Fast Five Quiz: Type 2 Diabetes Practice Essentials

Romesh Khardori, MD, PhD


September 14, 2023

Type 2 diabetes (T2D), a chronic disease of both insulin resistance and inadequate insulin secretion, is increasing worldwide. In 2021, an estimated 536.6 million (10.5%) people aged 20-79 years were living with diabetes, a number that is projected to rise by 2045 to 783.2 million (12.2%). T2D is most often found in people older than 45 years, although it can affect people at any age. Because early detection and treatment of T2D is critical to avoiding neuropathic complications as well as improving associated disease morbidity and mortality outcomes, it is important to be ready to take on this disease in any affected patients as early as possible.

Test your knowledge on the updated T2D practice essentials, including how and when to use them, with this quick quiz.


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