" May she neither eat nor drink": Love Magic and Vows of Abstinence

D Martinez�- Ancient Magic and Ritual Power, 1995 - brill.com
Writing sometime in the eighth century BCE, Homer describes Achilleus' vow not to eat or
drink until he kills Hektor (Iliad 19.205-10). 1 In the first century CE, according to the Acts of�…

A new magical formulary

W Brashear, R Kotansky�- Magic and Ritual in the Ancient World, 2015 - brill.com
This fragmentary leaf from a papyrus codex preserves, in part or in full, six separate recipes
for magical spells, separated from one another with horizontal lines that run the full width of�…

The prayer of Mary who dissolves chains in Coptic magic and religion

M Meyer�- Magic and ritual in the ancient world, 2015 - brill.com
Among the extant Coptic texts of ritual power are several texts from the British Library
(London Oriental Manuscript 6794; 6795; 6796 [several leaves]) that were parts of a portfolio�…

[BOOK][B] Conjuring Spirits: Texts and Traditions of Medieval Ritual Magic

C Fanger - 1998 - books.google.com
INTRODUCTION y subject is a medieval handbook of ceremonial magic, titled Liber sacer
sive juratus, that is, the Sacred or Sworn Book.(For brevity we shall call it the Sworn Book.)�…

[BOOK][B] Introduction to Magic: Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus

J Evola, Ur Group - 2018 - books.google.com
The rites, practices, and texts collected by the mysterious UR group for the use of aspiring
mages.• Rare Hermetic texts published in English for the first time.• Includes instructions for�…

[BOOK][B] Ancient magic and ritual power

P Mirecki - 2015 - books.google.com
This volume contains a series of provocative essays that explore expressions of magic and
ritual power in the ancient world. The essays are authored by leading scholars in the fields�…

Help for rejected suitors: the Old Akkadian love incantation MAD V 8

J Westenholz, A Westenholz�- Orientalia, 1977 - JSTOR
The text to be treated here belongs to the still very rare category of Old Akkadian
incantations. It was published for the first time by IJ Gelb in 1970 as MAD V no. 8 1. Since its�…

Symbols for masculinity and feminity: their use in ancient near eastern sympathetic magic rituals

HA Hoffner�- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1966 - JSTOR
VERY serious biblical scholar today is well aware of the prominent r61e which fertility and
sex enjoyed in the religions of the ancient Near East. I One of the principal tasks which the�…

[BOOK][B] Magical ritual methods

WG Gray - 1969 - phoreverphoenix.tripod.com
There is probably more rubbish believed and written about Magical Rituals than any other
subject. From the wildest guesswork and the most fertile imaginations, magical rituals and�…

Shame, Danger and Desire: Aphrodite's Power in the Fifth Homeric Hymn

MS Cyrino�- Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, 1993 - muse.jhu.edu
Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual love, is a figure of unmis-takable potency. She
inspires that inescapable desire in humans which recognizes the boundaries neither of�…