[CITATION][C] Amning-en h�ndbog for sundhedspersonale

I Nilsson, M Aaskov, L Schack-Nielsen…�- Amning-en h�ndbog for�…, 2013 - pure.au.dk
Amning - en h�ndbog for sundhedspersonale — Aarhus University Skip to main navigation Skip to
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Press/Media Search by expertise, name or affiliation Amning - en h�ndbog for sundhedspersonale
Ingrid Nilsson, Mette Aaskov, Lene Schack-Nielsen, Tine Jerris Department of Public Health -
Department of Science in Nursing Research output: Contribution to�…

[CITATION][C] Ret og regler i sundhedslovgivningen: h�ndbog for sundhedspersonale

F J�rgensen - 2006 - portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk
Ret og regler i sundhedslovgivningen: h�ndbog for sundhedspersonale — University of Southern
Denmark Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to main content University of Southern
Denmark Home University of Southern Denmark Logo Help & FAQ Dansk English Home
Researchers Research units Research output Activities Projects Datasets Press/Media Prizes
Teaching Impacts Search by expertise, name or affiliation Ret og regler i sundhedslovgivningen:
h�ndbog for sundhedspersonale Finn J�rgensen The Faculty of Health Sciences Department�…

[CITATION][C] Ret og regler i sundhedslovgivningen: H�ndbog for sundhedspersonale

M Engberg�- Maanedsskrift for Praktisk Laegegerning, 2007 - pure.au.dk
Ret og regler i sundhedslovgivningen: H�ndbog for sundhedspersonale — Aarhus University
Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to main content Aarhus University Home Aarhus
University Logo Help & FAQ English Dansk Home Profiles Research units Projects Research
output Prizes Activities Courses Press/Media Search by expertise, name or affiliation Ret og
regler i sundhedslovgivningen: H�ndbog for sundhedspersonale Marianne Engberg Research
output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper�…

[PDF][PDF] Hvilket skab-moderskabet eller medborgerskabet? En kritisk diskursanalyse af" Amning-en h�ndbog til sundhedspersonale"

L Patursson - 2011 - lup.lub.lu.se
The aim with this thesis was to analyse and discuss the language used in the handbook”
Amning–en h�ndbog for sundhedspersonale” with a critical discourse analysis approach in
the field of democratic and feminist theory. With a critical approach to the natural as always
being the best, I found, that Sundhedsstyrelsen are very selective in their scientific research,
and that some times, we are only being shown half of the truth. I pointed out, that this is a big
problem, because of the high status Sundhedsstyrelsen has, both when it concerns�…