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Factors affecting estrogen excretion in dairy heifers
Heather Ashley Tucker
Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
Dairy Science
Katharine F. Knowlton, Committee Chair
R. Michael Akers
J. Reese Voshell, Jr.
July 28th, 2009
Blacksburg, Virginia
Key words: dairy heifer, estrogen, estrous, phytoestrogen

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Factors affecting estrogen excretion in dairy heifers
Heather Ashley Tucker
Two studies were conducted to assess factors affecting estrogen excretion in
dairy heifers. The objective of the first study was to quantify estrogenic activity in feces
and urine during the estrous cycle. Ten non-pregnant Holstein heifers were fed the
same diet for 28 d. Plasma, feces, and urine samples were collected daily. Plasma 17-β
estradiol (17-β E2) was quantified with RIA and used to confirm day of estrous. Feces
and urine samples from days -12, -6, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 6, 12 of the estrous cycle were
analyzed with RIA and Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) bioassay. Plasma 17-β E2
concentrations peaked on day of estrus, with feces and urine estrogenic excretion
peaking a day after. The objective of the second study was to quantify variation in
estrogenic activity in feces and urine due to increased dietary phytoestrogen content.
Ten Holstein heifers were randomly assigned to treatment sequence in a two-period
crossover design. Dietary treatments consisted of grass or red clover hay, and
necessary supplements. Feces and urine samples were collected and pooled for
analysis. Estrogenic activities of pooled samples were quantified using the YES
bioassay. Estrogenic excretion in feces and urine was higher for heifers fed red clover
hay. Fecal and urine samples from five heifers were analyzed using LC/MS/MS to
quantify excretion of phytoestrogenic compounds. Heifers fed red clover hay excreted
more equol than heifers fed grass. Identifying sources of variation in estrogenic activity
of manure will aid in the development of practices to reduce environmental estrogen

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Key words: dairy heifer, estrogen, excretion, phytoestrogen

Page 4
I would like to extend a sincere thank you to my committee members for their
guidance and support over the past two years. To my major advisor, Dr. Knowlton, you
have molded me into a student and researcher I never thought was possible. Your
passion, drive, and love of research inspired me to do my best. Dr. Akers, your
enthusiasm and interest in research, as well as support are deeply appreciated. Finally,
Dr. Voshell, thank you for stepping outside the world of entomology to learn about cows
and support my research endeavors.
There are far too many people in the Dairy Science department to thank. I have
never been part of a department that feels more like a family. Thank you Becky and
Cindy for listening and providing keys to my office for appropriate barn attire acquisition.
Dr. Hanigan, thank you for always making time to answer my questions, reassure me
that I could do it, and that this is all part of learning. I learned so much from working with
you as your graduate teaching assistant, I appreciate the wealth of knowledge you
passed on to me, and the faith you put into me to actually teach students nutrition. To
the farm crew, thank you so much for your assistance and willingness to work with me.
As for the lab, Karen Hall, I have no idea what I would have done without you.
Your willingness to listen, skill in telling me to breath, and desire to learn alongside me
make you the best lab technician a graduate student could ask for. Zhao your ability to
teach me the YES assay made my research, and I am forever indebted to you. Partha
and Jamie, thank you for your help carrying out my research. For all of the Knowlton
Lab undergrads thank you so much, I wish you all the best in life and hope that you find
something that you truly love.

Page 5
Friends are something that a person should never be without and I have truly
been blessed to meet some great people during this two year journey. Sarah Blevins,
from the times we spent in Stats making up names for fake meat to the craziness that
consumed us during thesis writing, I heart you. Steph Masiello, I am so glad you strolled
into my life second semester. Thanks for accompanying Sarah and I on our crazy drives
around the drill field blaring Journey and always being up for an adventure. Just
remember we cannot make this stuff up, I think at some point we will look back on this
time and laugh. I wish you two the best and hope that you will always stay in my life.
Brad Henry once said “Families are the compass that guides us. They are the
inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” Mom
and Dad, thank you for your unconditional love and support throughout this process.
You have been more than understanding, always there to listen, and provide affirmation
that I could do this. You allowed me to reach for the stars while fulfilling my dreams and
never once faltered in your support. Eric thanks for constantly being my older brother
and offering up Tracy and your home for whenever I needed to get away.
Finally, I never knew that once I walked into the UNH Dairy Barn my path in life
would change. Nancy Whitehouse, thank you for my introduction to dairy nutrition
research. Dr. Fairchild, your strength while battling cancer and tenacity for life inspired
me. Who would have thought that the walk we took around the barn would change my
life. With a few words, you opened my eyes up to the world of research and I have
never looked back, I will thank you every day of my life for that.

Page 6
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ..........................................................................................................ix
ABBREVIATION KEY ...................................................................................................... x
Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Review of Literature ....................................................................................... 3
Estrogens ..................................................................................................................... 3
Synthesis ....................................................................................................... 3
Secretion ....................................................................................................... 4
Metabolism .................................................................................................... 5
Excretion ....................................................................................................... 6
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals ................................................................................... 8
Estrogenic EDCs ........................................................................................... 9
EDCs and the dairy industry ........................................................................ 10
Phytoestrogens ........................................................................................................... 10
Phytoestrogen classes ................................................................................ 11
Phytoestrogens in feedstuffs ....................................................................... 13
Methods for detecting estrogenic activity .................................................................... 16
Radioimmunoassay ..................................................................................... 16
Bioassays .................................................................................................... 17
Summary and next steps ............................................................................................ 18
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 3: Effect of the estrous cycle on fecal and urinary estrogen excretion ............. 33
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ 33
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 34
MATERIALS AND METHODS .................................................................................... 35
Sample collection ........................................................................................ 35
Sample processing and analysis ................................................................. 35
Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) bioassay ...................................................... 37

Page 7
Calculating daily excretion ........................................................................... 38
Statistical analysis ....................................................................................... 40
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 40
Estrogen and estrogenic activity .................................................................. 40
Differences in quantification by RIA and YES .............................................. 43
CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................... 45
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... 45
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 46
Chapter 4: Effect of diet on fecal and urinary estrogen excretion .................................. 55
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ 55
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 57
MATERIALS AND METHODS .................................................................................... 58
Total Collection ............................................................................................ 58
Sample Processing and Analysis ................................................................ 59
Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) Bioassay ..................................................... 60
LC/MS/MS analysis ..................................................................................... 61
Statistical Analysis ....................................................................................... 62
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 63
Effect of diet on estrogenic activity of feces and urine ................................. 63
Differences in quantification by YES bioassay and LC/MS/MS ................... 66
CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................... 67
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... 68
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 68
Appendix A .................................................................................................................... 77
Protocol for 125Iodine Estradiol Radioimmunoassay ................................................... 77
Appendix B .................................................................................................................... 82
Protocol for Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) Bioassay ................................................. 82
Appendix C .................................................................................................................... 87
Protocol for LC/MS/MS anlaysis of phytoestrogens .................................................... 87

Page 8
Table 2.1 Summary of research on estrogen excretion by cows. .................................. 22
Table 3.1 Ingredient composition of diet. ....................................................................... 49
Table 3.2 Effect of day of estrous on estrogen concentrations. ..................................... 51
Table 3.3 Effect of day of estrous on estrogen excretion and 17-β pool size. ............... 53
Table 4.1 Ingredient composition of study diets. ........................................................... 71
Table 4.2 Effect of diet on DMI, DM digestibility, and excreta output. ........................... 72
Table 4.3 Effect of diet on estrogenic activity and excretion of estrogenic equivalents in
feces and urine. ............................................................................................. 73
Table 4.4 Effect of diet on excretion of phytoestrogenic compounds in excreta as
determined by LC/MS/MS. ............................................................................ 74
Table 4.5 Effect of diet on phytoestrogenic compounds in feed and excreta as
determined by LC/MS/MS. ............................................................................ 75

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Figure 2.1 Structure of selected estrogens. ................................................................... 20
Figure 2.2 Biosynthesis of 17-β estradiol. ..................................................................... 21
Figure 2.3 Structure of selected phytoestrogens. .......................................................... 23
Figure 2.4 Synthesis and degradation of the isoflavonoids daidzein and genistein. ...... 24
Figure 2.5 Biosynthesis and metabolic conversion of lignans. ...................................... 25
Figure 3.1 Sample selection for RIA and YES analysis. ................................................ 50
Figure 3.2 Effect of day of estrous on estrogen concentrations in dairy heifers. ........... 52
Figure 3.3 Effect of day of estrous on estrogen excretion and 17-β E2 pool size in dairy
heifers. ......................................................................................................... 54
Figure 4.1 Effect of period on fecal estrogenic activity. ................................................. 76

Page 10
17-β E2: 17-β estradiol
17-α E2: 17-α estradiol
AAW: apparently absorbed water
BMPs: best management practices
CPRG: chlorophenol red-β-D-
E1: estrone
E2: estradiol
E3: estriol
E2-EDC: estrogenic endocrine
disrupting chemical
E2-eq: 17-β estradiol equivalents
EDC: endocrine disrupting chemical
ER: estrogen receptor
FSH: follicle stimulating hormone
FW: fecal water
FWI: free water intake
GnRH: gonadotropin releasing hormone
hER: human estrogen receptor
iNDF: indigestible neutral detergent fiber
LH: lutenizing hormone
LSM: least squares means
MCF-7: human breast cancer
RIA: radioimmunoassay
SDG: secoisolariciresinol diglycoside
TWI: total water intake
UO: urine output
YES: yeast estrogen screen

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Chapter 1: Introduction
The United States Environmental Protection Agency declared in 2003 that animal
feeding operations are a major environmental concern (EPA, 2003). Many of these
animal feeding operations are under strict guidelines, such as the Effluent and
Limitations Guidelines and Standards under the Clean Water Act, limiting their ability to
manage wastes (EPA, 2003). Better understanding of the effects of diet and
physiological status on estrogenic excretion will aid in developing practices aimed at
reducing environmental accumulation of contaminants.
Among other contaminants, manure from dairy operations contains various
hormones (Lange et al., 2002; Hanselman et al., 2003; Lorenzen et al., 2004).
Hormones are chemicals synthesized from glands in the endocrine system, excreted in
urine and feces, and can have potent environmental effects (Crisp et al., 1998). When
these hormones enter surface water they may functionally alter or disrupt the endocrine
system of those organisms exposed to them (Nichols et al., 1997; Finlay-Moore et al.,
2000; Jenkins et al., 2006,). Such hormones are known as endocrine disrupting
chemicals (Crisp et al., 1998). Estradiol is one of the most potent naturally secreted
estrogens, and is produced by the ovaries. It is also widely recognized as being
responsible for growth and reproductive impairment in aquatic species when discharged
into water (Harrison et al., 1995; Crisp et al., 1998).
Characterizing estrogen excretion patterns by bovines will allow assessment of
the impact of dairy farms on estrogen accumulation in the environment. Evaluation of
the effects of physiological states and diet formulations on estrogen excretion is

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necessary for development of best management practices, to reduce estrogen loss from

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Chapter 2: Review of Literature
Estrogens are natural hormones synthesized and secreted by the gonads of a
variety of different animals (Behl, 2001). Estrogens are responsible for the normal
growth and development of the female reproductive tract. Estrogen controls the estrous
and menstrual cycle and inhibits the anterior pituitary’s production of gonadotropin
(Gower, 1979).
As part of their four-ring molecular structure, natural steroidal estrogens contain
an aromatic A- and D-ring structure from which key structural differences arise. These
structural differences allow for the addition of functional groups on the C-16 and C-17
positions. Estrone (E1) has one hydroxyl group on C-3, estradiol (E2) has an additional
hydroxyl group on C-17, and estriol (E3) has additional hydroxyl groups on C-16 and C-
17 (Figure 2.1) (Hanselman et al., 2003). Potency varies with chemical structure
causing 17-β estradiol (17-β E2) to be the most potent natural estrogen; E1 has a
relative potency to 17-β E2 of 0.38 and E3 has a relative potency to 17-β E2 of 2.4x10-3
(Rutishauser et al., 2004). Structural differences exist between 17-α estradiol (17-α E2),
where the C-17 hydroxyl group is in the trans configuration, and 17-β E2, where the C-
17 hydroxyl group is in the cis configuration (Figure 2.1). Natural estrogens are slightly
soluble in water, moderately hydrophobic, and are weak acids (Hanselman et al., 2003).
Commonly the term “estrogen” is used to describe the natural endogenous
hormone, E2, which is secreted by selected endocrine glands and travels through the

