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JAVMA, Vol 216, No. 12, June 15, 2000
During the past 3 decades, there has been a growing
interest in the concept of quality of life (QOL) as
it relates to human beings.1 As survival intervals for
human patients with incurable diseases have improved
and recognition of the potential undesirable effects of
treatment on a patient’s enjoyment of life has increased,
a gap has emerged between what can be achieved, from
the health provider’s perspective, and what should be
achieved, from the patient’s perspective. Traditional
measures of patient outcome—survival rate and dis-
ease-specific clinical measurements such as hemato-
logic variables—have increasingly been seen as incom-
plete,2 and the focus on mortality and morbidity in
health care has been steadily superseded by broader
considerations of QOL.3 A focus on QOL ensures that
the patient’s perspective is placed at the forefront of
decisions involving health care.
Quality of life considerations are central to virtual-
ly every aspect of the welfare and humane care of ani-
mals, particularly health care. Assessments of which
treatment to use, or whether to treat at all, and of treat-
ment efficacy all involve QOL considerations. The pre-
sent report was designed to present the justification, rel-
evance, necessity, and validity of QOL assessment in
animals; review the use of QOL assessments in veteri-
nary and pediatric human medicine; propose a defini-
tion and model for the concept of QOL in animals; and
suggest guidelines for clinical application of QOL
assessments in veterinary medicine.
Use of the Term “Quality Of Life”
in Veterinary Medicine
The National Library of Medicine’s MEDLINE
database and the Veterinary Information Network’s
information database were searched to examine cur-
rent use of the term “quality of life” in veterinary med-
icine. English-language articles related to clinical vet-
erinary medicine in which the term “quality of life”
was used in the title, abstract, or summary were
retrieved. Of the reports identified, 334-36 were random-
ly selected and reviewed.
All reports stated or implied that QOL was an
important factor in health care, but QOL was not
defined in any of the reports, and some investigators
used other terms interchangeably with QOL, implying
comparable meaning. All alternative terms referred to
health status and included free of significant clinical
signs,9 diminished clinical manifestations of disease,6
normal versus sick,34
and pain relief and improved
function of the patient.33
In 11 reports,4,5,7,19,21,26-29,34,36
owners or veterinarians were asked to rate the animal’s
QOL. Of these, only 134 provided criteria for the rating
system: excellent (normal), good (usually normal),
poor (usually sick), and very poor (always sick). Three
other reports5,28,29 provided rating systems without giv-
ing criteria for determining the ratings. In 1,28 QOL was
rated as very poor, poor, reasonable, good, or very
good. In the other 2,5,29 QOL was rated as excellent,
good, fair, or poor.
Quality of life was discussed as an objective in 4
reports.8,13,23,33 Improved QOL was referred to as “an
objective in the feeding and care of the older animal,”13
and as the objective in the diagnosis and management
of musculoskeletal problems.8 Quality of life was used
as an outcome measure to compare efficacy of 2 treat-
ments in 2 reports.7,34
Three reports5,21,28 discussed QOL as a factor con-
tributing to the decision for euthanasia of an animal. In
a study of dogs with congestive heart failure,21 poor
QOL was reported by 13% of pet owners to be the most
important factor in making the decision for euthanasia.
In a study of cats with cancer,5 all owners reported
using the animal’s QOL in their decision for euthana-
sia. In a study of medical management of dogs with
portosystemic shunts,28 the owner’s assessment of the
dog’s QOL was the most important factor affecting
their decision to request euthanasia.
This review of the literature suggested that current
usage of QOL in veterinary medicine can be summa-
rized as follows: the term QOL is being used but not
defined; authors typically assume that individuals
assessing QOL know what is meant and leave evalua-
tors to define the term in their own ways; criteria for
assessing or measuring QOL are rarely provided; QOL
is equated to health status, so that assessments of QOL
are assessments of health status; QOL is being used as
an outcome objective and to compare efficacy of treat-
ments; and QOL is being used to make decisions
regarding euthanasia of animals.
