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International Journal of Science Academic Research
Vol. 05, Issue 03, pp.7100-7104, March, 2024
Available online at
ISSN: 2582-6425
Research Article
*Dr. Areeba Tariq, Dr. Uzair Ahmed Siddiqui, Asma Riaz, Noem Najam Syed and Salman Yousuf Sharif
Received 16th January 2024; Accepted 10th February 2024; Published online 18th March 2024
Meningioma is a CNS tumour with a moderate growth rate that arises from the meninges. (1) Meningiomas are produced by arachnoid cells that
are situated on the inner surface of the dura. Meningiomas are the most common primary CNS tumour, accounting for about 36% of cases and
53% of nonmalignant CNS tumours, with an incidence of 7.86 cases per 100,000 people each year (2, 3). In addition to symptoms from the mass
effect of the central nervous system, such as headache, patients with meningiomas also experience a variety of neurologic symptoms brought on
by the compression of surrounding central nervous system components. As a result, the type of symptoms is directly influenced by the tumour's
location. Meningiomas can develop in places where there are arachnoid cells, and their locations range from the para-sagittal region to the spine.
(4, 5). The management decisions depend on the particular characteristics of each area(6). For instance, patients with convexity meningiomas are
more likely to present with seizures as a baseline symptom compared to skull base meningiomas which result in a higher frequency of headaches,
anosmia, ocular deficits, and auditory deficits(7). The surgical care of these tumours has changed to demonstrate better results and decrease
mortality and surgical morbidity, but it is still linked to significant morbidity and problems. Microsurgical methods and surgical approaches to
these tumours have also improved. (8) The purpose of this prospective study is to investigate how the anatomical location of meningioma affects
the postoperative outcomes after its excision. Intriguing, in our opinion, is the analysis of the clinical outcomes of meningioma patients in a
setting of developing countries.
Keywords: Meningioma, Outcome , Location of meningioma, KPS.
A meningioma is a CNS tumor with a moderate growth rate
that arises from the meninges. (1) Meningiomas are produced
by arachnoid cells situated on the dura's inner surface.
Meningiomas are the most common primary CNS tumor,
accounting for about 36% of cases and 53% of nonmalignant
CNS tumors, with an incidence of 7.86 cases per 100,000
people each year(2,3). In addition to symptoms from the mass
effect of the central nervous system, such as headache, patients
with meningiomas also experience a variety of neurologic
symptoms brought on by the compression of surrounding
central nervous system components. As a result, the type of
symptoms is directly influenced by the tumor's location.
Meningiomas can develop anywhere where there are arachnoid
cells, and their locations range from the para-sagittal region to
the spine. (8)(4) The management decisions depend on the
particular characteristics of each area. (5) For instance, patients
with convexity meningiomas are more likely to present with
seizures as a baseline symptom compared to skull base
meningiomas which result in a higher frequency of headaches,
anosmia, ocular deficits, and auditory deficits (6). The surgical
care of these tumors has changed to demonstrate better results
and decrease mortality and surgical morbidity, but it is still
linked to significant morbidity and problems. Microsurgical
methods and surgical approaches to these tumors have also
improved. (7) This retrospective study aims to investigate how
the anatomical location of meningioma affects the
postoperative outcomes after its excision. Intriguing, in our
opinion, is the analysis of the clinical outcomes of meningioma
patients in a setting of developing countries.
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Areeba Tariq,
Liaquat National Hospital, Stadium Road, Karachi, 74800, Pakistan
Pre-operative data from 182 patients were obtained from the
patient records at Liaquat national hospital. Every patient who
underwent meningioma resection at Liaquat national hospital a
minimum of 6 months before the commencement of the study
was included. This was done to allow sufficient time for any
postoperative outcomes to be clinically apparent. All patients
who fit the inclusion criteria were followed up via phone call
to assess any improvement or worsening in their functional
capabilities after the surgery. If the patient could not be
contacted, their postoperative data were obtained from the
follow-up clinic files. Every patient whose postoperative data
could not be obtained or whose pre-operative data was
incomplete was excluded from the study, leaving us with a
final pool of 105 patients. 10 patients with spinal meningioma
were further excluded during the final analysis: making the
final study group of 95 patients. The Karnofsky Performance
Scale (KPS) in Figure 1 was used to evaluate a patient's
functional capabilities. Apart from biodata, the pre-operative
data provided us with the presenting symptoms to calculate the
presenting KPS and the anatomical location of the tumor,
which was assessed using MRI. An arbitrary classification for
the various anatomical locations on the brain was created
according to each part's relation to the cranial vault. Spinal
meningiomas were excluded from the study. The anatomical
classification of meningiomas used in this study and the
frequency of each type of meningioma is provided in Figure 2.