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blood in relatively low concentrations to specific target tissues (Behl, 2001). The major
sources of estrogen in mammals are the granulosa cells of the ovarian follicles, and
during pregnancy, the placenta (Lange et al. 2002). Additional sources of estrogen are
adipose tissue, the adrenal cortex, the hypothalamus, the kidney, the liver, and muscle
(Fotherby, 1984). Estrogen is synthesized from cholesterol in two separate pathways as
shown in Figure 2.2 (Bidlingmaier and Knorr, 1978).
Falck (1959) was the first to observe that different ovarian cell types interact to
produce E2. Granulosa cells in cows are capable of producing E2 only when an
aromatizable substrate is present or when co-cultured with thecal tissue (Hansel and
Convey, 1983). E2 results from the multi-step conversion of cholesterol to
androstenedione in the theca interna cell, while androstenedione converts to E2 in the
granulosa cell (Hansel and Convey, 1983).
Estrogen production and secretion is pulsatile due to pulsatile secretion of
gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), lutenizing hormone (LH), and follicle
stimulating hormone (FSH). Secretion of estrogen occurs via the hypothamalus-
pituitray-ovary-uterus axis. Hypothalamic release of GnRH causes the release of FSH
and LH from the anterior pituitary. FSH and LH then stimulate the granulosa and theca
interna cells in the follicle of an ovary to synthesize E2 and E1 for release (Behl, 2001).
E2 is secreted from the ovaries in response to gonadotropin release from the
pituitary (Behl, 2001). E2 must be transported from the ovaries to its target tissue
through the circulatory system. E2 travels in two forms in the circulatory system, free
and bound, with only a small percentage being in the free form (Bidlingmaier and Knorr,

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1979; Behl, 2001). The majority of E2 in the circulating blood is bound to β-globulin, a
plasma protein that binds both E2 and androgens (Bidlingmaier and Knorr, 1979). E2
binding to these carrier proteins prevents random diffusion into organs, tissues, or blood
vessels which would elicit inappropriate responses, and also prevents rapid metabolism
(Bidlingmaier and Knorr, 1979; Behl, 2001). Once E2 reaches its target tissues, it
produces various effects on developmental, growth, and reproductive bodily functions
(reviewed elsewhere, e.g. Crisp et al., 1998).
Estrous Cycle
Development of estrous behavior in the bovine is a result of the action of E2 (Britt
et al., 1986). Blood E2 concentrations increase during proestrus and estrus and then
rise again during the early luteal phase (Henricks et al., 1971; Hansel and Echternkamp,
1972; Glencross et al., 1973; Chenault et al., 1975; Ireland et al., 1984). One or two
large follicles persist on an ovary during the transition from proestrus to estrus and for
several days after ovulation to mid-diestrus. During metestrus the follicle present during
estrus ovulates, while the other follicles present during diestrus undergo atresia (Dufour
et al., 1972; Matton et al., 1981). A follicle with high concentrations of E2 in its follicular
fluid develops and is “estrogen-active”. The “estrogen-active” follicle is responsible for
most of the E2 secreted during metestrus and diestrus (Ireland and Roche, 1982;
Ireland et al., 1984).
Once E2 is released from the ovaries and reaches and affects the appropriate
target tissues, it re-enters circulation in the blood stream for catabolism and excretion.
Estrogens pass through a series of metabolic pathways in the kidney, liver, and

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gastrointestinal tract (Zhao et al., 2008). E2 and E1 are catabolized to form catechol
estrogens. Catechol estrogens catabolize to methoxyderivatives of the catechols with
the action of O-methyl-transferases. These methoxyderivatives enter into a final
metabolism step in which conjugating enzymes, glucoronyltransferases and
sulfotransferases, catalyze formation of glucorindes and sulfates, increasing the
solubility of the estrogenic compounds in water. This allows for excretion of conjugated
estrogens in urine (Behl, 2001; Shore and Shemesh, 2003).
The estrogens that are not excreted in urine pass to the liver, concentrating in
bile (Pearlman et al., 1947). In the liver estrogens undergo hepatic conversions
including metabolism and conjugation. While in the liver estrogens can be converted
into six families of compounds: glucuronides, catechols, sulfates, fatty acid esters,
hydroxylated metabolites, and E1 (Zhu and Conney, 1998). Once metabolized and
conjugated via enterohepatic circulation, estrogens are excreted into the bile or are
reabsorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Enterohepatic circulation of estrogens delays
excretion from the body allowing for additional metabolism of the estrogen by micro-
organisms in the intestine and the intestinal mucosa (Fotherby, 1984).
Estrogen excretion rates and routes differ by species. It is estimated that the
United States dairy cow population excretes 80 tons of E2 per year (2060 �g/cow/d),
while the pig population excretes 8 tons E2 per year (290 �g/pig/d), and the human
population excretes 3 tons E2 per year (30 �g/human/d) (Johnson et al., 2006).
Furthermore, it has been estimated that land application of livestock manure accounts
for greater than 90% of the total estrogens in the environment (Khanal et al., 2006).

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Studies utilizing radiotracers have shown that cattle excrete 58% of estrogens in their
feces and 42% in their urine, whereas swine excrete 4% in their feces and 96% in their
urine, and poultry excrete 31% in their feces and 69% in their urine. In cattle, 17-α E2,
17-β E2, and E1 account for more than 90% of the estrogens excreted in free or
conjugated forms (Hanselman et al., 2003).
Total E2 excretion by cattle is significant, but there is little quantification data
available (Zhao et al., 2008). In the past, studies aimed at quantification of E2 excretion
were primarily to establish tests used for fertility control and pregnancy diagnosis.
Studies focused on hormonal changes occurring during estrus and pregnancy in older
animals (Hanselman et al., 2003). These studies often used “ambiguous quantification
methods” (Hanselman et al., 2003) relying on colorimetric techniques,
radioimmunoassay, bioassays, and enzyme immunoassays making determining a
reliable value for estrogen excretion for cattle difficult (Table 2.1) (Hanselman et al.,
2003; Johnson et al., 2006).
Estrogen Excretion and Physiological States
Hoffmann et al. (1997) characterized estrogen production and metabolism during
bovine pregnancy. They observed that during pregnancy hormonal changes were
significant enough to affect estrogen excretion in dairy cows. These hormonal changes
resulted in relatively high concentration of E2 measured in feces that were unexpected.
The low blood plasma E2 concentrations measured suggest that blood E2 is not only
conjugated but oxidized and epimerized prior to excretion. Their research illustrates the
need for a parallel between lactation and estrous cycles of the bovine, while expanding
current knowledge regarding E2 excretion (Hoffmann et al., 1997).

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Gaverick et al. (1971) addressed estrogen production and excretion differences
with age. They observed that heifers excreted more 17-α E2 and less 17-β E2 during the
estrous cycle than cows. Average excretion of E1 and total E2 in urine and E2
concentrations in plasma were similar for heifers and cows (Gaverick et al., 1971).
Excretion of total estrogen during the initial estrus for heifers was higher (59 � 15 ng/mg
creatinine) when compared to cows (27 � 5 ng/mg creatinine) but excretion during the
second estrus were similar (29 � 9 ng/mg creatinine for heifers and 34 � 10 ng/mg
creatinine for cows). During the estrous cycle, heifers excreted 33% of total estrogens
as 17-α E2 and 27% as 17-β E2. Cows excreted 21% of total estrogens as 17-α E2 and
42% as 17-β E2 during the estrous cycle (Gaverick et al., 1971). The differences in 17-β
E2 excretion, the major estrogen produced by the ovaries, between heifers and cows
led Gaverick et al. (1971) to conclude that heifers metabolize estrogen more completely
than cows at most stages of the estrous cycle.
An endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) is any chemical that has the capability to
interfere with the production release, transport, metabolism, or elimination of the natural
hormones in the body responsible for the regulation of developmental processes (Crisp
et al., 1998). EDCs are from a variety of different chemical classes, including pesticides,
synthetic hormones, natural plant compounds, and various waste products from industry
(Carr and Norris, 2006). EDCs can accumulate in the environment in numerous ways
including the human use of pharmaceuticals, use of pesticides in farming practices, and
land application of manure from animal operations (Crisp et al., 1998). Once EDCs
enter and accumulate in the environment they have the potential to cause abnormalities

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in various wildlife species (Colucci et al., 2001). Growing concern surrounds
accumulation of these EDCs in the environment, making identifying the sources of these
contaminants neccessary.
Exposures to EDCs early in development causes feedback mechanisms to be
absent in the mature individual producing severe reproductive and developmental
impairments that hinder the individual (Crisp et al., 1998). Effects of exposure have
been seen in numerous aquatic wildlife populations with a variety of species being
affected. For instance hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls and estradiol cause sex
reversal in male turtle embryos. Also, DDT has resulted in feminization of gulls in ovo. A
third example is developmental exposure to environmental estrogen or antiandrogens
altering ratios of estrogen and testosterone in alligators (Sonnenschein and Soto, 1998;
McLachlan, 2001). While negatively affecting the organization of reproductive, immune,
and nervous function of individuals, the sublethal effects of endocrine disruption leads to
long term detrimental consequences in populations (Crisp et al., 1998). Though
exposure to EDCs can cause detrimental effects in a population, it is clear that
exposure during development results in the greatest impact on an individual (Welshons
et al., 2003).
Estrogenic EDCs
EDCs that have estrogenic activity are among the largest groups of known
endocrine disruptors. Estrogenic EDCs (E2-EDCs) are chemicals that act as hormone
mimics through the estrogen receptor (ER) mechanism. For E2-EDCs to have a direct
estrogenic effect in a cell, the cell must possess an ER. ERs can be present in a
number of cellular structures including the nucleus, cell membrane, or cytoplasm

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(Welshons et al., 2003). E2-EDCs need to have a binding affinity for the subtype of the
ER, α or β, in a particular cell (Welshons et al., 2003).
EDCs and the dairy industry
EDCs and their possible impact on the environment and animal populations is an
active area of research area. With the United States Environmental Protection Agency
still developing methods for detection and identification of EDCs, the sheer abundance
of EDCs in the environment is unknown (Degen and Bolt, 2000). In a review by Colborn
et al. (1993) chemicals, reported to have an endocrine disrupting effect and that are
widely distributed in the environment, were summarized. These chemical classes
included pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, nematocides, hormones (synthetic and
natural), and industrial chemicals (Colborn et al., 1993). With over 87,000 compounds
needing to be screened for EDC properties, the focus of research is on establishing a
data base on endocrine disruptors such as the Endocrine Disruptor Knowledge Base
(EDKB) created by the Food and Drug Administration, which lists over 3,000 individual
EDCs (Tong, 2009). Among other contaminants, manure from dairy operations contains
various hormones (Lange et al., 2002; Hanselman et al., 2003; Lorenzen et al., 2004).
Furthermore, it has been estimated that land application of livestock manure accounts
for greater than 90% of the total estrogens in the environment (Khanal et al., 2006). The
percentage of EDCs that are estrogens in unknown, and more work needs to be done in
this research area.
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring elements of plants that initiate E2-like
effects in animal tissue, although classically defined as compounds exerting estrogenic

Page 21
effects on the central nervous system, inducing estrus, and stimulating growth of the
female reproductive tract (Figure 2.3). The E2-like effects of phytoestrogens are induced
by binding to an ER and induction of specific estrogen-responsive gene products
(Mazur, 2000). Phytoestrogens bind to an ER and act as E2 mimics and antagonists
because of the molecular similarity of the phenyl ring to E2 in mammals. Phytoestrogens
act differently depending on the tissue, ER present, concentration of circulating
endogenous E2, and their agonist or antagonist nature (Beck et al., 2005).
The variety of phytochemicals classified as E2-EDCs continues to rapidly expand
(Vajda and Norris, 2006). In 1954 Bradbury and White classified 53 plants as having E2
activity affecting estrus in animals. In 1975 Farnsworth and coworkers expanded that list
to include more than 300 plants. Phytoestrogens are a class of phytochemicals
researched due to reported negative reproductive effects in ruminant females, attributed
to the low concentrations of phytoestrogens eliciting subclinical effects and clinical
outbreaks of estrogenism (Smith et al., 1979; Adams et al., 1988; Adams, 1995).
Phytoestrogen classes
Phytoestrogens can be divided into four main classes: isoflavones, coumestans,
stilbenes, and lignans. All of these are diphenolic compounds with structures similar to
those of natural and synthetic E2 (Kurzer and Xu, 1997; Cornwell et al., 2004). These
structural similarities allow phytoestrogens to mimic or antagonize E2, while adding to
their diversity. The vast diversity of phytoestrogens causes each compound, in its
particular class, to affect the E2-mediated response in a number of ways (Cornwell et
al., 2004).

