Sample results27 results in the last year.

Virtual humans as social actors: Investigating user perceptions of virtual humans' emotional expression on social media

J Ham, S Li, J Looi, MS Eastin�- Computers in Human Behavior, 2024
Virtual influencers, digitally-created characters with realistic human-like
appearances, have emerged as a distinctive type of virtual humans prominently
featured in various virtual environments, with a notable presence on social media�…

Hope and Enthusiasm/Excitement

M Milona, H Thredgill, P Gable�- Unpublished manuscript, 2024
“Hope for the future”,“enthusiasm for a cause”, and “buzzed with excitement” are
common phrases alluding to the role that hope, enthusiasm, and excitement play in
motivating us toward desired states. Of the three, hope is the most variable. While�…

Advertising meat alternatives: The interactive effect of regulatory mode and positive emotion on social media engagement

F Septianto, F Mathmann�- Journal of Advertising, 2024
Drawing upon regulatory fit theory, the current work investigates how the interaction
between regulatory mode and positive emotion influences consumer social media
engagement with meat alternative advertisements. Social media data (N= 966) are�…

Refuting Six Misconceptions about Romantic Love

SJE Langeslag�- Behavioral Sciences, 2024
Scientific research on romantic love has been relatively sparse but is becoming more
prevalent, as it should. Unfortunately, several misconceptions about romantic love
are becoming entrenched in the popular media and/or the scientific community�…

The role of uncertainty, worry, and control in well-being: Evidence from the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic in US and China.

JL Howell, K Sweeny, J Hua, A Werntz, M Hussain…�- Emotion, 2023
Uncertainty about the future often leads to worries about what the future will bring,
which can have negative consequences for health and well-being. However, if worry
can act as a motivator to promote efforts to prevent undesirable future outcomes�…

The history of emotions: A very short introduction

T Dixon - 2023
Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring Emotions are complex mental
states that resist reduction. They are visceral reactions but also beliefs about the
world. They are spontaneous outbursts but also culturally learned performances�…

Six in a Bed: The Future of Love-from Sex Dolls and Avatars to Polyamory

R Van Voorst - 2024
Love is the most important and intense experience of our life. It pushes us to elation,
to heartbreak, to sing for joy and sob in disappointment. Connecting in this way to
others is an essential quality of being human: without love, we don't learn and�…

Kama Muta: The Cuteness Emotion 18

KK Steinnes, JKB Lyshol, JH Zickfeld, T Schubert…�- The Oxford Handbook of�…, 2024
Cuteness, as described through Konrad Lorenz's Kindchenschema, refers to a
youthful and fragile appearance through a set of physical features such as large
eyes, a round head, and a small nose. Such features elicit careful behavior in the�…

Love's place in the spectrum of affect, one of 24 secondary emotions: implications for psychiatry

W TenHouten�- International Review of Psychiatry, 2023
Love is defined and examined as an emotion, using the psychoevolutionary theory of
emotions developed by Robert Plutchik and extended to social psychiatry by Henry
Kellerman. This theory posits a fourfold ethogram, representing the valanced�…

Development and Validation of an Ability Measure of Emotion Understanding: The Core Relational Themes of Emotion (CORE) Test

JL Floman, MA Brackett, ML LaPalme, AR Ponnock…�- Journal of Intelligence, 2023
Emotion understanding (EU) ability is associated with healthy social functioning and
psychological well-being. Across three studies, we develop and present validity
evidence for the Core Relational Themes of Emotions (CORE) Test. The test�…