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[CITATION][C] 1210 The gut–lung axis in respiratory disease

BJ Marsland, A Trompette, ES Gollwitzer�- Ann 1211 Am Thorac Soc

[CITATION][C] 358 Junt T, Nicod LP, Harris NL, and Marsland BJ

A Trompette, ES Gollwitzer, K Yadava, AK Sichelstiel…�- Gut microbiota metabolism of�…

[CITATION][C] 698 Blanchard C, Junt T, Nicod LP, Harris NL, Marsland BJ. 2014

A Trompette, ES Gollwitzer, K Yadava, AK Sichelstiel…�- Gut microbiota

[CITATION][C] Interaction h�te-micro-organisme dans les maladies pulmonaires

BJ Marsland, ES Gollwitzer�- NatRev Immunol, 2014