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Isoflavonoids are the most well known of the phytoestrogens. They are
comprised of a very large and distinctive subclass of flavonoids and include daidzein
and genistein (Mazur, 2000; Cos et al., 2003; Ososki and Kennelly, 2003). Structurally
different from other classes of flavonoids in that one phenyl ring has shifted from the C-
3 position to the C-2 position, isoflavonoids are primarily found in the Fabaceae family,
but have been found in the Iridaceae and Euphorbiaceae families in soy and red clover
extracts (Mazur, 2000; Ososki and Kennelly, 2003; Cornwell et al., 2004). Isoflavonoids
exist as glycosides, which are hydrolyzed in the gut or through processing, or as
aglycones, resulting from the hydrolization of glucosides (Figure 2.4) (Cornwell et al.,
2004). The new compounds that are formed from the metabolism of various
isoflavonoids may have very different biological effects (Ososki and Kennelly, 2003).
Coumestans’ estrogenic activity was first discovered by Bickoff et al. (1957). It
has since been isolated from various clover species and alfalfa, with the potent
phytoestrogenic coumestans being coumestrol and 4’-methoxycoumestrol, found in
legumes and are especially high in various clover species. Coumestrol content varies in
plant material due to plant variety, stage of growth, harvesting practices, disease
presence, location, and occurrence of insect or fungal attack (Ososki and Kennelly,

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Although there are more than 200 naturally occurring lignans, lignans have not
been as thoroughly studied as isoflavones and coumestans. They are present in a
variety of foodstuffs including cereals, fruits, and vegetables (Mazur, 2000; Ososki and
Kennelly, 2003). They have a low molecular weight, are chemically unique, and stable
due to the dibenzylbutane skeleton and positioning of the phenolic group in the meta
position of the aromatic ring (Ososki and Kennelly, 2003). Lignans, a plant phenol
group, result from the joining of two cinnamic acid residues or their biogenetic
equivalents (Figure 2.5) (Mazur, 2000). Plant based lignans convert to mammalian
lignans once they enter into the gastrointestinal tract and undergo various bacterial
actions resulting in the formation of enterolactone and enterodiol (Figure 2.5) (Kurzer
and Xu, 1997). Lignans have not been shown to induce estrus, as other phytoestrogens
do, but have other E2 like actions due to the formation of mammalian lignans resulting in
their classification as phytoestrogens (Kruzer and Xu, 1997).
Stilbenes are produced through the phenylpropanoid-acetate pathway. The main
dietary source of phytoestrogenic stilbenes is resveratrol from red wine and peanuts.
Resveratrol has two isomers, cis and trans, but only the trans form is estrogenically
active (Cornwell et al., 2004).
Phytoestrogens in feedstuffs
The ability of plant compounds to cause estrus in animals was first documented
during the mid-1920s. However, it was not until the 1940s that red clover, a plant rich in

Page 24
phytoestrogens, was said to have effects on the fertility of grazing sheep (Bennetts et
al., 1946; Adams, 1995). Research has continued in the area but with minimal
investigation into the effect that phytoestrogens have on the total E2 activity of animal
excretions. Past research quantifies particular phytoestrogens with chromatography
methods following the introduction of HPLC in the late 1970s and GC in the 1980s
(Wang et al., 1990; G�ltekin and Yildiz, 2006; Zhang et al., 2007).
High concentrations of phytoestrogens in the diet have effects in numerous
populations. For instance, a high dietary intake of phytoestrogens may be associated
with a reduced incidence of breast and prostate cancer in humans (Smith et al., 1979).
Also, soy-derived phytoestrogens in standard laboratory rat feeds have shown
detectable long term effects (Sharma et al., 1992). A third example is that sheep grazing
on red clover show subclinical estrogenism and reproductive losses in Australia and
New Zealand (Adams, 1995). However, there is minimal data on the effect of
phytoestrogenic diets in bovines. Moreover, research utilizing bioassays to evaluate
feedstuffs has fallen to the wayside, although more sensitive bioassays than the Allen-
Doisy technique (discussed later) are now available, including the Yeast Estrogen
Screen (YES) bioassay (discussed later).
Soybeans (Glycine max) belong to the Fabaceae family of plants and have long
been used as a food source (Ososki and Kennelly, 2003). Soybeans’ isoflavones
content was first recognized in the 1940s and has been extensively researched as
containing phytoestrogens with the first isoflavones isolated being genistin (Walter,
1941; Mazur, 2000; Ososki and Kennelly, 2003). Since then numerous studies have

Page 25
focused on the isoflavone content of soybeans (Murphy et al., 1982; Kiessling, 1984;
Coward et al., 1993; Kaufman et al., 1997; Mazur, 2000). There is large variability in
concentration and composition among different soybeans and soybean products
(Murphy et al., 1982; Franke et al., 1995). Of more importance to the dairy industry
there have also been numerous studies on the effects of industrial processing, such as
roasting time and temperature, and extraction methods, on the isoflavone content of soy
products (Coward et al., 1983; Barnes et al., 1994).
Red Clover
Red clover (Trifolium pretense) is a perennial fabaceous (bean-like) plant native
to the Mediterranean, commonly cultivated in the United States to feed livestock and as
a green manure crop (Booth et al., 2006). The main estrogenic compounds in red clover
are daidzein, genistein, formononetin, and biochanin A, with the latter two being
glycosides (Pope et al., 1953; Schultz, 1965; Adams, 1995; Booth et al., 2006). The
concentration of isoflavones in red clover appears to be under genetic control; however,
environmental factors also affect the concentration of isoflavones (Adams, 1995).
The first reports of reproductive impairments in livestock were made in Australia
and New Zealand in sheep grazing on red clover pasture (Bennetts et al., 1946; Smith
et al., 1979; Adams et al., 1988; Adams, 1995). Researchers concluded that
formononetin is indirectly responsible for the reproductive impairments in livestock,
symptomatic of clover disease (Millington et al., 1964; Adams, 1998). Clover disease is
defined by clinical manifestation of symptoms including impaired fertility, uterine
prolapse, inappropriate mammary development, and inappropriate lactation in unmated
ewes and castrated males (Adams et al., 1998). Additionally, red clover silage

Page 26
containing isoflavones has been reported to cause infertility in cattle (Kallela et al.,
Extensive studies on the effect of red clover have been done in sheep; however,
there is little research available for its effect on dairy cattle. The metabolism path of
isoflavones in cattle is similar to that of sheep (Braden et al., 1971). Kallela (1968)
observed changes in the reproductive tract of ovariectomized heifers grazing on red
clover similar to the changes seen in sheep populations grazing on red clover pastures.
Yet, cattle appear to be less sensitive to the effects of red clover since the permanent
infertility seen in sheep has not been observed in cattle (Lightfoot, 1974).
The differences in response to phytoestrogens between sheep and cattle may be
due to a more efficient metabolism of formononetin and its metabolites in cattle when
compared to sheep. In addition conjugation of the isoflavones and other estrogenic
compounds to glucuronic acid by the liver as a detoxification step present in cattle may
reduce the plant’s effect. More research in this area is needed (Shutt et al., 1967;
Braden et al., 1971; Cox and Braden, 1974).
Radioimmunoassays (RIAs) were first developed by Solomon Aaron Berson and
Rosalyn Yallows in the 1950s to measure insulin concentrations. Since their
development, RIAs have been used in a number of ways in endocrinology research due
to their ability to precisely measure hormone concentrations (Kimball, 2005). RIAs are
based on an antigen-antibody reaction in which a radiolabeled antigen competes with
endogenous antigen from the sample to bind to a specific antibody. Binding is largely

Page 27
based on the assumption that the radiolabeled antigen has the same binding affinity for
the antibody as the endogenous antigen. The bound antigen is then separated from the
free antigen and the radioactivity of the sample is measured (Kimball, 2005).
The benefits of RIAs are that they have a greater sensitivity than other assays.
Quantification of the antigen is in the picogram range using these high affinity
antibodies. RIAs do have limitations, mainly their high cost due to the radioactive
material used, cross-reactivity, and the ability to only detect one compound (Kimball,
Bioassays are useful tools in determining the estrogenic activity of a variety of
samples. The Allen-Doisy test is the first of the bioassays created to measure
estrogenic activity. Ovariectomized animals (rats and mice) are injected with the
substance to be measured. Administration of the substance can be directly into the
vaginal area, increasing the sensitivity by eliminating circulation and metabolism of the
substance, or injected elsewhere in the body. A vaginal smear technique is utilized to
determine the extent of vaginal cornification, resulting in a relative potency
measurement. The use of this assay has declined due to its inability to differentiate
between estrogens and their antagonists, while also having an unreliable time course
(Allen and Doisy, 1923; Jordan et al., 1985).
A second bioassay used is the human breast cancer (MCF-7) cell line. The MCF-
7 cell line is estrogen sensitive and proliferates in the presence of estrogen. The
increase in cell numbers is the biological equivalent of the increase in mitotic activity in
endometrium of rodents (Soto et al., 1992). The limitations of this assay are that

Page 28
multiple exposures to the estrogenic compound are necessary to elicit a response and
that sample throughput is slow (Breinholt and Larsen, 1998).
A third assay is the YES bioassay. This assay was developed by Routledge and
Sumpter (1996) and has been further modified for use in dairy waste (Zhao et al., 2009).
A recombinant yeast strain (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing the human estrogen
receptor (hER) gene and a chromogenic reporter system are utilized for this assay. The
hER gene has been integrated into the chromosome of the strain in which the estrogen
response elements are located on an extrachromosomal plasmid and regulate the
expression of a lacZ reporter gene.
When the estrogen receptor molecule binds with estrogens and estrogen-like
compounds, it co-locates with the estrogen response elements, resulting in β-
galactosidase production. β-galactosidase migrates out of the cell into surrounding
media and is quantified using a chromogenic substrate called chlorophenol red-β-D-
galactopyranoside (CPRG). CPRG turns from yellow to red in response to the reaction
and intensity of the red color quantitatively indicates the amount of estrogenic activity.
Using the YES bioassay yields information on the total estrogenicity of the sample as
estrogenic equivalents (E2-eq) in relation to 17-β E2 (Routledge and Sumpter, 1996).
The YES bioassay is similar in sensitivity but lacks the specificity that RIAs have. This
lack in specificity allows for detection of multiple estrogenic compounds, unlike RIAs,
which is what is environmentally important.
Restrictions placed on waste management on animal operations and concern
about environmental accumulation of EDCs resulted in a new body of research.

Page 29
Estrogen, a hormone produced by cows and present in their manure, is one of the
chemicals classified as an EDC. Additional research has led to classification of a variety
of compounds, including phytoestrogens, which mimic estrogen and disrupt the
endocrine system. Red clover is high in phytoestrogens and causes subclinical
estrogenism and reproductive impairments. To assess estrogenic activity a variety of
assays have been developed and improved over time. More work is needed to perfect
and standardize the assays utilized to quantify estrogenic activity, as well as research
on the impact of physiological state and feedstuffs on estrogen excretion. Therefore, the
objectives of this research were:
1. To quantify excretion of estrogenically active compounds during the estrous
2. To determine the relationship between plasma 17-β E2 and urine and fecal E2-
eq during the estrous cycle.
3. To quantify excretion of estrogenically active compounds due to feeding a high
phytoestrogen diet.

Page 30
Figure 2.1 Structure of selected estrogens.
17-α estradiol
17-β estradiol

Page 31
Figure 2.2 Biosynthesis of 17-β estradiol.

Page 32
Table 2.1 Summary of research on estrogen excretion by cows.
Animal Status Total Fecal
Urinary Estrogens
Erb et al., 1968a
E1 3600–28,800;
E2β 1200– 3600
Erb et al. , 1968b
Pregnant and
Desaulniers et al., 1989
34 ng/g
Desaulniers et al., 1989
30 – 2000 ng/g NA
Hoffman et al., 1997
10 – 1000 ng/g NA
M�stl et al., 1997
10 – 180 ng/g NA
Hanselman et al., 2003
256 – 7300
320 – 104,320
1NA = Not Analyzed

Page 33
Figure 2.3 Structure of selected phytoestrogens.
Biochanin A

Page 34
Figure 2.4 Synthesis and degradation of the isoflavonoids daidzein and genistein.

Page 35
Figure 2.5 Biosynthesis and metabolic conversion of lignans.

