli) by juvenile and adult Caligus multi-
spinosus was reported to cause gill congestion,
other damage, and mucous proliferation (Lin et al.
1994). In disease situations, death may be caused
by the development of secondary infections exac-
erbated by stress and the formation of open
wounds, osmoregulatory failure, and in the case of
the gills, respiratory impairment (Brandal and
Egidius 1979, Wootten et al. 1982, Johnson et al.
1996, Bjorn and Finstad 1997, Pike and
Wadsworth 1999, Bowers et al. 2000, Finstad et
al. 2000).
Parasitic copepods from other families have
also been reported from cultured fish and in some
instances have been responsible for disease
(Table 1). However, there are few reports of
pathology associated with their attachment and
feeding. The attachment and feeding activities of
Alella macrotrachelus on black sea bream resulted
in hyperplasia of the gill lamellae (Muroga et al.
1981). Hogans (1989) reported serious disease in
Atlantic salmon infected with Ergasilus labracis
that was characterized by severe gill hyperplasia
and high levels of mortality. Infection of the gills of
Borneo mullet (Liza macrolepis) with extremely
high numbers of the ergasilid copepod, Diergasilus
kasaharai, resulted in gill inflammation, necrosis,
high levels of mucous production, and death of the
hosts (Lin and Ho 1998). The formation of vac-
uoles within the gill tissues was reported for
Malabar reef-cod (Epinephelus malabaricus)
infected with Ergasilus lobus (Lin and Ho 1998).
In marine salmon aquaculture, sea lice
belonging to the genera Caligus and Lepeoph-
theirus are commonly present, but their presence
does not always result in the development of dis-
ease (Table 1, Ho and Nagasawa 2001).
Unfortunately, under some circumstances, epi-
zootics do occur and result in serious disease and
high mortalities if untreated (Brandal and Egidius
1979, Wootten et al. 1982, Pike 1989, Pike and
Wadsworth 1999). Although infection with sea lice
is one of the major problems faced in marine
salmon farming, economic losses due to sea lice
are poorly documented. In addition to affecting the
profitability of salmonid aquaculture, the presence

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Johnson et al. -- Impact of Parasitic Copepods on Aquaculture
of sea lice on farmed salmonids and the necessity
for treatments also affects the regulation and pub-
lic perception of salmonid aquaculture in some
regions of the world, especially in areas where
they may affect wild salmonids.
Major regions of marine salmon farming with-
in the northern hemisphere include Japan, the east
and west coasts of Canada, the northeastern US,
Ireland, Scotland, and Norway. The major sea lice
species reported from farmed salmonids in these
regions are Caligus clemensi (Pacific Ocean), C.
elongatus (Atlantic Ocean), and L. salmonis (Table
2, Johnson et al. 1997, Pike and Wadsworth,
1999). Lepeophtheirus salmonis has a circumpo-
lar distribution and is limited in its host range to
salmonids, except in very rare cases (Kabata,
1979). In comparison, C. clemensi and C. elonga-
tus have broad host ranges that include both non-
salmonid teleost and elasmobranch hosts
(Margolis et al. 1975, Kabata 1979). Many of
these non-salmonid hosts are common in the vicin-
ity of seawater farms and serve as a source of par-
asites for infection of salmonids.
Of these species, L. salmonis is the most
important with respect to disease. There is a vast
literature on the biology and control of L. salmonis
that is well summarized in a recent review by Pike
and Wadsworth (1999). With the exception of
Japan and the west coast of Canada, outbreaks of
disease caused by sea lice have been frequently
reported for all of these regions. In most of these
regions, the initial outbreaks of sea lice disease
resulted in high economic losses that were sus-
tained until adequate treatment and management
strategies were instituted. At present, outbreaks of
disease caused by sea lice are rarely reported,
although rates of sea lice infection remain high as
evidenced by the frequent requirement for treat-
ments. The lack of disease is due to the use of
management strategies that rely on medicines and
husbandry practices to maintain sea lice at low lev-
els of abundance. In some countries such as
Ireland, Scotland, and Norway, treatment thresh-
olds for sea lice have been regulated (Eithun 2000,
McMahon 2000). These regulations have been
put into effect as a response to concern that sea
lice emanating from farmed salmonids might be
responsible for sea lice problems seen on wild sea
trout and Atlantic salmon. Treatment thresholds in
Ireland are set at 0.3 to 0.5 egg-bearing females
per fish in the spring and 2 egg-bearing females
per fish at other times of the year (McMahon
2000). The treatment threshold for Norway is set
at 1 to 5 adult females per fish depending on the
season, water temperature, and site location
(Eithun 2000). In Scotland, a voluntary code sets
the treatment threshold at 1 ovigerous female per
10 fish in the spring (Rae 2002). In New
Brunswick, Canada, treatments are often initiated
when there are > 5 preadults per fish and/or 1 egg-
bearing female per fish depending on the water
temperature and season.