Defining Quality of Life
Quality of life is an enormously broad and com-
plex concept. The potential benefits of QOL assess-
ments are well accepted, yet there is no consensus con-
cerning its definition or the factors that affect it.37 Like
“happiness,” it is one of those terms that we all intu-
itively understand but which defies straightforward
From the VCA Robertson Boulevard Animal Hospital, 656 N.
Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Quality of life in animals
Franklin D. McMillan, DVM, DACVIM

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JAVMA, Vol 216, No. 12, June 15, 2000
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and succinct description.38 There are a number of mod-
els of QOL, but they differ substantially in regard to the
structure of the concept.39 In the absence of a well-
accepted operational definition, investigators have
approached the subject by identifying the particular
components (usually called “domains”) that are to be
included and measured.40
In everyday language, as well as in the scientific,
psychological, and philosophical literature, several
terms are used in the evaluation of the subjective
nature of an individual’s life.41 Quality of life is closely
related, and may be equivalent, to a number of other
concepts, such as well-being42-44 (sometimes specified
as subjective,44-46 emotional,44,45 psychological,47 or men-
tal47 well-being), welfare,41 happiness,42,47 life satisfac-
tion,43,44,46 and contentment.47
Features of Quality of Life
Subjective experience—Quality of life refers to a
state of mind; it is a conscious, subjective, mental
experience. Regardless of how the components of and
conditions for QOL are analyzed or categorized, and
regardless of whether the contributing factors are from
physical or emotional origins, QOL can have meaning
only when it is understood to be a conscious mental
Role of affect—Affect (subjective feelings) plays a
preeminent and, I propose, exclusive role in all inter-
pretations of QOL in animals. For sentient animals,
emotions appear to be a relatively constant experience.
Human and nonhuman animals seem to experience
affect, to some extent, during virtually all of their wak-
ing life, and all affect seems to have a hedonic quality
(ie, it is either pleasant or unpleasant). Therefore,
affect contributes pleasantness or unpleasantness on a
continual basis to personal experience.45 When people
evaluate their well-being, the ratio of their affective
pleasantness to unpleasantness over time plays a cen-
tral role, and studies show that emotional pleasantness
is one of the strongest predictors of life satisfaction.45 It
follows, then, that a definition of QOL will include the
concept of emotional pleasantness. Specifically, better
QOL refers to a preponderance of pleasant rather than
unpleasant affect in one’s life over time.45,48
Affect appears to play such a central role in QOL
that it can be regarded to be the single common
denominator for all factors that influence QOL. That is,
it is through affect that anything influences QOL, and
any factor that does not have an influence on affect is
not relevant to QOL. For instance, illness impacts QOL
because of its associated feelings of discomfort.49
Physical impairments and disabilities may impact QOL
if they have an effect on feelings of comfort and plea-
sure, but if neither comfort nor pleasure is affected,
then these physical impairments or disabilities do not
impact QOL.
An important aspect of affect as it relates to QOL
is that affect is a continuum. Feelings vary on a wide
range from pleasant to unpleasant, and QOL, a func-
tion of affective states, likewise varies along a continu-
um. Because affect varies not only between individuals,
but also in the same individual over time and under
different circumstances, there are no clear-cut demar-
cations or recognizable cutoff points on the continu-
um, above which QOL is “satisfactory” (or “accept-
able,” “reasonable,” or “good”) or below which QOL is
The individual nature of quality of life—In peo-
ple, QOL is determined by the nature of the individ-
ual’s experiences and by the values and meaning that
the person attaches to those experiences.50 Individual
preferences, values, and needs, which derive from the
individual’s unique genetic make-up and learned expe-
riences, lead each individual to assign different values
and priorities to different aspects of life. For example,
one individual may value social companionship over
physical health, whereas another individual may have
the opposite values. These priorities of value and pref-
erence will differ in important ways among individuals;
