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Raw Waveform-based Audio Classification Using
Sample-level CNN Architectures
Jongpil Lee
Graduate School of Culture Technology
Taejun Kim
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Seoul
Jiyoung Park
Graduate School of Culture Technology
Juhan Nam
Graduate School of Culture Technology
Music, speech, and acoustic scene sound are often handled separately in the audio
domain because of their different signal characteristics. However, as the image
domain grows rapidly by versatile image classification models, it is necessary to
study extensible classification models in the audio domain as well. In this study, we
approach this problem using two types of sample-level deep convolutional neural
networks that take raw waveforms as input and uses filters with small granularity.
One is a basic model that consists of convolution and pooling layers. The other is an
improved model that additionally has residual connections, squeeze-and-excitation
modules and multi-level concatenation. We show that the sample-level models
reach state-of-the-art performance levels for the three different categories of sound.
Also, we visualize the filters along layers and compare the characteristics of learned
1 Introduction
Broadly speaking, audio classification tasks are divided into three sub-domains including music clas-
sification, speech recognition (particularly for the acoustic model), and acoustic scene classification.
However, input audio features and models for each sub-domain task are usually different due to the
different signal characteristics.
Recent advances in deep learning have encouraged a single audio classification model to be applied
to many cross-domain tasks. For example, Adavanne et. al. used a Convolutional Recurrent Neural
Network (CRNN) model for sound event detection [1], bird audio classification [2] and music emotion
recognition [3]. However, depending on the task, the majority of the audio classification models
use different sub-optimal settings of time-frequency representation as input in terms of filter-bank
type and size, time-frequency resolution and magnitude compression. This in turn influences model
architecture, for example, the choices of convolutional layer (1D or 2D) and filter shape [4].
This issue can be solved by a waveform-based model that directly takes raw input signals. Recently,
Dieleman and Schrauwen used raw waveforms as input of CNN models for music auto-tagging task
[5]. Sainath et. al. used Convolutional Long short-term memory Deep Neural Network (CLDNN) for
speech recognition [6]. Dai et. al. used Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) with residual
connections for environmental sound recognition [7]. All of them used frame-level filters (typically
several hundred samples long) in the first convolutional layer which were carefully configured to
31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017), Long Beach, CA, USA.
arXiv:1712.00866v1 [cs.SD] 4 Dec 2017

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Block 2
Block 1
Block 3
1D convolutional blocks
global max pooling
global max pooling
Layer 2
Layer 1
Layer 3
1D convolutional blocks
(a) SampleCNN
(b) ReSE-2-Multi
Figure 1: SampleCNN and ReSE-2-Multi models.
handle the target task. In this frame-level raw waveform input, however, the filters in the bottom
layer should learn all possible phase variation of (pseudo-)periodic waveforms which are likely to be
prevalent in audio signals. This has impeded the use of raw waveform as input over spectrogram-
based representations where the phase variation within a frame (i.e. time shift of periodic waveforms)
is removed by taking the magnitude only.
The phase invariance is analogous to translation invariance in the image domain. Considering that the
filter size is typically small in the image domain, even 3�3 in the VGG model [8], we investigated
the possibility of stacking very small-size filters from the bottom layer of DCNN for raw audio
waveforms with max-pooling layers. The results on music auto-tagging [9] and sound event detection
[10] showed that the VGG-style 1-D CNN models are highly effective. We term this model as
We enhanced the SampleCNN model by adding residual connections, squeeze-and-excitation modules
and multi-level feature concatenation for music auto-tagging [11]. The residual connection makes gra-
dient propagation more fluent, allowing training deeper networks [12]. The Squeeze-and-Excitation
(SE) module recalibrates filter-wise feature responses [13]. The multi-level feature concatenation
takes different abstraction levels of classification labels into account [14]. We term this model as
In this study, we show that the sample-level CNN models are effective for three datasets from
different audio domains. Furthermore, we visualize hierarchically learned filters for each dataset in
the waveform-based model to explain how they process sound differently.
2 Models
Figure 1 shows the structures of the two sample-level models. 2 or 3 sample-size 1D filters and
poolings are used in all convolutional layers. In SampleCNN, convolutional layer, batch normalization
layer and max-pooling layer are stacked as shown in Figure 1 (a). The detailed description can be
found in [9].
In ReSE-2-Multi, we add a residual connection and an SE module onto the SampleCNN building
block as shown in Figure 1 (b). The SE path recalibrates feature maps through two operations. One
is squeeze operation that aggregates a global temporal information into filter-wise statistics using
global average pooling. The operation reduces the temporal dimensionality (T) to one. The other is
excitation operation that adaptively recalibrates each filter map using the filter-wise statistics from the
squeeze operation and a simple gating mechanism. The gating consists of two fully-connected (FC)

