Rapid Review Quiz: Hormonal Contraception

Michel E. Rivlin, MD


October 30, 2023

Most forms of nonpermanent contraception for women are either hormonal or barrier strategies such as diaphragms or condoms. However, hormonal contraception in the form of the birth control pill is used most often in the United States. Worldwide, female sterilization is the most common contraceptive method, with more than 23% of women using this long-term strategy as of 2019, or about 219 million women globally. Other methods have more than 100 million users worldwide, and two of them involve hormones: oral contraceptive pills (151 million users) and intrauterine devices (IUDs) (159 million users). Overall, nearly half (45.2%) of contraceptive users rely on long-acting or permanent methods like IUDs, implants, or sterilization, whereas an almost even amount (46.1%) use short-acting methods (eg, pill, injectables, condoms). About 8.7% rely on rhythm methods, withdrawal, and other traditional strategies.

Are you aware of recent research into hormonal contraception methods for women? Test yourself with a short quiz.


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