therefore, the components of QOL will have different
values to each animal or person.39
There is now a general consensus that QOL should
be assessed from the perspective of the individual,
incorporating that individual’s values and prefer-
ences.51 However, gaining insight into the perspective
of the patient is not always straightforward. In human
pediatric medicine, it is often very difficult to achieve
an accurate understanding of the perspective of the
child or to determine which dimensions of health are
most important and how the child values individual
matters.1 In veterinary medicine, the problem is monu-
mentally more complex, because the patients are of
another species. Nevertheless, the principle of assess-
ing QOL from the viewpoint of the patient remains the
goal. Fortunately, innovative research methods are pro-
viding new insights into animals’ personal preferences
and values.52,53
General Concepts
Comfort and discomfort—Central to the subjec-
tive nature of QOL is the array of affective states com-
prising comfort and discomfort. These states constitute
a continuum of feeling, ranging from comfort to
extreme discomfort (Fig 1). The comfort-discomfort
continuum comprises a major part of the emotional
pleasantness and unpleasantness that contribute to
QOL. The term comfort relates to the experiential
mental state of ease and peaceful contentment with no
(or minimal) discomforts.54 Discomfort, on the other
Figure 1—Illustration of the 2 domain model of quality of life in

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JAVMA, Vol 216, No. 12, June 15, 2000
hand, relates to any unpleasant or disagreeable feeling,
or any negative affect. Sources of discomfort may be of
physical (eg, thirst, hunger, disease, nausea, full uri-
nary bladder, pruritis, temperature extremes, and pain)
or emotional (eg, fear, anxiety, loneliness, grief, frus-
tration, and boredom) origin. Suffering refers to dis-
comfort of extreme or prolonged intensity.43
Needs—Needs constitute a fundamental compo-
nent of an individual’s QOL. In fact, needs have been
considered so central to QOL that some investigators
have proposed QOL models in which needs are the
basic foundation. These needs models posit that for
people, QOL is highest when all, or most, of a person’s
needs are met and becomes progressively lower as
fewer needs are met.39 In animals, fulfillment of funda-
mental needs has been recognized as an important
aspect of well-being. Dresser55 has suggested that well-
being in animals implies “that the individual’s physio-
logic, security, and behavioral needs are fulfilled.”
Needs are generally interpreted as requirements for
normal function; basic needs must be satisfied for an
animal to maintain a state of physical and psychological
homeostasis.42 Physical needs have been easier to iden-
tify than psychological needs,42 undoubtedly because of
the subjective nature of psychological needs. Hurnik56
has defined needs as the physiologic requirements of an
organism necessary for normal development and main-
tenance of good health and has categorized needs as
life-sustaining, health-sustaining, and comfort-sustain-
ing. Satisfaction of needs is not necessarily identical
with satisfaction of desires (wants).56 Desires are those
things that an individual prefers to have or to have hap-
pen but are not necessary for normal functioning.
Odendaal57 has suggested that basic needs must be ful-
filled for an animal to have an acceptable QOL.
Modifying previous definitions,53,56 we can say that
for an animal, a need is something that would result in
discomfort or a threat to an animal’s life or well-being
if it were unfulfilled. Needs satisfaction, therefore,
lessens discomfort or threats to well-being, thereby
assuming a prominent role in QOL. A desire (want) is
something that increases pleasure. Hence, an unful-
filled desire does not result in discomfort, and fulfill-
ment of all desires is not necessary for a high QOL;
however, fulfillment of a desire increases emotional
pleasantness, improving QOL.
Control—A large body of research involving
humans has demonstrated that of the factors that con-
tribute to QOL, one of the most important is a sense of
control.46,48 A sense of control over one’s life and cir-
cumstances is one of the most reliable predictors of
positive feelings of well-being in human beings.44
Control has also been shown to have an important
influence on emotional well-being and health of ani-
Our understanding of how a sense of control con-
tributes to emotional well-being in animals derives
from research on the concept of learned helplessness.
