Recall Questions

Save Alameda For Everyone (SAFE) is a committee formed to recall DA Pamela Price. It is composed of former Alameda County prosecutors, victims and victims’ families, community activists, and everyday residents of Alameda County. Our two principal officers are Brenda Grisham, the mother of a homicide victim, and Carl Chan, a community organizer and public safety advocate.

The organization is made of additional members who serve on one of two committees. The Finance Committee ensures that SAFE has the funds necessary to get the recall on the ballot. The DA Working Group is composed of current and former prosecutors that are subject matter experts and available as speakers for community meetings.

  • The Recall Election is Set for November 5, 2024:

    • March 5, 2024: SAFE submitted 123,000 signatures to the Alameda County Registrar of Voters (ROV).
    • April 15, 2024: The ROV certified that SAFE submitted a sufficient number of petition signatures to qualify for a recall election.
    • May 14, 2024: The Alameda County Board of Supervisors set a recall election date of November 5, 2024.
  • SAFE is confident the majority of voters in Alameda County no longer accept the soft-on-crime District Attorney Pamela Price.  She will be recalled on November 5, 2024.

  • Our work is not complete. We need volunteers to spread the word regarding the recall, to post signs in their neighborhoods, post on social media and donate to the campaign. Please click on Join Us to help out.

After the November 5, 2024 successful election to recall Pamela Price, the following will take place:

    • Pam Price will be removed from office when the results of the election are confirmed (approximately December 5, 2024.)
    • In January/February, 2025, the Board of Supervisors will evaluate and appoint a new District Attorney.  Pamela Price cannot be chosen.
    • There will be an election for the District Attorney seat in November 2026

What About Pam Price's "Claims" About The Recall?

Pamela Price has a habit of making unsubstantiated accusations. Recall is the power of the voters to remove an elective officer and recalls are specifically permitted in the California Constitution: Art. II, Secs. 13-19; Elections Code § 11000 et seq.

Read more: https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/recalls/recall-procedures-guide.pdf

Pamela Price and her attorneys are claiming that unconstitutional portions of the County Charter should be followed. If the county followed the unconstitutional portions of the Charter, Pam’s attorneys would be arguing that the recall is unconstitutional. SAFE assures our supporters that we followed exactly the rules and directions that were provided to us by the County and Register of Voters. We had numerous conversations directly with the ROV to clarify directions, dates and procedures to ensure we complied with all aspects of the recall.

Any individual can submit allegations of violations to the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), which then diligently evaluates and investigates each claim. Since its inception in August 2023, SAFE has proactively engaged the foremost treasurer and financial reporting organizations in California. Furthermore, SAFE has sought legal counsel from a distinguished election attorney in the state. Maintaining an impeccable reputation is paramount for any organization undertaking a public official recall, and SAFE proudly upholds this standard.

SAFE looks forward to collaborating with the residents of Alameda County to successfully recall Pamela Price and bring safety back to our families.

Join Us

Bring safety back to Alameda County – sign up below to JOIN US in the effort to recall Pamela Price.

We succeeded in getting the recall placed on the November 5, 2024 ballot. Now we need YOUR help to get the word out!!!   Join us to stay informed!