Contact Us

Contact the Center for Reproductive Rights and learn more about our work to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the globe.


New York Headquarters

Center for Reproductive Rights
199 Water Street
New York, NY 10038

Main Number: 917-637-3600
Main Fax: 917-637-3666

Washington, D.C. Office

Center for Reproductive Rights
1634 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006

Main Number: 202-628-0286

Bogota, Colombia Office

Calle 73 # 7 – 31, Piso 8
Edificio Del Camino 
Bogotá, Colombia

Main Number: +57 1 432 4853
Email: [email protected]

Nairobi, Kenya Office

Fourth Floor Pinetree Off Ngong Road
Kamburu Drive, Kindaruma Road Junction  
P.O Box 48136-00100, Nairobi, Kenya 

Main number: +254 20 2518361/63
Email: [email protected] 

Geneva, Switzerland Office

Center for Reproductive Rights 
Rue du Mont-Blanc 16
CH – 1201 Genève, Suisse

Main number: +41 22 552 1690

Information and Assistance

Press inquiries
[email protected]

Information about giving
[email protected]

Legal assistance
[email protected]

Employment opportunities
[email protected]

Employment verifications
[email protected]

General questions and comments
[email protected]

Inquiries about World’s Abortions Laws map
[email protected]

Inquiries about the “After Roe Fell” map
[email protected]

Technical questions or problems using the website
[email protected]

Social Media

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