Multimode Sensing Platforms with

AI Data Analytics 

Making these industries safer

Our mission:

To innovate, develop and commercialize a group of products that will create trust and peace of mind for all. 

We engineer products that keep the public safer and reassure a company’s workforce. We are dedicated to ensuring that we create such a high level of values that we set a new standard of excellence in each industry we serve. We bridge the gap between what you see and what you know!

Flagship CSI Device

Revolutionary inspection technology

New Cleanliness Standard

Advanced Food Supply Chain Management

Objective Skin Condition & Injury Management 

“First of its kind” tool used to ensure cleanliness

The handheld technology works for small and large spaces, with limited cleaning staff, and for fast turnaround times. Its sanitization checklists are designed so one can instantly adapt to either routine spot checks, overnight cleanings, or periodic deeper cleans, and address high-risk zones within the allotted time. The first release of the system will target the institutional and restaurant food safety industry, with future releases targeting Hospitals and other medical applications.

Making the unseen visible

Our CSI systems detect:

Saliva and respiratory droplets

Protein and blood residues

Fecal matter contamination

 Under indoor ambient light

Why the World Needs the CSI Solution

No one delivers measurable and actionable sanitation like SafetySpect

Finds Invisible Contaminants

Our patented fluorescence-based imaging technology reveals hot spots of bacteria and viruses that are invisible to the human eye.

Mitigates Liability Risks

Offers digital visual proof of clean and safe surfaces, ensuring sanitization SSOP compliance.

Documents Clean Surfaces

CSI-D+ provides certificates with evidence that best practices are being met in the cleaning and hygiene sanitization process.

Keeps Customers Safer

Lowers the chance of spreading contagion.

Reassures the Workforce

Creates trust and peace of mind for all.

Eco friendly

Improved cleaning practices that require no harmful chemicals


Collaboration footprint


USA mobile
Edgewood Healthcare University of North Dakota Senior Healthcare Innovation Consortium Purdue University Harvard University United States Army | Devcom | USDA Advanced Technology International Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium University of Florida Auburn University University of Alaska Fairbanks Chapman University

Edgewood Healthcare

University of North Dakota

Senior Healthcare Innovation Consortium

Purdue University

Harvard University

United States Army | Devcom | USDA

Advanced Technology International

Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium

University of Florida

Auburn University

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Chapman University


UK map mobile
The Queen's University of Belfast Cranfield University

The Queen's University of Belfast

Cranfield University


New Zealand & Australia mobile map
Pickwick Group Pickwick Group

Pickwick Group

Pickwick Group

Collaboration footprint


USA mobile
Edgewood Healthcare University of North Dakota Senior Healthcare Innovation Consortium Purdue University Harvard University United States Army | Devcom | USDA Advanced Technology International Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium University of Florida Auburn University University of Alaska Fairbanks Chapman University

Edgewood Healthcare

University of North Dakota

Senior Healthcare Innovation Consortium

Purdue University

Harvard University

United States Army | Devcom | USDA

Advanced Technology International

Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium

University of Florida

Auburn University

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Chapman University


UK map tablet
The Queen's University of Belfast Cranfield University

The Queen's University of Belfast

Cranfield University


New Zealand & Australia mobile map
Pickwick Group Pickwick Group

Pickwick Group

Pickwick Group

Direct inquiries

SafetySpect Inc.


Grand Forks office:

UND Center for Innovation

4200 James Ray Drive,

Grand Forks, ND 58202, USA

Multimode Sensing Platforms with AI Data Analytics 

SafetySpect’s mission

To innovate, develop and commercialize a group of products that will create trust and peace of mind for all. 

We engineer products that keep the public safer and reassure a company’s workforce. We are dedicated to ensuring that we create such a high level of values that we set a new standard of excellence in each industry we serve. We bridge the gap between what you see and what you know!

Flagship CSI Device

Revolutionary inspection technology

New Cleanliness Standard

Advanced Food Supply Chain Management

Objective Skin Condition & Injury Management 

“First of its kind” tool used to ensure cleanliness 

The handheld technology works for small and large spaces, with limited cleaning staff, and for fast turnaround times. Its sanitization checklists are designed so one can instantly adapt to either routine spot checks, overnight cleanings, or periodic deeper cleans, and address high-risk zones within the allotted time. The first release of the system will target the institutional and restaurant food safety industry, with future releases targeting Hospitals and other medical applications.

Making the unseen visible

Our CSI systems detect:

Saliva and respiratory droplets

Protein and blood residues

Fecal matter contamination

 Under indoor ambient light

High Power LEDs

No fluorescent dyes or reagents required

Proprietary algorithm detects contamination

Why the World Needs the CSI Solution

No one delivers measurable and real-time actionable sanitation like SafetySpect

Finds Invisible Contaminants

Our patented fluorescence-based imaging technology reveals hot spots of bacteria and viruses that are invisible to the human eye.

Mitigates Liability Risks

Verify post-cleaning efficacy and offers digital visual proof of clean and safe surfaces, ensuring sanitization SSOP compliance.

Documents Clean Surfaces

CSI-D+ provides certificates with evidence that best practices are being met in the cleaning and hygiene sanitization process.

Keeps Customers Safer

Lowers the chance of spreading contagion.

Reassures the Workforce

Creates trust and peace of mind for all.

Renders Viruses and Bacteria Harmless (optional)

A proprietary UV light system neutralizes viruses and bacteria in 2-5 seconds.


Improved cleaning practices that require no harmful chemicals


Collaboration footprint

Collaboration Footprint map
Edgewood Healthcare University of North Dakota Senior Healthcare Innovation Consortium Purdue University Harvard University United States Army | Devcom | USDA Advanced Technology International Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium University of Florida Auburn University University of Alaska Fairbanks Chapman University The Queen's University of Belfast Cranfield University Pickwick Group Pickwick Group

Edgewood Healthcare

University of North Dakota

Senior Healthcare Innovation Consortium

Purdue University

Harvard University

United States Army | Devcom | USDA

Advanced Technology International

Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium

University of Florida

Auburn University

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Chapman University

The Queen's University of Belfast

Cranfield University

Pickwick Group

Pickwick Group

Direct inquiries

SafetySpect Inc.


UND Center for Innovation

4200 James Ray Drive,

Grand Forks, ND 58202, USA