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Markello et�al. eLife 2021;10:e72129. DOI: https:// doi. org/ 10. 7554/ eLife. 72129
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Standardizing workflows in imaging
transcriptomics with the abagen�toolbox
Ross D Markello1*, Aurina Arnatkeviciute2, Jean- Baptiste Poline1, Ben D Fulcher3,
Alex Fornito2, Bratislav Misic1*
1McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University,
Montreal, Canada; 2School of Psychological Sciences & Monash Biomedical Imaging,
Monash University, Clayton, Australia; 3School of Physics, University of Sydney,
Sydney, Australia
Abstract Gene expression fundamentally shapes the structural and functional architecture of
the human brain. Open- access transcriptomic datasets like the Allen Human Brain Atlas provide
an unprecedented ability to examine these mechanisms in vivo; however, a lack of standardization
across research groups has given rise to myriad processing pipelines for using these data. Here,
we develop the abagen toolbox, an open- access software package for working with transcriptomic
data, and use it to examine how methodological variability influences the outcomes of research
using the Allen Human Brain Atlas. Applying three prototypical analyses to the outputs of 750,000
unique processing pipelines, we find that choice of pipeline has a large impact on research findings,
with parameters commonly varied in the literature influencing correlations between derived gene
expression and other imaging phenotypes by as much as ρ ≥ 1.0. Our results further reveal an
ordering of parameter importance, with processing steps that influence gene normalization yielding
the greatest impact on downstream statistical inferences and conclusions. The presented work and
the development of the abagen toolbox lay the foundation for more standardized and systematic
research in imaging transcriptomics, and will help to advance future understanding of the influence
of gene expression in the human brain.
Editor's evaluation
This paper will be of interest to scientists studying the large- scale transcriptomic organization of
the human brain, and in particular those who have used or plan to use the Allen Human Brain Atlas
dataset. The study is well- motivated and novel. The most striking finding is the magnitude of vari-
ability that is introduced by different data processing decisions. The open- source software described
in this study is comprehensive, well documented, and is an important contribution to the field.
Technologies like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provide unique insights into macroscopic brain
structure and function in vivo. Modern research increasingly emphasizes how microscale attributes,
such as gene expression, influence these imaging- derived phenotypes (Fornito et�al., 2019; Arnat-
keviciute et�al., 2019; Arnatkevičiūtė et�al., 2021). Gene expression is particularly useful as it is a
fundamental molecular phenotype that can be plausibly linked to the function of biological pathways
(Whitaker et�al., 2016; Seidlitz et�al., 2018), protein synthesis (Zheng et�al., 2019), receptor distri-
butions (Beliveau et�al., 2017; N�rgaard et�al., 2021; Shine et�al., 2019; Deco et�al., 2020; Preller
et�al., 2018), and cell types (Hansen et�al., 2021; Anderson et�al., 2020b; Anderson et�al., 2018;
Seidlitz et�al., 2020; Gao et�al., 2020). However, researchers looking to bridge these macro- and
*For correspondence:
ross. markello@ mail. mcgill. ca
bratislav. misic@ mcgill. ca (BM)
Funding: See page 20
Preprinted: 09 July 2021
Received: 12 July 2021
Accepted: 15 November 2021
Published: 16 November 2021
Reviewing Editor: Saad Jbabdi,
University of Oxford, United
Copyright Markello et�al. This
article is distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use and
redistribution provided that the
original author and source are

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microscopic phenotypes must overcome multiple challenges. Although there are numerous technical
and analytic considerations, one foundational issue is that acquiring high- quality transcriptomic data
from the human brain is both costly and highly invasive, requiring budgets far greater than most typical
neuroimaging studies and restrictive access to tissue from post- mortem donors or cranial surgical
patients. As such, researchers must often rely on freely available repositories of gene expression data.
There exist multiple open- access repositories for gene expression in the human brain, including
BrainSpan (Miller et�al., 2014; Kang et�al., 2011) and PsychENCODE (Gandal et�al., 2018; Li et�al.,
2018; Wang et�al., 2018; among others: Sousa et�al., 2017; Darmanis et�al., 2015; Lake et�al.,
2016); however, these datasets generally provide relatively sparse anatomical coverage, limiting the
types of analyses that can be performed. Thus, researchers who aim to compare transcriptomic expres-
sion with whole- brain imaging- derived phenotypes have primarily relied on the Allen Human Brain
Atlas (AHBA; Hawrylycz et�al., 2012; Hawrylycz et�al., 2015). Initially released in 2010, the AHBA
remains the most spatially comprehensive dataset of its kind. Derived from bulk microarray analysis
of tissue samples obtained from six donors, the AHBA provides expression data for more than 20,000
genes across 3702 brain areas in MRI- derived stereotactic space. With its superior resolution, the
AHBA has significantly contributed to the emergence of the field of imaging transcriptomics (Fornito
et�al., 2019), enabling dozens of studies over the past decade examining relationships between gene
expression and an array of macroscale imaging attributes, including cortical thickness (Shin et�al.,
2018), myelination (Burt et�al., 2018), developmental brain maturation (Whitaker et�al., 2016; Kirsch
and Chechik, 2016), structural brain networks (Seidlitz et�al., 2018; Romero- Garcia et�al., 2018;
Arnatkevičiūtė et�al., 2020), functional brain networks (Richiardi et�al., 2015; Krienen et�al., 2016;
V�rtes et�al., 2016), and human cognition (Fox et�al., 2014; Hansen et�al., 2021). The AHBA has also
highlighted the importance of whole- brain gene expression in neurological and psychiatric diseases,
where it has become increasingly clear that transcriptional pathways play a critical role in shaping the
broader dynamics of disease progression and emergent symptomatology (Zheng et�al., 2019; Shafiei
et�al., 2021; Henderson et�al., 2019; Vogel et�al., 2020; Rittman et�al., 2016; Anderson et�al.,
2020a; Romme et�al., 2017; McColgan et�al., 2018; Morgan et�al., 2019).
Since its release, several software toolboxes have been developed to help researchers use tran-
scriptional data from the AHBA (French and Paus, 2015; Gorgolewski et�al., 2015; Rittman et�al.,
2017; Rizzo et�al., 2016); however, these tools often focus primarily on facilitating integration of
the AHBA with neuroimaging data, offering limited if any functionality for modifying how the data
are processed prior to analysis. Instead, a recent comprehensive review revealed that many research
groups have opted to develop their own processing pipelines for the AHBA (Arnatkeviciute et�al.,
2019). Unfortunately, as there are no field- accepted standards for processing imaging transcriptomic
data, the generated pipelines vary substantially across groups.
The extent to which such processing variability affects analytic outcomes from the AHBA remains
unknown. Indeed, over the past decade neuroimaging research has shown that methodological vari-
ability can have broad influences on analyses using structural MRI (Bhagwat et�al., 2021; Khara-
bian Masouleh et�al., 2020), diffusion MRI (Oldham et�al., 2020; Maier- Hein et�al., 2017; Schilling
et�al., 2019), task fMRI (Carp, 2012; Botvinik- Nezer et�al., 2020), and resting- state fMRI (Parkes
et� al., 2018; Ciric et�al., 2017). Although researchers are beginning to grapple with the conse-
quences of this variability, the lack of baseline gene expression datasets against which to compare
new results impedes the development of standardized practices. In these situations, some researchers
have proposed performing ‘multiverse’ analyses (Steegen et�al., 2016; Dragicevic et�al., 2019),
wherein all possible permutations of data processing are analyzed and the full range of analytic results
reported. Although such analyses can be computationally intensive, they offer a path to understand
how processing choices impact statistical inferences and conclusions, and provide a mechanism by
which to help researchers converge on an optimal pipeline.
Here, we comprehensively investigate how different processing choices influence the results of
analyses using the AHBA. First, we develop an open- source Python toolbox, abagen, that collates all
possible processing parameters into a set of turn- key workflows, optimized for flexibility and ease-
of- use. We then use the toolbox to process the AHBA through approximately 750,000 unique pipe-
lines. Across three prototypical imaging transcriptomic analyses, we examine whether and how these
different processing options modify derived statistical estimates and quantify the relative importance
of each option. Next, we replicate a curated set of processing pipelines from the literature to assess

