carefully arranged leaves, woodchips, mushrooms, and other plant life on a bed of dirt

A full-service funeral home specializing in human composting

Recompose works directly with you and the people in your life to ensure respectful, empathetic service from the time of death through the body’s transformation into soil. We’re here to support you. Contact us at (206) 800-8733.

mossy stones, tree bark, pinecone, and other greenery on a mauve background
mossy stones, tree bark, pinecone, and other greenery on a mauve background

Soil to Soil

Picture the forest floor. Rich earth continually replenished by fallen trees, dry leaves, and bright moss. New roots reach through each layer, drawing nutrients into branches high above. Recompose uses the principles of nature to transform our dead into soil.

dried woodchips, leaves and dirt on a green background
dried woodchips, leaves and dirt on a green background

A Relationship with Death

Death is an essential part of life. It is as remarkable, in its own way, as birth.

The end of life, though heart-wrenching, can be beautiful. Talking about our mortality can be comforting, and death care can be both straightforward and healing.

fresh spring leaves, budding flowers and a mushroom on sage background
fresh spring leaves, budding flowers and a mushroom on sage background

Life After Death

Healthy soil is vital for an ecosystem to thrive. It regulates moisture, sequesters carbon, and sustains plants, animals, and humans.

Recompose was born from research on the soil cycle. Soil created by Recompose will nurture growth on the same forest floor that inspired its creation, allowing us to give back to the earth that nourishes us all our lives.