Dennis Prager podcasts

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Dennis Prager is one of the most respected and influential thinkers, writers, and speakers in America. Each day, he tackles topics of politics, faith, and culture with ease and expertise. His motto is, "I prefer clarity to agreement.” He is deeply passionate about preserving America, the West, and the Judeo-Christian value system.

You can also watch Dennis Prager on Salem News Channel

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Black Death

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Chicago’s mayor blames Richard Nixon for the violence in his city. Richard Nixon was president fifty years ago… The Dems still believe that poverty causes crime. The reverse is closer to the truth. Crime causes poverty.  Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

A Kiss Is Just a Kiss

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Spanish court has ruled that an “unwanted kiss” even on the cheek is full-on sexual harassment, “a bodily invasion.”   Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. 

Back in the USA

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dennis returns from his listener cruise to Greenland. He has many thoughts… Dennis watched the now infamous Biden-Trump debate on the ship. It revealed what was obvious to everyone but the media. Biden is aging badly…
Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

Perspective is Everything

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dennis and Julie share that without perspective happiness is impossible.  Being a good person requires perspective.  Life is not a bowl of cherries.  Inspired by Abigail Schrier’s book Bad Therapy they discuss the gradations of therapy. Without perspective you can’t be grateful… without being grateful you can’t be happy.  They explore the connection between happiness and being good.  Awareness of evil and knowledge of suffering provides perspective, which oddly enough, can lead to happiness.  Are you a crier?  Dennis talks about his son Aaron Prager, and APUnfiltered.  The role of the other spouse in marriage infidelity.  In most cases… victimhood is a lack of perspective. The power of example… like Charles Krauthammer.  Is victim culture the malignant outgrowth of a Judeo-Christian society? What produces better people… God’s judgement or God’s love?

Music: Straight to the Point c 2022
Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%
Richard Friedman Writers 100%

Conduit Joe

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Larry Elder is in for Dennis.  Biden is just a conduit for the Leftist agenda… abortion, climate change, “democracy” …if he can fog up a mirror, he’ll be the candidate.
Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

Joy and Pain

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Larry Elder fills in for Dennis.  Joy Reid flipped out after the debate saying that Biden may need to be replaced… yesterday she did a full reversal and said that Biden’s mental health is not an issue.  The Dems are stuck with Biden.   Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

Elder Abuse

Monday, July 1, 2024

Bob Frantz sits in for Dennis.  Jill Biden should be ashamed of herself for allowing Joe to continue. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

Artificial Boxes

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dennis and Julie react to some listener emails, topics include: one who listens during her chemo treatments; transgenderism; life is complex… you must seek truth; putting people into boxes is a mistake; people want reality to conform to their view… another mistake: addiction; are there good addictions; conservative and common sense are synonymous; crimes and punishments; the differences between men and women with regard to sexuality; and the truth is decent.

Music: Straight to the Point c 2022
Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%
Richard Friedman Writers 100%

Good Night Biden

Friday, June 28, 2024

Larry Elder is in for Dennis.  Larry reviews the debate.  Biden performed poorly… and talk of replacing him on the ticket is swirling. Callers weigh in.
Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

The Charlottesville Lie

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Larry Elder sits in for Dennis.  Finally, seven years too late, Snopes says Trump did not call neo-Nazis 'very fine people.'  Larry breaks down Biden’s shameful repeating of this lie to paint Trump as a racist. 

Vote Biden, Don’t

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mark Isler is in for Dennis.  This election is not about the candidate, it about defeating the Left.  Callers weigh in.

Forever 12

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Carl Jackson fills in for Dennis.  Two illegal immigrants have been charged with capital murder in the strangulation of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl whose body was discovered in a shallow creek in north Houston. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

Fore the Planet

Monday, June 24, 2024

Mark Davis sits in for Dennis.  Climate protesters rush 18th green with spray powder, delay finish of PGA Tour event.  Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

God’s Will

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Dennis and Julie ponder how much freewill people really have in life?  They discuss the impulse to steal, reasons for not stealing, and cheating on tests.  What are the five Commandments that people struggle with most?  The bible is a divine life manual.  If God gives people good individual natures… does God give people evil individual natures …or is it random/luck?  Did God create evil… or did God create the possibility for evil?

Music: Straight to the Point c 2022
Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%
Richard Friedman Writers 100%


Friday, June 21, 2024

Mark Davis sits in for Dennis.  Is the plan to have Biden look so bad on the debate stage that they can justify switching him out for another candidate? Mark explores what the debate may look like and takes calls.

The Ten Commandments

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom.  Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

The Indispensable Right

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Dennis talks with Jonathan Turley, attorney, legal scholar, writer, commentator, and a professor at George Washington University, about his new book: The Indispensable Right - Free Speech in an Age of Rage  
Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

Something To Stand For

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dennis talks with the incomparable Mike Rowe: Emmy award-winning TV host, producer, narrator, and podcaster.  Mike’s new project is Something To Stand For, a film that takes you to the frontlines of the American Revolution, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and tells a story you’ve never heard about the patriots who built our country.  Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

The End

Monday, June 17, 2024

Dennis talks to Dennis talks to Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institute. His new book is The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com.

Numb to Evil

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dennis and Julie discuss dignity and the pernicious nature of social media.  They breakdown self-promotion versus the cancer of social media.  There is too much needless posting and there are too many needless opinions.  Parents, mostly mothers, are using their children on social media for fame and money… it’s child abuse.  Pedophilia…. has social media exacerbated it?  Polylogism is the belief that different people or groups have different forms of logic.  Sharia law… is it all bad?  Many value systems exist… moral clarity is paramount.  The death of moral clarity will be the end of civilization.  The media of the West are a bigger threat than any terrorist organization… they cause more damage.  You must use reason and pursue truth at any cost.  Cultural appropriation … is it all bad?  Can you live an electronic-less life?  The desire to be an “influencer” …does the yearning to be “important” drive the social media life?  Being deep is more valuable than having fame. 

Music: Straight to the Point c 2022
Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%
Richard Friedman Writers 100%