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how previously reported findings compare to the full range of potential outcomes observed across
all examined pipelines. Finally, we end with a set of recommendations, integrated directly into the
developed abagen toolbox, to promote standardized use of the AHBA in future work.
We introduce the abagen toolbox, an open- access software package designed to streamline processing
and preparation of the AHBA for integration with neuroimaging data (Markello et�al., 2021c, available
at https:// github. com/ rmarkello/ abagen; Markello, 2021b copy archived at swh:1:rev:2aeab5bd0f-
147fa76b488645e148a1c18095378d). Supporting several workflows, abagen offers functionality for
Table 1. Abagen pipeline options.
Overview of 17 options to be considered when processing the AHBA data. The Choices column
indicates the number of parameters explored in the current report (numerator) and the total
number of parameters possible for the given option (denominator). A denominator of n indicates
a hypothetically near- infinite parameter space. The Description column gives a brief overview of
the processing choice; for more detail refer to the relevant section in Materials and methods: Gene
expression pipelines.
Volumetric or surface atlas
Whether to use a volumetric or surface
representation of the atlas
Individualized or group atlas
Whether to use individualized donor-
specific atlases or a group- level atlas
Use non- linear MNI coordinates
Whether to use updated MNI
coordinates provided by alleninf
Mirror samples across L/R hemisphere
Whether to mirror (i.e., duplicate)
samples across hemisphere boundary
Update probe- to- gene annotations
Whether to update probe annotations
Intensity- based filtering threshold
3/ n
Threshold for intensity- based filtering
of probes
Inter- areal similarity threshold
1/ n
Threshold for removing samples with
low inter- areal correspondence
Probe selection method
Method by which to select which
probe(s) should represent a given gene
Donor- specific probe selection
How specified probe selection should
integrate data from different donors
Missing data method
How to handle when brain regions are
not assigned expression data
Sample- to- region matching tolerance
3/ n
Distance tolerance for matching tissue
samples to atlas brain regions
Sample normalization method
Method for normalizing tissue samples
(across genes)
Gene normalization method
Method for normalizing genes (across
tissue samples)
Normalize only matched samples
Whether to perform gene normalization
for all versus matched samples
Normalizing discrete structures
Whether to perform gene normalization
within structural classes
Sample- to- region combination method 2/2
Whether to aggregate tissue samples in
regions within or across donors
Sample- to- region combination metric
Metric for aggregating tissue samples
into atlas brain regions

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an array of analyses and has already been used in several peer- reviewed publications and preprints
(Shafiei et�al., 2020; Hansen et�al., 2021; Shafiei et�al., 2021; Brown et�al., 2021; Park et�al.,
2021; Valk et�al., 2021; Zhao et�al., 2020; Benkarim et�al., 2020; Ding et�al., 2021; Park et�al.,
2020; Lariviere et�al., 2020; Martins et�al., 2021). The primary workflow, used to generate regional
gene expression matrices, integrates 17 distinct processing steps that have previously been employed
by research groups throughout the published literature (Table� 1). We refer to each unique set of
processing choices and parameters as a ‘pipeline’. The following results use abagen to investigate
how variable application of these processing steps can impact analyses of AHBA data.
Processing choices influence transcriptomic analyses
To understand how choices made during the processing of AHBA data impact downstream analyses,
we enumerated 17 decision points (i.e. processing steps or options) that have been modified and used
in the literature (Table�1). From these 17 steps we implemented 746,496 distinct processing pipelines,
where each pipeline parcellated microarray expression from the AHBA with the Desikan- Killiany atlas
(Desikan et�al., 2006) to generate a unique brain region- by- gene expression matrix.
Analyses of expression data from the AHBA can be grouped into one of three broad classes (Fornito
et�al., 2019): correlated gene expression analyses, gene co- expression analyses, and regional gene
expression analyses. Correlated gene expression analyses examine the correlation between brain
regions across genes, yielding a symmetric region � region matrix (similar to a functional connectivity
matrix). Gene co- expression analyses, on the other hand, examine the correlation between genes
across brain regions, yielding a symmetric gene � gene matrix. Finally, regional gene expression
analyses examine the expression patterns of specific genes or gene sets in relation to other imaging-
derived phenotypes.
To examine how differences in processing choices may impact both the expression matrices gener-
ated from the different pipelines and derived statistical estimates we ran one analysis from each of
these classes on the matrices generated by each processing pipeline. Notably, these analyses are
either direct reproductions or variations of analyses that have been previously published (Arnat-
keviciute et�al., 2019; Oldham et�al., 2008; Hawrylycz et�al., 2012; Burt et�al., 2018). Although
there is no ground truth for any of these analyses, findings from previous work offer some context
for interpreting the observed results (i.e. data from other species and other modalities; Lau et�al.,
2021). Nonetheless, we primarily focus on highlighting the potential variability resulting from different
processing pipelines.
Correlated gene expression (CGE)
First, we separately correlated the rows of each expression matrix to generate symmetric region �
region ‘correlated gene expression’ matrices, indicating the similarity of gene expression profiles
between different brain regions (Figure�1a). Previous work in other species has reliably observed that
transcriptional similarity in the brain decays with increasing separation distance (Fulcher et�al., 2019;
Lau et�al., 2021). This distance- dependent relationship is an expected feature due to the functional
specialization of brain regions, and is consistent with other imaging- derived phenotypes in humans
(Roberts et�al., 2016; Goulas et�al., 2019; Betzel and Bassett, 2018; Mišić et�al., 2014; Shafiei
et�al., 2020; Horv�t et�al., 2016). We assessed this relationship by extracting the upper triangle of
the correlated gene expression matrices and correlating them with the upper triangle of a regional
distance matrix, derived by computing the average Euclidean distance between brain region centroids
in the Desikan- Killiany atlas (Figure�1a, left panel). Although previous work has highlighted that this
relationship is exponential (Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019), we computed the Spearman correlation as
both statistics should exhibit similar variability across pipelines and the latter is less computationally
Gene co-expression (GCE)
For the second type of analysis we separately correlated the columns of each expression matrix to
generate gene � gene ‘co- expression’ (GCE) matrices, indicating the similarity in spatial expression
patterns between all pairs of genes (Figure�1a). A significant body of research has shown that genes
tend to form functional communities, exhibiting synchronized expression patterns across space and
time (Oldham et�al., 2008), such that gene co- expression patterns tend to be more similar within than

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Figure 1. Processing choices influence transcriptomic analyses. (a) Examples of the three analyses used to assess differences in gene expression
matrices generated by transcriptomic pipelines. First row: a depiction of the region- by- gene expression matrix generated from one of the 746,496
tested processing pipelines. Second row, left: we compute the correlation between rows of each matrix to generate a symmetric region � region CGE
matrix. We then compute the correlation between the upper triangle of this CGE matrix and the upper triangle of a regional distance matrix to examine
the degree to which CGE decays with increasing distance between regions (Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019). Second row, middle: we compute the
Euclidean distance between columns of each matrix to generate a gene � gene GCE matrix. We use previously defined functional gene communities
(Oldham et�al., 2008) to compute a silhouette score for this GCE matrix to investigate whether genes within a module have more similar patterns of
spatial expression than genes between modules. Second row, right: the first principal component is extracted from the RGE matrix. We compute the
correlation between this principal component and the whole- brain T1w/T2w ratio (Burt et�al., 2018) to understand how closely these maps covary
across the brain. (b) The full statistical distributions from each of the three analyses for all 746,496 pipelines. Left panel: Spearman correlation values,
ρ, from the CGE analyses. Middle panel: silhouette scores from the GCE analyses. Right panel: Spearman correlation coefficients, ρ, from the RGE
analyses. CGE: correlated gene expression; GCE: gene co- expression; RGE: regional gene expression.

