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Hatch Ltd.
Hatch employees march in the Toronto Pride parade  

Recognized as one of Canada's Top 100 Employers (2024) and Greater Toronto's Top Employers (2024):

Here are some of the reasons why Hatch Ltd. was selected as one of Canada's Top 100 Employers (2024) and Greater Toronto's Top Employers (2024):

  • Hatch supports a longstanding social committee that organizes a variety of events throughout the year -- and employees can also get together through a range of sports activities, including volleyball, dragon boat racing, squash, soccer, and more
  • Hatch helps employees prepare for life after work with retirement planning assistance services, along with a defined contribution pension plan and a health plan that extends into their retirement (shared premium contributions) with no age limit -- and offers phased-in work options for those nearing retirement
  • Hatch developed a unique "Manifesto Driven Leadership" development program that helps orient employees to the company's culture and "teaches them what it means to lead with emotional intelligence and compassion"
Hatch staff at a project site  

Employer Background

Industry Engineering services
Established in Canada 1955
Major Canadian locations Sydney NS, Sorel-Tracy QC, Fredericton NB, Markham ON, Saint John NB, Edmonton AB, Sudbury ON, Montréal QC, Calgary AB, Niagara Falls ON, Saskatoon SK, Mississauga ON, Winnipeg MB, Vancouver BC, Halifax NS, St. John's NL, Thunder Bay ON
Full-time employees in Canada 3,941
Part-time employees in Canada 54
Full-time employees worldwide 8,416
Workforce engaged on a contract basis 16.57%
Average age of employees in Canada 42 years
Longest serving employee 50 years

Work Environment Rating: A+

Flexible work options flexible work hours, telecommuting, shortened work week (fewer hours with less pay)
Commuter amenities walk to public transit, online carpool sign-up, free parking, electric vehicle charging stations, secure/sheltered bicycle parking
Onsite workplace features located in Sheridan Science and Technology Park, head office is home to the Hatch Gallery of Contemporary Art (with rotating collections through the offices), telecommuter workstations, sit-stand workstations, private phone booth, nap room, religious observance room, self-serve lunchroom, outdoor patio, discounts at local restaurants
Employee lounge amenities comfortable seating, television, board games, picnic tables and chairs outside, library and book exchange
Onsite cafeteria healthy menus, special diet menus, subsidized meals, take-home meals
Other food options at main location Café Hatch (food court style and coffee shop)
Onsite fitness facility for employees only, subsidized membership, treadmills, stationary bikes, stairmasters, instructor-led classes (Zumba, yoga), elliptical trainers, rowing machines, weights, shower facilities, healthy weight discussion sessions with a registered dietitian, personal training and massage therapy (available at additional cost)

Work Atmosphere & Communications Rating: A+

Employee social committee name GTA Social Committee (est. 2002)
Past social events numerous employee sports teams (including hockey, badminton, softball, curling, rugby, basketball, and more), annual Manifesto Day (gatherings in various offices for workshops, leadership updates and dinner), weekly "HatchPPY Hours" every Thursday (head office), employee talent show, wine tasting and paint night socials, various holiday celebrations throughout the year, Hatch Skating School lessons, "Hatchtoberfest" pub event, and many more across the country along with an impressive variety of employee sports teams (volleyball, softball, dragon boat racing, road hockey, soccer, squash, and snowboarding)
Cultural aspects business-casual dress daily, casual dress Fridays, music while working, concierge services available, employee sports teams, organized social activities for retirees
Employee communications intranet site, company newsletter, traditional/email suggestion box, internal social media
Other in-house communications Hatch magazine, Hatch Yammer, Hatch SharePoint, quarterly regional town halls

Financial Benefits & Compensation Rating: A

Financial benefits note Hatch has multiple employee groups, financial benefits may vary by position
Outside salary surveys participates in outside salary surveys every 12 months
Employee salary reviews individual salaries are reviewed every 12 months
Long-term savings defined-contribution (DC) pension
Long-term planning retirement planning assistance, phased-in retirement work options
Signing bonuses available for some positions
Additional financial benefits share purchase plan available to some employees, profit-sharing plan available to some employees, corporate discount program (e.g. retail, services, travel, etc.), discounted home insurance, discounted auto insurance

Health & Family-Friendly Benefits Rating: B+

Health plan note Hatch has multiple employee groups, health plans may vary by position
Health plan premium as part of the health plan, the employer pays up to 80% of the premiums
Flexible coverage health plan is flexible with adjustable premiums and coverage levels
Minimum hours worked for coverage 20 hours per week
Waiting period there is no waiting period for coverage
Family coverage option yes
Retiree coverage with no age limit yes
Dental coverage routine, restorative, orthodontics
Paid sick days employees receive 10 days off each year
Health plan includes traditional coverage (e.g. prescription drugs), employee assistance (EAP) plan, semi-private hospital room, physiotherapy, medical travel insurance, homecare, medical equipment and supplies, massage therapy, nutrition planning, podiatrist, osteopathy, chiropractor, alternative coverage (e.g. acupuncture, naturopathy), virtual healthcare services
Mental health practitioner benefit up to $1,500 each year
Additional health plan information unused health credits can be transferred to a health spending account, a group RRSP or taken as taxable income, no set maximum of paid sick days
Maternity top-up (mothers) up to 100% of salary for 6 weeks
Parental top-up (mothers) up to 67% of salary for 20 weeks
Parental top-up (fathers) up to 67% of salary for 20 weeks
Adoption top-up up to 67% of salary for 20 weeks
Additional family-friendly benefits extended parental leave to unpaid leave, phased-in return to work for new parents, academic scholarships of up to $4,000 per child

