Îndrumare și formare profesională

BUCURESTI, Romania 5.419 adepți

Viziunea noastră este să fim organizația de referință în mentoring, coaching, supervizare și team coaching.

Despre noi

EMCC România - European Mentoring and Coaching Council face parte din EMCC Global, organizație profesională internațională care reunește peste 15.000 de profesioniști în domeniul coachingului și mentoringului, activi in 140 de țări. La nivel global sunt peste 60.000 de participanti in programe de formare acreditate de EMCC Global. EMCC România a luat ființă în octombrie 2012, cu scopul declarat de a promova principiile și practica mentoringului și coachingului în țara noastră, de a furniza informații, și a desfășura cercetări în domeniu, de a promova și asigura standardele de practică general acceptate pe plan internațional, în ceea ce privește coachingul și mentoringul. EMCC România este o organizație non-guvernamentală și non-profit bazată pe voluntariat. Dacă sunteți coach, mentor, sau/si team coach, client al serviciilor de coaching-mentoring, furnizor de training în aceast domeniu, consilier psihologic, o persoană preocupată de dezvoltarea personală sau pur și simplu vă interesează domeniul, atunci sunteți în locul potrivit. Vă așteptăm cu interes și deschidere să vă alăturați nouă în demersurile de a dezvolta profesia, de a promova bunele practici la standarde europene, astfel încât să putem – împreună – asigura în România servicii de coaching, mentoring, supervizare și team coaching caracterizate prin cel mai înalt nivel de profesionalism și etică.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Îndrumare și formare profesională
Dimensiunea companiei
51-200 de angajați
MENTORING, COACHING, Supervision, Team Coaching, Program Management și Certifications




  • Welcome, Alina Florea, MBA, PCC, PMP! Alina is a management consultant and a management performance and executive coach. She spends time understanding organisational context and stakeholders’ needs, and partners with organizations, their owners and their leaders in the process of agreeing on and implementing the best organizational design able to yield the business results, benefits and long-term value expected by the owners, the performance and efficiencies expected by the leaders, and the culture of inclusivity and contribution where people reach their potential. Alina is currently managing her own business consultancy and executive coaching business since 2019. Drawing from both her former professional knowledge (MSc, MBA, PMP) and her senior management experience (25+ years) at C-level, she is an architect and a catalyst for change. She works with entrepreneurs, senior executives and high-potential emerging leaders in EU-based organisations of up to 250 employees, and supports C-level leaders and their management teams - through the provision of business consultancy, training, facilitation of decision-making or clarity workshops, individual or team mentoring, and executive coaching to create the best organization fitting their goals, ambitions and needs. Alina collaborates with organizations and decision-makers from engineering, marine, oil & gas, IT to biochemistry, finance, academia and research. She understands high-achieving leaders' complexities in working with their expectations, balancing short- and long-term outcomes, corporate and local needs, and present and future orientations in a fast-changing environment. She meets her clients in their own reality. Depending on her client's particular need, she blends her management expertise (strategy, budgeting, operations, project management, human resource) with mentoring, coaching or customized training workshops built on the client’s specific needs. #emccromania #coaching #mentoring

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  • Saptamana viitoare toti mentorii din Programul de mentorat beneficiaza de suport prin #emccsupervizare parte din sustinerea profesionala pentru participantii in program. Inca o ocazie sa vedem ce parere au colegii nostri despre program si experienta pe care acesta o ofera pentru toti participantii. #emccromania #mentoring #mentoringprogram #mentoringmatters

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  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is defined as the learning process required for coaches, mentors, team coaches, programme managers and supervisors to maintain standards and enhance their practice over time. It involves ongoing commitment to developing knowledge and technical expertise, keeping up to date with evolving best practices, and supporting professional and personal growth. https://lnkd.in/diDJvUKm A multifaceted approach to CPD: • Participating in training courses and seminars, which may involve lectures, group activities, discussions, and workshops, delivered in various formats such as in-person, online, or hybrid. • Engaging in CPD events, including speaker presentations, panel discussions, conferences featuring keynote sessions and breakout learning opportunities, as well as seminars and workshops. • Undergoing supervision sessions. • Attending informative sessions such as non-interactive lectures and industry briefings. • Listening to educational content through podcasts and discussions. • Reading printed or online materials such as books, articles, case studies, and infographics. • Staying updated with industry-specific news and research. • Mentoring others. • Authoring articles or books. • Participating in forum discussions. • Preparing to facilitate expert discussions or training sessions. • Volunteering for relevant initiatives. • And any other similar activities aimed at ensuring holistic growth and development. Every activity presents an opportunity for reflection and reflexivity CPD isn’t just about attending events or consuming information; it’s about reflection and reflexivity. Keeping a CPD journal allows practitioners to reflect on their learning journey and is a way to capture key insights, impact on the practice and to create awareness of the personal evolution over time. Validating CPD hours • At EMCC events, participants are required to complete a feedback form which includes reflective questions. This completion is essential for obtaining a CPD certificate. • For other events, attendees can join the certificate of attendance along with personal reflections on the learning gained during the event. • For all informal CPD activities, practitioners need to assess the duration spent on the activity and reflect on the insights gained. Accreditation requires a minimum of 16 hours of CPD annually for Foundation and Practitioner level and 32 hours for Senior and Master Practitioner level, ensuring practitioners are continually investing in their growth and development. EMCC Global offers a rich tapestry of learning opportunities, designed to inspire, empower, and connect professionals worldwide: Global Provider Summit (GPS) Dialogue Series, Reflective and Reflexive Practice Sessions, conferences, webinars, volunteering opportunities and webinars. https://lnkd.in/g9vSm93 #emccglobal #emccromania #coaching #mentoring #teamcoaching