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between such communities. Here, we obtained a set of gene community assignments derived for the
brain from a previously studied human transcriptomic dataset (Oldham et�al., 2008). We used these
community assignments to calculate a silhouette score (Rousseeuw, 1987) for the gene co- expression
matrices generated by each pipeline, measuring how well these communities represented the derived
co- expression patterns (Figure�1a, middle panel).
Regional gene expression (RGE)
For the third type of transcriptomic analysis, we focused on regional correlations between gene
expression measures and an MRI- derived phenotype. Our regional expression measure was defined
by computing the first principal component of the region- by- gene expression matrix, representing
the axis of maximum spatial variation of gene expression in the brain observed under a given AHBA
processing pipeline. As gene expression fundamentally shapes the structure and function of the
human brain, it is likely that this principal component may exhibit similar spatial variability to other
imaging- derived measures. Recent work has highlighted that the T1w/T2w ratio is a robust pheno-
type that exhibits patterns of regional variation consistent with other microstructural and functional
properties (Gao et�al., 2020; Burt et�al., 2018; Demirtaş et�al., 2019; Fulcher et�al., 2019). We
therefore correlated the first principal component of gene expression with the whole- brain T1w/T2w
ratio (Figure�1a, right panel), measuring the extent to which these values covary across the cortex.
Pipeline distributions
Results from these three analyses reveal that choice of processing pipeline dramatically influences
derived statistical estimates (i.e. the CGE- distance correlation, the gene co- expression silhouette
score, and the spatial correlations between gene PC1 and whole- brain T1w/T2w ratio; Figure�1b).
We observe that all three of the generated distributions of statistical estimates across the 746,496
pipelines have wide ranges (correlated gene expression: [-0.51,–0.13]; gene co- expression: [-0.78,–
0.18]; regional gene expression: [0.00, 0.90]) and are either bimodal (Figure�1b, left/middle panels) or
heavily skewed (Figure�1b, right panel).
Since there is no ground truth for these analyses we cannot quantitatively assess whether some
pipelines are more or less accurate than others. However, there is strong qualitative evidence to
suggest that correlated gene expression should be lower between brain regions that are farther apart
(Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019; Krienen et�al., 2016; Richiardi et�al., 2015; Fulcher et�al., 2019; Lau
et�al., 2021). It is notable, then, that the distribution of distance- dependent estimates is so strongly
bimodal (splitting at r ≈ −0.4), suggesting two very different perspectives on the size of this effect
(Figure�1a and b, left panels). As increasingly- detailed single- cell transcriptional data become avail-
able (e.g. Yao et�al., 2021) we may be able to use these estimates to determine accuracy; for now,
we simply note that even for this estimate with strong biological priors we see considerable variability.
Similar variability can be observed for the other two analyses. While all the pipelines demonstrate
relatively poor fit of gene communities to the derived gene co- expression matrices (refer to Materials
and methods: Analytic approaches for information on why this is not unexpected), we observe that
a portion of the pipelines yield far worse correspondence (Figure�1a and b, middle panels). More-
over, while the correlations between gene PC1 and whole- brain T1w/T2w ratio are largely consistent
across pipelines, there are a small group of pipelines that yield correlations that deviate by ρ ≈ 1.0.
Notably, the parameter choices for these pipelines are not pathological—that is, their use could be
justified—and, as we discuss later (see Results: Variability in parameter importance), modifying just
one parameter setting can yield changes in effect sizes within this range.
Collectively, we find that for all three of these analyses there is substantial variability in the statis-
tical estimates generated by different processing pipelines, and this variability is large enough that,
across pipelines, it has a meaningful difference in the potential inferences and conclusions that can
be drawn.
Variability in parameter importance
Next, we quantified the relative importance of different processing steps and parameters on our three
derived statistical estimates. While researchers must ultimately make choices for each of the steps
individually when processing AHBA data, we wanted to investigate whether unique choices have

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distinct influences. Moreover, which parameters are most important may differ based on the type of
analysis performed.
We investigated parameter importance by calculating a distribution of difference scores for each
parameter, measuring the extent to which changing each parameter—holding all other parameters
constant—influences the derived statistical metrics from each of the three analyses. For example,
given a processing parameter with two choices this procedure yielded a distribution of N/2 difference
scores per analysis, where N is the total number of pipelines (i.e. 746, 496/2 = 373, 248). We averaged
these distributions separately for each analysis to generate a single, summary ‘impact score’ for each
processing step, which we then rank- ordered independently for each analysis.
We find considerable agreement in which parameters are the most impactful across analyses
(Figure�2a): the most influential processing steps often involve procedures that influence the gene
normalization process in some way (e.g. gene normalization method, normalizing only matched
samples; Figure�2b). On the other hand, among the least impactful parameters are choices concerning
donor- specific probe selection and handling of missing data. It is worth noting that of the probe selec-
tion methods tested in the current manuscript (i.e. max intensity, correlation intensity, correlation vari-
ance, differential stability, RNAseq correlation, and averaging), three of the six all render the choice of
donor- specific probe selection redundant. In other words, these three methods are mutually exclusive
with choice of donor- specific probe selection, potentially confounding our ability to measure the real
Figure 2. Parameter choice differentially impacts statistical estimates. (a) Rank of the relative importance for each parameter ( y- axis) across all three
analyses ( x- axis). Warmer colors indicate parameters that have a greater influence on statistical estimates. (b) Statistical distributions from the three
analyses, shown as kernel density plots, separated by choice of gene normalization method (the most impactful parameter as shown in panel a). (c)
Density plots of the statistical estimates for all 746,496 pipelines shown along the first two principal components, derived from the 746,496 (pipeline)
x 3 (statistical estimates) matrix, representing how different the statistical estimates from each of the three analyses are relative to other pipelines. Left
panel: pipelines are colored based on choice of gene normalization method, where each color represents 1/3 of the pipelines. Here, the pipelines in
which no normalization was applied (purple) are distinguished from those in which some form of normalization was applied (blue and brown). Right
panel: pipelines are colored based on whether gene normalization was performed within (True, red) or across (False, purple) structural classes (i.e.
cortex, subcortex/brainstem, cerebellum; see Materials and methods: Gene expression pipelines for more information).