Page 36
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Page 43
Chapter 3: Effect of the estrous cycle on fecal and urinary estrogen
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has identified estrogens
from animal feeding operations as a major environmental concern, but little data is
available quantifying estrogen excretion by dairy cattle. The objectives of this study
were to quantify estrogenic activity in feces and urine during the estrous cycle in dairy
heifers, and evaluate relationships between excreted estrogens and plasma 17-β
estradiol (17-β E2). Ten non-pregnant Holstein heifers were fed a common diet for the
28 d study. Plasma was obtained via jugular venipuncture and grab samples of feces
and urine were collected daily. Plasma 17-β E2 was quantified with RIA and used to
confirm day of estrous. Feces and urine samples from days -12, -6, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 6, 12
of the estrous cycle were analyzed with RIA and Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES)
bioassay. The YES bioassay utilizes a recombinant yeast strain (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae) containing the human estrogen receptor gene and a chromogenic reporter
system to indicate total estrogenic activity. Plasma 17-β E2 concentrations peaked on
day of estrus (22.9 pg/mL), with feces and urine estrogenic activity peaking a day after
plasma 17-β E2 peaked. Excretion values mirrored sample concentrations, with fecal
and urine estrogenic equivalent (E2-eq) excretion peaking on d 1 of estrous (101 mg/d
and 129 mg/d). Identifying sources of variation in estrogen excretion by livestock will aid
in the development of practices to reduce environmental estrogen accumulation.
Key words: estrogen, estrous, feces, urine

Page 44
The United States Environmental Protection Agency declared in 2003 that animal
feeding operations are a major environmental concern due to their concentration of
environmental contaminants (EPA, 2003). Strict guidelines and standards make it
necessary to develop practices that understand the effect of physiological status on
estrogen excretion and to develop practices to reduce environmental accumulation of
Hormones synthesized by glands in the endocrine system are excreted in urine
and feces and may have potent environmental effects if runoff follows land application
(Crisp et al., 1998, Lange et al., 2002; Hanselman et al., 2003; Lorenzen et al., 2004).
When these hormones enter surface water they may functionally disrupt the endocrine
system of organisms exposed to them, making them endocrine disrupting chemicals
(EDCs) (Nichols et al., 1997; Crisp et al., 1998; Finlay-Moore et al., 2000; Jenkins et al.,
2006). Estrogens are widely recognized as being responsible for growth and
reproductive impairment in aquatic species when discharged into water (Harrison et al.,
1995; Crisp et al., 1998,).
Limited data is available quantifying estrogenic excretions from dairy animals.
Hoffmann et al. (1997) characterized estrogen production and metabolism during bovine
pregnancy and observed hormonal changes over time significant enough to increase
estrogen excretion 100 fold in feces and 550 fold in urine during pregnancy. More data
is needed to characterize estrogen excretion, and total estrogenicity of manure, during
other life stages of dairy animals. This data will assist in developing management
practices to control estrogen loss from farms.

Page 45
Holstein heifers (n=10) averaging 13.3 � 0.8 (SD) m of age and 290.8 � 25.8 kg
BW were fed in a Calan door system in a free stall barn (American Calan; Northwood,
NH). During the 28 d study, all heifers received a common diet consisting of corn silage
and a soybean hull and wheat midds based concentrate to meet the heifers’ nutrient
requirements (NRC, 2001; Table 3.1). Daily feed intakes were recorded. All procedures
and protocols were conducted under the approval of the Virginia Tech Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee.
Sample collection
Samples of blood, feces, and urine were collected daily at 1100h. Blood samples
were obtained via jugular venipuncture, alternating daily between the left and right
jugular (Becton Dickinson Vacutainer; Franklin Lakes, NJ). Blood was stored on ice until
centrifugation. Grab samples of feces were collected via manual removal from the
ampula recti. Urine samples were obtained through induced micturition. All samples
were placed on ice until sampling was completed.
Sample processing and analysis
Plasma was harvested via centrifugation (2000 x g for 30 min) and frozen at -
80�C until analysis. At the conclusion of the study, plasma samples were thawed and
extracted using ether (500 �L of plasma + 3.0 mL of ether) in 13x100 test tubes. Tubes
were covered with plastic wrap, vortexed for 2 min, and frozen in a dry ice ethanol bath.
The upper liquid ether phase was poured into clean tubes and evaporated using a

Page 46
gentle stream of air (Oragnomation; Berlin, MA). The ether extraction was repeated, the
sides of the tubes were rinsed using 0.5 mL of ether, and the extract and rinse were
evaporated. Plasma extracts were re-constituted with 100 �L PBS-BSA and vortexed,
covered, and stored overnight at 4�C.
Re-constituted plasma extracts were analyzed with ultrasensitive
radioimmunoassay kit (DSL-4800) to determine concentration of 17-β E2 (Diagnostic
Systems Laboratories INC; Webster, TX). Resulting plasma 17-β E2 concentrations
were plotted by heifer to define individual estrous cycles. The day with the highest
concentration of 17-β E2 was declared d 0 of estrous. Fecal and urine samples from
days -12, -6, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 6, and 12 of estrous were selected for further analysis
(Figure 3.1). Three heifers were removed from the sample set because plasma RIA
results indicated that they were pre-pubertal ([17-β E2] < 4.3 pg/mL). Plasma 17-β E2
pool size was calculated as the product of plasma 17-β E2 concentration and estimated
plasma volume (3.5% of BW; Dukes, 1955).
Feces samples were extracted on the day of collection using a base extraction
technique described by Zhao et al. (2009). In brief, 10 g of wet feces were diluted by
weight with 30 g of water. Aliquots (1.0 mL) of this mixture were placed into 4, 16x100
pyrolyzed glass test tubes and mixed with 1.5 mL of NaOH (1N) and 1.5 mL chloroform
to solubilize the estrogens. Tubes were vortexed twice for 20 s and centrifuged (2500 x
g for 20 min). The upper chloroform phases were pooled; 1.0 mL was aliquoted into 4,
16x100 test tubes and mixed with 180 �L of 90% acetic acid, to lower pH to 4.4, and 3.0
mL toluene. Tubes were vortexed twice for 20 s and centrifuged (2500 x g for 20 min).

Page 47
Samples were stored overnight at -20�C to enhance phase separation. The upper,
toluene phase was decanted into clean tubes and stored at -20�C. The toluene
extraction was repeated on the chloroform phase. Toluene phases were combined,
evaporated to dryness using N2 gas (Organomation; Berlin, MA) to concentrate the
estrogens, and stored at -20�C. Samples from selected days (Figure 3.1) were analyzed
with the RIA and YES bioassay described below.
Urine samples were extracted on the day of collection using the base extraction
technique described by Zhao et al. (2009) and outlined above. Samples from selected
days (Figure 3.1) were analyzed with the RIA and YES bioassay described below.
Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) bioassay
Feces and urine samples were analyzed for total estrogenicity using the YES
bioassay following the procedure developed by Routledge and Sumpter (1996) and
modified for use in dairy waste (Zhao et al., 2009). In brief, a recombinant yeast strain
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing the human estrogen receptor (hER) gene and a
chromogenic reporter system was used to measure total estrogenic activity, expressed
as 17-β E2 equivalents (E2-eq). In the recombinant strain, the estrogen response
elements are located on an extrachromosomal plasmid and regulate the expression of a
lacZ reporter gene, which produces β-galactosidase when transcription is activated.
When the estrogen receptor element binds with estrogens and estrogen-like
compounds in the sample of interest, the amount of estrogenic activity can be quantified
by color change due to β-galactosidase (Routledge and Sumpter, 1996).

Page 48
The assay was carried out in a laminar flow hood (Contamination Control INC;
Lansdale, PA). Evaporated sample extracts were re-suspended with 1.0 mL of absolute
EtOH. In sterile flat-bottomed 96-well microtiter plates (Becton Dickinson Labware;
Franklin Lakes, NJ), 100 �L of the re-suspended sample was serially diluted and 10 �L
of each serial dilution was aliquoted in triplicate. Plates were allowed to evaporate to
dryness in air before 200 �L of assay medium containing yeast cells (grown to an
absorbance of 1 at 620 nm) and chlorophenol red-β-D-galactopyranoside (CPRG) were
added to each well (Holbrook et al., 2002). The plates were sealed and incubated at
32�C for 24 h and then at room temperature for 12 h. Color density was quantified by
measuring the absorbance at 575 nm and cellular density was quantified at an
absorbance of 620 nm (�Quant BioTek Instruments, INC; Winooski, VT). Duplicates of
each extracted sample were run on the same plate. Each plate also contained an E2
standard curve (>98% purity, Sigma Chemical Company; St. Louis, MO) ranging from
976 to 125000 ng/mL.
Calculating daily excretion
Daily fecal output
Indigestible Neutral Detergent Fiber (iNDF) was used as a marker for fecal
output. Feed and fecal samples were analyzed for iNDF (Cumberland Valley Analytical
Services, Hagerstown, MD) using a 120 hr incubation period with a double inoculation
of rumen fluid (Tilley and Terry, 1963). Fecal output was calculated with the equation:
Fecal output (kg/d)=
DMI (kg/d)x feed iNDF (%DM)
feces iNDF (%DM)

Page 49
Fecal density was measured using a water displacement technique (Lupton and
Ferrell, 1986) and used to convert estrogen content (wt/vol) to excreted quantities. Daily
fecal estrogenic excretion was then calculated as the product of fecal E2-eq
concentration and fecal output.
Daily urine output
Specific gravity was used to determine daily urine output as described by Holter
and Urban (1992). Specific gravity of urine samples in duplicate acidified (1 mL of 12.1
N HCl per 80 mL of urine) samples was determined with a Midget Urinometer (Fischer
Scientific) (Myers and Beede, 2009). Daily output of urine was calculated as:
Urine Output (UO):
UO kg/d= 212.1 + 0.8822 � DMI (kg/d) - 0.03452 � dietary %DM + 1.001 �
dietary CP (%DM) - 216.4 � urine SG + 0.1414 � AAW
Free Water Intake (FWI):
FWI kg/d= -10.34 + 0.2296 � dietary %DM+2.212 � DMI kg/d + 0.03944
� dietary CP (%DM)
Total Water Intake (TWI):
TWI kg/d= 35.19 + 0.9823 � FWI (kg/d) - 0.011 �BW(kg) + 1.0817 � DMI(kg/d)
+ 1.184 � dietary CP(%DM) - 0.03881 � dietary CP(%DM)
- 0.9963 �
dietary %DM + 0.005488 � dietary %DM
Fecal Water (FW):
FW kg/d= 5.52 + 1.32 � DMI (kg/d) + 0.0384 x dietary %DM
Apparently Absorbed Water (AAW):
AAW kg/d= TWI – FW
(Holter and Urban, 1992)

Page 50
Daily urinary estrogenic excretion was then calculated as the product of urinary
E2-eq concentration and urine output.
Statistical analysis
Plasma 17-β E2 concentration, and concentrations and excretion of 17-β E2 and
E2-eq in feces and urine were analyzed using the Mixed procedure of SAS (9.1, 2003)
with the model:
Yij = � + Hi + Dj + eij
� = overall mean;
Hi = effect of heifer (i = 1 to 7);
Dj = effect of day of estrous cycle (d= -12, -6, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 6, 12); and
eij = error (heifer by day interaction)
Data are reported as least squares means (LSM) � SE. Significance was
declared at P < 0.05 and trends at P < 0.10.
Estrogen and estrogenic activity
Plasma 17-β E2 was low (< 2.5 pg/mL) throughout proestrus, metestrus, and
diestrus and peaked at 22.9 pg/mL � 2.4 (Effect of day P < 0.0001; Table 3.2, Figure
3.2); the day of peak plasma 17-β E2 was deemed d 0 of estrous. Fecal 17-β E2 and
urine 17-β E2 were not significantly different throughout the estrous cycle. Fecal and
urine E2-eq concentrations rose in the days leading up to estrus, peaked on d 1 of
estrous (113 �g/mL � 14; 108 �g/mL � 13), and declined after d 1 of estrous (> 10

Page 51
�g/mL). Patterns of daily excretion were similar to daily sample concentrations (Table
3.3, Figure 3.3), peaking at 101 mg/d � 11 (feces) and 129 mg/d � 16 (urine).
There is little published data on estrogen excretion by cattle during estrous.
Using thin layer chromatography and gas liquid chromatography measurement
techniques, Gaverick et al. (1971) observed that urinary estradiol (E2) excretion was
highest on day of estrus (42 ng/mg creatinine) and nearly as high on the day following
estrus (37 ng/mg creatinine) and the 2 days preceding estrus (28 and 29 ng/mg
creatinine). This pattern was not observed in the current study, with distinct increases in
urine and fecal estrogenic activity on the day following estrus.
The observed pattern of plasma 17-β E2 concentrations reflects expected
ovarian release of E2 in response to stimulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary-
uterus axis to induce estrus, and the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge (Behl, 2001).
During estrus, E2 concentrations spike following ovulation of the Graafian follicle and
then decline to low concentrations throughout the estrous cycle when gonadotropin
concentrations are low (Senger, 1999). The pulse like release of LH and 17-β E2 as well
as secretion coinciding with the triphasic growth of the Graafian follicles may cause
differences in estrogen excretion between animals (Cupps et al., 1959; Asdell, 1960;
Bane and Rajakoski, 1961).
Secretion of estrogens from the ovaries varies during the estrous cycles. As part
of their four-ring molecular structure, natural steroidal estrogens contain an aromatic A-
and D-ring structure from which key structural differences arise. These structural
differences allow for the addition of functional groups on the C-16 and C-17 positions.
E1 has one hydroxyl group on C-3, E2 has an additional hydroxyl group on C-17, and