Vacation & Personal Time-Off Rating: B+

Vacation note Hatch has multiple employee groups, vacation policies may vary by position
Vacation allowance new employees receive 3 weeks of paid vacation after their first year on the job
Vacation jump vacation increases after 5 years of employment
Maximum vacation allowance employees move to a maximum of 4 weeks of vacation over their career
Previous experience considers previous work experience when setting annual vacation for new employees
Unpaid leave maximum 12 months

Employee Engagement & Performance Rating: B+

Employee performance reviews employees receive individual performance reviews every 12 months
Managers receive performance review training yes
360° feedback option as part of the review process, performance feedback is also solicited from co-workers and other managers familiar with each employee's work
Confidential employee feedback employees can also provide confidential feedback on their manager's performance
Exit interview exit interview option is available for departing employees
Performance recognition online recognition platform, on-the-spot rewards, peer-to-peer recognition awards, long-service awards, tailored and unique rewards (e.g. travel), quarterly quality award for individuals and teams, annual global awards program with a variety of categories including best paper (for best technical paper submitted at a conference or for publication), construction management, design excellence, sustainability, and positive change, to name only a few

Training & Skills Development Rating: B

Career planning online employee skills inventory
In-house training initiatives mentoring, in-house training, online training, leadership development programs, paid internships, subsidies for professional accreditation, mentoring to transfer retirees' skills
Related tuition subsidies employer covers up to 50% of tuition per year

Community Involvement Rating: B+

Scope of charitable involvement local, national, international
Employee charitable involvement employees are involved in selection of charities
Total number of charities supported last year approximately 70 charitable and community organizations were supported last year
Some of the community organizations supported Ontario Families of Children with Cancer, Compass Food Bank and Kerr Street Mission, SickKids Foundation, Obis Plane Pull for Sight, Montréal Museum of Fine Art, Hockey Helps the Homeless (Bay Street Tournament), and raised money for international humanitarian relief efforts (Ukraine, Turkey and Syria), and many more
Community highlight As part of its charitable focus, Hatch seeks to support partnerships and projects in the communities where it operates, focusing on student education, Indigenous people, diversity and equal opportunity, and corporate philanthropy.

Recognized as one of Canada's Top Employers for Young People (2024):

Here are some of the reasons why Hatch Ltd. was selected as one of Canada's Top Employers for Young People (2024):

  • Hatch nurtures leadership in its early-career employees with initiatives such as site visits and client events specifically for young people -- the development of key leadership skills is recognized with Hatch's leadership awards program, which has an allocated cohort for developing professionals within the first three years of their careers
  • Hatch manages a Professional Development Program (PDP) to help recent grads in their first to third year of employment transition to the working world -- the PDP program is driven by the Young Professionals Committees at Hatch, who help plan events and present budgets for approval
  • Hatch offers several mentorship opportunities to connect employees of all experience levels, including global mentor circles for professionals with four to 10 years of experience and the new Project Delta initiative, launched in 2020, which pairs new and young employees with experienced professionals with four to 10 years of practice
Lauren Yacobowski, a young professional at Hatch, opens the organization's annual global town hall   (Photo credit: Glenn Sakaki)


Industry Engineering services
Major Canadian locations Sydney NS, Sorel-Tracy QC, Fredericton NB, Markham ON, Saint John NB, Edmonton AB, Sudbury ON, Montréal QC, Calgary AB, Niagara Falls ON, Saskatoon SK, Mississauga ON, Winnipeg MB, Vancouver BC, Halifax NS, St. John's NL, Thunder Bay ON
Full-time employees in Canada 3,941
Student opportunities summer jobs, co-op opportunities, paid internships
In-house training programs orientation program, in-house training, online training, online employee skills inventory, mentoring, leadership training
Related tuition subsidies employer covers up to 50% of tuition per year
Unique training and development opportunities in-house Professional Practice Exam prep course for individuals pursuing their professional engineering license, global mentor circles for professionals with 4 to 10 years of experience (each circle consists of 2 associate mentors and 6 employees, meeting once every 4 to 6 weeks via video call), Project Delta mentorship initiative (young employees are paired with professionals with 4 to 10 years of experience for guidance and knowledge-transfer), professionals with 4 to 10 years of experience can attend leadership workshops hosted by the University of Toronto's iLead program
Additional highlights opportunities for young professionals to participate in the Enginuity competition (a global computer-simulated competition where teams manage a global construction business), scholarships for Indigenous students (offered in partnership with various universities across the country), summer and winter student showcase hosted twice annually for co-op students to present their work experience and projects, Management Mingle social events with local leadership (one format for this event includes a leader with a large group of young professionals), client site visits (leaders and senior staff invite young employees to join them in client meetings and site visits)
Dedicated employee resource group Young Professionals Committee, events include young professional mingles, monthly networking lunches and speed networking (to name a few)
Vacation allowance new employees receive 3 weeks of paid vacation after their first year on the job