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influence of this parameter. We also highlight that choice of atlas may influence the impact of missing
data handling: since the Desikan- Killiany atlas is a relatively low- resolution atlas (68 nodes), expres-
sion matrices generated from the tested pipelines are missing, at most, data for two brain regions.
It is possible that handling of missing data may be more important when higher- resolution parcella-
tions are employed. That is, while some parameters do not appear to affect our results in aggregate,
there are potentially specific research questions where these parameters could play an important and
impactful role.
To investigate those parameters that did play an influential role in the current analyses, we visu-
alized their impact by examining the statistical distributions from each analysis separated by the
different parameter choices (shown in Figure�2b for gene normalization method). Dividing the distri-
butions in this way highlights how strongly parameter choice can influence the outcomes of the anal-
yses: for example, when no gene normalization is employed the resulting estimates are dramatically
shifted from those generated by pipelines that employed some form of normalization (Figure�2b; no
normalization: purple distribution). Indeed, the bimodality and skew observed in the full statistical
distributions for the analyses (Figure�1b) is almost entirely explained by this single parameter choice.
To investigate more qualitative differences in how parameter choice influences the processing
pipelines we performed a principal component analysis (PCA) on the matrix of statistical estimates
from the three analyses (i.e. the 746, 496 3 pipeline- by- analysis matrix). We extracted the first two
principal components from the statistical estimate matrix (variance explained: PC1 = 70%, PC2 = 26%)
and examined how pipeline scores were distributed along these axes (Figure� 2c). Delineating the
distribution of pipelines based on parameter choice underscores how these options impact the sepa-
rability of resulting statistical estimates. Reinforcing results presented above, we find that the choice
of gene normalization method distinguishes the one- third of pipelines with no normalization (purple)
from the remaining two- thirds that applied some form of normalization (blue and brown; Figure�2c,
left). It is clear from the distribution of pipelines, however, that other processing choices interact with
this parameter. For example, plotting the pipelines by whether the gene normalization was performed
separately on samples within each structural class (i.e. cerebral cortex, subcortex, cerebellum) rather
than across all tissue samples further delineates the pipelines that applied gene normalization into two
distinct clusters (Figure�2c, right).
These results reveal how different processing steps are grouped in terms of their importance to
analyses of the AHBA, with some groups demonstrating greater potential impact. Broadly, parame-
ters modifying normalization are the most important, followed by parameters influencing how tissue
samples are matched to brain regions, and finally parameters impacting probe selection. Moreover,
we find that choices within each processing step do not all have an equivalent impact on derived esti-
mates (i.e. performing no gene normalization has a much greater influence than choosing between
the two other forms of normalization tested).
Reproducing published analyses
The previous subsections demonstrate variability across the complete range of reasonable processing
pipelines; however, many of these pipelines have not yet been used in practice. To investigate whether
the subset of pipelines that have already been implemented in the published literature display similar
variability, we used abagen to reproduce the processing procedures from nine peer- reviewed articles
that (1) are highly- cited within the field, (2) highlight a wide range of processing options, and (3)
sufficiently describe their processing pipelines such that they could be reproduced. We explored how
different the gene expression values and statistical outcomes generated by these published pipelines
were (Hawrylycz et�al., 2015; French and Paus, 2015; Whitaker et�al., 2016; Krienen et�al., 2016;
Anderson et�al., 2018; Burt et�al., 2018; Romero- Garcia et�al., 2018; Anderson et�al., 2020b;
Liu et�al., 2020). To ensure comparability, we standardized the choice of brain parcellation across
pipelines, using the Desikan- Killiany atlas in all instances. The pipelines were used to generate nine
region- by- gene expression matrices, which were then subjected to the same three analyses described
In reproducing the pipelines we note important differences in processing parameter selection
(Figure� 3a), and find that this variability results in slight discrepancies between gene expression
values generated by the pipelines. For example, looking at the distribution of cortical somatostatin
(SST), a gene discussed heavily in Anderson et�al., 2020b where it used as a proxy for somatostatin

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interneuron density (Fulcher, 2019), we observe some variation between pipelines (Figure�3b and
c). Although we find moderate consistency in the statistical estimates generated by the pipelines,
there are important differences (ranges: correlated gene expression [-0.49,–0.28], gene co- expression
[-0.70,–0.24], regional gene expression [0.34, 0.88]; Figure�3c). One outlier is the single pipeline that
did not appear to implement any form of gene normalization (French and Paus, 2015), supporting
earlier results demonstrating the importance of this processing step on downstream expression esti-
mates. This is potentially notable as the processed expression data from this pipeline were made
openly available and have been used in analyses by other researchers (e.g. Sepulcre et�al., 2018;
Beliveau et�al., 2017).
Given that imaging transcriptomics is still relatively new and there has been limited work addressing
best practices in the field (Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019), these results stress the importance of stan-
dardization in use of the AHBA among research groups. Although variation in processing can osten-
sibly lead to similar inferences in specific analyses, even minor differences in processing choices
Figure 3. Reproducing published pipelines. (a) Parameter choices used in the reproduction of published pipelines. Processing steps with categorical
choices (e.g., gene normalization) were converted to numerical choices for display purposes only. These choices reflect the range of choices
enumerated in Table�1. (b) Relative expression values of cortical somatostatin (SST) generated by each of the reproduced pipelines. Value ranges vary
based on pipeline processing options. (c) The Pearson correlation between the cortical somatostatin (SST) maps generated by the nine pipelines shown
in panel (b). (d) Statistical estimates from the three analyses described in Materials and methods: Analytic approaches applied to expression data from
each of the published pipelines.

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consistently yield measurable discrepancies in derived expression data. Without proper standardiza-
tion, these differences will compound and become more problematic as the field continues to grow.
Standardized processing and reporting with the abagen toolbox
Across all of our analyses we find that choice of processing steps and parameters can have a strong
influence on the statistical outcomes of research with the AHBA. Here, we briefly highlight features
that we have integrated into the abagen toolbox to facilitate standardization in future research.
The abagen toolbox supports two use- case driven workflows: (1) a workflow that accepts an atlas
and returns a parcellated, preprocessed regional gene expression matrix (Figure�4a); and, (2) a work-
flow that accepts a mask and returns preprocessed expression data for all tissue samples within the
Figure 4. Workflows and features in the abagen toolbox. (a) The primary workflow of abagen, used in the reported analyses, accepts a brain atlas and
returns a parcellated brain- region- by- gene expression matrix. (b) An alternative abagen workflow accepts a regional mask and returns a processed
tissue- sample- by- gene expression matrix, for all tissue samples from the six AHBA donors that fall within boundaries of the mask. (c) Examples of
selected features from the abagen workflows and additional toolbox functionality. Top left: examples of some commonly- used atlases that can be
employed with the parcellation workflow shown in panel (a). Bottom left: abagen can accept either standard atlases (i.e. in MNI space) or atlases defined
in the space of the six individual donors from the AHBA. Top right: an additional workflow available in abagen can be used to generate densely-
interpolated expression maps from AHBA data using a k- nearest neighbors interpolation algorithm. Bottom right: using high- resolution atlases in the
parcellation workflow (panel a) may result in some parcels being assigned no expression data; abagen supports two methods for assigning values to
such regions.

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mask (Figure�4b). Workflows can be called via a single line of code from either the command line or
Python terminal, and take approximately one minute to run with default settings using the Desikan-
Killiany atlas. The main output of abagen is a single brain region (or tissue sample) � gene expression
matrix. Changing the parameters may modify the shape of the matrix (e.g. different atlases will yield
different numbers of regions or samples) or different values (e.g. different processing choices may
yield different numbers of genes), but not the structure. The outputs of these workflows can be used
generally to examine the three prototypical research questions enabled by the AHBA: correlated gene
expression, gene co- expression, and regional expression of genes of interest more broadly (Fornito
et�al., 2019). Beyond its primary workflows, abagen has additional functionality for post- processing
the AHBA data (e.g. removing distance- dependent effects from expression data, calculating differ-
ential stability estimates; Hawrylycz et�al., 2015), and for accessing data from the companion Allen
Mouse Brain Atlas (e.g. providing interfaces for querying the Allen Mouse API; https:// mouse. brain-
map. org/; Lein et�al., 2007).
Although these workflows support the entire range of processing options that we assessed in
the current manuscript (Figure�4c), we have set the default options for all steps based on best prac-
tice recommendations developed in Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019 and further informed by the results
Figure 5. Annotated example abagen report. Example of an automatically generated methods section report from the abagen toolbox. Processing
steps are shown on the left and the relevant methods text—which is updated when these steps are modified—is shown in the same font color on the
right. Reports also include a formatted reference section and relevant equations; these are not shown here for conciseness. Note that some processing
steps (e.g. normalizing within structures, missing data handling) are omitted here because they are not run by default (see Supplementary file 1).