With the reduction in the occurrence of severe
sea lice disease, economic losses due to fish mor-
tality and carcass downgrading have been sub-
stantially reduced. However, sea lice still have a
significant economic impact due to reduced growth
performance resulting from the presence of the
sea lice and/or chemical treatments, as well as
from the costs of the treatments themselves
(Sinnott 1999, Rae 2002). As mentioned previous-
ly, there are few accurate estimates of the eco-
nomic costs of sea lice to salmonid aquaculture.
Rae (2002) estimated the cost of sea lice to the
Scottish salmon farming industry at between
$US31 and 46 million per annum based on a har-
vest of 130 000 tons (t). This cost includes an
approximately $US20 million loss due to stress
and loss of growth, and $US6.2 to 7.2 million loss
due to the cost of therapeutics. Another estimate
of the cost of sea lice infections in Scotland ranges
between US$0.18 and 0.45 kg-1 of salmon (Sinnott
1999). Norway
s annual losses due to sea lice
infection have been estimated to be approximately
$US67 million. Mustafa et al. (2001) estimated an
additional cost of US$0.08 to 0.11 kg-1 of fish due
to sea lice infection for sites in New Brunswick,
Canada that regularly treat for sea lice. Without
Table 1. Major groups of parasitic copepods
reported from fish cultured in brackish and marine
waters. Proportions are based on publications
cited in Table 2
Proportion of all
species reported
Other families

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Zoological Studies 43(2): 229-243 (2004)
treatment, they estimated that farmers would lose
approximately US$0.35 kg-1 salmon through down-
grading of damaged fish and losses due to mortali-
In Japan, the salmonid aquaculture industry
farms both coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
and to a lesser extent rainbow trout (Oncorhyn-
chus mykiss). Lepeophtheirus salmonis is com-
monly found on both of these species (Nagasawa
and Sakamoto 1993, Urawa et al. 1998, Ho and
Nagasawa 2001, Nagasawa 2003). Infection with
L. salmonis occurs immediately after salmonid
juveniles are introduced into sea net-pens in late
fall. The source of this infection is larvae released
from adult female parasites on migrating wild chum
salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. Sea lice abundance
is reported to increase through the on-growth peri-
od; however, unlike in Scotland, Norway, and
Eastern Canada, L. salmonis is not a serious prob-
lem in Japan, and treatments for sea lice on
salmonids are not carried out. The absence of dis-
ease caused by sea lice has been attributed to the
rearing of coho salmon, a species which is resis-
tant to infection, and to the practice of rearing fish
for only 1 year prior to harvest (Ho and Nagasawa
2001). It is known that salmonids heavily infected
with L. salmonis are disliked at fish markets, and
they thus have lower commercial value (Nagasawa
and Sakamoto 1993).
With respect to other groups of parasitic
copepods, a single outbreak of disease caused by
the ergasilid species, E. labracis, was reported in
Atlantic salmon parr being held in brackish (14 ppt)
waters in New Brunswick, Canada (Table 2,
Hogans 1989, O
Halloran et al. 1992). In that
instance, large numbers of all infectious develop-
mental stages of E. labracis were present on the
gills, resulting in severe gill hyperplasia and high
levels of mortality until treatment was administered
(Hogans 1989).
In the southern hemisphere, Atlantic salmon,
coho salmon, and rainbow trout are farmed com-
mercially in Chile, New Zealand, and Tasmania.
Sea lice have not been reported to cause disease
in New Zealand or Tasmania. In Chile, marine
salmonid aquaculture began in the 1980s with the
introduction of commercial-scale coho salmon pro-
duction. This was quickly followed with the devel-
opment of marine rearing of rainbow trout and
Atlantic salmon. At present, Chile is the 2nd-
largest producer of farmed salmonids with an esti-
mated production of 230 000 t in 1999 (Anony-
mous in press). As in the northern hemisphere,
sea lice were quickly recognized as economically
important disease causing agents (Reyes 1983,
Reyes and Bravo 1983a b).
Since 1840 when Caligus ornatus was first
described by Milne-Edwards, there have been a
wide variety of caligid copepods reported from wild
marine fishes in Chilean waters. Many of these
species have cosmopolitan distributions (Fagetti
and Stuardo 1961). To date, 2 species of sea lice,
Caligus teres and C. rogercressyi (originally identi-
fied as C. flexispina), have been documented as
economically important parasites of coho and
Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout (Table 2, Reyes
1983, Reyes and Bravo 1983 a b, Carvajal et al.
1998, Boxshall and Bravo 2000, Gonz�lez et al.
2000). Both of these species have also been iden-
tified from a variety of wild marine fishes that are
common within the vicinity of farm sites (Carvajal
et al. 1998).
