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Verification of damages to schools based on proximity to damaged sites - Gaza, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Update # 4 (3 June 2024)


• In Gaza, 17 years of blockade combined with recurrent conflict have damaged and destroyed an already fragile education infrastructure: increasing pressure on education facilities, disrupting education provision, and impacting the psychosocial wellbeing of children and teachers. The recent hostilities in Gaza has tragically witnessed a high trend of attacks on school facilities, exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation.

• Since October 7th, the Education Cluster “EC” has been monitoring and reporting on damages to schools through initial reports from Cluster partners in the field, UNOCHA, and UNRWA. In addition, the EC has activated the Education Cluster Assessment Team (ECAT) that has been deployed to verify damages on each occasion the situation allowed.

• The Education Cluster published the first update of the “Verification of damages to schools based on proximity to damaged sites” on the 10th of January, the second update on the 26th of March, and the third update on the 25th of April.