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presented above (see Supplementary file 1 for a full list). We believe the default settings in abagen
will provide a reasonable starting point for researchers beginning to work with the AHBA; however, as
we have continually noted, the appropriate choices for some parameters will vary based on research
question. As such, to make it easier for researchers to report exactly what parameters they use, we
have integrated an automated reporting mechanism into the abagen workflows (Figure�5). The gener-
ated reports provide manuscript- ready step- by- step documentation describing all the processing
done to the AHBA data in the workflow, and are licensed CC0 (https:// creativecommons. org/ share-
your- work/ public- domain/ cc0/) so that they can be freely used without restriction.
Creation of the toolbox has followed best- practices in software development, including version
control, continuous integration testing, and modular code design. To encourage further use by new
research groups we provide comprehensive documentation on installing and working with the abagen
toolbox online (https:// abagen. readthedocs. io/).
In the present report, we introduced the abagen toolbox, an open- source Python library for processing
transcriptomic data. Using abagen, we conducted a comprehensive analysis examining whether and
how different processing options modify statistical estimates derived from analyses using the AHBA.
We investigated how processing pipelines used in the literature compare to those we tested, and
provide recommendations for improving standardization and reporting of analyses using the AHBA,
highlighting how the abagen toolbox can facilitate future developments in this space.
Testing nearly 750,000 unique processing pipelines, we find that choice of processing parameters
can strongly influence statistical estimates derived from analyses of the AHBA, and that these choices
interact with the type of analysis performed (Figure�1). We observe significant variability with regard
to which parameters are most influential, finding that procedures modifying gene expression normal-
ization have a far greater impact on downstream analyses than other processing steps (Figure� 2).
Looking to the literature, we reproduce nine pipelines from published articles and find that, despite
notable inconsistencies in their processing choices, there is moderate consistency in their produced
statistical estimates (Figure�3). We demonstrate, however, that these summary estimates may obscure
meaningful differences in gene expression values derived by the pipelines, cautioning researchers to
be aware of how analytic choices may impact their findings.
Altogether, the present report provides a comprehensive assessment of how processing variability
can impact analyses in the field of imaging transcriptomics. Our results demonstrate how researcher
choices (or ‘researcher degrees of freedom’; Simmons et�al., 2011) can play a meaningful role in anal-
yses of the AHBA. However, these findings are not necessarily limited to the AHBA. Indeed, increasing
reliance on open- access datasets has begun to reveal unique challenges associated with data reuse
(Thompson et�al., 2020). Improved standardization and reporting among research groups using (and
re- using) openly available datasets may help to mitigate some of these challenges. We believe that
functionality in the abagen toolbox can support future researchers in overcoming these pitfalls and
improve reproducibility in processing and analyzing AHBA data.
Our results also show that not all processing choices are equal: that is, we find a hierarchy of
processing parameters, wherein procedures modifying gene normalization have the greatest impact
on analyses, followed by steps more broadly influencing the matching of tissue samples to brain
regions and finally by parameters that determine probe selection. Furthermore, we find that within
processing steps certain parameter choices may lead to more reasonable statistical estimates. In
particular, applying some form of gene normalization tends to improve the behavior of processed
expression data when compared to instances in which no normalization is applied (Figure� 1), but
there appear to be limited differences in the type of normalization used. Although we only considered
cortical tissue samples in the current analyses, we expect that including non- cortical samples would
further reinforce these results (Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019) known differences in microarray expres-
sion values between cortex and subcortical structures will likely emphasize the impact of different
normalization procedures across pipelines. Critically, these findings largely agree with previous
recommendations developed by Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019, and we have chosen default parameter
choices for abagen workflows accordingly.
Note that there are some processing steps that should be performed in a specific sequence, and
others whose order could potentially be interchanged. For example, intensity- based filtering of probes

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must always be performed before probe selection—reversing the order of these operations would,
in the majority of cases, be problematic because it would potentially result in the selection of noisy
probes to be carried through to analysis. However, the order of other steps (i.e. sample versus gene
normalization) could arguably be reversed with no ostensible detriment. This procedural ambiguity is
a salient example of the need to standardize workflows.
More broadly, this work builds on increasing efforts to examine the importance of methodological
choices and analytical flexibility in human neuroimaging research (Bhagwat et�al., 2021; Kharabian
Masouleh et�al., 2020; Oldham et�al., 2020; Maier- Hein et�al., 2017; Schilling et�al., 2019; Carp,
2012; Botvinik- Nezer et�al., 2020; Parkes et�al., 2018; Ciric et�al., 2017). Thankfully, emerging
technical solutions have begun to tackle these issues via the development of tools that aim to abstract
away sources of variation (e.g. fMRIPrep, Esteban et�al., 2019; QSIPrep, Cieslak et�al., 2020). While
results from the present study reinforce the importance of methodological choices in research, abagen
draws significant inspiration from these software packages in providing a set of tools designed to
overcome such concerns when working with the AHBA.
While the AHBA dataset remains the only one of its kind, the abagen toolbox is designed to be used
more broadly as similar datasets become available. That is, the preprocessing functions in abagen can
be applied to other microarray expression datasets assuming, for example, availability of stereotactic
coordinates. As new imaging transcriptomic datasets are developed and become more widely used,
abagen functionality for creating standardized processing pipelines will only become more important.
By developing the toolbox openly on GitHub (https:// github. com/ rmarkello/ abagen), it is our hope
that abagen can serve as a foundational, community tool for use in imaging transcriptomics research.
One consideration for future work on this topic is that the pipelines tested cover only a portion
of the potential variability possible when processing AHBA data (Table�1). For example, a growing
body of research has begun to examine how choice of brain parcellation may impact imaging analyses
(e.g. Craddock et�al., 2012; Thirion et�al., 2014; Mess�, 2020; Markello and Misic, 2021). While
we only assessed processing pipelines using the Desikan- Killiany atlas, many other atlases have been
used with the AHBA and it remains unclear how this variation may impact research findings. We also
did not investigate whether donor- specific parcellations may impact analyses, a processing choice
used in several published research findings (Anderson et�al., 2020b; Romero- Garcia et�al., 2018;
Burt et�al., 2018). Although there is significant evidence suggesting inter- individual variability in brain
region definition (e.g. Gordon et�al., 2017; Kong et�al., 2019; Dickie et�al., 2018), the process
of generating individualized brain parcellations is fraught with methodological choices and requires
careful data processing. Given the quality of the MRI data provided alongside the transcriptomic
data in the AHBA—including important differences in scanning protocol and procedures between
donors—creating donor- specific parcellations may be a large source of variability between pipelines.
Another limitation of the presented results is that we are unable to make categorical statements
about which processing options are ’best’ for the AHBA. First, there is no ground truth against which
one can assess what the optimal set of processing parameters. One potential solution to this could be
to examine the robustness of pipelines based on a leave- one- donor- out strategy (e.g. Arnatkeviciute
et�al., 2019; Vogel et�al., 2020), wherein analyses are repeated six times, omitting one donor each
time, to ensure that none of the donors are unduly influencing analytic estimates. This approach is
likely to become more useful as data from more individuals becomes available, but at present may be
a worthwhile approach for assessing whether chosen processing parameters are appropriate. More-
over, the optimal set of processing parameters may vary based on research question. For instance, in
most applications gene normalization is appropriate, as it ensures that downstream analyses are not
driven by a small subset of highly expressed genes. However, in other applications it may be desirable
to retain the variance contributed by genes to accurately reflect their relative expression levels. For
example, many genes in AHBA are not brain- specific, so normalization will amplify their expression
patterns, potentially obscuring more relevant expression information. This can be avoided by sub-
selecting genes in a hypothesis- driven manner and skipping the normalization step altogether.
Nonetheless, we offer two alternative solutions for researchers who want to continue using the
AHBA data. First, similar to the current report, researchers can conduct a comprehensive analysis
with the AHBA, running multiple processing pipelines and showing the entire distribution of gener-
ated statistical estimates; however, this process can be computationally prohibitive and may impair
researchers’ abilities to interpret their findings (Steegen et�al., 2016). A less costly alternative, then,