Studies involving use of escapable and inescapable
electric shocks—wherein animals would or would not
have the control to escape from or turn off the shock—
has revealed the differential effects of control, and the
findings have consistently led to the conclusion that
controllability of aversive environmental stimuli is of
fundamental value to emotional well-being. Whereas
no psychological changes were detected in the animals
that had control over the shocks, the animals that were
subjected to repeated sessions of uncontrollable shocks
in time developed a mental state of learned helpless-
ness, in which the animals would simply stop all efforts
at escape, sitting passively when shocked. Helplessness
refers to the perception that one has no control over
one’s own environment,58 and is a debilitating emotion-
al condition.58 A depressed emotional state (learned
helplessness is often used as a model of human depres-
sion) will generalize to the entire life experience, and
an animal that has reverted to a state of learned help-
lessness becomes unable to cope with even simple and
routine tasks in life, such as competing for food or
avoiding social aggression.58 The emotional effects of
learned helplessness, resulting from lack of control,
contribute substantially to discomfort in the individ-
ual’s subjective experience.
A sense of control appears to be critically impor-
tant for comfort and a pleasant emotional state.
Conversely, a sense of an absence of control can result
in a substantial increase in unpleasant affect. In human
medical practice, provision of hope and a sense of con-
trol has been shown to be an important aspect of
patient care.38 Even when the effect on treatment or
survival is minimal, establishing a sense of control over
one’s own disease can have a substantial effect on the
way symptoms are experienced.38 Restoring a sense of
control to a patient’s life is now considered to be an
important goal in medical care.38
Social relationships—In social animals, social
emotions appear to have evolved to promote bonding,
affiliations, and relationships and to motivate reestab-
lishment of contact if individuals become separated.59
Regulated by endogenous opioids60
and oxytocin,61
social bonds appear to be associated with pleasant
affect, and separation and isolation with an unpleasant
affect. If social relationships are disrupted, severed, or
impaired, a number of unpleasant feelings are activat-
ed to motivate the animal to reestablish the social asso-
ciation. Disruption of the mother-infant bond in mam-
mals is associated with intense emotional responses in
the infant—termed separation anxiety or separation
distress—that promote reunion.62 Separation distress is
also experienced in mature animals when they become
separated from an individual (which need not be a con-
specific) to which they have established a social bond
or attachment.62
The strong affect associated with
social relationships has the potential to substantially
influence QOL.
Health—Health is likely the most extensively doc-
umented, best understood, and most widely accepted
factor contributing to QOL. It is for this reason that
QOL is often mistakenly equated with health status.
Disease has an impact on QOL in several ways. The
discomfort of disease63 contributes a powerful negative
affect to one’s overall subjective experience, and relief
of this discomfort is a primary reason people seek
health care.49
Physical impairments and disabilities

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associated with disease have the potential to induce
discomfort and limit one’s opportunities for experienc-
ing pleasurable, affective states, thereby negatively
affecting QOL.
Stress—A comprehensive discussion of the
immensely complex issue of stress is beyond the scope
of this report. In my view, stress contributes to QOL
only through its association with affective discomfort
states, such as fear, anxiety, pain, loneliness, and bore-
dom, and the classic physiologic stress response
involving activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal axis may or may not play a role in QOL. Any
stress reaction that operates below the level of con-
sciousness and does not directly or indirectly influence
the animal’s affect is not directly relevant to QOL.
However, stress may have indirect effects on QOL
through, for example, its adverse effects on somatic
health,64 which creates discomfort.
