
a newsletter about books + life

Read it first—

  • ∞ : hello, goodbye, some news

    Dear friends of the direct address, friends of this form I’ve come and gone from. I have exciting news to share! I’ve started something new! But more on that later. This is a short dispatch, probably my last for the next long while, probably ever if I am being honest. I’ve been reminiscing about the newsletterContinue…

  • 13: The Addressal and the Confessional

    It’s been a year since my last letter and I wondered if it’d be my last. I tried to start one at the beginning of this year and it just wasn’t right. I wanted time away, time away from this form, this direct address. That’s what I said about newsletters to my friend Harry theContinue…

  • 12: The Practice of Time

    December is made for bad music and big feelings. Just kidding. I don’t think the music is bad. And my feelings aren’t big, they’re deep. I love Christmas music and I love thinking about an entire year in retrospect. Lucky for me, December allows for plenty of both. This year, I think I’ve grown theContinue…

And here’s the rest of the archive.