
Page Fright · Episode 71: A Poem Can Be A Vibe

Glass Bookshop Radio · Episode 41: Sanna Wani

After the Storm · Identity, God and the Politics of Poetry

CBC Metro Morning · Kashmiri-Canadian escapes blockade

Sacred Footsteps · 016 DIASPORA VOICES | Kashmir


…[understanding again how poetry is] not about the sunset or the sand, but the feeling behind it.

“Finding Texture and Moving Beyond Words: an interview with TSW’s 23-24 Artist-in-Residence Sanna Wani” by Joyce Chen

No one really teaches us what or how to grieve as children.

“Remedies include returning to grief, and the love it grows from,
for Winnipeg poet [m. patchwork monoceros]” by Sanna Wani

I don’t know if there’s justice, certainly not for everybody. But we get moments.

“An Intimacy of Voice: A conversation with El Jones” by Sanna Wani

What was the poem about God I was afraid to write?

“There Was Fear and Faith”: An Interview with Sanna Wani

A book is a gift, like a flower or a fountain.

“12 or 20 (second series) questions with Sanna Wani” with rob mclennan

[Poetry is l]ike catching sight of a bird and having to drop everything to chase it before its gone.

“Mini-interview: Sanna Wani” with Pearl Pirie

I trust you. Change this.

“The challenges (and joys) of receiving feedback” with Lindsay Zier-Vogel in Open Book

A chapbook is like baking bread. But a book? That felt like building a house.

“3 Questions with Sanna Wani” by Xu Li in Hayden’s Ferry Review

I’m an Aries! I love ritual, and drama.

“Legacy Suite #2” with Sarah Ghazal Ali in Palette Poetry

I feel a profound sense of relief when I am with people.

Rest Cycles: An Interview” with Phoebe Wang in Arc Poetry Newsletter

Capybaras are my favourite animal! I like hats.

“The Interview” with Salwa Iqbal in Islam in the City: Crossroads

We are always becoming a better place for ourselves.

“A Mossy Rock, A Hidden Place, Some Kind of Ruins” with Jasmine Gui in Teh Talks

And then I thought of Allah. Who is, you know, Allah.

“The snapshot moment: an Interview with Sanna Wani” with Manahil Bandukwala in Arc 91

What I really want to inhabit is a space of attending to these questions, the question of what are the tears doing.

What Tears Do: A Conversation with Heather Christle” in The Adroit Journal

I hate grammar.

“Intersections of Music and Poetry: Interview with Sanna Wani” with Manahil Bandukwala in canthius

Poems are strange little immortal creatures that can resurrect themselves with new trajectories at any moment.

Pulling Back the Flesh of Myself: An Interview with Sanna Wani” with Shazia Hafiz Ramji in Invisiblog


PLAYD8s w/ em kneifel + nadia davioli