Under both laboratory and field conditions,
coho salmon are generally less susceptible to
infection with these sea lice species than are either
rainbow trout or Atlantic salmon (Gonz�lez et al.
2000, Bravo 2001). Outbreaks of sea lice disease
in Chile are most common in stocks of Atlantic
salmon and rainbow trout (Gonz�lez et al. 2000).
Due to establishment of a treatment threshold of >
10 sea lice per fish and the availability of effective
treatments, there are now few instances where
infection with sea lice results in mortality.
However, infection with sea lice has a significant
economic impact in Chile. The costs of treatments
and reduced growth performance, as well as costs
associated with delousing of the carcasses during
processing are estimated to be approximately
US$0.30 kg-1 (Carvajal et al. 1998). Based on a
field study of a farm that required 3 treatments per
year of emamectin benzoate (SLICE, Schering
Plough) to control sea lice on Atlantic salmon and
rainbow trout, the estimated cost of treatments
alone was approximately US$0.022 kg-1 for the
production period (Sandra Bravo, pers. comm.).
In Chile, it is recognized that infection with
sea lice can predispose fish to the development of
other diseases such as infectious pancreatic
necrosis, bacterial kidney disease, and salmonid
rickettsial septicemia. These diseases are difficult
to treat and can result in high levels of mortality
(Sandra Bravo, pers. comm.).

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Johnson et al. -- Impact of Parasitic Copepods on Aquaculture
The presence of parasitic copepods has been
reported on a large number of species of non-
salmonid fish cultured in brackish and marine
waters (Table 2). However there are few well-doc-
umented cases of disease and no estimates of the
economic costs of these infections.
Ergasilid copepods have been reported from
a variety of non-salmonid finfish reared in brackish
and marine waters (Table 2). Outbreaks of dis-
ease caused by ergasilids are a major source of
copepod-induced mortality in brackish water finfish
culture. Heavy infections of Ergasilus lizae have
been reported to cause mortalities in grey mullet
(Mugil cephalus) cultured in brackish water ponds
in Israel (reviewed in Paperna 1975). Lin and Ho
(1998) reported 4 outbreaks of disease caused by
ergasilid copepods on 4 different host species in
Taiwan. Ergasilid copepods have also been
reported to cause mortalities in the southern floun-
der (Paralichthys lethostigma) in the US and red
sea bream (Pagrus major) in Japan (Yamashita
1980, Benetti et al. 2001). In all of these
instances, heavy infections on the gills resulted in
gill damage, morbidity, and in most instances, sub-
stantial mortalities.
Caligid copepods have also been reported
from a large number of cultured non-salmonid fin-
fish (Tables 1, 2, Ho 2000). As in salmonid culture,
sea lice are responsible for most disease out-
breaks that occur on non-salmonids when they are
cultured in full salinity seawater. Infection of hatch-
ery reared postlarval stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus
morhua) with C. elongatus, Holobomolochus con-
fusus, and Clavella adunca has been associated
with the feeding of natural zooplankton assem-
blages (Karlsbakk et al. 2001). Caligus spp. are
also known to be important parasites of wild juve-
nile Atlantic cod and haddock (Melanogrammus
aeglefinus), and C. elongatus has been found on
wild caught haddock and Atlantic cod broodstock
(Neilson et al. 1987, Armstrong et al. 1999 cited in
Bergh et al. 2001, Stewart Johnson, unpubl. data
for Canada). Lepeophtheirus hippoglossi and C.
elongatus have been reported from wild Atlantic
halibut and have been collected from captive
broodstock (Kabata 1988, Stewart Johnson,
unpubl. data for Canada). Laboratory infections of
Atlantic halibut with L. hippoglossi have resulted in
the development of large hemorrhagic lesions that
demonstrate the potential of this species to cause
disease (Armstrong et al. 1999 cited in Bergh et al.
2001). Heavy infections of pen reared Atlantic hal-
ibut with C. elongatus have been reported in
Norway (Bergh et al. 2001). Infections of greater
than 100 copepods per 500 g fish resulted in the
development of severe head lesions. These infec-
tions were successfully treated with organophos-
To date, there have been no published reports
of sea lice causing disease in cultured Atlantic cod
or haddock in Scotland, Norway, or Canada.
However there have been verbal reports from cod
farmers in Norway of sea lice problems (Frank
Nilsen, pers. comm.). In one of these cases,
examination of infected fish revealed infection by
C. elongatus although there were also a few C.
curtus present (Frank Nilsen, pers. comm.). The
broad host range of C. elongatus and the presence
of many of wild hosts in the vicinity of many marine
farm sites suggest that disease problems caused
by this species may become more common as
production levels of Atlantic cod and haddock
Pseudocaligus apodus and Caligus pageti
have been reported to cause disease in mullet cul-
ture in the Eastern Mediterranean (Paperna 1975).