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is for the imaging transcriptomic research community to converge on a set of data- driven processing
pipeline for the AHBA that can be used across research groups. We believe the abagen toolbox—
with its comprehensive workflows, well- informed default parameter choices, and detailed documen-
tation—can facilitate this process. While we acknowledge that some research groups may have strong
reasons for wanting to use specific (i.e. non- default) processing choices, in these instances we urge
clear and detailed reporting of the methods used—such as via the automated reporting functionality
from the abagen toolbox.
Altogether, the current report highlights the problem of processing variability in analyses using
the AHBA, impacting many research studies in the burgeoning field of imaging transcriptomics. We
demonstrate how different processing options can influence statistical estimates of analyses relating
data from the AHBA to imaging- derived phenotypes, and present the abagen toolbox as a promising
potential solution to this issue.
Materials and methods
Code and data availability
All code used for data processing, analysis, and figure generation is available on GitHub (https://
github. com/ netneurolab/ markello_ transcriptome; Markello, 2021a copy archived at swh:1:rev:3abb-
c85596a5baacd93e5e9e56c906c9dbb080f3)and directly relies on the following open- source Python
packages: IPython (Perez and Granger, 2007), Jupyter (Kluyver et�al., 2016), Matplotlib (Hunter,
2007), NiBabel (Brett et�al., 2019), NumPy (Oliphant, 2006; van der Walt et�al., 2011; Harris et�al.,
2020), Pandas (McKinney, 2010), PySurfer (Waskom et�al., 2020), Scikit- learn (Pedregosa et�al.,
2011), SciPy (Virtanen et�al., 2020), and Seaborn (Waskom et�al., 2018).
Allen human brain atlas
The Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) is an open- access online resource containing whole- brain
microarray gene expression data obtained from post- mortem tissue samples of six adult human
donors (https:// human. brain- map. org; Allen Institute for Brain Science, 2013; Hawrylycz et�al.,
2012). Expression data for over 20,000 genes were sampled from 3702 distinct tissue samples across
the six donors (one female, ages 24–57), providing the most spatially comprehensive assay of gene
expression in the human brain. Normalized microarray expression data were downloaded for all six
donors; RNAseq data were downloaded for the two donors with relevant data.
Human connectome project
Group- averaged T1w/T2w (a proxy for intracortical myelin) data were downloaded from the S1200
release of the Human Connectome Project (HCP; Van Essen et�al., 2013) and used without further
Brain parcellations
All analyses were performed with the Desikan- Killiany atlas (DK; 68 cortical nodes), an anatomical
parcellation generated by delineating regions based on gyral boundaries (Desikan et�al., 2006). To
explore the impact of volumetric- versus surface- based parcellations we used a version of the DK atlas
in (1) volumetric MNI152, and (2) surface fsaverage5 space; both versions are provided directly with
the abagen toolbox. To facilitate comparison between volumetric- and surface- based parcellations,
samples from the cerebellum, subcortex and brainstem were omitted.
The abagen toolbox
Source code for abagen is available on GitHub (https:// github. com/ rmarkello/ abagen) and is provided
under the three- clause BSD license (https:// opensource. org/ licenses/ BSD- 3- Clause). We have inte-
grated abagen with Zenodo, which generates unique digital object identifiers (DOIs) for each new
release of the toolbox (e.g. https:// doi. org/ 10. 5281/ zenodo. 3451463). Researchers can install abagen
as a Python package via the PyPi repository (https:// pypi. org/ project/ abagen/), and can access
comprehensive online documentation via ReadTheDocs (https:// abagen. readthedocs. io/).

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Gene expression pipelines
Most neuroimaging analyses using the AHBA must first convert the ‘raw’ data into a pre- processed
brain region- by- gene expression matrix. To investigate the extent to which different processing proce-
dures might impact downstream analyses, we used abagen to modify 17 distinct processing steps in
the generation of region- by- gene matrices from the original AHBA data. Each unique set of these 17
processing choices and parameters constitutes a pipeline, yielding 746,496 unique pipelines. Here,
we describe in detail the 17 processing steps and respective methods for each option that we exam-
ined in our analyses (refer to Table�1 for a summary overview of these choices or refer to the abagen
documentation for implementation details; https:// abagen. readthedocs. io).
Volumetric or surface atlas
Aggregation of tissue samples from the AHBA into discrete brain regions requires researchers to
supply an atlas (or parcellation). There are many brain atlases available for use; however, they typically
exist in one of two forms: defined (1) in 3D ‘volumetric’ space, or (2) in ‘surface’ space on a 2D repre-
sentation of the cortical sheet. Many atlases can exist in both of these formats and so beyond the
choice of parcellation, researchers must select which representation to use when processing AHBA
samples. Choice of atlas may impact how many and which samples are matched to brain regions. In
the current manuscript, we examined a volume- and surface- based representation of the Desikan-
Killiany atlas (see Materials and methods: Data; Desikan et�al., 2006). Note that both versions of the
atlas used in the reported analyses are included with the abagen software distribution.
Individualized or group-level atlas
There is growing recognition that brain parcellations derived at the group level tend to obscure indi-
vidual differences in anatomy or function (e.g. Gordon et�al., 2017; Kong et�al., 2019; Dickie et�al.,
2018). Researchers working with the AHBA have thus begun to generate donor- specific parcellations,
using individualized atlases to match tissue samples to brain regions. The individualization process
can vary dramatically depending on whether researchers are using volumetric or surface atlases and
whether they are operating in ‘native’ or standard (i.e. group) space. Because of the immense vari-
ability inherent to the individualization process itself, we opted not to explore this parameter in the
current manuscript.
Use non-linear MNI coordinates
With its initial release the AHBA provided stereotactic coordinates for each tissue sample in MNI
space (Fonov et�al., 2009; Fonov et�al., 2011; Collins et�al., 1999); however, two of the six donor
brains were scanned in cranio and coordinates were derived using affine registrations to the MNI
template, while the remaining four were scanned ex vivo and a non- linear registration was used to
generate coordinates. More recently, Gorgolewski et�al., 2014 used ANTS (Avants et�al., 2011) to
perform a standardized, manually corrected non- linear diffeomorphic registration of all the donor
brains to MNI space. Analyses collating tissue samples into distinct brain regions often rely on MNI
coordinates to match samples to regions, and researchers must choose whether to use the original
coordinates provided with the AHBA or the newer, non- linearly generated coordinates. In the current
manuscript, we assessed the impact of using (1) the original MNI coordinates and (2) the updated
coordinates from Gorgolewski et�al., 2014.
Mirror samples across left-right hemisphere
Only the first two donors included in the AHBA had tissue samples taken from the right hemisphere.
Preliminary analyses of these data revealed minimal lateralization of microarray expression, and so
samples were collected exclusively from the left hemisphere for the following four donors (Hawrylycz
et�al., 2012; Hawrylycz et�al., 2015). This irregular sampling resulted in limited spatial coverage of
expression in the right hemisphere; to resolve this, some researchers have opted to mirror existing
tissue samples across the left- right hemisphere boundary (Romero- Garcia et�al., 2018). Researchers
must decide whether to perform sample mirroring, and, if so, whether they should mirror unilaterally
(i.e. only right- to- left or left- to- right) or bilaterally (i.e. both right- to- left and left- to- right). In the current
manuscript, we assessed (1) no mirroring, (2) left- to- right mirroring, and (3) bilateral mirroring. The

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option for mirroring right- to- left was omitted as this is only useful when analyses selectively consider
the left hemisphere, not the whole brain.
Update probe-to-gene annotations
The 60- base- pair probes used to assess microarray expression in the AHBA were annotated with
their corresponding gene (or lack thereof) when the data were publicly released. However, as the
human reference genome is updated these annotations become increasingly out- of- date. Thus, when
researchers choose to use the AHBA data they must decide whether to use the original gene annota-
tions or more recently- generated annotations. In the current manuscript, we assessed using both the
original annotations and those generated by Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019.
Intensity-based filtering threshold
Data from the AHBA are provided with information indicating whether the expression of each microarray
probe exceeds the expression levels of background signal. Using this information, researchers can
choose to perform an intensity- based filtering procedure wherein probes are only considered if their
expression levels are greater than background across a specified percentage of tissue samples. In the
current manuscript, we considered three degrees of intensity- based filtering: (1) no filtering (all probes
used), (2) 25�% filtering (probes used if they exceeded background for more than 25�% of all samples),
and (3) median filtering (probes used if they exceeded background for more than 50�% of all samples).
Inter-areal similarity threshold
The expression value of some tissue samples in the AHBA differ markedly from all other samples in the
dataset. While this could be driven by real spatial variability in expression values throughout the brain,
it is also possible that this variability is artifactual. Researchers can opt to assess the inter- areal simi-
larity of tissue samples, quantifying those that differ from the rest by a given threshold, and remove
them from consideration. To our knowledge, this processing step has only been implemented in a
single research study (Burt et�al., 2018), and as such we do not consider it in the current manuscript.
Probe selection method
The probes used to measure microarray expression levels in the AHBA are often redundant; that is,
there are frequently several probes indexing the same gene. Thus, at some point researchers must
transition from measuring probe expression levels to measuring gene expression levels. Effectively,
this means selecting from or condensing the redundant probes for each gene. There have been at
least eight methods proposed in the literature for this process, including selecting a single probe with
the (1) max intensity across samples, (2) max variance across samples, (3) highest loading on the first
principal components across samples, (4) highest correlation to other probes (or max intensity across
samples when only two probes exist), (5) highest correlation to other probes (or max variance across
samples when only two probes exist), (6) highest differential stability across donors, (7) highest fidelity
to simultaneously- acquired RNAseq data, or (8) simply averaging all probes indexing the same gene.
In the current manuscript we only consider six of the most commonly- applied methods (i.e. 1, 4, 5, 6,
7, and 8); the other methods (i.e. 2 and 3) have only been reported in a single research study (Negi
and Guda, 2017 and Parkes et�al., 2017, respectively) and as such we do not consider them.
Donor-specific probe selection
Probe selection (described above) often requires applying some selection criterion to gene expres-
sion levels across tissue samples. For these methods, the specified criterion can be measured across
donors (i.e. aggregating tissues samples from donors) or independently for each donor. The latter
case—performing probe selection independently for each donor—allows for two additional options:
(1) using whichever probe is chosen for each donor, even if it differs from the other donors, or (2)
using the most- commonly selected probe for all donors. In the current manuscript, we considered all
three of these options: (1) aggregating samples across donors, (2) performing probe selection inde-
pendently for each donor, and (3) using the most commonly- selected probe across donors.