The symptoms obtained through the follow-up calls were used
to assess the postoperative KPS, and the main outcome was
evaluated as the change in KPS before and after the surgery. A
positive change represents an improvement, while a negative
change represents worsening functional capabilities. Further

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outcomes investigated independent of the KPS were the
resolution of the patient’s presenting complaints, recurrence of
the meningioma, or death. The data was analyzed using the
IBM SPSS software for a confidence interval of 95%.
Therefore, a P-value of less than 0.05 was considered to be
significant. Paired samples t-test was used to compare any
significant differences between the mean presenting KPS and
the mean postoperative KPS. ANOVA was used to compare
any significant difference between the various anatomical
categories relative to the change in KPS and the presenting
KPS. Fisher’s exact test was used for non-numeric outcomes,
including recurrence, resolution of presenting complaints, and
Normal no complaints; no evidence of disease
Able to carry on regular activity; minor signs or
symptoms of the disease
Normal activity with effort; some signs or
symptoms of the disease
Cares for self; unable to carry on a regular activity
or to do active work
Requires occasional assistance, but can care for
most of his personal needs
Requires considerable assistance and frequent
medical care
Disabled; requires special care and assistance
Severely disabled; hospital admission is indicated,
although death is not imminent
Very sick; hospital admission necessary; active,
supportive treatment necessary
Moribund; fatal processes progressing rapidly
Fig 1. KPS scale
Fig 2. Frequency of meningioma by location
Figure 3. Demographics as per location
Figure 4. Who grade as per meningioma location
Figure 5. Improvement in kps
Figure 6. Post-surgical outcomes as per location
Figures 3, 4,5, and 6 are representative of the prevalence of
non-numeric outcomes in our study population. Results of the
Fisher’s exact test (Table 1) show that there is no significant
relationship anatomical location of the meningioma does not
have a significant relationship to recurrence (P=0.808),
resolution of presenting complaints (P=0.104), and death
(P=1.000). Although the results of the paired samples t-test
(Table 2) reveal an overall statistically significant difference
between the mean values of the presenting KPS against the
postoperative KPS (P=0.000), the ANOVA results (Table 3)
International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 05, Issue 03, pp.7100-7104, March, 2024

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show that there is no significant difference in the change in
KPS between the different anatomical classes of the tumor
(P=0.126). Although this is not an outcome, our results show a
significant difference between the presenting KPS of the
various anatomical classes of meningiomas (Table 3)
(P=0.001). A posthoc analysis of the presenting KPS ANOVA
results (Table 4) displays that in our sample population, the
mean presenting KPS of spinal meningiomas (45.00) is
significantly worse compared to the means of all the other
classifications (P<0.05) barring posterior cranial fossa
meningioma (P=0.053).
Table 1. Fischer’s test:
Resolution of presenting complaints 0.104
Table 2. Paired T-test:
Standard deviation P-value
Presenting KPS-Post
operative KPS
- 15. 14 23.94
Table 3. ANOVA
Mean Standard
Degrees of
Presenting KPS
63.14 14.432
Change in KPS
15.14 23.944
Meningiomas are the most common brain tumors. They are
classified based on histology into 15 different types (9) as well
as via grades from 1 to grade 4(10) and location (11). it is
generally thought that tumors inaccessible locations have a
better prognosis than those at the base of the skull (12).
Similarly, meningiomas in eloquent areas are more likely to be
symptomatic than non-eloquent meningiomas (13). Clinical
presentation of meningioma differs by location (14).
Symptoms that are commonly seen are as follows: headache
(33.3–36.7%), focal cranial nerve deficit (28.8–31.3%), seizure
(16.9–24.6%), cognitive change (14.4%), weakness (11.1%),
vertigo/dizziness (9.8%), ataxia/gait change (6.3%),
pain/sensory change (5.6%), proptosis (2.1%), syncope (1.0%),
and asymptomatic (9.4%)(15-17). usually, skull base
meningiomas are more eliptogenic than non-skull base
meningiomas (18). Anterior cranial fossa meningiomas
(anterior falcine, olfactory groove, or orbitofrontal) are often
quite large at presentation and present with impaired vision
(54%), headache (48%), anosmia (40%), seizure (20%),
psychomotor symptoms, and behavioral disturbance with
personality disintegration (19-20). Parasagittal meningiomas
can grow considerably before being clinically evident and
mostly present with Jacksonian seizures of the lower limbs or
headaches. Anterior parasagittal meningiomas are
characteristically present with papilledema and homonymous
hemianopia. Tuberculum sellae meningiomas usually present
with insidious unilateral visual loss, followed by scotomatous
defects in the other eye. (21) Lateral sphenoid wing
meningiomas often present with painless unilateral
exophthalmos, followed by unilateral vision loss. Temporal
lobe meningiomas frequently presented with seizures.