Recognized as one of Canada's Greenest Employers (2024):

Here are some of the reasons why Hatch Ltd. was selected as one of Canada's Greenest Employers (2024):

  • Hatch's specialized environmental services practice group ensures that environmental and sustainable design considerations are factored into all of its projects -- and at its own offices, employees participate in extensive waste management programs that encompass e-waste, organics, paper, batteries, bans on one-time use plastics, as well as programs to ensure the proper disposal and recycling of all waste at project sites, including hazardous waste, scrap metals, treated and untreated wood, pipes, insulation and more
  • Hatch helps employees reduce their commuting impacts with flexible work options and encourages employees to consider alternative commuting options through a formal carpool sign-up system and indoor secure bicycle parking (with shower facilities) at the head office -- the company has also installed 10 EV charging stations through the Ontario Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging Incentive Program
  • Hatch's head office features water-efficient appliances and automated building sensor technology, the "It's Cool to Be in the Dark" program to reduce AC and lighting usage in the summer months, rainwater collection, native tree species planted on the grounds, bioswales to mitigate containments from water runoff, and a community garden where employees can practice their green thumbs
Hatch team members gather to start planting the organization's annual community garden in Mississauga, ON  


Industry Engineering services
Major Canadian locations Sydney NS, Sorel-Tracy QC, Fredericton NB, Markham ON, Saint John NB, Edmonton AB, Sudbury ON, Montréal QC, Calgary AB, Niagara Falls ON, Saskatoon SK, Mississauga ON, Winnipeg MB, Vancouver BC, Halifax NS, St. John's NL, Thunder Bay ON
Full-time employees in Canada 3,941
Part-time employees in Canada 54
Employee green team Hatch environmental management system (HEMS) and Sustainable Development (SD) team
Senior executive who oversees initiatives managing director, environmental services group
Formal strategy/policy name Hatch environmental management system (designed to meet the ISO 14001:2015 standard)
Publishes sustainability report yes
Green highlights environmental services group (incorporates and advocates for environmental and sustainable design considerations into all projects), introduced a sustainability-focused employee performance award as part of its annual Hatch Global Awards program
Building footprint includes rainwater collection, green roof, electric vehicle charging stations, white roof (Mississauga), water-efficient appliances and automated building sensor technology, "It's Cool to Be in the Dark" program to reduce AC and lighting usage in the summer months, community garden, native tree species planted on the grounds, bioswales to mitigate containments from water runoff, LED lighting retrofits
Extended recycling extensive waste management programs include e-waste, organics, batteries, light bulbs, proper disposal and recycling of all waste at project sites (hazardous waste, scrap metals, treated and untreated wood, pipes, glass and insulation), eliminated disposable bottled water use, reusable or recyclable cutlery and dishes, donates old computers for refurbishment, two-sided printing default and use of FSC-Certified paper (including paper with 100% post-consumer recycled content), received Zero to Landfill certification (sponsored by U-Pak Disposals and Biochem) in recognition of all bathroom waste from its Mississauga office directed to reuse, recycle, composting or energy production
Commuter amenities indoor bicycle locker (Mississauga), installed 10 EV charging stations (through Ontario Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging Incentive Program), formal carpool sign-up system, walk to public transit, secure/sheltered bicycle parking, online carpool sign-up
Community partnerships Canadian Shoreline Cleanup

The Career Directory

Hatch Ltd. has been selected for The Career Directory, our guide to entry-level recruitment for recent college and university graduates.
Hatch employees

Highlights for New Grads

Industry Engineering services
Full-time employees in Canada 2,501 to 5,000
Major Canadian locations Sydney NS, Sorel-Tracy QC, Fredericton NB, Markham ON, Saint John NB, Edmonton AB, Sudbury ON, Montréal QC, Calgary AB, Niagara Falls ON, Saskatoon SK, Mississauga ON, Winnipeg MB, Vancouver BC, Halifax NS, St. John's NL, Thunder Bay ON
Student opportunities paid internships, summer jobs, co-op opportunities
Training subsidies for professional accreditation, orientation program, online training, in-house training, mentoring, leadership training
Tuition subsidies (related to job) yes
Typical new grad positions Engineering Trainee, Designer, Technician
Starting salary $70K to $80K
Work benefits health benefits for new employees, flexible work hours, telecommuting
Vacation allowance new employees receive 3 weeks of paid vacation after their first year on the job

Academic fields recruited

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