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Missing data method
Due to the irregular spatial sampling of data in the AHBA some brain regions may not be assigned
any corresponding microarray expression data. Researchers can opt to simply omit these regions from
subsequent analyses; however, in some cases, this is not desirable as the spatial distribution of the
missing samples may not be random and discarding them may bias resulting estimates. Two options
for handling missing data have been proposed in the literature, including filling missing regions with
expression data from nearby regions (i.e. nearest- neighbors interpolation; Whitaker et�al., 2016), or
interpolating data in missing regions based on nearby samples (i.e. linear interpolation; Burt et�al.,
2018). In the current manuscript, we tested two options: (1) omit brain regions with missing data
entirely from subsequent analyses, and (2) fill missing data with expression values using nearest-
neighbors interpolation. Linear interpolation has been sparingly used in the published literature
(e.g. Burt et�al., 2018; Romero- Garcia et�al., 2018) and carries an increase in computational cost
(approximately an order of magnitude higher than nearest neighbors interpolation); as such, we do
not consider it in the current manuscript.
Sample-to-region matching tolerance
Volumetric atlases
While most tissue samples from the AHBA will fall directly within the brain regions delineated by
most parcellations, some samples may fall outside the boundaries of these regions. Researchers can
nonetheless choose to permit assigning these nearby samples to a given region, but will often set a
distance threshold beyond which samples cannot be assigned. In the current manuscript, we consid-
ered three distance tolerances: 0�mm (i.e. samples must fall exactly within a region), 1�mm, and 2�mm.
Surface atlases
Because tissue samples from the AHBA are defined in volumetric space, matching them to parcels
defined on a surface- based atlas requires different considerations than with volumetric atlases.
Notably, all samples will have non- zero distances from surface vertices; therefore, when matching
to surface atlases distance thresholds are generally considered in terms of standard deviations (Burt
et�al., 2018; Anderson et�al., 2020b). In this way, all samples are matched to the surface and then
those that are more than the specified standard deviation(s) above the mean away from the surface
are excluded. In the current manuscript we tested three standard deviation distance tolerances: 0�s.d.
(i.e. all samples farther than the average distance are excluded), 1�s.d., and 2�s.d.
Sample normalization method
Prior to aggregating microarray expression data across donors, researchers can optionally normalize
the microarray expression data for each tissue sample across all represented genes (i.e., perform row-
wise normalization). This procedure can account for between- sample differences in gene expression
potentially driven by measurement errors. There is a number of techniques that have been proposed
to normalize expression values; however, in the current manuscript, we considered three normaliza-
tion methods: (1) no normalization, (2) a z- score transform, and (3) a scaled robust sigmoid transform
(Fulcher et�al., 2013).
Gene normalization method
Prior to aggregating microarray expression data across donors, researchers can optionally normalize
the microarray expression data for each represented gene across tissue samples (i.e. perform column-
wise normalization). This procedure can account for inter- individual (donor- specific) differences in
gene expression data, which remain present in the AHBA despite batch corrections performed by the
Allen Institute prior to releasing the data. In the current manuscript, we considered three normaliza-
tion methods: (1) no normalization, (2) a z- score transform, and (3) a scaled robust sigmoid transform
(Fulcher et�al., 2013).
Normalizing only matched samples
Due to choices in other processing steps (e.g. Volume- or surface- based atlas, Sample- to- region
matching tolerance) some tissue samples from the AHBA may not be assigned to any region in a
given brain atlas. During gene normalization, where expression from each gene is normalized across

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tissue samples, researchers must decide whether to use (1) only those tissue samples matched to
brain regions, or (2) the entire corpus of tissue samples, irrespective of whether they will be included
in the final, processed regional expression matrix. In the current manuscript we consider both of these
Normalizing discrete structures
There is known variation in gene expression values between tissue samples taken from distinct struc-
tural classes (i.e. samples taken from neocortex may have different expression values than those from
the brainstem). When performing gene normalization researchers can opt to normalize (1) across all
samples irrespective of the structure from which they derive or (2) independently for samples taken
from different brain structures. Although the brain atlas used in the current manuscript represents only
cortical parcels, this processing choice can interact with Normalizing only matched samples to impact
resulting expression values and we therefore test both options.
Note that in the abagen toolbox structural classes are operationalized as: (1) cortex, (2) subcortex
and brainstem, (3) cerebellum, and (4) white matter. Subcortex and brainstem are considered as one
class because neuroanatomical delineation between these regions are widely contested and expres-
sion values in these regions tend to be more similar to one another than to other regions (i.e. data-
driven clustering of samples tends to assign subcortical and brainstem samples together).
Sample-to-region combination method
Once tissue samples have been assigned to brain regions they need to be combined to generate a
single expression profile; however, due to sampling differences between donors, some donors may
have more tissue samples assigned to a given brain region than others. Thus, researchers must decide
whether to aggregate samples (1) within each brain region independently for each donor and then
across donors, or (2) simultaneously across all donors. In the latter case, donors with a higher number
of samples matched to a region will contribute more to the expression profile of a given region (Arnat-
keviciute et�al., 2019). In the current manuscript, we test both of these options.
Sample-to-region combination metric
When aggregating tissue samples into brain regions researchers must decide what aggregation metric
they want to use. Although any statistical estimate could be considered, in practice an estimate of
central tendency such as the mean expression values across tissue samples is most applicable. In the
current manuscript, we test aggregation with both the (1) mean and (2) median.
Analytic approaches
Prototypical analyses relying on parcellated microarray expression data from the AHBA fall into three
broad categories (Fornito et�al., 2019):
1. Correlated gene expression: Examining the correlation between distinct brain regions across
genes (i.e. using the region- by- region correlation matrix);
2. Gene co- expression: Examining the correlation between gene expression profiles across brain
regions (i.e. using the gene- by- gene correlation matrix); or,
3. Regional gene expression: Examining the expression profile of one (or more) genes across brain
regions (i.e. using selected columns of the region- by- gene expression matrix).
In order to examine the interaction between processing options and analytic method, we performed
one analysis from each of these three categories, described below, for every output of the 746,496
processing pipelines.
Correlated gene expression
Researchers have reliably found a relationship between correlated gene expression in the brain and
the distance between brain regions: that is, brain regions that are farther away from one another tend
to have less similar gene expression profiles (Richiardi et�al., 2015; Richiardi et�al., 2017; Krienen
et�al., 2016; V�rtes et�al., 2016; Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019). In order to examine the impact of
processing choices on this relationship, we computed the Spearman correlation between the upper
triangle of the regional distance matrix (Euclidean distance between brain regions) and the upper
triangle of each correlated gene expression matrix (Figure�1a, left). Brain regions for which no gene

