Scent-marking in wolves: radio-tracking of wolf packs has provided definite evidence that olfactory sign is used for territory maintenance and may serve for other forms�…

RP Peters, LD Mech�- American Scientist, 1975 - JSTOR
RP Peters, LD Mech
American Scientist, 1975JSTOR
The basic members of each pack are a dominant male and female? the" alpha pair."
Generally the alpha male is the pack leader, and he takes the initiative in leading at tacks on
prey and intruders and di rects the movements and activities of the pack (Mech 1970). The re
maining pack members usually are the offspring of the alpha pair, from several litters. If an
alpha animal perishes, one of the mature off spring probably takes its place.
The basic members of each pack are a dominant male and female? the" alpha pair." Generally the alpha male is the pack leader, and he takes the initiative in leading at tacks on prey and intruders and di rects the movements and activities of the pack (Mech 1970). The re maining pack members usually are the offspring of the alpha pair, from several litters. If an alpha animal perishes, one of the mature off spring probably takes its place.