Papoutsoglou et al. (1996) reported infrequent
infection of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus
labrax) with low numbers of Caligus minimus at
sites in Greece, but no disease outbreaks. Caligus
minimus has also been reported from European
sea bass raised on the French Atlantic coast with-
out mention of disease (Paperna and Baudin
Laurencin 1979). Pavoletti et al. (1999) reported
on a disease outbreak in European sea bass in
Italy caused by C. minimus. In that instance, fish
from 30 g to 2 kg in size were infected with an
average of 40 copepods per fish. Infected fish
were anorexic and lethargic, and there was
approximately 9% mortality of the stock.
In Japan, there are 5 major species of non-
salmonid marine finfish cultured: Japanese amber-
jack (yellowtail) (Seriola quinqueradiata), greater
amberjack (Seriola dumerili), red sea bream,
Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), and
tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes). Other species,
such as the black sea bream (Acanthopagurs
schlegeli), striped jack (Pseudocaranx dentex),
and spotted halibut (Verasper variegatus) are also
cultured but at relatively low levels of production.
Numerous species of parasitic copepods have
been reported from these species in culture includ-
ing: Caligus spinosus, C. lalandei, and
Eobranchiella elegans seriolae from Japanese
amberjack; C. fugu, Psuedocaligus fugu, and

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Zoological Studies 43(2): 229-243 (2004)
Neobrachiella fugu from the tiger puffer; A. macro-
trachelus from the black sea bream; C. lalandei
from yellowtail amberjack; C. longipedis from
striped jack; Lepeophtheirus paralichthydis from
Japanese flounder; L. longiventris from spotted
halibut; and unidentified caligid copepods from red
sea bream (Muroga et al. 1981, Ogawa 1992,
Ogawa and Inoue 1997, Ogawa and Yokoyama
1998, Ho 2000, Ho et al. 2001) (Table 2). Caligus
spinosus infections on farmed Japanese amber-
jack occur mainly on the gill arches and rakers,
and high levels of infection have resulted in mortali-
ties (Fujita et al. 1968). Infected fish are emaciat-
ed, dark-colored, and inactive, often swimming
near the water surface. Recently, Ho et al. (2001)
reported C. lalandei on the body surface of farmed
yellowtail amberjack from western Japan. The
authors reported that the wild yellowtail juveniles
used as seeds for culture are sometimes infected
with C. spinosus or C. lalandei. Caligus lalandei is
a cosmopolitan species found also in South Africa,
Mexico, Chile, New Zealand, and Korea (Ho et al.
2001). Eobrachiella elegans seriolae is found near
the base of pectoral fins and on the walls of the
oral cavity of cultured Japanese amberjack. To
date, there is no report of this species causing dis-
ease in Japan (Ono 1984). Caligus lalandei
(reported as Caligus sp. in Ogawa and Yokoyama
1998) is also known to infect farmed yellowtail
amberjack (Ho et al. 2001). Ho et al. (2001) noted
that although this species has not yet caused seri-
ous problems in Japanese aquaculture, its larger
size when compared to C. spinosus gives it the
potential to be a serious disease causing agent.
As a parasite of black sea bream, the biology
and impacts of A. macrotrachelus have been well
studied (Kawatow et al. 1980, Muroga et al. 1981).
This copepod attaches to and feeds on gill tissue
resulting in hyperplasia of the gill lamellae (Muroga
et al. 1981). Copepod numbers are generally seen
to increase in fall and late spring or early summer
and decline in winter and summer due a lack of
recruitment and parasite death (Muroga et al.
Farmed striped jack can be infected with C.
longipedis, with the body of infected fish showing
bruising (Kubota and Takakuwa 1963 [as C. ampli-
furcus], Ogawa 1992). Ho (2000) compiled infor-
mation on parasitic copepod infections by the 2
caligid genera Caligus and Lepeophtheirus on
cage-cultured fishes in marine and brackish waters
of Asia including Japan. Although information is
very limited, Ho (2000) reported that L. paralichthy-
dis and L. longiventris caused mortality of pen cul-
tured Japanese flounder and spotted halibut,
An unidentified species of Caligidae or
Pennellidae (originally reported as Ergasilus sp.)
was reported from the body surface of larval red
sea bream in Japan (Yamashita 1980). On tiger
puffer, P. fugu occurs on the body surfaces, and C.
fugu and N. fugu on the walls of the buccal cavity.
Of these species, N. fugu is the most commonly
reported species, being present throughout the
year with a peak population size during the warm
water months (Ogawa and Inoue 1997). Diseases
caused by these copepods have not been reported
from Japanese waters.