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  • Urmatorul 5DC este in perioada 9-13 septembrie, de la 19.30 la 20.30, si suntem siguri ca vom avea o grupa de absolventi de scoli din Romania dorinici sa aiba o acreditare la nivel european cu recunoastere globala. Linkul pentru inscrieri este aici: https://lnkd.in/dJZVUAD Vrei si tu o acreditare europeana recunoscuta la nivel global? #emccromania #coachingprofesional #mentoringmatters #teamcoaching

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    Say hello to this wonderful group of coaches, mentors and facilitators - our EMCC Global Five Day Challenge Class of July 2024. Once again, our volunteer facilitatators have been helping coaches and mentors with clarity on their applications for individual accreditation (EIA) at Senior Practitioner, Practitioner and Foundation level. The Five Day Challenge (5DC) is a 'get it done' week, with an hour each day spend in a peer mentoring group led by a facilitator. Plus some behind-the-scenes focus on finding paperwork and client logs depending on how organised they've been with filing! Moreover, it's a week of connectivity, of dynamic enquiry and of building lifelong connections. A week of learning and sharing, of deep reflection and fun. Are you an alumnus of the 5DC? Comment below how you found your week - it really does help others decide whether to apply for a place too. The week of mentoring is free to take part, you just pay the normal accreditation fees when you are ready to apply in the same way as if you had assembled the application independently. The next one is in September - see www.emccglobal.org/5DC for details We are grateful to our Class of July 2024 volunteer facilitators and shadowers, without whom we could not run the 5DC: Victoria Orr Agnieszka Ert-Eberdt, MBA, ex. BCG Jo Cleary Nana Sigouna Anna Fotini Paschidou Natasa Vukmirovic Helen Geoghegan Banu Aykın Köylüer, MSc. Catherine Marissiaux ✨CM Conseil ✨ EIA MP - ESIAChloé Nortier Nathalie MONCLA Isabelle Ferlin Vlad Dutescu VASO PANAYI Mia O'Gorman Melissa Hague Swasti Handa And to the EMCC Global team that make it happen Dr Chandana Sanyal Nicola Brown Wendy F. Charlotte Smith And our EMCC Global VP Accreditation Denise Whitworth EMCC UK EMCC Greece EMCC FRANCE EMCC Switzerland EMCC European Mentoring and Coaching Council Poland EMCC Romania - EUROPEAN MENTORING AND COACHING COUNCIL RO

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  • Programul de mentorat MOZAIC dezvoltat de EMCC Romania este in primul rand pentru a sustine membrii nostri cu sprijinul propriilor instrumente si al colegilor. Astazi avem un feedback de la unul dintre membri, din rolul sau de mentee. In program se pot inscrie contra cost si persoane care nu sunt membre EMCC Romania si care doresc sprijin de la un mentor profesionist. De asemenea organizatiile pot sa sponsorizeze programul MOZAIC oferind angajatilor si altor persoane sesiuni de mentorat sustinute de mentori profesionisti. Inscrierile in program se fac lunar, numarul de sesiuni fiind agreat intre mentee si mentor. Tot lunar avem sesiuni de Q&A, participantii au doua sesiuni de reflectii de grup incluse in program, si mentorii sunt sustinuti prin doua sesiuni de supervizare de grup. #emccromania #mentoring #mentoringmatters #mentoringworks #mentoringprogram

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  • In this session, Professor Terblanche will explore the current state of AI coaching systems, their potential impact on the coaching profession, and ethical considerations for implementation. He will also discuss future research directions in this rapidly evolving field. Drawing from his groundbreaking studies, including a randomized controlled trial on AI coaching efficacy, Professor Terblanche will offer valuable insights into how AI could democratize coaching, making it more accessible and affordable. His research suggests that while AI coaching shows promise in specific applications like goal attainment, its effectiveness in broader aspects of coaching requires further investigation Book here: https://vist.ly/3cier

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    Join us on 11 July for an EMCC Global GPS dialogue on AI in Coaching led by Prof. Nicky Terblanche (PhD), senior lecturer and research supervisor at the University of Stellenbosch Business School. His interdisciplinary expertise in leadership coaching and information systems has significantly advanced our understanding of AI's role in coaching and its potential impact on leadership development. Professor Terblanche's recent research has focused on crucial aspects of AI coaching, including its efficacy in goal attainment compared to human coaching, factors influencing user adoption, and its potential to enhance and scale coaching practices. His work provides a balanced view of AI coaching's current capabilities and limitations, identifying key evaluation criteria such as the need for large data sets and clearly defined information flows. In this session, Professor Terblanche will explore the current state of AI coaching systems, their potential impact on the coaching profession, and ethical considerations for implementation. He will also discuss future research directions in this rapidly evolving field. Drawing from his groundbreaking studies, including a randomized controlled trial on AI coaching efficacy, Professor Terblanche will offer valuable insights into how AI could democratize coaching, making it more accessible and affordable. His research suggests that while AI coaching shows promise in specific applications like goal attainment, its effectiveness in broader aspects of coaching requires further investigation Book here: https://vist.ly/3cieq Denise Whitworth

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