Stone witnesses: armed stelae between the international Tagus and the Douro, Iberian Peninsula

P Bueno Ram�rez, R Barroso Bermejo…�- SPAL, 28 (2), 143�…, 2019 -
Few places in Europe concentrate as many stone stelae as the area between the Tagus and
the Douro. Archaeology has shown the ample possibilities for metal mining, the modern�…

El megalitismo en el sur de la Pen�nsula Ib�rica: arquitectura, construcci�n y usos de los monumentos del �rea de Huelva, Andaluc�a occidental

JA Linares Catela - 2017 -
El �rea de Huelva destaca por la variabilidad arquitect�nica y la singularidad de los
monumentos megal�ticos, El estudio de esta zona permite plantear una secuencia�…

Megalithic tombs in Western Iberia: excavations at the Anta da Lajinha

L Oosterbeek, C Scarre - 2019 -
Western Iberia has one of the richest inventories of Neolithic chambered tombs in Atlantic
Europe, with particular concentrations in Galicia, northern Portugal and the Alentejo. Less�…