In China, South Korea, and Taiwan, disease
outbreaks caused by Caligus species have been
reported from cultured milk fish (Chanos chanos),
Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus),
banded grouper (yellow grouper) (Epinephelus
awoara), rabbit fish, black sea bream, common
spade fish (Scatophagus argus), Malabar reef-cod,
large scale mullet (Liza macrolepis), grey mullet
(Mugil cephalus), blue tilapia (Oreochromis
aureus), three-striped tigerfish (Terapon jarbua),
snubnose pompano (Trachinotus blochii), and sea
bass (barramundi) (Lates calcarifer) (Table 2,
Lavinia 1977, Jones 1980, Lin and Ho 1993 1998,
Lin et al. 1994 1996 1997, Choi et al. 1995, Wu
and Pan 1997, Ho 2000). The species responsible
for these disease outbreaks include Caligus acan-
thopagri, C. epidemicus, C. orientalis, C. patulus,
and C. rotundigenitalis (cf. Ho 2000). In some of
these cases, high levels of mortality were reported,
but the economic impacts of these outbreaks were
not quantified.
The economic impacts of parasitic copepods
on non-salmonid marine aquaculture are unknown.
Large scale mortality of adult yellowtail farmed in
the Goto Islands, southern Japan, was reported in
the spring of 1967 as being due to a heavy infec-
tion with C. spinosus (cf. Fujita et al. 1968). Other
large scale mortalities have not been reported.
The economic impacts of parasitic copepods on
fish growth, susceptibility to other diseases, cost of
production, and loss of product value have not
been quantified.
A variety of environmental and biological fac-
tors and husbandry and management practices
that may influence the abundance and impact of

Page 7
Johnson et al. -- Impact of Parasitic Copepods on Aquaculture
able 2.
Parasitic copepods reported from finfish cultured in brackish a
nd marine waters
Family Caligidae Caligus acanthopagri
black sea bream
Lin et al. 1994
(Acanthopagrus schlegeli
Lin 1996 cited in Ho
common spade fish
(Scataphagus argus
Malabar rock cod (Epinephelus malabaricus
Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus
Caligus antennatus
Sobaity sea bream
reen 1986
(Sparidentex hasta
(listed as
olive flounder
South Korea
Choi et al. 1995
(Paralichthys olivaceus
Caligus clemensi
Atlantic salmon (
Pacific coast,
Stewart Johnson
unpubl. data
coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss
Caligus curtus
Atlantic cod
Atlantic coast,
Hogans and T
(Gadus morhua
Atlantic salmon
Frank Nilsen, pers.
Caligus elongatus
Arctic charr
Atlantic coast,
Bergh et al. 2001
(Salvelinus alpinus
Hogans and T
Atlantic cod
1989a b
Atlantic halibut
Hogans 1994
Atlantic coast,
Karlsbakk et al. 2001
Mustafa and
Atlantic salmon
MacKinnon 1993
rainbow trout
Shaw and Opitz 1993
striped bass
ully 1989
(Morone saxatilis
ootten et al. 1982
Caligus epidemicus
black porgy
Lin and Ho 1992
(Acanthopagrus schlegeli
blue tilapia
Lin 1996 cited in Ho
(Oreochromis aurea
common spade fish
Regidor and Aurthur
giant perch
(Lates calcarifer
Roubal 1994 1995
grey mullet (Mugil cephalus
large scale mullet (Liza macrolepis
Malabar rock cod milk fish (Chanos chanos
Mozambique tilapia snubnose pompano (T
rachinotus blochii
three-striped tiger fish (Terapon jarbua
yellowfin bream (Acanthopagrus australis
Caligus fugu
tiger puffer
Ogawa and Inouye
(Takifugu rubripes
1997 Ogawa and Y
Caligus lalandei
yellowtail amberjack
Ho et al. 2001
(Seriola lalandi
Caligus latigenitalis
black sea bream
Izawa and Choi 2000
Caligus longipedis
striped jack
Kubota and
(Pseudocaranx dentex
Takakuwa 1963 (as Caligus amplifurcus
Ogawa 1992
Caligus minimus
European sea bass
Atlantic coast,
Paperna and Boudin
(Dicentrarchus labrax
France Laurencin 1979 Italy
Papoutsoglou et al. 1996
Pavoletti et al. 1999
black sea bream
Lin et al.1994 1997
Caligus nanhaiensis
banded grouper
and Pan 1997
(Epinephelus awoara
u et al. 1997
Caligus orientalis
black porgy
Hwa 1965
giant perch
Lin 1996 cited in Ho
grey mullet
large scale mullet
Urawa and Kato

Page 8
Zoological Studies 43(2): 229-243 (2004)
able 2.