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Table 1: Description of the three datasets, models and results.
Scene sound
MagnaTagATune (MTAT) [15] Speech Commands Dataset [16, 17]
DCASE 2017 Task 4 [18]
(TensorFlow Speech Recognition Challenge) (subtask A)
Music auto-tagging
Speech command recognition
Acoustic scene tagging
# of classes
50 tags
10 commands + "silence" + "unknown"
17 sound events
(31 classes in training / 12 classes in testing)
Sampling rate
Dataset split
15,244 / 1529 / 4332
57,929 / 6798 / 30% of 158,538
45,313 / 5859 / 488
(public leaderboard test setting)
(development set)
29 seconds
1 second
10 seconds
Collected using the
Single-word speaking commands,
Subset of AudioSet [19],
TagATune game and music
rather than conversational sentences
YouTube clips focusing on
from Magnatune.
vehicle and warning sounds.
(resampled to 16,000Hz)
(resampled to 16,000Hz)
Input size
39,366 samples, 2.46 sec
16,000 samples, 1 sec
19,683 samples, 1.23 sec
# of segments
12 segments per clip
1 segments per clip
9 segments per clip
# of blocks
9 blocks
8 blocks
8 blocks
F-score (instance-based)
0.9113 [11]
88% (as of Nov 29, 2017) [17]
57.7% [20]
layers that compute nonlinear interactions among filters. Then, the original outputs from the basic
block are rescaled by filter-wise multiplication with the sigmoid activation of the second FC layer
of the SE path. We also added residual connections to train a deeper model. The digit in the model
name, ReSE-2-Multi, indicates the number of convolution layers in one building block. Finally, we
concatenate three hidden layers to take account of different levels of abstraction.
3 Datasets and Results
We validate the effectiveness of the proposed models on music auto-tagging, speech command
recognition and acoustic scene tagging. The details about the datasets for the tasks are summarized in
Table 1. Note that we resampled all audio samples to 16,000Hz in order to verify how extensible the
models are for the three sub-domain of audio tasks in the same condition. However, we configured
the input size of the models for each dataset to commonly used size in each domain. Then, we set
the number of building blocks according to the input size of the models. We averaged the prediction
score for all segments of one clip in testing phase if the input size of the model is shorter than the
duration of the clip.
Table 1 compares the results from the two sample-level CNN models. The performances are reported
using commonly used evaluation metrics for each task. We also compare them to state-of-the-art
performance on each dataset. In general, the ReSE-2-Multi model shows close performance to the
state-of-the-art results except for the DCASE task. However, in [20], they used data balancing,
ensemble networks and auto thresholding techniques. Without those techniques, they report that their
CRNN model achieved 42.0% F-score value which is lower than our result with ReSE-2-Multi. Also,
for the music auto-tagging task on MTAT, the state-of-the-art result was achieved by the ReSE-2-Multi
model. In this case, the performance degradation is seen to be caused by downsampling to 16,000Hz.
4 Filter Visualizations
Visualizing the filters at each layer allows better understanding of representation learning in the
hierarchical networks. Since both models yielded similar patterns of learned filters at each layer, we
visualize them only for the sampleCNN model. Figure 2 shows the filters obtained by an activation
maximization method [21]. To show the patterns more clearly, we visualized them as spectrum in
the frequency domain and sorted them by the frequency at which the magnitude is maximum [9]. In
this case, we set the size of the initial random noise to 729 (= 36) samples, so that the estimated

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( 7
( 7
( 7
( 7
( 7
( 7
) 1 )
6 0 6 0 533 4
5 1 4 5 4
Figure 2: The spectrum of learned filter estimates for the three datasets in SampleCNN. They are
sorted by the frequency at which the magnitude is maximum. The x-axis represents the index of
the filters and the y-axis represents the frequency (ranging from 0 to 8000Hz for all figures). The
visualizations were obtained using a gradient ascent method that finds the input waveform that
maximizes the activation of a filter at each layer.
filters have typical frame-sized shape which will make the spectrum clearer. Also, for the first 6
layers we only used 3-sized filters and sub-sampling layers. Thus, the temporal dimension of the 6th
layer output becomes one in this configuration. For other layers, we averaged remaining temporal
dimension so as to make a single activation loss value. Finally, we conducted log-based magnitude
compression on the spectrum.
From the figure, we can first find that they are sensitive to log-scaled frequency along the layers,
such as mel-frequency spectrogram that is widely used in audio classification tasks. Second, when
comparing acoustic scene sound with the other domains, the learned filters tend to have more low-
frequency concentration and less complex patterns. This is probably because the DCASE task 4
dataset is made up of simple traffic and warning sounds. Finally, between music and speech, we can
observe that more filters explain low-frequency content in music than speech.
5 Conclusions
We presented the two sample-level CNN models that directly take raw waveforms as input and have
filters with small granularity. We evaluated them on three audio classification tasks. The results show
the possibility that they can be applied to different audio domains as a true end-to-end model. As
future work, we will investigate more filter visualization techniques to have better understanding of
the models.

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