Human rights, animal wrongs? Exploring attitudes toward animal use and possibilities for change

K Bard, S Knight, A Vrij, D Brandon�- Society & Animals, 2010 -
use of nonhuman animals for human benefit (“animal use”) … It is not difficult to appreciate
the benefits of animal use—for … for whom animal use is personally relevant, such as animal

Animal rights, human wrongs

T Regan�- Ethics and animals, 1983 - Springer
… This account is to be found, I believe, by postulating the existence of animal rights. Indeed, …
postulate human rights that we can provide a theory that adequately guards humans against …

Animal rights

GL Francione, AE Charlton�- The Oxford handbook of animal�…, 2017 -
… He was a vegan who rejected the use of animals for any purpose that was not in the animal’…
any animal use that involved deliberate killing. Gompertz was concerned about human rights

[BOOK][B] The Animal Question: Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights: Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights

P Cavalieri - 2003 -
Human Rights was undertaken. If one analyzes the composition of the committees that
drafted the two "Statements on Race" of 1950 and 1951, one discovers that all the authors had a …

[BOOK][B] Animal rights/human rights: Entanglements of oppression and liberation

D Nibert - 2002 -
… The increasing collaboration of animal and environmental protection and human rights
organizations with multinational corporations, motivated by the need for money and the allure of …

Animal rights: The need for a theoretical basis

MC Nussbaum - 2000 - HeinOnline
… of the rights tradition. Finally, in Part IV, I discuss Wise's proposals for changing animal rights
… The notion of a basic human right seems to me obscure enough, and I would rather come at …

[BOOK][B] Animal rights & human morality

BE Rollin - 2010 -
… Mecca), there are the strictest laws in the world regulating animal use in research. … (Animal
Welfare Act and Health Research Extension Act) regulating and constraining the use and …

[BOOK][B] Animals and society: The humanity of animal rights

K Tester - 2014 -
… of animal rights than anywhere else (just because we see ourselves as a nation of ‘animal
lovers’, … The idea of animal rights is rather different precisely because it does say something …

Human rights and animal welfare.

DM Feeney�- American Psychologist, 1987 -
… measures such as review boards to assure humane treatment of animals in research, but
I wish to ensure a compromise that emphasizes human rights while including animal welfare. …

Dignity in international human rights law: Potential applicability in relation to international recognition of animal rights

J Kotzmann, C Seery�- Mich. St. Int'l L. Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
… , in any international legal agreement to respect animal rights. Part I of this paper looks at
the meaning of human dignity in international human rights law, including the meaning of the …