The most important aspect of stress as it pertains
to QOL appears to be the animal’s ability to respond to
demands of its environment and to cope effectively
with challenging and aversive stimuli. The ability to
cope appears to be the factor most correlated with the
impact of stress on emotional well-being47 and physical
health.58 The level of well-being of an animal may be
better reflected in how the animal copes with the stress
it experiences, than in how much stress it actually
Quality of Life Domains
Researchers generally agree that QOL is a multidi-
mensional experience.65,66 Accordingly, QOL is tradi-
tionally viewed as a compilation of certain domains
and dimensions.66 A domain is a particular focus of
attention, such as psychological or social function-
ing.40,65 A dimension is generally considered a compo-
nent of a domain. For example, the domain of physical
functioning might include dimensions of mobility and
Although authors disagree on the specific domains
that comprise QOL, some core domains are included in
most measures of QOL.66 The 3 basic domains of QOL
that have been identified and are most consistently
included in discussions of human QOL are physical,
psychological, and social functioning.65 Various models
identify different core dimensions for these domains;
however, some models propose different domains and
dimensions. For instance, a QOL model developed for
people with mental retardation included 8 core dimen-
sions67; a model developed for children integrated the
physical, psychological, and social domains into 6 core
domains3; and a model developed for children with
cancer included 19 domains.68
The difficulties that have been encountered in
determining specific domains of QOL in humans are
greatly compounded when we consider QOL of non-
human animals. Because QOL in all sentient species
appears to depend on a preponderance of pleasant ver-
sus unpleasant feelings,45,48 and knowing that discom-
fort denotes all of the unpleasant feelings, it can be
concluded that the basic requirement for high QOL is
a relative freedom from discomforts. The comfort-dis-
comfort states are the affective experiences through
which many factors exert their influence on QOL. For
example, health disorders negatively impact QOL
through discomfort states associated with disease.63
Similarly, social isolation influences QOL through dis-
comfort states associated with social emotions, such as
loneliness. Therefore, I propose that affective comfort
and discomfort states comprise one of the basic com-
ponents of QOL.
However, comfort-discomfort states are only a por-
tion of the affective composition of QOL. All QOL
models developed for humans include pleasant experi-
ences as an important component. For humans and
animals, a life of comfort may be a contented and sat-
isfied life, but it is not necessarily reflective of optimal
QOL. As an example, consider 2 dogs with equal levels
of comfort, but one has, in addition, a rich array of
pleasant experiences such as frequent trips to the park,
lots of periods of play, many people to interact with,
and a variety of delicious foods to eat. There can be lit-
tle doubt as to which dog has the higher QOL; it is the
dog with comfort and pleasures.
A Two Domain Model of Quality of Life
in Animals
I propose that QOL in animals is comprised exclu-
sively of affect. Accordingly, it is through affect that
anything influences QOL; if something has no influ-
ence (direct or indirect, present or future) on affect,
then it is not relevant to QOL.
As a result, I believe that a 2 domain (comfort-dis-
comfort and pleasure) model can be developed to
describe QOL in animals (Fig 1). The 2 domains reflect
the primacy of affect and allow the major affects to be
grouped. The comfort-discomfort domain incorporates
the affective states of discomfort, which may be of
physical or emotional origin. Discomforts of physical
origin include such conditions as illness, pain, nausea,
pruritus, hypoxia, thirst, hunger, constipation, temper-
ature extremes, and the like. Discomforts of emotional
origin include fear, anxiety, boredom, frustration, lone-
liness, separation distress and anxiety, depression, and
hopelessness or helplessness. The pleasure domain
likewise consists of affective states that may be of phys-
ical or emotional origin. Pleasures of physical origin
include such things as physical contact and gustatory
pleasures. Pleasures of emotional origin include social
companionship and mental stimulation.
Definition of Quality of Life in Animals
On the basis of this 2 domain model of QOL in
animals, the following definition for QOL in animals is
proposed: Quality of life is a multidimensional, experi-
ential continuum. It comprises an array of affective
states, broadly classifiable as comfort-discomfort and
pleasure states. In general, the greater the pleasant and
lesser the unpleasant affects, the higher the QOL.
Quality of life is a uniquely individual experience and
should be measured from the perspective of the indi-
Measurement of Quality of Life
Measurement of QOL has engendered great con-
troversy and debate in the human field, and there is no

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JAVMA, Vol 216, No. 12, June 15, 2000
consensus as to the best method for assessing QOL.
The usual method of collecting QOL information is
through patient self-assessment questionnaires,69 but
because of its highly subjective nature, QOL remains
difficult to quantify.
Most often, QOL is measured through use of a sur-
vey instrument designed to obtain the desired data.40
The survey instrument may comprise a single question
such as “How do you rate your quality of life?” or may
contain multiple items that may or may not be catego-
rized into separate domains.40 A number of standard
instruments have been developed to measure QOL in
human beings. Most instruments are designed to gen-
erate a single aggregate score39; however, as logical as
these scores appear, their inherent meaning remains a
matter of debate.39
Objective and subjective measurement
Measurement of QOL requires quantification of a sub-
jective phenomenon. Because of the inherent difficul-
ties of such an enterprise, many studies of QOL involv-
ing humans have been directed at the use of objective
indicators to reflect the subjective status of patients.70
Examples of objective criteria include activity level,
physical functioning, disease and physiologic indices,
appetite, and social support and interactions.