Malabar rock cod
milk fish Mozambique tilapia snubnose pompano rainbow trout
Caligus oviceps
rabbit fish (
Lin et al. 1996
Caligus pageti
grey mullet
Paperna 1975
thinlip mullet
Raibaut et al. 1980
(Liza ramada
) Egypt
(listed as
Mugil capito
white sea bream (Diplodus sargus sargus
Caligus patulus
milk fish
Lavinia 1977
Jones 1980
Caligus pelamydis
Japanese sea perch
South Korea
Choi et al. 1995
(Lateolabrax japonicus
Caligus punctatus
black porgy
Lin 1996 cited in Ho
black sea bream
blue tilapia giant perch grey mullet Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus
large scale mullet Malabar rock cod milk fish Mozambique tilapia snubnose pompano three-striped tiger fish
Atlantic salmon
Carvajal et al. 1998
coho salmon
Boxshall and Bravo
(identified by Carvajalsea trout
et al. as
(Oncorhynchus mykiss
black porgy
Lin et al.1994
black sea bream
Lin 1996 cited in Ho
common spade fish
et al. 2000
Malabar rock cod
Caligus spinosus
Japanese amberjack
Fujita et al. 1968
(Seriola quinqueradiata
Izawa 1969 Ogawa and Y
okoyama 1998
Pironet and Jones
(Glaucosoma hebraicum
black sea bass
Leong and W
(Lates calcarifer
brown-marbled grouper
Leong and W
Koesharyani et al.
humpback grouper
(Cromileptes altivelis
leopard coral grouper (Plectropomus leopardus
Malibar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus
orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides
haddock (
Atlantic Coast,
Stewart Johnson,
unpubl. data
greater amberjack
Ogawa and
(Seriola dumerili
okoyama 1998
Caligus teres
sea trout
Reyes and Bravo
coho salmon
1983 Carvajal et al. 1998 Boxshall and Bravo 2000
rabbit fish
Lin et al. 1996
(Siganus fuscescens
rainbow trout
Pacific coast of
Johnson and Albright
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic halibut
Atlantic coast,
Stewart Johnson,
unpubl. data
spotted halibut
Ho 2000
erasper variegatus
olive flounder
Ho 2000
(Paralichthys olivaceus
Atlantic salmon
Pacific and
Brandal and Egidius
chinook salmon
Atlantic coasts
ootten et al. 1982

Page 9
Johnson et al. -- Impact of Parasitic Copepods on Aquaculture
able 2.
Northwest and
Hogans and T
coho salmon
rainbow trout
coasts of the
ully 1989
Nagasawa and
Sakamoto 1993
Shaw and Opitz 1993
Urawa et al. 1998
Pike and W
1999 (and references within) Ho et al. 2001
brown-marbled grouper
Koesharyani et al
humpback grouper
leopard coral grouper Malibar grouper Orange-spotted grouper
sea trout
Boxshall and Bravo 2000
Ho and Lin 2001
(Rachycentron canadum
grey mullet
Paperna 1975
Pseudocaligus fugu
tiger puffer
Ogawa and Inouye
(Takifugu rubripes
1997 Ogawa and Y
okoyama 1998
red sea bream
Ogawa and
okoyama 1998
Unidentified Caligid
red sea bream
amashita 1980
or Pennellid
Family Ergasilidae Diergasilus kasaharai
Borneo mullet
Lin and Ho 1998
(Liza macrolepis
milkfish tilapia (Oreochromis
yellowfin bream
Roubal 1995
(Acanthopagrus australis
greasy grouper
Leong and W
(Epinephelus malabaricus
Asian cichlid
Sri Lanka
Wijeyaratne and
(Etroplus suratensis
Gunawardene 1988
Ergasilus labracis
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic Coast,
Hogans 1989
Halloran et al.
Ergasilus lizae
grey mullet
Paperna 1975
carp (
Ergasilus lobus
Malabar reef-cod
Lin and Ho 1998
southern flounder
United States
Benetti et al. 2001
(Paralichthys lethostigma
Nakajima and Egusa
(Plecoglossus altivelis
Other Families Alella macrotrachelus
black sea bream
Muroga et al. 1981
yellowfin bream
Ueki and Sugiyama 1978 Roubal 1995
Korean rockfish
South Korea
Choi et al. 1997
(Sebastes schlegeli
Bomolochus stocki
yellowfin bream
Roubal 1995
Clavella adunca
Atlantic cod
Karlsbakk et al. 2001
Lernanthropus atrox
yellowfin bream
Roubal 1995
yellowfin bream
Roubal 1995
Sobiaty sea bream
Tareen 1986
(listed as
European sea bass
Atlantic coast,
Paperna and Baudin
Laurencin 1979
Eobrachiella elegans
yellowtail amberjack
Ogawa and
okoyama 1998
Atlantic salmon
Pacific coast,
Kent et al. 1997
Atlantic cod
Karlsbakk et al. 2001
Neobrachiella fugu
tiger puffer
Ogawa and Inouye 1997 Ogawa and Y
okoyama 1998

Page 10
Zoological Studies 43(2): 229-243 (2004)
sea lice on farmed salmonids have been identified
(reviewed in Costello 1993, Pike and Wadsworth
1999, Rae 2002). These factors and husbandry
practices have been used to develop management
strategies for sea lice on farmed salmonids.
