Alexandru Stan

Zona metropolitană București Informații de contact
9 K urmăritori Peste 500 de contacte

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We are helping people find the right software for their business and we are helping…

Articole de Alexandru Stan

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  • Tekpon

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  • King of Networking


    Think you're the King of Networking? Think again. Believe you've mastered every trick in the book? Well, you're in for a surprise. If you're charging in, crowned with ego and self-importance, you might find the throne elusive. In this world, humility isn't just a virtue, it's the currency that drives real connections.

    This isn't your typical guide drawn from hypothetical situations. It's a product of genuine, on-the-ground networking experiences, a reflection of the connections and…

    Think you're the King of Networking? Think again. Believe you've mastered every trick in the book? Well, you're in for a surprise. If you're charging in, crowned with ego and self-importance, you might find the throne elusive. In this world, humility isn't just a virtue, it's the currency that drives real connections.

    This isn't your typical guide drawn from hypothetical situations. It's a product of genuine, on-the-ground networking experiences, a reflection of the connections and lessons learned from authentic interactions.

    Created from stories woven within our interconnected world, this book is a testament to the power of true connections. Dive in and discover why everything you thought you knew about networking might just be wrong.

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  • Ego


    Ego. Business guide for founders

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  • English


  • Romanian

    Competență de vorbitor nativ sau bilingv


  • SaaS Council


    - Prezent

    SaaS Council - a Community for SaaS Executives

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