Fast Five Quiz: Recent Advances in HER2 Oncologic Expression

Ghassan Allo, MD, MSc, FCAP, FRCPC


June 27, 2024

Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is overexpressed in several types of cancer. It is essential in the proper diagnosis and staging for breast cancer, especially with the recent focus on newly approved indications for HER2 targeted therapies, but HER2 expression is also seen in various gynecological cancers, gastric cancers, lung cancers, and even some head and neck cancers. HER2 expression in cancer cells is typically associated with a poor prognosis, but the continued research on HER2-targeted therapies is providing a new treatment paradigm for these often difficult-to-treat cases. However, much of the research on HER2 expression in cancer is still new and ongoing; guidelines are evolving in real time as new information is discovered.

Are you up to date on the latest news in HER2 oncological testing? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.


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