SARVAC HWF: First Train the Trainer Workshop

This past weekend was exciting for the SARVAC Humanitarian Workforce (HWF) program and various GSAR responders across the country as the first SARVAC HWF Train the Trainer workshop was rolled out.

The purpose of these workshops is to train champions within each Provincial/Territorial (P/T) Association. These champions will assist SARVAC and their local associations in spreading awareness and understanding of SARVAC’s HWF program, ultimately better preparing GSAR responders nationally to respond to future SARVAC HWF requests in light of the increasing frequency and severity of disasters.

The second day of the workshop featured discussions on the upcoming SARVAC HWF Website, adult education, and a national-level exercise. Remarkably, the 31 participants collectively boast 543 years of GSAR service across Canada.

The workshop concluded with the designation of SARVAC HWF Champions, who will collaborate with their Associations to promote the program regionally.

For those interested, more workshops are planned, and those interested in becoming champions are encouraged to contact their Provincial/Territorial Association.