Although empirically it would seem that these fac-
tors and husbandry practices should have an
impact on sea lice abundance, this has not always
been demonstrated experimentally or by analysis
of sea lice abundance from the field. Revie et al.
(2002) used sea lice counts from 35 Scottish farms
collected from 1996 to 2000 to investigate factors
affecting sea lice abundance. Analysis of the data
revealed large differences between years in sea
lice infestation parameters. Stock type, geographi-
cal region, level of coastal exposure, and water
temperature did not appear to affect mean levels
of abundance. However, treatments did have a
pronounced effect on sea lice infection parame-
ters. It is likely for any given farm site that a differ-
ent suite of environmental and biological factors
and husbandry practices will affect sea lice abun-
dance, and that generalizations across sites are at
present impossible to make. Regardless, knowl-
edge of these factors and husbandry practices is
important, as they are likely to also influence the
abundance of other parasitic copepod species on
non-salmonid finfish. A very brief overview of
these factors and husbandry practices follows.
Environmental and Engineering Factors
Proper site selection and design of rearing
structures can reduce the number of infectious
stages that are transported to and/or retained with-
in the rearing environment, as well as ensuring
that fish stocks remain healthy and thereby more
resistant to infection. Factors such as water depth,
tidal range, patterns of water circulation, flow rate,
temperature, and salinity have been suggested as
important factors with respect to sea lice infection
of salmonids (reviewed in Pike and Wadsworth
1999). As mentioned previously, Revie et al.
(2002) were unable to demonstrate a relationship
between L. salmonis abundance and stock type,
geographical region, level of coastal exposure, or
water temperature. However in Chile, salmonid
culture sites that are located in closed bays and
shallow waters are generally reported to have
higher levels of Caligus spp. infection than those
seen at sites in more open waters (Sandra Bravo,
pers. comm.).
In Chile, sea lice are absent or present in only
very low numbers on salmonids reared in brackish
and estuarine waters. Under these conditions, sea
lice are reported to have little effect on fish health
and condition (Sandra Bravo, pers. comm.).
Tucker et al. (2000) reported that L. salmonis had
a higher growth rate and rate of settlement at a
salinity of 34 ppt when compared to 24 ppt.
Temperature is the most important environ-
mental factor controlling the development times of
parasitic copepods and the rate at which their pop-
ulation size increases in the absence of treat-
ments. With respect to L. salmonis, a great deal of
effort has gone into determining the effects of tem-
perature on growth, egg production, and larval set-
tlement. Growth rates, egg production, survival,
and recruitment are reported to be higher at higher
water temperatures (Wootten et al. 1982, Hogans
and Trudeau 1989a b, Tully 1989, Johnson and
Albright 1991b, Tully and Whelan 1993, Boxaspen
1997, Wadsworth 1998, Pike and Wadsworth 1999
and additional references therein, Tucker et al.
2000). These data have been used in the devel-
opment of management and treatment strategies
for L. salmonis. For other species of parasitic
copepods, the development of effective manage-
ment and treatment strategies will require as a
minimum, a good knowledge of development times
over the range of temperatures experienced in the
culture system. This is especially true for treat-
ments that are not effective against all of the life
history stages.
Husbandry Practices
Modification of husbandry practices can be a
very effective method to reduce the magnitude of
infection by parasitic copepods (Costello 1993,
Pike and Wadsworth 1999). Using husbandry
practices to control parasitic copepod abundance
requires a good knowledge of parasite biology
(e.g., growth rates, duration of survival of infec-
tious stages off-host, etc.) and host range. As with
other infectious diseases, any management activi-
ties (e.g., stocking density, water quality manage-
ment, etc.) that reduce stress and maintain optimal
fish health are likely to reduce the impact of para-
sitic copepods. It is well recognized that poorly
smolted or otherwise unhealthy salmonids are
more susceptible to infection by L. salmonis (cf.
Grimnes and Jakobsen 1996, Finstad et al. 2000).
In pond culture, overcrowding and poor water qual-
ity have been cited as factors responsible for the
development of parasitic copepod diseases
(Singhal et al. 1986, Tareen 1986).