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expression data were available (dependent on pipeline options) were not included in the correlation.
Note that this relationship is likely exponential (Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019); however, we calculated
the Spearman coefficient as it is more computationally tractable and it should exhibit similar variability
across pipelines.
Gene co-expression
Researchers have previously shown that gene expression in the brain tends to organize into function-
ally defined communities or modules (Oldham et�al., 2008; Hawrylycz et�al., 2012). We examined
the extent to which functional gene modules derived from a separate transcriptomic dataset (Oldham
et�al., 2008) mapped onto the gene co- expression matrices generated from the different processing
pipelines. For each gene- by- gene matrix, we calculated the silhouette score (Rousseeuw, 1987) of
the gene modules on a modified version of gene co- expression matrix (calculating Euclidean distance
between genes instead of gene correlations; Figure�1a, middle) via:
s = 1
where a(i) is the average distance of a data point to all other data points in the same cluster, b(i) is
the mean distance of data point to the nearest neighboring cluster, and N is the total number of data
points. The final silhouette score s ranges from –1 to�+1, where positive values indicate assortative and
negative values indicate disassortative clusters.
Note that the original gene modules were defined using a weighted gene co- expression network
analysis (WGCNA), which generally requires performing additional processing steps on the gene
co- expression matrix. Since we used the raw gene co- expression matrix in the current analysis, we
expect lower silhouette scores than those reported in the initial manuscript where the gene commu-
nities were initially defined; however, the variance in scores between pipelines should not be signifi-
cantly impacted by this choice.
Regional gene expression
Researchers recently highlighted how the principal component of gene expression in the brain closely
mirrors the spatial variation observed in MRI- derived T1w/T2w measurements (typically used as a
proxy for myelination; Burt et�al., 2018). We examined whether this relationship was present across
the outputs of the different pipelines, measuring the Spearman correlation between the T1w/T2w ratio
and the first principal component of the regional gene expression matrix (Figure�1a, right). Regional
gene expression matrices were mean- centered prior to extraction of the principal component.
Assessing pipeline impact
In order to examine the impact of each processing option on the resulting analyses, we calculated
a difference score, measuring the extent to which changing each option—holding all other options
constant—influenced the derived metrics (i.e. correlation, silhouette score). When there were only two
choices for a given option the impact was calculated as the absolute value of the difference between
the two choices. When there were more than two choices and choices were ordinal (e.g. sample- to-
region matching tolerance) the impact was calculated as the average of the absolute value of the
difference between adjacent choices. When there were more than two choices and the choices were
categorical (e.g. probe selection method) the impact was calculated as the average of the absolute
value of the difference between all combinations of choices. These calculations yielded a distribution
of ‘impact’ estimates (i.e. change scores) for each processing option; we represented the final impact
score for each processing option as the average of these distributions, taken independently for each
of the three analyses. Impact estimates were rank- ordered (where the most impactful parameter was
given a rank of one, the second most impactful a rank of two, and so on) to enable direct comparison
across the different statistical estimates derived from the three analyses.
Pipeline dimensionality reduction
To investigate qualitative differences between the processing pipelines we performed a principal
components analysis (PCA) on the matrix of estimates from the three statistical analyses (i.e. the
746,496 � 3 matrix). We mean- centered the columns of the matrix and extracted the first two principal

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components, examining how pipeline scores were distributed along these two components in relation
to different processing options. These principal component highlight the closeness of the estimate
generated by each pipeline along the dimensions of maximum statistical variation; that is, two pipe-
lines that are closer together in the reduced- dimension space yielded more similar statistical estimates
than two pipelines that are farther apart.
Reproducing pipelines from the literature
Although all the processing options explored in the current manuscript are reasonable or viable
choices that researchers could make when preparing the AHBA for analysis, in reality these have not
all been used in the published literature. In order to examine how pipelines used in the literature
compared to those that we assessed, we selected nine articles that relied on data from the AHBA to
support a primary research finding and reproduced their processing pipelines in abagen (Hawrylycz
et�al., 2015; French and Paus, 2015; Whitaker et�al., 2016; Krienen et�al., 2016; Anderson et�al.,
2018; Burt et�al., 2018; Romero- Garcia et�al., 2018; Anderson et�al., 2020b; Liu et�al., 2020). Note
that these articles used a variety of parcellations and so to ensure comparability across pipelines we
standardized this parameter, using the Desikan- Killiany atlas in all instances. One parameter that we
did not assess in the pipelines explored in the current manuscript—whether to use individualized,
donor- specific parcellations or a group- level atlas—was frequently varied in the published pipelines.
Thus, when reproducing pipelines that called for individualized volumetric atlases we relied on the
donor- specific Desikan- Killiany parcellations provided by Arnatkeviciute et�al., 2019; when repro-
ducing pipelines with individualized surface atlases we relied on the donor- specific Desikan- Killiany
parcellations provided by Romero- Garcia et�al., 2018.
As not all of the original manuscripts detailed the processing choices for each of the 17 steps in
the abagen workflow, when specific parameter choices were omitted we either: (1) used the default
setting if the parameter was required (e.g. using the mean for the ‘sample- to- region combination
metric’, since all pipelines must combine samples to regions), or (2) omitted the processing step
entirely if it is an optional step (e.g. not performing any gene normalization).
We thank Vincent Bazinet, Elizabeth DuPre, Justine Hansen, Golia Shafiei, Laura Su�rez, and Bertha
V�zquez- Rodr�guez for their comments and suggestions. This research was undertaken thanks in part
to funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, awarded to McGill University for the
Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives initiative. This work was supported in part by funding provided by
Brain Canada, in partnership with Health Canada, for the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform
initiative. RDM acknowledges support from the Fonds du Recherche Qu�bec - Nature et Technol-
ogies and the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform. BM acknowledges support from the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC Discovery Grant RGPIN #017–04265)
and from the Canada Research Chairs Program. AF was supported by the Sylvia and Charles Viertel
Foundation and National Health and Medical Research Council (ID: 3274306). J- BP was partially
funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIH- NIBIB P41 EB019936 (ReproNim) NIH- NIMH R01
MH083320 (CANDIShare) and NIH RF1 MH120021 (NIDM), the National Institute Of Mental Health of
the NIH under Award Number R01MH096906 (Neurosynth), and by Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Additional information
Grant reference number Author
Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research
Council of Canada
Bratislav Misic

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Grant reference number Author
National Health and
Medical Research Council
Alex Fornito
National Institutes of
NIH-NIBIB P41 EB019936
Jean-Baptiste Poline
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the
decision to submit the work for publication.
Author contributions
Ross D Markello, Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Soft-
ware, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review and editing; Aurina Arnat-
keviciute, Conceptualization, Data curation, Software, Writing – review and editing; Jean- Baptiste
Poline, Alex Fornito, Conceptualization, Writing – review and editing; Ben D Fulcher, Conceptualiza-
tion, Software, Writing – review and editing; Bratislav Misic, Conceptualization, Project administration,
Supervision, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review and editing
Author ORCIDs
Ross D Markello http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0003- 1057- 1336
Jean- Baptiste Poline http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 9794- 749X
Ben D Fulcher http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 3003- 4055
Bratislav Misic http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0003- 0307- 2862
Decision letter and Author response
Decision letter https:// doi. org/ 10. 7554/ eLife. 72129. sa1
Author response https:// doi. org/ 10. 7554/ eLife. 72129. sa2
Additional files
Supplementary files
• Transparent reporting form
• Supplementary file 1. Default abagen pipeline options. The default settings for the 17 processing
steps considered when processing the AHBA data with abagen. An entry of ‘—' indicates that
this is a required, user- supplied parameter. A blank entry indicates that the processing step is not
implemented by default. Refer to Table�1 and Methods: Gene expression pipelines for further
Data availability
All datasets used in this study are publicly available. Detailed information about the datasets and how
to access them are described in the manuscript.
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