Subjective criteria involve the way an individual feels
about aspects of life (eg, health, companionship) and
life overall.
Instruments designed to measure objective criteria
have an appeal because of the greater ease of quantify-
ing the measured items. In contrast to subjective mea-
sures of QOL, objective measures are valuable because
they permit standardization and provide an established
anchor point that can be compared across studies.71 In
addition, for individuals who cannot offer meaningful
insight into their own subjective mental states, such as
human neonates and infants, the mentally disabled,
and animals, objective criteria are often relied on as
representative of the subjective states comprising QOL.
However, the relationship between objective and sub-
jective assessments has been examined in human stud-
ies,38,71 and results suggest that there is a discrepancy
between objective life status and subjective life satis-
faction for some individuals, necessitating that both
objective and subjective criteria be assessed when QOL
is investigated.
Proxy measurement—Measuring QOL from the
individual’s own perspective is problematic when
patients are incapable of providing first-hand informa-
tion regarding their subjective experience. Most often,
such individuals are neonates, infants, mentally disabled,
or severely ill. Researchers, not wanting to exclude such
individuals from QOL analyses, have devised instru-
ments to acquire QOL information from closely associat-
ed alternative sources, such as parents, spouses, partners,
caregivers, siblings, and health care providers. Such indi-
viduals are termed “proxy” informants. Because of lan-
guage barriers, subjective information concerning QOL
of nonhuman animals must, with few exceptions,52,53
come from sources other than the animal itself.
Accordingly, the issue of proxy measurement has impor-
tant implications for assessment of QOL in animals.
The necessity of relying on data from proxy infor-
mants raises the question of how accurate QOL assess-
ments from health care providers and other individuals
involved in a patient’s care are. The accuracy of proxy
ratings has been studied extensively in adolescent and
adult humans by comparing data from proxy infor-
mants with data from patients themselves.
The challenges associated with assessing QOL in
pediatric human patients are different from those asso-
ciated with assessing QOL in adult patients, and close-
ly parallel those faced in assessing QOL in animals.
Infants lack the cognitive and language abilities to con-
vey QOL information or express care preferences.3
Furthermore, infants and children often have very dif-
ferent priorities from their adult caregivers,37 which
greatly complicates proxy ratings of a child’s QOL,
because adult caregivers do not share the child’s men-
tal framework for interests, desires, and goals.66
Quality of life of neonatal surgical patients was
assessed by surgeons and nurses72; substantial variabil-
ity was found in proxy assessments, based on experi-
ence of the nurses and surgeons. Numerous studies
provide evidence to suggest that proxy responses by
parents correlate poorly with the perceptions of the
child they are representing.73,74 In an extensive review
of the literature on child QOL instruments, Pal3 report-
ed that proxies such as parents and teachers agreed
fairly well in reporting on child functioning, but that
low parent-child concordance was found in other QOL
domains, such as certain types of subjective feelings in
regard to illness and emotional states. Poor agreement
between children and parents on measures of private
experiences, such as emotions and subjective states,
regardless of whether the child is healthy or sick, is
Measurement of Quality of Life
in Animals
Criteria for measuring QOL in animals are lacking.
Although little has been written about QOL in animals,
much has been written about concepts that appear to be
closely related to QOL, such as well-being,42-47 welfare,41
happiness,42,47 life satisfaction,43,44,46 and contentment.47
Because of the likely overlap of many of these concepts
with the concept of QOL, much of what has been pro-
posed regarding measurement of these concepts
appears relevant and applicable to the concept of QOL.
