[CITATION][C] Color perception of small stimuli with central vision

B Hillmann, K Connolly, D Farnsworth - 1954 - Bureau of Medicine and Surgery�…

[CITATION][C] D. 244 Knights. 2018

B Hillmann, GA Al-Ghalith, RR Shields-Cutler, Q Zhu…�- Evaluating the Information Content�…

[CITATION][C] Microbiome learning repo (ML repo): a public repository of microbiome regression and classification tasks. Gigascience 8: giz042

P Vangay, BM Hillmann, D Knights - 2019

[CITATION][C] Mo1934-Gut Microbial Markers of Arthritis Including Inflammatory Bowel Disease Associated Arthropathy

DA Muniz-Pedrogo, J Chen, BM Hillmann, P Jeraldo…�- Gastroenterology, 2018 - Elsevier

[CITATION][C] Evaluating the information content of shallow shotgun metagenomics. mSystems, 3, 1–12

B Hillmann, A Al-Ghalith Gabriel… - 2018

[CITATION][C] Fecal microbiota transplantation reverses antibiotic and chemotherapy-induced gut dysbiosis in mice. Sci Rep. 2018; 8: 6219

Q Le Bastard, T Ward, D Sidiropoulos, BM Hillmann…

[CITATION][C] SHI7 is a Self-Learning pipeline for multipurpose Short-Read DNA quality control. mSystems. 2018; 3: e00202–17

GA Al-Ghalith, B Hillmann, K Ang, R Shields-Cutler…

[CITATION][C] Walter Jet al

AJ Johnson, P Vangay, GA Al-Ghalith, BM Hillmann…�- Daily sampling reveals�…, 2019

[CITATION][C] Renal digital subtraction angiography, 100 cases.

BJ Hillmann, TW Ovitt, MP Capp�- Radiology, 1982

[CITATION][C] 548 Knights D. 2018

B Hillmann, GA Al-Ghalith, RR Shields-Cutler, Q Zhu…�- Evaluating the Information Content�…