Agrarian change and the beginnings of cultivation in the Near East: evidence from wild progenitors, experimental cultivation and archaeobotanical data

G Willcox�- The Emergence of Agriculture, 2020 -
This chapter aims to examine the change in the subsistence system in the Near East from a
gathering economy to one of production, in the light of observations made during�…

Environmental fluctuations, agricultural production and collapse: a view from Bronze Age Upper Mesopotamia

TJ Wilkinson�- Third millennium BC climate change and Old World�…, 1997 - Springer
The relationship between human settlements, their associated land use zones and changing
climate, is not straightforward. Following a summary of the relationship between present day�…

Evidence for plant exploitation and vegetation history from three Early Neolithic pre-pottery sites on the Euphrates (Syria)

G Willcox�- Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 1996 - Springer
Archaeobotanical results based on a limited number of samples from three aceramic sites
dating from 9800 to 7800 BP, which are under excavation in the valley of the Middle�…

Drivers of unsustainable land use in the semi‐arid Khabur River Basin, Syria

F Hole�- Geographical Research, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The semi‐arid zone of Southwest Asia, known as the Fertile Crescent, is under
unprecedented stress because of agricultural development. Where rain‐fed agriculture and�…

El Kowm Oasis, human settlement in the Syrian Desert during the Pleistocene

R Jagher, H Elsuede, JM Le Tensorer�- L'anthropologie, 2015 - Elsevier
The area of the El Kowm oasis in the centre of today's Syria is a unique showcase of Middle
Eastern prehistory not only for its geographic position within the Arabian Desert, but also for�…

[PDF][PDF] Groundwater balance politics: Aquifer overexploitation in the Orontes River basin

M Saad�-Sbeih, AH Asaad, O Shamali…�- Water�…, 2018 -
Aquifer overexploitation is widely used to describe negative effects on groundwater
resources but has no agreed scientific definition. Usually viewed as a situation where�…

Faune et saisonnalit�: l'organisation temporelle des activit�s de subsistance dans l'�pipal�olithique et le N�olithique pr�c�ramique du Levant nord (Syrie)

L Gourichon - 2004 -
Cette recherche est consacr�e aux rythmes et aux modalit�s de l'exploitation des animaux
au cours de la N�olithisation en Syrie du Nord, entre le 11e et le 7e mill�naire. Son objectif�…

The upper Khabur region in the second part of the third millennium BC

R Koliński�- Altorientalische Forschungen, 2007 -
Fig. 1. The most prominent sites of the late 3rd millennium BC located in the Upper Khabur
region [after Gibson et al.(2002), Fig. 1] not with Sargon, as is the case in the South�…

Le cadre pal�og�ographique des occupations humaines dans le bassin du Haut-Khabur (Syrie du Nord-Est). Premiers r�sultats

MA Courty�- Pal�orient, 1994 - JSTOR
Cet article expose les r�sultats de l'�tude pal�og�ographique du Haut Khabur, conduite
d'abord sur l'ensemble de la r�gion puis sur une micro-r�gion test: le bassin m�ridional du�…

Apercu geomorphologique sur la vallee de l'Euphrate Syrien

J Besan�on, P Sanlaville�- Pal�orient, 1981 - JSTOR
Une �tude g�omorphologique conduite, parall�lement � une prospection d'arch�ologie
pr�historique, sur l'Euphrate syrien, dans la r�gion Raqqa-Deir ez Zor et dans la zone�…