Specific assessment criteria have been categorized by
authors in various ways, and include behavioral fac-
tors47,76,77 (normal and abnormal behavior and prefer-
ence studies52,53), neurochemical and endocrine fac-
tors76-78 (eg, catecholamines, glucocorticoids, and oth-
ers), health status,47,78 physical functioning (disability78),
immune function,76-78
morphologic changes,76,78
brain imaging.76 The 2 domain QOL model is depen-
dent on affect. Therefore, assessment criteria, like the
QOL factors they are intended to measure, have value
only insofar as they are associated directly or indirectly
with affective states. Measurement criteria that are not
associated with affective states are not relevant to QOL
and, hence, play no role in assessing QOL.
The goal of measuring QOL in animals from the
perspective of the animals is not currently attainable.

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Important barriers pose immense challenges to under-
standing nonhuman minds; among them, language
barriers and the vast differences between species,
sexes, breeds, age groups, and individuals regarding
needs, preferences, values, and sources of discomfort
and pleasure. However, with innovative behavioral
research techniques (eg, preference testing,78 aversion
learning,52 and demand curve analysis53) providing a
window to subjective feelings, the private feelings of
animals appear to be increasingly accessible. For now,
however, development of a practical proxy instrument
offers the greatest hope for a useful method of measur-
ing QOL in animals. The ideal proxy instrument must
address all recognized sources of comfort-discomfort
and pleasure in its selection of items for evaluation and
must be able to gain information about the magnitude
of affective states. Assessment of QOL in animals
should ensure that criteria being used are relevant to
the animal’s QOL.
Clinical Application of Quality of Life
Measurement in Animals
In the absence of a valid instrument for measuring
QOL in animals, clinical application of QOL measure-
ments must currently be guided by general principles,
rather than a precise numeric score. It is reasonable to
propose that the paramount objective in animal care—
medical and nonmedical—is to maximize QOL.
According to the 2 domain model of QOL, this goal is
accomplished by the dual effort of minimizing discom-
forts and optimizing (not necessarily maximizing)
pleasures. Insofar as possible, all unpleasant and pleas-
ant affect must be assessed and factored into a com-
posite view of the animal’s overall affective status,
because it is this composite of affect that represents our
best view of QOL. Quality of life must be assessed with
the most information about the individual as possible
(personal needs, desires, preferences); preferably,
proxy evaluations would be provided by the person or
persons who have the greatest knowledge of the indi-
vidual animal’s preferences, personality, and nature.
The intuitive value of QOL argues for use of QOL
as an endpoint in animal health care. However, the
validity of QOL measurements has not been scientifi-
cally substantiated, and because of potential inaccura-
cies in proxy evaluations, particularly proxy evalua-
tions given by human caregivers for nonhuman ani-
mals, it would be prudent to exercise appropriate cau-
tions when using QOL assessments.
The potential value and applications of assess-
ments of QOL in animals are vast, and QOL measures
offer promising application in such diverse areas as
clinical medicine and in determining minimum stan-
dards for animal confinement and housing, breeding
practices (companion and food animal), intensive
farming, use of animals in entertainment, and labora-
tory research. Of particular value to animal welfare is
the application of QOL to instances of mistreatment,
neglect, and abuse. Because of its importance for ani-
mal well-being in general and in clinical medicine
specifically, QOL research warrants priority status. One
of the most important objectives for research into QOL
in animals is to determine factors related to affective
states of discomfort and pleasure in animals, to estab-
lish how those factors vary with species, breed, sex,
and age and among individuals, and to identify meth-
ods for measuring affective states in animals. In addi-
tion, it is necessary to develop and validate an instru-
ment for proxy assessment of QOL in animals and to
develop and validate an instrument for assessment of
QOL from the animal’s perspective. Quality of life
assessments should be included in clinical trials of
medical treatments, and strategies for maximizing
QOL should be identified. Some of these objectives will
be easier than others to attain. All present difficult
challenges, and a collaborative multidisciplinary
approach that uses veterinarians, ethologists, cognitive
scientists, comparative psychologists, animal scien-
tists, immunologists, neurobiologists, physiologists,
pathologists, and epidemiologists will be required.78 A
concerted effort to understand QOL offers the greatest
opportunity for the betterment of the lives of all ani-
mals that we care for.
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