A pornography literacy program for adolescents

EF Rothman, N Daley, J Alder�- American journal of�…, 2020 - ajph.aphapublications.org
American journal of public health, 2020ajph.aphapublications.org
In 2016, in response to concern about the impact of pornography on adolescents, the Boston
Public Health Commission partnered with a university researcher to develop a nine-session
media literacy curriculum on pornography for adolescents. The curriculum was pilot-tested
with five small classes of adolescents between 2016 and 2019 (n= 31). Many adult teachers
of sex education also expressed interest in being trained to use the curriculum, so our team
has now trained 300 adults to use it.
In 2016, in response to concern about the impact of pornography on adolescents, the Boston Public Health Commission partnered with a university researcher to develop a nine-session media literacy curriculum on pornography for adolescents. The curriculum was pilot-tested with five small classes of adolescents between 2016 and 2019 (n = 31). Many adult teachers of sex education also expressed interest in being trained to use the curriculum, so our team has now trained 300 adults to use it.