[HTML][HTML] Knee Joint Osteoarthritis in Overweight Cats: The Clinical and Radiographic Findings

J Bonecka, M Skibniewski, P Zep, M Domino�- Animals, 2023 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common condition among cats. It is characterized
by progressive degenerative joint disease. OA results from repair and degeneration of …

[PDF][PDF] Rekonstrukce Evropy a severn� Ameriky po druh� světov� v�lce (1944–1949) z pohledu současn� historiografie

M Mr�zkov�, L P�nkov�- AUC Studia Territorialia, 2005 - stuter.fsv.cuni.cz
Druh� světov� v�lka skončila před takřka šedes�ti lety, někter� jej� důsledky však vyvol�vaj�
emoce dodnes–jako př�klad uveďme vyhn�n� a transfer německ�ch menšin. Způsob, jak�m …

[PDF][PDF] A comprehensive study of the Polish music market

J Sokołowski, W Hardy, P Lewandowski…�- Warszawa: Narodowe�…, 2019 - academia.edu
The report consists of seven thematically connected parts. Part one contains a description of
the recorded music, music publishing and synchronisation market in 2016–18. Chapter two …

[PDF][PDF] Rock music and politics in Poland: Lyrics of protest and resistance

SP Ramet�- Civic and uncivic values in Poland, 2019 - researchgate.net
… Budka Suflera was launched in Lublin in 1969 and, in its early years, made a name
playing covers of songs by John Mayall, Jimi Hendrix, and Led Zeppelin, before moving on to …

[PDF][PDF] Rezension: Pawel Śpiewak (Hg.), Anti-Totalitarismus: eine polnische Debatte

K Stoklosa�- Totalitarismus und Demokratie, 2004 - ssoar.info
… Wich tig f�r das Ver st�nd nis vie ler Zu sam men h�n ge sind Ab hand lun gen der His to ri
ker, weil sie in den heu ti gen Dis kurs und die Re zep ti on der kom mu nis ti schen Ver gan …

Computational approach to multifractal music

P Oświęcimka, J Kwapień, I Celińska, S Drożdż…�- arXiv preprint arXiv�…, 2011 - arxiv.org
In this work we perform a fractal analysis of 160 pieces of music belonging to six different
genres. We show that the majority of the pieces reveal characteristics that allow us to classify …

[PDF][PDF] Computational approach to multifractal music

P Oswiecimka, J Kwapien, I Celinska…�- arXiv preprint arXiv�…, 2011 - academia.edu
In this work we perform a fractal analysis of 160 pieces of music belonging to six different
genres. We show that the majority of the pieces reveal characteristics that allow us to classify …

Coordinated transcriptional regulation of the carotenoid biosynthesis contributes to fruit lycopene content in high-lycopene tomato genotypes

JR Duduit, PZ Kosentka, MA Miller…�- Horticulture�…, 2022 - academic.oup.com
… Additionally, the significantly higher expression of four downstream genes (BCH1, ZEP, VDE,
and CYP97C11) at either or both ripeness stages leads to significantly lower fruit lycopene …

[HTML][HTML] Technical and Economic Feasibility Analysis of a Conceptual Subsea Freight Glider for CO2 Transportation

P Klis, S Wang, Y Xing�- Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022 - mdpi.com
… The present work uses cost models from the ZEP report [21] for the cost estimations,
including the OPEX and CAPEX, ship capacities, and electricity prices, for offshore pipelines. …

Nanomechanotransduction and interphase nuclear organization influence on genomic control

MJ Dalby, N Gadegaard, P Herzyk…�- Journal of cellular�…, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
… Silicon substrates were coated with ZEP 520A resist to a thickness of 100 nm. After the
samples were baked for a few hours at 180C they were exposed in a Leica LBPG 5-HR100 …