Page 52
estriol has additional hydroxyl groups on C-16 and C-17 (Hanselman et al., 2003).
Potency varies with chemical structure with 17-β E2 the most potent natural estrogen.
E1 has a relative potency to 17-β E2 of 0.38 and estriol has a relative potency to 17-β
E2 of 2.4x10-3 (Rutishauser et al., 2004). Interconversions occur between various
estrogens, and their half-life varies, likely influencing the estrogenic activity of the
manure following excretion.
Shaikh (1971) characterized secretion rates of estrone (E1) and E2 during the
estrous cycle of rats. He observed that E2 was secreted from the ovaries at a rate of
432 pg/h/ovary during proestrus and metestrus, increasing 11-fold during estrus, and
increasing 4-fold during diestrus (Shaikh, 1971). Henricks et al. (1983) calculated the
half-life of three types of estrogens in cattle: E1, 17-α estradiol (17-α E2), and 17-β E2.
E1 has a half-life of 2.41 h, while 17-β E2’s half-life is 0.84 h, and 17-α E2’s half-life is
0.71 h (Henricks et al., 1983). Secreted estrogens are transformed during metabolism
(details below) and these interconversions and differences in relative potencies of the
estrogens likely influence the estrogenic activity of manure.
In pregnant cows, fecal estrogens have been reported to range from 256 to 7300
�g/cow/d (Hanselman et al., 2003). Using HPLC separation techniques and RIA
quantification, Hoffman et al. (1997) reported that fecal concentrations of E1, 17- α E2,
and 17- β E2 excretion were low in the early days of pregnancy (~ 6 ng/g) and steadily
increased with days of pregnancy, peaking at ~ 100 ng/g 5 d prior to parturition. Fecal
17-β E2 concentration in feces (≤ 1.1 ng/g) were low during the early stages of
pregnancy (-240 to -160 d before parturition). These values are similar to the fecal

Page 53
concentrations reported by M�stl et al. (1984) (10 to 180 ng/g), and less than fecal
concentrations reported by Desaulniers et al. (1989) (20 to 2600 ng/g).
Urinary estrogens range from 320 to 104,320 �g/cow/d (Hanselman et al., 2003).
Erb et al. (1968) observed that total urinary estrogen excretion by pregnant cows
increased throughout pregnancy from 123 to 3,402 �g/h/500 kg BW. Hoffman et al.
(1997) observed low 17-β E2 concentration in urine (< 0.002 ng/mosmol) during the
early stages of pregnancy (-240 to -160 d before parturition), similar to the low
concentrations observed in the current study.
Relative proportions of the different estrogenic compounds vary between urine
and feces. Hoffman et al. (1997) reported that in urine, estrone was the primary
excreted estrogen (89.9% of total estrogens), followed by 17-α E2 (9.1%) and 17-β E2
(1%). In feces 17-α E2 was the primary excreted estrogen (56.7%), followed by 17- β E2
(32%) and E1 (11.3%). These differences account for the similarity in estrogenic activity
of feces and urine samples despite the ~2 fold higher E2 content of feces (Table 3.2).
Differences in quantification by RIA and YES
Observed 17-β E2 concentrations in the urine and feces are lower than the E2-eq
concentrations most likely due to hepatic metabolism. Estradiol is conjugated into six
different families of compounds: glucuronides, catechols, sulfates, fatty acid esters,
hydroxylated metabolites, and E1 (Zhu and Conney, 1998). Hoffman et al. (1997)
characterized urinary and fecal estrogen excretion during various stages of pregnancy.
Utilizing HPLC separation techniques and RIA quantification, they observed that the
estrone (89.9%) was the primary excreted estrogen, followed by 17-α E2 (9.1%) and 17-
β E2 (1%). In feces 17-α E2 (56.7%) was the primary excreted estrogen, followed by 17-

Page 54
β E2 (32%) and E1 (11.3%) (Hoffman et al., 1997). 17-β E2 concentration in feces (< 2.0
ng/g) and urine (< 0.002 ng/mosmol) were low during the early stages of pregnancy (-
240 to -160 d before parturition), similar to the low concentrations observed in the
current study. Estrone sulfate is the major urinary estrogen, while free estrogens are
dominant in the feces (Hoffman et al., 1997).
The lag between peak plasma 17-β E2 onset and peak urine and feces
estrogenic activity may be due to typical metabolism of estrogen within the body.
Estrogens are stored in the liver before passing to the kidney for excretion, or are
conjugated and metabolized then pass into the gastrointestinal tract via bile. Kaltenbach
et al. (1976) used radiolabeled E2 (dpm/10g tissue converted to pg/g) to asses E2
metabolism in heifers and observed greatest radioactivity in the liver and kidney (6,600
pg/g � 1290, 4,740 pg/g � 1390) and lower radioactivity in muscle (360 pg/g � 50).
Clearly the liver and kidney store and concentrate estrogens, releasing them in a
pattern that lags behind rate of secretion. Bacterial conversion in the intestinal tract,
entrance of estrogens into the bowel directly from circulation through the intestinal wall,
and further conjugation and metabolism may also account for the lag pattern of
excretion (Mellin and Erb, 1965).
Literature values are generally lower than those observed in the current study.
This is largely due to the low sensitivity of earlier quantitative techniques, inadequate
purification, and extraction methods (Mellin and Erb, 1965) and most importantly,
differences in target compounds. The YES bioassay detects total estrogenic activity;
while past studies quantified individual compounds with RIA or fluorometric assays. The
appropriate quantification method measure depends on the goal of the study;

Page 55
measurement of total estrogenic activity allows for assessment of relative environmental
risk and may be more useful in development of best management practices (BMPs) to
reduce estrogen losses from livestock farms.
Fecal and urine estrogenic activity peaked on d 1 of estrous, while there were no
clear patterns for excretion of 17- β E2. The disconnect between observed patterns of
estrogenic activity in excreta during estrous and relatively consistent 17- β E2 content in
those samples is likely due to hepatic and gastrointestinal metabolism of estrogens to
other compounds with estrogenic activity. Bioassay measurements of total estrogenic
activity of manure reflect potential environmental risk more accurately than
measurement of specific estrogenic compounds. Variation in manure estrogens with
physiological status should be considered when instituting BMPs for control of estrogen
losses from farms.
The authors would like to thank Lee Johnson for assistance with RIA analysis,
Wendell Khunjar for trouble shooting the YES bioassay, and Karen Hall and Matt Utt for
assistance with interpretation. The work of Shane Brannock, Chris Brown, Curtis
Caldwell, Rachael Dunn, Dana Gochenour, Jamie Jarrett, Ashley Jones, Katharine
Pike, Partha Pratim Ray, William Saville, and Abigail Schmidt is greatly appreciated.

Page 56
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Page 59
Table 3.1 Ingredient composition of diet.
% of DM
Corn silage
Soybean hulls
Wheat midds
Cottonseed hulls
Corn gluten feed
Dried distillers grain
Corn, dried and ground
Cottonseed meal
Soybean meal, high protein
Vitamin and Mineral Mix2
Nutrient composition
1 All ingredients except corn silage were combined to form a pre mix added
to the corn silage daily.
2 Contained: 43.6% Potassium/Magnesium Sulfate, 25% Selenium, 12.5%
Vitamin E, 6.3% Bovatec, 160,000 mg/kg Zn, 150,000 mg/kg Mn, 4,000
mg/kg Cu, 3,500 mg/kg I, 1,600 mg/kg Co, 26,400 kIU/kg vitamin A, 8,800
kIU/kg vitamin D, and 4,400 kIU/kg vitamin E.

Page 60
Figure 3.1 Sample selection for RIA and YES analysis. Shaded in grey are days of
estrous cycle from which fecal and urine samples were analyzed.
Day of Estrous Cycle
-12 -11 -10 -9
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1

Page 61
Table 3.2 Effect of day of estrous on estrogen concentrations.
Day of Estrous Cycle
-12 -6
12 SEM1
Plasma E2 (pg/mL)
1.7 0.9 0.9 1.6 22.9 2.5 1.5
1.1 0.9 2.4 < 0.001
Feces E2 (pg/mL)
10.8 11.4 11.8 14.1 13.6 14.5 23.5 19.4 21.5 1.6
Feces E2-eq (�g/mL) 11
20 36 79
90 113 90
14 10
< 0.001
Urine E2 (pg/mL)
4.9 4.9 3.4 8.1 4.9 5.5 3.4
4.8 3.2 0.5
Urine E2-eq (�g/mL)
17 24 68
82 108 70
15 12
< 0.001
1 SEM = standard error of the mean

Page 62
Figure 3.2 Effect of day of estrous on estrogen concentrations in dairy heifers. =
Feces E2-eq (g/mL); = Urine E2-eq (g/mL); = Plasma E2 (pg/mL).
l E
Day of Estrous Cycle

Page 63
Table 3.3 Effect of day of estrous on estrogen excretion and 17-β pool size.
Day of Estrous
-12 -6 -2 -1
6 12 SEM1
Plasma E2 (ng)
19 11 11 18 262
27 18 13
15 < 0.001
Feces E2 (ng/d)
10 12 15 17
17 29 20 24
Feces E2-Eq (mg/d) 12 24 33 90
95 132 101 14 10
16 < 0.001
Urine E2 (ng/d)
53 54 37 77
65 42 56 40
Urine E2-Eq (mg/d)
7 21 30 82 101 129 88 18 15
15 < 0.001
1SEM = standard error of the mean

Page 64
l S
l E
Day of Estrous
Figure 3.3 Effect of day of estrous on estrogen excretion and 17-β E2 pool size in
dairy heifers. = Feces E2-eq (mg/d); = Urine E2-eq (mg/d); = Plasma 17-β E2

Page 65
Chapter 4: Effect of diet on fecal and urinary estrogen excretion
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has identified estrogens
from animal feeding operations as a major environmental concern, but little data is
available quantifying estrogen excretion by dairy cattle. The objectives of this study
were to quantify variation in estrogenic activity in feces and urine due to increased
dietary inclusion of phytoestrogens. Ten Holstein heifers were randomly assigned to
treatment sequence in a two-period crossover design to evaluate the effect of diet on
estrogen excretion. Dietary treatments consisted of grass hay or red clover hay, and
necessary supplements. Total collection allowed for sampling of feed refusals, feces,
and urine during the last 4 d of each period. Feces and urine samples were pooled by
heifer and period and extracted using a base extraction technique, and estrogenic
activity was quantified using the Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) bioassay. Fecal and
urine samples from five heifers were also analyzed using LC/MS/MS to quantify the
excretion of specific phytoestrogenic compounds. Excretion of estrogenic equivalents in
feces and urine was higher for heifers fed red clover hay (84.4 and 120.2 mg/d) when
compared to those fed grass hay (57.4 and 35.6 mg/d). Liquid chromatography-double
mass spectrometry analysis of feces indicated that heifers fed red clover hay excreted
more equol, genistein, daidzein and formononetin (1634.0, 29.9, 96.3, 162.8 mg/d) than
heifers fed grass hay (340.3, 3.0, 46.2, 18.3 mg/d). Diet had no effect on fecal biochanin
A or coumestrol or any of the phytoestrogens detected in urine (2-carbethoxy-5, 7-
dihydroxy-4’-methoxyisoflavone, daidzein and formononentin). Identifying sources of

Page 66
variation in estrogenic activity of manure will aid in the development of practices to
reduce environmental estrogen accumulation.
Key words: red clover, phytoestrogen, excretion, heifer

Page 67
The effect of dietary inclusion of phytoestrogens on estrogenic excretion needs to
be researched to decrease estrogen losses for farms. High concentrations of
phytoestrogens in the diet have negative reproductive effects in ruminant females,
because of their ability to initiate estrogen-like effects in animal tissue (Smith et al.,
1979; Adams et al., 1988, Sharma et al., 1992; Adams, 1995, Mazur, 2000). When
these chemicals enter surface water they may functionally disrupt the endocrine system
of organisms exposed to them, making them endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
(Nichols et al., 1997; Crisp et al., 1998; Finlay-Moore et al., 2000; Jenkins et al., 2006).
Phytoestrogens are widely recognized as being responsible for growth and reproductive
impairment in aquatic species when discharged into water (Harrison et al., 1995; Crisp
et al., 1998,).
Research on phytoestrogens is extensive but the effect of phytoestrogens on the
total estrogenic activity of animal excretions has not been assessed. Shutt et al. (1970)
observed that feeding red clover, a plant high in phytoestrogens, to sheep increased
excretion of phytoestrogens in feces and urine. With Shutt et al. (1970) focused on
metabolism of phytoestrogens in the rumen rather than excretion, minimal data is
provided about estrogenic activity of the manure. Moreover, there is limited published
work in cows and research utilizing bioassays to evaluate feedstuffs for estrogenic
activity has fallen to the wayside, although more sensitive bioassays are now available.
Therefore, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of diet on the
estrogenic activity of feces and urine, and to quantify the excretion of estrogenically
active compounds.