Petroclival meningiomas can present with ataxia and cranial
nerve neuropathies such as trigeminal nerve impairment.
Clinoidal meningiomas are often present with a wide variety of
visual impairments, cranial nerve palsies, and exophthalmos.
Posterior cranial fossa meningiomas can develop obstructive
hydrocephalus and present with papilledema and early-
morning headache. Peritorcular meningiomas symptoms are
commonly caused by compression of the occipital lobe or the
cerebellum and present with a headache with occipital
localized pain, papilledema, and homonymous field deficits, as
well as ataxia, dysmetria, hypotonia, and nystagmus. Spinal
meningiomas, most common in the thoracic spine, present with
slowly progressive spastic paresis with or without radicular or
nocturnal pain. (19-20) Treatment of meningioma is mostly
surgical. The goal for surgery is GTR (Simpson I, GTR);
however, the ability to achieve this may be limited by various
factors, including tumor location, involvement of venous
sinuses and neurovascular tissue, and other patient factors
affecting the safety of surgery in general(21). These factors
influence the decision to pursue surgery, the surgical approach,
and the extent of resection (22). The extent of resection,
defined by the Simpson grade, heavily impacts the recurrence
rates for surgically treated meningioma of all WHO grades,
and so does the location (23). FIGURE 4 shows a case of
surgical management of meningioma.. currently, no
chemotherapeutic agent is approved for use in
meningioma(24), and radiotherapy is an adjunct to surgery
Figure 4. showing pre and post-operative images of convexity
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There is a lack of information on the long-term functional
outcomes of meningioma patients, which is especially
concerning given the high incidence of meningiomas in routine
neurosurgical practice. This is in stark contrast to outcome
parameters such as the extent of resection (EOR),
complications, predictors of overall survival (OS), progression-
free survival (PFS), and EOR. Impaired health-related quality
of life (HrQoL) and functional disability (FD) in meningioma
patients are topics of considerable attention. According to the
World Health Organisation, the standard indicators of quality
of life (QoL) relate to the environment, education, leisure time,
and physical and mental health. Quality of life (QoL) is
multifactorial, taking into account the culture and value
systems in which patients live concerning their goals. Our
study aimed to find a relationship between the location of the
tumor and its impact on outcomes ( using the KPS score), if
present. It was seen that larger size correlated with increased
edema and mass effect (26)(27). a study done by Daniel
showed a correlation between the histology of the 15
histopathological varieties of meningiomas and the
predilection site of appearance as well as certain demographic
aspects, such as sex (28).
Meningiomas are more common in convexity and parasagittal
regions, where their growth patterns may be impacted by the
fact that there is only one plane of bone structures, although
they are not a limiting factor for growth or expansion.
Additionally, cortical gyri, sulcus, parenchyma, and vascular
structures are much more malleable to compression. This may
help explain why this tumor location is diagnosed later than the
skull base and/or spinal cord. The symptoms in these two
locations typically manifest earlier because bone structures
surround multiple anatomical planes, and structural
compression and parenchymal or nerve compromise occur
earlier. (29) Surprisingly, shorter space and bone structures act
as growth inhibitors for meningiomas of the skull base and
spinal cord. They might have a lower risk of non-benign
meningiomas because their oxygen supply may not be
compromised for a long enough period to allow for hypoxia
adaptation. According to a study by Hashimoto et al.,
meningioma tumors at the base of the skull grow more slowly
than those at other intracranial sites. (30) However, in our
study, tumor location didn't correlate with the recurrence rate,
outcome, mortality, or resolution of symptoms.
Even though meningioma resection seems to improve patients'
functional capabilities overall, the tumor's location does not
seem to play a significant role in this. Recurrence, resolution of
presenting complaints, and death after meningioma resection
do not seem to be impacted by the location of the tumor either.
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International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 05, Issue 03, pp.7100-7104, March, 2024