Year-class separation is a very effective tech-

Page 11
Johnson et al. -- Impact of Parasitic Copepods on Aquaculture
nique that can substantially reduce the infection
rate of newly introduced juveniles. This technique
has been successfully used in the salmon culture
industry in Scotland, Norway, and Ireland (Grant
and Treasurer 1993, Boxaspen 1997, Jackson et
al. 1997, Rae 2002). Fallowing of sites prior to
restocking can reduce subsequent infection rates,
providing that the fallow period is long enough to
ensure that all infectious stages have died due to a
lack of hosts (Bron et al. 1993, Grant and
Treasurer 1993, Rae 2002). The effectiveness of
these husbandry techniques depends on the
absence of wild hosts and/or other infected sites
that are within transport distance for the infectious
In situations where year-class separation
and/or fallowing is not possible, treatment of fish
on site prior to restocking will often reduce the rate
of infection on newly introduced fish. When wild
caught juveniles or broodstock are used in culture,
administration of a treatment for parasitic cope-
pods at the time of introduction to the rearing sys-
tem will likely reduce the rate of parasite popula-
tion increase. Ho et al. (2001) reported that wild
yellowtail juveniles used as seeds for culture are
sometimes infected with C. spinosus or C.
lalandei. In Atlantic Canada, parasitic copepods
present on wild Atlantic halibut and haddock
broodstock at capture have caused problems in
broodstock holding facilities (Stewart Johnson,
unpubl. observ.). These problems were resolved
by treatment and increasing the flushing rates of
broodstock tanks.
Frequent cleaning of nets or other techniques
that improve water flow through the rearing habitat
may result in lower rates of infection, due to
improved fish health and removal of infectious
stages off-site. Net fouling has been demonstrat-
ed to result in the retention of high numbers of L.
salmonis naupliar and copepodid stages within net
pens (Costelloe et al. 1996). Increased flushing
rates of a land based salmonid growout facility
reduced the level of infection of rainbow trout by
Lepeophtheirus cuneifer in British Columbia
(Stewart Johnson, unpubl. observ.).
Biological Factors
It is well recognized that both wild and cul-
tured fish have the potential to serve as reservoirs
of infection for sea lice and other parasitic cope-
pods (Paperna 1975, Carvajal et al. 1998, Ho and
Nagasawa 2001). When selecting sites for aqua-
culture, the presence of wild hosts within the water
source or within the local environment, as well as
the distance and direction (with respect to water
movements) of other aquaculture sites should be
noted. Consideration of these factors will assist in
the selection of sites with reduced rates of infec-
tion and/or sites that will have lower impacts with
respect to parasitic copepod transfer from cultured
to wild hosts. Parasitic copepods with relatively
narrow host ranges, such as L. salmonis, can be
easier to control, especially where there are few
wild hosts present. Species with broad host
ranges and/or abundant wild hosts in the vicinity of
aquaculture sites are generally considerably more
difficult to control. This has been well demonstrat-
ed in Chile where Caligus species that transfer
from wild non salmonid hosts cause serious and
chronic disease problems in salmonid aquaculture
(Reyes and Bravo 1983a b, Carvajal et al. 1998,
Gonz�lez et al. 2000).
Due to their feeding activities on host
mucous, tissue, and blood, it has been suggested
that parasitic copepods may serve as vectors of
viral and bacterial diseases of fish (Nylund et al.
1991 1993). The sea louse, L. salmonis has been
demonstrated in the laboratory to be able to func-
tion as a vector for the viral agent responsible for
infectious salmon anemia (ISA), especially during
epidemic and endemic phases (Nylund et al. 1993
1994). Although not implicated in the transfer of
the bacterium, Aeromonas salmonicida, the
causative agent of furunculosis, it has been isolat-
ed from the surface of L. salmonis (Nesse 1992
cited in Nylund et al. 1993). More recently the
virus responsible for infectious pancreatic necrosis
has also been isolated from L. salmonis (Jim
Treasurer, unpubl. data). Although there is no evi-
dence from field studies that L. salmonis acts as
vectors for diseases, as a precautionary measure,
sea lice control has been adopted as an integral
part of management strategies for the control of
ISA in Atlantic Canada and Scotland.
In summary, parasitic copepods, especially
sea lice, are economically important parasites in
marine aquaculture. In salmonid culture, disease
outbreaks and subsequent mortalities caused by
sea lice are now rare due to the development of a

Page 12
Zoological Studies 43(2): 229-243 (2004)
variety of effective treatments. However, large
economic losses still occur as the result of reduced
feed conversion and growth, indirect mortality, loss
of product value, and treatment costs. Although it
is well understood that parasitic copepods have a
major impact on non salmonid aquaculture, there
are relatively few published reports of disease
and/or disease treatments. There are no reports
of economic costs associated with these infec-
tions. Husbandry practices as well as a variety of
engineering, environmental, and biological factors
can have an impact on the level of infection by par-
asitic copepods. However, the relative importance
of these factors in controlling copepod abundance
varies between sites. There is no evidence from
field studies to support the suggestion that para-
sitic copepods such as sea lice can act as vectors
for fish diseases.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to
thank Drs. Shigehiko Urawa, Frank Nilsen, Karin
Boxaspen, and Ju-shey Ho for their generous
assistance and for information used in the produc-
tion of this review.
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