Page 68
Holstein heifers (n=10) averaging 18.1 � 1.7 (�SD) m of age, 103 � 16.9 d
pregnant, and 413.9 � 44.5 kg BW were randomly assigned to a treatment sequence
and balanced for days pregnant and age in a two-period crossover design. Dietary
treatments consisted of grass hay or red clover hay, with a fixed amount of a byproduct-
based concentrate to meet the heifers’ nutrient requirements (NRC, 2001; Table 4.1).
The experiment consisted of two periods, each lasting 14 d. The first 10 d served as an
acclimation period to the diet followed by 4 d of total collection. During diet acclimation
heifers were fed in a Calan door system in a free stall barn (American Calan;
Northwood, NH) and feed offered was recorded daily. All procedures and protocols
were conducted under the approval of the Virginia Tech Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee.
Total Collection
Total collection of feed refusals, feces, and urine was conducted during the last 4
d of each period, with four, 24 h total collections during each period. On d 9 of the diet
acclimation period heifers were fitted with a urinary catheter (22 French, 75 cc; C.R.
Bard, Inc., Covington, GA) and moved into metabolism stalls for a 24 h adaptation to
both the metabolism stall and the catheter. The urinary catheter was connected to
Tygon tubing (Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, Mickelton, NJ) that drained into a
sealed, clean plastic 12 L jug. Every 6 h, feces were removed from behind the heifer
and placed into plastic containers. Feces and urine were weighed daily, mixed
thoroughly, and sub-sampled. All excreta samples were stored at -20�C until analysis.

Page 69
Feed offered and refused was recorded during the collection periods and feed was
sampled on the final day of total collection.
Sample Processing and Analysis
Feed samples were collected on d 4 of total collection. Samples were dried at
60�C to a constant weights and then ground through a 1 mm screen in a Wiley mill
(Arthur A. Thomas, Philadelphia, PA). These samples were then analyzed in duplicate
for K, Cl, Na, P, Ca, and Mg (AOAC, 1984).
Daily fecal samples were pooled to one sample per collection period, weighted
by daily excretion (wet basis) for each heifer, then extracted using a base extraction
technique described by Zhao et al. (2009). In brief, 10 g of feces were diluted with 30 g
of water. Aliquots (1.0 mL) of this mixture were placed into four, 16x100 pyrolyzed glass
test tubes and mixed with 1.5 mL of NaOH (1N) and 1.5 mL chloroform to solubilize the
estrogens. Tubes were vortexed twice for 20 s and centrifuged (2500 x g for 20 min).
The chloroform phases were pooled; 1.0 mL was aliquoted into four test tubes and
mixed with 180 �L of 90% acetic acid, to lower the pH to 4.4, and 3.0 mL toluene. Tubes
were vortexed twice for 20 s and centrifuged (2500 x g for 20 min). Samples were
stored overnight at -20�C to enhance phase separation. The toluene phase was
decanted into clean tubes and stored at -20�C. The toluene extraction was repeated on
the chloroform phase. Toluene phases were combined, evaporated to dryness using N2
gas (Organomation; Berlin, MA) to concentrate the estrogens, and stored at -20�C.

Page 70
Specific gravity of fecal samples was measured (Lupton and Ferrell, 1986) to convert
estrogen content (wt/vol) to excreted quantities.
Daily urine samples were pooled to one sample per collection period, weighted
by daily excretion (wet basis) for each heifer, then extracted using a base extraction
technique described by Zhao et al. (2009) and outlined above. Specific gravity of urine
samples was measured (Myers and Beede, 2009) to convert estrogen content (wt/vol)
to excreted quantities.
Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) Bioassay
Extracted feces and urine samples were analyzed for total estrogenicity using the
YES bioassay following the procedure developed by Routledge and Sumpter (1996)
and modified for use in dairy waste (Zhao et al., 2009). In brief, a recombinant yeast
strain (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing the human estrogen receptor (hER) gene
and a chromogenic reporter system was used to measure total estrogenic activity,
expressed as 17-β E2 equivalents (E2-eq). In the recombinant strain, the estrogen
response elements are located on an extrachromosomal plasmid and regulate the
expression of a lacZ reporter gene, which produces β-galactosidase when transcription
is activated. When the estrogen receptor element binds with estrogens and estrogen-
like compounds in the sample of interest, amount of estrogenic activity can be quantified
by color change by β-galactosidase (Routledge and Sumpter, 1996).
The assay was carried out in a laminar flow hood (Contamination Control INC;
Lansdale, PA). Evaporated sample extracts were re-suspended with 1.0 mL of absolute
EtOH. In sterile flat-bottomed 96-well microtiter plates (Becton Dickinson Labware;

Page 71
Franklin Lakes, NJ) 100 �L of the re-suspended sample was serially diluted and 10 �L
of each serial dilution was aliquoted in triplicate. Plates were allowed to evaporate to
dryness in air before 200 �L of assay medium containing yeast cells (grown to an
absorbance of 1.0 at 620 nm) and chlorophenol red-β-D-galactopyranoside (CPRG)
were added to each well (Holbrook et al., 2002). The plates were sealed and incubated
at 32�C for 24 hr and then at room temperature for 12 hr. Color density was quantified
by measuring the absorbance at 575 nm and cellular density was quantified at an
absorbance of 620 nm (�Quant BioTek Instruments, INC; Winooski, VT). Duplicates of
each extracted sample were run on the same plate. Each plate also contained a 17-β
E2 standard curve (>98% purity, Sigma Chemical Company; St. Louis, MO) ranging
from 976 to 125000 ng/mL. Daily fecal estrogenic excretion was calculated as the
product of fecal E2-eq concentration and fecal output. Daily urinary estrogenic excretion
was calculated as the product of urinary E2-eq concentration and urinary output.
LC/MS/MS analysis
Feces and urine samples from five heifers throughout the two periods, and
samples of both hays from both periods were analyzed using LC/MS/MS. Feces and
urine samples were pooled as before, freeze-dried (Freezone Plus 6, Labconco;
Kansas City, MO), and ground using mortar and pestle. Hay samples were dried at
55�C for 48 h in a forced air oven and ground with a Wiley mill (1-mm screen; Arthur H.
Thomas; Philidephia, Pa). Triplicate aliquots (0.5 g) of sample were mixed with
hydramatrix (Varian, Inc; Palo Alto, CA) using mortar and pestle until the mixture was
uniform. Samples were extracted in amber bottles using 50:50 (vol/vol) isopropyl
alcohol/water (10 mL), vortexed, heated (45�C for 1 h), rotated (1 h), vortexed again,

Page 72
and centrifuged (150 rpm for 10 minutes). The supernatant was decanted into a clean
amber bottle and refrigerated overnight. The extraction was repeated, after which the
supernatants were combined and evaporated to half the original volume with N2 gas.
500 �L of the extract was transferred to vials (Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Santa Clara,
CA) and stored until analysis. Samples were spiked according to a standard spiking
A liquid chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Santa Clara, CA) coupled to
a Micromass Quatro Micro triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC/MS/MS) (Waters
Inc.; Milford, MA) was used for quantitative analysis of selected phytoestrogens:
genistein, daidzein, equol, formononetin, coumestrol, biochanin A, and 2-carbethoxy-
5,7-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone. These phytoestrogens were selected for analysis
based on reported presence in red clover hay and other feedstuffs. Two mobile phases
were used (mobile phase A consisted of distilled/deionized water, while mobile phase B
consisted of methanol) at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min through the Waters Atlantis dC18
3�m, 30 x 150 mm column (Waters Inc.: Milford, MA). An isocratic pump was used after
the liquid chromatography column with 10 mM ammonium hydroxide as a mobile phase
flowing at a rate of 0.1 mL/min. MassLynx (Waters Inc.; Milford, MA) was used as the
data acquisition interface.
Statistical Analysis
Estrogenic activity and excretion of E2-eq in feces and urine
Concentrations and excretion of E2-eq in feces and urine were analyzed using
the Mixed procedure of SAS (9.1, 2003) with the model:
Yij = � + Hi + Pj + Dk + eijk

Page 73
� = observed mean;
Hi = effect of heifer (i = 1 to 10);
Pj = effect of period (d= 1 to 2);
Dk = effect of diet (k= red clover, grass); and
eij = error (interaction of heifer and diet)
Data were reported as least squares means (LSM) � SE. Significance was
declared at P < 0.05 and trends at P < 0.10.
Concentrations of phytoestrogens in feces and urine
Concentrations of phytoestrogens in feces and urine were analyzed using the
Mixed procedure of SAS (9.1, 2003) with the same model as above with one
Hi = effect of heifer (i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Data were reported as LSM � SE. Significance was declared at P < 0.05 and
trends at P < 0.10.
Effect of diet on estrogenic activity of feces and urine
DMI significantly increased with feeding of grass hay (P <0.01; Table 4.2).
Feeding of grass hay significantly increased DM digestibility (P = 0.04; Table 4.2).
Feeding red clover significantly increased urinary output when compared to grass hay
(P < 0.01; Table 4.2). The effect of diet on urine output was likely due to higher protein
content of red clover diets (13.7 vs 12.6%). The increase in urine output here (3.1 kg/d

Page 74
with 0.9 unit increase in dietary protein) is somewhat greater than the increases of 1.0
to 1.9 L/d per percentage unit increase in dietary protein observed by Dinn et al. (1998)
and Leonardi et al. (2003). Furthermore, increased concentrations of Na and K increase
urine output because of the kidney’s regulation of urinary excretion of these to maintain
electrolyte homeostasis. (Berliner et al., 1950; Pickering, 1965). Concentrations of Na
and K were higher in the red clover hay (0.08% of DM and 1.0% of DM) than in the
grass hay (0.06% of DM and 0.81% of DM). Fecal output was not significantly affected
by diet (P < 0.7; Table 4.2).
Feeding red clover hay significantly increased both urinary E2-eq concentrations
(P = 0.01; Table 4.3) and daily urinary excretion of estrogenic equivalents (P = 0.01;
Table 4.3) when compared to grass hay. Similarly, feces from heifers fed red clover hay
tended to have greater E2-eq concentrations (P = 0.06; Table 4.3) and fecal excretion of
estrogenic equivalents (P = 0.08; Table 4.3).
Limited data is available on the effect of dietary inclusion of red clover on
estrogen excretion in feces and urine and no data is available on the effect of diet on
E2-eq excretion. Shutt et al. (1970) observed total phytoestrogen excretion in urine of
3820 mg/d for sheep fed red clover hay, while sheep fed subterranean clover (a less
estrogenic legume) excreted 56 mg/d of total phytoestrogens in urine. Total
phytoestrogen excretion in feces equaled 250 mg/d for sheep fed red clover hay, as
compared to 11 mg/d for sheep fed subterranean clover (Shutt et al., 1970).
Furthermore, substantial metabolism of specific phytoestrogens was observed.
Formononetin was converted to equol in the rumen by the microbial population; this

