
Stronger Together

RetailPAC is a Federal Political Action Committee (PAC) registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Your support helps advance the legislative priorities of retailers and tell our industry's story.


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Fingers raised
Your voice, your choice
Now more than ever, making your voice heard by voting is critically important. Lawmakers in Washington are considering issues that have a profound impact on retail and will be responsible for creating policies to drive the retail industry’s success. Remember to vote retail when choosing your elected representatives on Election Day.
Get involved
As the world’s largest retail trade association and the voice of retail worldwide, NRF strives to represent retailers of all types and sizes to advance the objectives and bottom line of all our industry. One of the most important ways that we advocate for a pro-retail agenda is through our involvement in the political process, which affects all retailers.
RetailPAC helps elect federal lawmakers who are committed to legislating fair and reasonable policies important to the retail industry as a whole.
Competing industries and interest groups are contributing PAC funds and telling their story to candidates for office. Retail must be part of those conversations to ensure our voice is heard and our businesses are protected from risky policies.
Taking notes
NRF Logo
The National Retail Federation is the world’s largest retail trade association.
Every day, we passionately stand up for the people, policies, and ideas that help retail thrive.

Contributions to RetailPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to RetailPAC are voluntary and amounts included herein are merely suggestions. An individual is free to contribute more or less than the guidelines suggest, but an individual may not contribute more than $5,000 per calendar year. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Federal law requires that RetailPAC report the full name, address, occupation and company name of each individual whose contributions total more than $200 in a calendar year. Corporate contributions prohibited.