Most relevant results28 results in the last year.

Refuting Six Misconceptions about Romantic Love

SJE Langeslag�- Behavioral Sciences, 2024
… Therefore, I refute six misconceptions about romantic love in this article. I explain
why (1) romantic love is not necessarily dyadic, social, or interpersonal, (2) love is
not an emotion, (3) … In this article, I refute six of those misconceptions and provide�…

Cyber dating abuse in university students from Spain and Latin America

E Rivas-Rivero, E Bonilla-Algovia�- Behavioral Psychology/Psicolog�a Conductual, 2024
… The objective of the research was to study the presence of cyber violence against
partners in … Table 6 shows the correlations between the different forms of cyber
dating abuse and other … rom�ntico en j�venes [Prevalence of the myths of�…

Glorification of Misogyny and Violence in Pakistani Tv Dramas and its Impact on Young Women in Karachi

F Zulfiqar, E Hafeez, A Aziz�- Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023
against women under the guise of romantic myths over the past fifteen years and
how this narrative when displayed to the audience contributes to the normalcy of
abuse against … The interlacing of romantic love with themes such as violence and�…

Mythbusting Hemingway: Debunking Hemingway Myths and Celebrating the Extraordinary Stories of His Life

T Bevilacqua, RK Elder - 2023
… famous six-… myths of its own. Blame misinformation or the internet, but the fact is,
Hemingway fell victim to that famous line from John Ford's The Man Who Shot
Liberty Valance: "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend." Even�…

Law, Literature, and Violence Against Women: Ending the Victim Blame Game

EL Kelley - 2024
… as cultural texts that uncover discrimination against victims of violence against
women. By analyzing these works together, I highlight the legal system's lack of
support combined with a culture of disbelief, and I examine common misconceptions�…


… supporting victims are crucial steps in the fight against violence and the creation
of a social … , distorted, and idealistic" (ibid.), contribute to the formation of myths
about love. Some of the … love, a happy life does not exist without romantic love�…

Original title: Four Steps to Prevent Gender-Based Violence. Theoretical and practical toolkit for schools and communities

E Faur, AV Camacho-Hubner - 2023
… The Spotlight initiative is a global partnership of the European Union and the
United Nations to eliminate violence against women and girls … Some are related to
the control of female bodies by men, others to myths of romantic love and mandates�…

The New Feminist Series: Cha (lle) nging the Representation of the Postfeminist Woman in Spanish Television (2015–2022)

EMC Ram�rez - 2023
… career woman archetype and the myth of romantic love. Through the portrayal of
female … patriarchal myths that oppress women, are being challenged in the
selected case studies. … Violence against women is a global problem, and the fight�…

Sex robots at home: A political-economic analysis of a changing sex industry

A Masterson - 2024
… , incorporating the justifying arguments for and against sex robots and their private/public
use. Chapter 6 concentrated on the social totality … Discourse elements, both words
and the myths dialogue creates, provide a frame to interpret contemporary and�…

The Limits of Sexuality Education: Love, Sex, and Adolescent Masculinities in Urban India

K Chowkhani - 2023
… The State and religious groups believe that sexuality education is against ‘Indian
culture and values’. This … Myths and misconceptions regarding sexuality are
addressed in detail and in a non… While Bhonsle has written over six books on sex�…
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106 results in the last month.

Thappad: An Awakening against the Injustice in Arranged Marriage

A Paul, N Kalia�- Literature & Aesthetics, 2024
… Marriage is an intimate relationship which people enter on the assumption of
romantic love and … In contrast, Sinha also shows the awakening of women against
the gender injustice … aware of women's rights may have misconceptions about�…

Past intimate partner violence experience and acceptance of IPV myths: The roles of adversarial sexual beliefs and sexual relationship power

M Huang, D Tang, Y Zheng�- Personality and Individual Differences, 2024
… Intimate partner violence (IPV) myths are commonly held misconceptions that
serve to rationalize or excuse aggressive behavior toward … myths. Hierarchical
multiple regression analyses further revealed that adversarial sexual beliefs�…

How to Use CHATGPT for those looking for A GREAT LOVE

E Newton - 2024
… Chapter 8 of this book talks in more detail about how people can protect
themselves against fake profiles and avoid pitfalls. … your partner about a
misunderstanding and want to resolve the situation constructively. Ask ChatGPT: "How�…

Queer Representation in Honorio Bartolome De Dios' Geyluv

CL Valenzuela�- International Journal of Integrative Sciences, 2024
… Participant 5: “Love is not always about romantic love it could be about a love you
had for … —Benjie and Mike—of Geyluv, there are six supporting codes to come up
with the second theme. … Participant 3: “Social misconception of the society that if a�…

Semiotic Analysis: Essential Moral Study in the Film" The Sinking of the Van der Wijck Ship

MAA Lubis, M Tanjung�- Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial (JKOMDIS), 2024
… or deeper meaning related to social and cultural contexts [6], [22]. This approach
allows researchers … The myth that romantic love is a Western concept and
impractical in traditional social … Myths about journeying as the beginning of a new�…

Saving and failing: The Evolution of Polish-Jewish romantic Love and Marriage during WWII and in the State of Israel

L Rosenberg-Friedman�- Jewish Culture and History, 2024
… Footnote 6 Naturally reflecting both personality traits/temperaments and cultural
norms/social constructs, they are shaped in accordance … Indeed, examining the
experiences of Jewish and non-Jewish spouses against the backdrop of mainstream�…

Myths, Muses and Mortals: The Way of Life in Ancient Greece

W Furley - 2024
… The snippets of life that we encounter in the following chapters played out against
a harsh backdrop, civic terrain as rough and precipitous … These plays of New
Comedy invariably concern young, romantic love. So invariably, in fact, that some�…

Parallel trajectories and theorizations of religion and family in modernity: Toward an institutional logics perspective

GJ Wurm�- Theory and Society, 2024
… However, as Swidler (2001) shows, the myths around romantic love are in fact
constituted by the institutional demands of monogamous … Footnote 6 In this final
section of the paper, I offer an outline to an approach to studying religion specifically�…

When a Jew Loves a Nazi: Problems with Repurposing the Holocaust for Reparative Romance 1

HM Teo�- Conflict and Colonialism in 21st Century Romantic�…, 2024
… By this phrase, Cole does not mean the egregious denial that six million Jews
were murdered in Europe during World War II. Rather, he … attempt at revenge or
retribution against the Nazis as well as an imagined historical reparation through�…

Reflections: themes and issues emerging from the volume

DA Harley, KN Ghisyawan, S Shah, P Simpson�- Later Life, Sex and Intimacy in the�…, 2024
… Themes and issues emerging from contributors against the backdrop of
geographical and cultural rigidity in this … of romantic love linked to monogamy
specifically for women legitimise a system of oppression, of their relationships�…
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