Page 75
conversion to equol resulted in high concentrations of equol in urine and the feces
despite the lack of detectable equol in the diet (Shutt et al., 1970).
In the current study, intake of genistein, daidzein, and formononetin significantly
increased with feeding of red clover hay while intake of biochanin A was higher in
heifers fed grass hay (Table 4.5). Concentrations of daidzein and formononetin in feces
tended to increase with feeding of red clover hay (P = 0.07; Table 4.4); daily fecal
excretion of these two and of genistein significantly increased with feeding of red clover
(Table 4.5). The concentration of equol and coumestrol in feces significantly increased
with feeding of red clover although it was not detected in the diet (Table 4.4). Biochanin
A and 2-carbethoxy-5,7-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone were detected in feces but
neither concentration nor excretion of these via feces were affected by diet (Table 4.4).
Daidzein, equol, formononetin, and 2-carbethoxy-5,7-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone
were detected in urine but urinary concentrations and excretion of these were not
affected by diet (Table 4.4, Table 4.5). Quantitative comparison of total excretion of
specific compounds to intake of each compound suggests that equol and daidzein were
produced at the expense of the other four measured compounds.
Thangavelu et al. (2008) observed increased excretion of three phytoestrogens
(secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) and its metabolites, enterolactone and
enterodiol) by cows with increased dietary inclusion of phytoestrogens. Quantification of
the phytoestrogens was via GC-MS. Inclusion of flaxseed (10% of DM), a rich source of
SDG, resulted in increases in fecal and urinary concentrations of SDG in cows. Fecal
SDG concentrations averaged 34.7 �g/g for the flaxseed diet (P < 0.01), but did not
increase SDG concentrations in urine. In humans and rats, dietary flaxseed increases

Page 76
concentrations of all three compounds in feces and urine (Wang, 2002), but the
complexity and difference in digestive physiology of ruminants make metabolic
pathways of these phytoestrogens vastly different than those in monogastrics
(Thangavelu et al., 2008).
Steinshamn et al. (2008) observed higher milk concentrations of biochanin A,
equol, and formononetin in cows fed red clover silage than those fed white clover silage;
the change in equol was most sizeable. Steinshamn et al. (2008) highlighted the lack of
understanding of the mechanism of phytoestrogen recovery from feed.
There was a tendency for the effect of period to be significant in fecal E2-eq
concentrations (P = 0.06; Figure 4.1) and fecal excretion of estrogenic equivalents (P =
0.08; Table 4.3) occurred in the second period. Fecal equol concentrations tended to
increase in the first period (Effect of period P < 0.08; Figure 4.1). The biological
explanation for these is not apparent but undetected variation in the estrogenic activity.
Period did not affect urinary concentrations of any of the compounds or estrogenic
activity of urine.
Differences in quantification by YES bioassay and LC/MS/MS
Observed changes in content of specific phytoestrogens were reflected in
changes in total estrogenic activity of feces and urine samples. The YES bioassay
produced E2-eq concentrations lower than the sum of the phytoestrogen concentrations
quantified by LC/MS/MS (data not shown). This disparity may result from low binding
affinities of the phytoestrogenic compounds in the samples to the mammalian
expression vector used in the YES bioassay. Kuiper et al. (1998) determined relative
binding affinities of several phytoestrogens relative to 17-β E2. Compounds with the

Page 77
highest relative binding affinity were coumestrol (73.5%) and genistein (26.2%).
Daidzein, formononetin, and biochanin A had binding affinities less than 1%. These
values are slightly higher than the relative binding affinities quantified by Shutt and Cox
(1972) using cytosol of sheep uteri as the indicator: coumestrol (5%), genistein (0.9%),
daidzein (0.1%), and equol (0.4%) The relatively low binding affinity of phytoestrogen to
the estrogen receptor explains the difference in magnitude of estrogenic activity
quantification by the YES bioassay.
Also estrogenic activity may be underestimated by the YES bioassay due to the
presence of chemicals in the sample that are toxic or antagonistic to the yeast cells
(Nakada et al., 2005). Nakada et al. (2004) observed that estrogenicity estimated by the
YES bioassay was two- to ten-fold less than estrogenicity estimated by GC-MS
analysis. They concluded fractionation occurring in the column chromatography
separated any antagonistic or interfering chemicals from the estrogenic chemicals
allowing for more accurate quantification (Nakada et al., 2005).
Feeding red clover to dairy heifers increases the estrogenic activity of feces and
urine. The increase in dietary phytoestrogens resulted in increased excretion of five of
seven measured phytoestrogens in the feces. The low recovery of phytoestrogens in
the urine and feces while feeding red clover suggests that phytoestrogens are
metabolized to other compounds in the digestive tract. The increased excretion of
estrogenic equivalents in feces and urine of heifers fed red clover suggests that these
metabolites retain estrogenic activity. Diet needs to be considered when instituting best
management practices for control of estrogen losses from farms.

Page 78
The authors would like to thank the Organic Geochemistry Research Group at
the USGS in Lawrence, KS for assistance with LC/MS/MS method development for
phytoestrogen detection. The work of Shane Brannock, Curtis Caldwell, Rachael Dunn,
Dana Gochenour, Karen Hall, Ashley Jones, Katharine Pike, Partha Pratim Ray, William
Saville, and Abigail Schmidt during sample collection and analysis is greatly
Adams, N. R., M. R. Sanders, and A. J. Ritar. 1988. Oestrogenic damage and reduced
fertility in ewe flocks in south western Australia. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 39:71-77.
Adams, N. R. 1995. Detection of the effects of phytoestrogens on sheep and cattle. J.
Anim. Sci. 73:1509-1515.
Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1984. Official Methods of Analysis. 14th ed.
AOAC, Arlington, VA.
Berliner, R. W., T. J. J. R. Kennedy, and J. G. Hilton. 1950. Renal mechanisms for
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excretion from lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 81:229-237.
Holbrook, R. D., J. T. Novak, T. J. Grizzard, and N. G. Love. 2002. Estrogen receptor
agonist fate during wastewater and biosolids treatment processes: A mass balance
analysis. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36:4533-4539.
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B. van der Burg, and J. A. Gustafsson. 1998. Interaction of estrogenic chemicals and
phytoestrogens with estrogen receptor β. Endocrinology 139:4252-4263.
Leonardi, C., M. Stevenson, and L. E. Armentano. 2003. Effect of two levels of crude
protein and methionine supplementation on performance of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci.

Page 79
Mazur, W. 2000. Phytoestrogens: Occurence in Foods, and Metabolism of Lignans in
Man and Pigs. MD Dissertation. University of Helsinki, and Institute for Preventitive
Medicine, Nutrition, and Cancer, Helsinki.
Nakada, N., H. Nyunoya, M. Nakamura, A. Hara, T. Iguchi, and H. Takada. 2004.
Identification of estrogenic compounds in watsewater effluent. Environ. Toxicol.
Chem. 23:2807-2815.
Nakada, N., Y. Okayasu, M. Yasojima, K. Miyajima, K. Komori, Y. Suzuki, and H.
Tanaka. 2005. Fate of estrogenic compounds and estrogenic activity in wastewater
treatment process. Pages 298-304 in Proc. Water Environ. Fed. Washington, DC.
Water Environ. Fed., Alexandria, VA.
Pickering, E. C. 1965. The role of the kidney in sodium and potassium balance in the
cow. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 24:73-80.
Routledge E. J. and J. P. Sumpter. 1996. Estrogenic activity of surfactants and some of
their degradation products assessed using a recombinant yeast screen. Environ.
Toxicol. Chem. 15:241–248.
Sharma, O. P., H. Adlercreutz, J. D. Stanberg, B. R. Zirkin, D. S. Coffey, and L. L.
Ewing. 1992. Soy of dietary source plays a preventive role against the pathogenesis
of prostatitis in rats. J. Steroid Biochem. Molec. Biol. 43:557-564.
Shutt, D. A., R. H. Weston, and J. P. Hogan. 1970. Quantitative aspects of
phytooestrogen metabolism in sheep fed on subterranean clover (Trifolium
subterraneum cultivar clare) or red clover (Trifolium pretense). Austr. J. Agricul. Res.
Shutt, D.A., and R.I. Cox. 1972. Steroid and phytoestrogen binding to sheep uterine
receptors in vitro. Endocrinology 52:299–310.
Smith, J. F., K. T. Jagusch, L. F. C. Brunswick, and R. W. Kelly. 1979. Coumestans in
lucerne and ovulation in ewes. N. Z. J. Agric. Res. 22:411-416.
Steinshamn, H., S. Purup, E. Thuen, and J. Hansen-Moller. 2008. Effects of clover-
grass silages and concentrate supplementation on the content of phytoestrogens in
dairy cow milk. J. Dairy Sci. 91:2715-2725.
Thangavelu, G., M. G. Colazo, M. Oba, M. K. Dyck, E. K. Okine, and D. J. Ambrose.
2008. Fecal and urinary lignans, intrafollicular estradiol, and endometrial receptors in
lactating dairy cows fed diets supplemented with hydrogenated animal fat, flaxseed
or sunflower seed. J. Reprod. Dev. 54:439-446.
Wang, L.-Q. 2002. Mammalian phytoestrogens: enterodiol and enterolactone. J.
Chromatogr. B, Biomed Appl.777:289-309.

Page 80
Zhao, Z., Y. Fang, N. G. Love, and K. F. Knowlton. 2009. Biochemical and biological
assays of endocrine disrupting compounds in various manure matrices.
Chemosphere 74:551-555.

Page 81
Red clover diet2
Grass diet2
Red Clover Hay
Grass Hay
Wheat midds
Soybean hulls
Corn gluten feed
Dried distillers grain
Corn, dried and ground
Soybean meal, high protein
Vitamin and Mineral Mix3
Nutrient Composition
1 All ingredients except red clover and grass were provided as part of a pelleted
2 % of DM
3 Contained: 64.9% Salt, 13.26% Potassium/Magnesium sulfate, 7.28% Selenium, 5.30%
Phosphate dicalcium, 160,000 mg/kg Zn, 150,000 mg/kg Mn, 4,000 mg/kg Cu, 3,500
mg/kg I, 1,600 mg/kg Co, 26,400 kIU/kg vitamin A, 8,800 kIU/kg vitamin D, and 4,400
kIU/kg vitamin E.
Table 4.1 Ingredient composition of diet.

Page 82
Table 4.2 Effect of diet on DMI, DM digestibility, and excreta output.
Red Clover Diet
Grass Diet
DMI (kg/d)
DM digestibility (%)
Feces (kg/d)
Urine (kg/d)
1SEM = Standard error of the mean

Page 83
Table 4.3 Effect of diet on estrogenic activity and excretion of estrogenic
equivalents in feces and urine.
Red Clover Diet Grass Diet SEM1 P-value
Fecal E2-eq (�g/mL)
Fecal E2-eq (mg/d)
Urine E2-eq (�g/mL)
Urine E2-eq (mg/d)
1SEM = standard error of the mean

Page 84
Table 4.4 Effect of diet on excretion of phytoestrogenic compounds in excreta as
determined by LC/MS/MS.
Red Clover Diet Grass Diet
Biochanin A
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
1ND = not detectable

Page 85
Table 4.5 Effect of diet on phytoestrogenic compounds in feed and excreta as
determined by LC/MS/MS.
Red Clover Diet Grass Diet
Biochanin A
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
Fecal excretion
Urinary excretion
1ND = not detectable

Page 86
Fecal E2-eq
Fecal Equol
l E
l (�
l E
Period 1
Period 2
Figure 4.1 Effect of period on fecal estrogenic activity. Data are reported as
LSM � SE. Period effect was significant for fecal E2-eq (g/mL). Period effect
had a tendency to be significant for fecal equol (g/g) (P < 0.08).

