Ain't love grand! A prototype analysis of the concept of romantic love

PC Regan, ER Kocan…�- Journal of Social and�…, 1998 -
We conducted a prototype analysis to explore men's and women's cognitions (knowledge
and beliefs) about the nature of romantic love. In study 1 (compilation of prototypic features)�…

Ain't love grand! A prototype analysis of the concept of romantic love.

PC Regan, ER Kocan, T Whitlock�- Journal of Social and Personal�…, 1998 -
Conducted a prototype analysis to explore men's and women's cognitions (knowledge and
beliefs) about the nature of romantic love. In Study 1 (compilation of prototypic features)�…

Ain" t Love Grand! A Prototype Analysis of the Concept of Romantic Love

PC Regan, ER Kocan, T Whitlock�- Journal of Social and Personal�…, 1998 -
We conducted a prototype analysis to explore men" s and women" s cognitions (knowledge
and beliefs) about the nature of romantic love. In study 1 (compilation of prototypic features)�…