Page 87
Appendix A
I. Stock solutions
A. Buffers
1. 0.2M Monobasic Sodium Phosphate: Dissolve 2.76 g NaH2PO4�H2O in H2O
and dilute to 100 mL.
2. 0.2M Dibasic Sodium Phosphate: Dissolve 2.84 g Na2HPO4 in H2O and
dilute to 100 mL.
3. 0.01M Phosphate buffered saline with gelatin (PBS-gel)
1 liter
250 mL
9 g
2.25 g
1 g
250 mg
1 g
Sodium Azide
250 mg
14 mL
.2M NaH
3.5 mL
36 mL
.2M Na
9 mL
9.16 mg
Phenol Red
2.29 mg
Add components to appropriate size beaker, dilute with slightly less than
total volume of H
O, adjust pH to 7.2, quantitatively transfer to appropriate
size volumetric flask (i.e., rinse into flask with H
O) and bring up to final

Page 88
volume with H
4. Phosphate buffered saline with gelatin and bovine serum albumin (PBS-
bsa). Weigh out 100 mg BSA (Sigma #A7030). Add a small amount of
PBS-gel (just enough to wet the powder) and mash with a glass stirring rod
to attain dissolution. Dilute to 100 mL with PBS-gel.
B. Standards (all standards should be stored at -20�C)
1. Stock A (100 �g/mL) - dissolve 10 mg E2 in EtOH and dilute to 100 mL
with EtOH.
2. Stock B (1 �g/mL) - dilute 1.0 ml Stock A to 100 mL with EtOH.
3. Stock C (100 ng/mL) - dilute 10.0 ml Stock B to 100 mL with EtOH.
4. Stock D (4000 pg/mL) - dilute 4.0 ml Stock C to 100 mL with EtOH.
C. Antiserum: Diagnostic Systems Laboratories Estradiol antibody (from Ultra-
Sensitive Estradiol RIA kit, DSL-4800)
D.125I – E2 Diagnostic Systems Laboratories 125I-Estradiol (from Ultra-Sensitive
Estradiol RIA kit, DSL-4800)
E. Precipitating solution: Diagnostic Systems Laboratories Precipitating Reagent
(from Ultra-Sensitive Estradiol RIA kit, DSL-4800)
F. Ether: Fisher Ethyl Ether Anhydrous #E138-4
III. Label tubes
A. Standards
1. One set of 12x75 glass tubes labeled: 1.5625, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50,
100, 200, 400

Page 89
2. Two sets of 12x75 glass tubes labeled: T, 0, N, .15625, .3125, .625, 1.25,
2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40
Note: These values are pg/tube. Below 1.25 is often not measurable.
B. Samples
1. One set 13x100 glass tubes labeled 12 - 69
2. Two sets of 12x75 glass tubes labeled 12 - 69
IV. Working standards
Note: The following procedure will make enough standards for two assays. The
volumes may be adjusted proportionately for more assays.
A. Pipette 100 �L Stock D (4000 pg/mL) into 12x75 tube labeled 400. Dry down
under air.
B. Reconstitute with 1000 �L EtOH. Cover with parafilm and let sit for at least 1
h with periodic gentle vortexing.
C. Pipette 500 �L EtOH into 12x75 tubes labeled 1.5625, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25,
50, 100 and 200.
D. Transfer 500 �L from the 400 tube to the 200 tube. Mix well. Repeat this
process from the 200 tube to the 100 tube, the 100 tube to the 50 tube, etc. to
finish the serial dilutions.
E. Pipette 100 �L aliquots from each tube into the two remaining sets of 12x 75
tubes (i. e. 100 �L of 400 into 40 etc.). Dry down under air. The T, N and 0
tubes get nothing at this point.

Page 90
F. Reconstitute ALL tubes with 100 �L PBS-gel. Vortex well. Cover with plastic
wrap and store at 4� C overnight.
V. Extraction
A. Set up Hamilton Digital Diluter for 3 mL ether and 500 �L sample
1. Ether - 5 mL syringe at 60%
2. Sample - 1 mL syringe at 50%
B. Dispense 3 mL ether only into first two 13x100 tubes (these are used to test
for an ether blank effect)
C. Dispense ether and Low E2 pool into next two tubes.
D. Dispense ether and High E2 pool into next two tubes.
E. Dispense ether and samples into remaining tubes.
F. Cover with plastic wrap and vortex 2 minutes on the rack vortexer.
G. Freeze in dry ice alcohol bath (do NOT put in ultra-low freezer).
H. Pour off ether into one set of 12x75 tubes.
I. Dry down under gentle stream of air.
J. Re-extract with 3 mL ether; vortex 2 minutes; freeze; pour ether into same
12x75 tubes; dry under air.
K. Rinse sides of tubes with 0.5 mL ether and dry down.
L. Reconstitute all tubes with 100 �L PBS-bsa. Vortex well. Cover with plastic
wrap and store at 4� C overnight.
VI. Assay
A. Reconstituted extracts from step K above were assayed directly

Page 91
B. Combine standard and sample tubes into one rack.
C. Add 30 �L E2 antibody to all tubes except T and N. Add 30�L PBS-gel to N
tubes. Vortex. Incubate at room temperature for 1 h.
D. Add 50 �L
I-E2 to ALL tubes. Vortex. Incubate at room temperature for 2 h.
E. Remove T tubes from rack and set aside. Add 1 mL precipitating solution to
ALL remaining tubes. Vortex. Incubate in centrifuge at 4� C for 20 minutes.
F. Centrifuge at 2500g for 20 minutes at 4� C.
G. Decant supernatant to waste container and allow tubes to drain inverted on
absorbent paper for 15 minutes. Gently blot the last drop onto dry absorbent
H. Count tubes for 1 minute.

Page 92
Appendix B
Preparation and storage of minimal media and medium components
Minimal medium and medium components prepared in glassware contaminated
with an oestrogenic chemical will lead to elevated background expression. Glassware,
spatulas, stirring bars, etc., must be scrupulously cleaned, and should not have had
prior contact with steroids. Rinse glassware, spatulas, stirring bars twice with absolute
ethanol, and leave to dry. Alternatively, wash twice with methanol, and once with
Minimal Medium (pH 7.1)
Add 13.61 g KH2PO4, 1.98 g (NH4) 2SO4, 4.2 g KOH pellets, 0.2 g MgSO4, 1 mL
Fe2(SO4)3 solution (40 mg/50 ml H2O), 50 mg L-leucine, 50 mg L-histidine, 50 mg
adenine, 20 mg L-arginine-HCl, 20 mg L-methionine, 30 mg L-tyrosine, 30 mg L-
isoleucine, 30 mg L-lysine-HCl, 25 mg L-phenylalanine, 100 mg L-glutamic acid, 150 mg
L-valine, and 375 mg L-serine to 1 L double-distilled water. Place on heated stirrer to
dissolve. Sterilize at 121�C for 10 min, and store at room temperature.
Prepare a 20% w/v solution. Sterilize in 50 mL aliquots at 121�C for 10 min. Store
at room temperature.
L-Aspartic Acid
Make a stock solution of 4 mg/mL. Sterilize in 50 mL aliquots at 121�C for 10
min. Store at room temperature.
Vitamin Solution

Page 93
Add 8 mg thiamine, 8 mg pyridoxine, 8 mg pantothenic acid, 40 mg inositol, and
20 mL biotin solution (2 mg/100 mL H2O) to 180 mL double-distilled water. Sterilize by
filtering through a 0.2-μm pore size disposable filter, in a laminar air flow cabinet. Filter
into sterile glass bottles in 10 mL aliquots. Store at 4�C.
L- Threonine
Prepare a solution of 24 mg/mL. Sterilize in 10 mL aliquots at 121�C for 10 min.
Store at 4�C.
Copper (II) Sulfate
Prepare a 20 mM solution. Sterilize by filtering through a 0.2-μm pore size filter,
in a laminar flow cabinet. Filter into sterile glass bottles in 50 mL aliquots. Store at room
Chlorophenol red-β-D-galactopyranoside (CPRG)
Make a 10 mg/mL stock solution. Sterilize by filtering through a 0.2-μm pore size
filter into sterile glass bottles, in a laminar flow cabinet. Store at 4�C.
Preparation and storage of yeast stock
Carry out all yeast work in a type II laminar flow cabinet.
Short term storage of yeast
Day 1
Prepare growth medium agar plate by adding 1 g of Difco agar to 90 mL minimal
media. Autoclave the mixture and temper it. Add 10 mL glucose solution, 2.5 mL L-
aspartic acid solution, 1.0 mL vitamin solution, 0.8 mL L-threonine solution, and 250 �L
copper (II) sulfate solution. Pour agar mixture into 4 sterile plates. Allow plates to set

Page 94
and place in 32�C incubator for 24 hours.
Day 2
Obtain small amount of yeast from long term storage stock. Place one drop onto
each of the four agar plates. Streak plates for isolation. Allow plates to dry slightly,
invert, and place in 32�C incubator. Once single colonies grow place plates in
refrigerator for one month.
Long term storage of yeast
Day 1
Prepare growth medium by combinig 45 mL minimal media, 5 mL glucose
solution, 1.25 mL L-aspartic acid solution, 0.5 mL vitamin solution, 0.4 mL L-threonine
solution, and 125 �L copper (II) sulfate solution. Obtain one colony from short term
storage agar plates and inoculate the growth media with it. Place media in 32�C
incubator until it reaches an absorbance of 1 (620nm).
Day 2
Transfer the culture to a sterile 50 mL conical tube. Centrifuge the conical tube
for 10 minutes (4�C at 2,000 x g). Decant the supernatant and resuspend the culture in
5 mL minimal media with 15% glycerol. Transfer 0.5 mL aliquots into cryovials, label,
and freeze at -80�C.

Page 95
Assay procedure
Carry out all yeast work in a type n laminar flow cabinet.
Day 1
Prepare growth medium by adding 5 mL glucose solution, 1.25 mL L-aspartic
acid solution, 0.5 mL vitamin solution, 0.4 mL L-threonine solution, and 125 �L copper
(II) sulfate solution to 45 mL minimal medium. Add 1 colony from short term storage
agar plate. Incubate at 32�C until it reaches an absorbance of 1 (620 nm).
Day 2
Serially dilute re-suspended samples and standard in 100 �L absolute ethanol in
a 96-well microtitre plate. Transfer 3 - 10 �L aliquots of each concentration to a 96-well
microtitre plate. Add 10 �L absolute ethanol (or appropriate solvent) to blank wells.
Leave chemicals in the assay plate to evaporate to dryness.
Prepare growth medium by adding 5 mL glucose solution, 1.25 mL L-aspartic
acid solution, 0.5 mL vitamin solution, 0.5 mL CPRG, 0.5 mL of yeast, 0.4 mL L-
threonine solution, and 125 �L copper (II) sulfate solution to 45 mL minimal medium.
Add 200 μl of the seeded assay medium to wells using a multi-channel pipette. Each
assay should contain a plate with one row of blanks (solvent and assay medium only)
and two rows of abiotics (assay medium without yeast added). Finally, each assay
should have a 17β - estradiol standard curve. Seal the plates with autoclave tape and
shake vigorously for 2 min. Incubate at 32�C for 24 hours.
Day 3
Shake the plates vigorously for 2 min, to mix and disperse the growing cells.
Place on bench top to develop further for 12 hours. Read the plates at an absorbance of

Page 96
575 nm and 620 nm suing a plate reader.
To correct for turbidity the following equation needs to be applied to the data:
Corrected value = chem. abs. (540 nm) - [chem. abs. (620 nm)-blank abs. (620 nm)]

Page 97
Appendix C
Extraction Procedure for Phytoestrogen Samples
1. Weigh out 3 0.5 grams of sample into labeled aluminum pans.
1 = Unspiked
2 = Before Spike
3 = After Spike
2. To each sample add 0.5 hydramatrix and combine sample and hydramatrix using
mortar and pestle until it is a uniform mixture.
3. Transfer samples to labeled 40mL amber bottles with septa.
4. Follow the spiking procedures to spike the unspiked, before spike, and after spikes.
5. Add 10mL of 50:50 (v/v) Isoprpyl Alcohol / Water to each sample. This is vial 1.
6. Vortex samples, and heat all samples at 45�C for one hour.
7. While samples are heating obtain a second set of labeled 40mL amber bottles with
septa and record weights as vial 2.
8. Vortex samples, rotate them for one hour, and vortex again.
9. Centrifuge samples at 1.5 rpm x 100 for 10 minutes.
10. Pour the top layer of the centrifuged samples into vial 2.
11. Add 10mL of 50:50 (v/v) Isoprpyl Alcohol / Water to each sample in vial 1.
12. Vortex samples, and heat all samples at 45�C for one hour.
13. Vortex samples, rotate samples for one hour, and vortex samples.
14. Centrifuge samples at 1.5 rpm x 100 for 10 minutes.
15. Pour the top layer of the centrifuged samples into vial 2.

Page 98
16. Follow the spiking procedures to spike the unspiked, before spike, and after spikes.
17. Weigh vial 2 and record.
18. Using nitrogen gas, blow each sample down to half the original weight of the extract.
19. Weigh each sample extract and determine which is the heaviest.
20. To each sample add enough water so that the weight of the extract equals that of
the heaviest extract. Record the amount of water added and the final weight.
21. Transfer 500�L of each sample into labeled clear Agilent vials and place in freezer
until ready to run.
Spiking Procedure for Phytoestrogen Samples
Before addition of the 10mL 50:50 (v/v) Isoprpyl Alcohol / Water:
To ALL Samples:
Add 100�L of the 1ng/�L LCHM surrogate standard
Add 200�L of the 1ng/�L LCPE d4-Genistein standard.
To the BEFORE SPIKE Samples:
Add 200�L of the 1ng/�L LCHM Analyte Standard Mix
Add 200�L of the 1ng/�L LCPE Analyte Standard Mix
After combining the two extracts:
To ALL Samples:
Add 100�L of the 1ng/�L LCHM Internal Standard
To the AFTER SPIKE Samples:
Add 200�L of the 1ng/�L LCHM Analyte Standard Mix
Add 200�L of the 1ng/�L LCPE Analyte Standard Mix