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Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (Suppl 1): S151–S172.
Published: 01 March 2010
... as the population ages. Population aging and the forces leading to it can produce not only frightening declines in support ratios but also very substantial increases in productivity and per capita income by raising investment in physical and human capital. Longer life, lower fertility, and population aging all...
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (Suppl 1): S111–S130.
Published: 01 March 2010
...Robert M. Hauser; David Weir Abstract We review recent developments in longitudinal studies of aging, focusing on the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) and the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Both studies are part of a trend toward biosocial surveys in which biological measurement is joined...
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (Suppl 1): S1–S4.
Published: 01 March 2010
...Richard Suzman 27 1 2011 © Population Association of America 2010 2010 United Nations Publication Start Data Collection Global Health Action National Advisory Council Risk Venture References B. Cohen , & J. Menken ( 2006 ). Aging in Sub-Saharan...
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (Suppl 1): S191–S209.
Published: 01 March 2010
...Arie Kapteyn Abstract Although aging is a global phenomenon, there are large differences across countries in both the speed of aging and the current age composition. Furthermore, countries adopt vastly different policies. This creates a natural laboratory that scientists can use to understand how...
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (Suppl 1): S5–S15.
Published: 01 March 2010
...Robert F. Schoeni; Mary Beth Ofstedal Conclusion For years, researchers and policymakers have attempted to focus attention on population aging by discussing the likely implications to individuals, governments, and society of the baby boom generation reaching old age. No longer can researchers...
Journal Article
Demography (1997) 34 (3): 421–427.
Published: 01 August 1997
...Young J. Kim; Robert Schoen Abstract Population momentum and population aging occur when an initially growing population experiences a reduction in fertility to replacement level. Conceptually and empirically, momentum and aging express the same change, albeit on different scales. Fundamentally...
Journal Article
Demography (1997) 34 (4): 551–563.
Published: 01 November 1997
...C. Y. Cyrus Chu Abstract I analyze the dynamics of the age distribution as some vital rates change. When the fertility or mortality rate declines, the age distribution often manifests a dynamic stochastic-dominance relationship. I also propose some alternative indexes for measuring population aging...
Journal Article
Demography (1993) 30 (4): 507–518.
Published: 01 November 1993
... Defective Data.” Occasional publication. Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chang, Ming-Cheng and Mary Beth Ofstedal. 1991.“Changing Attitudes toward Old-Age Support in Taiwan: 1973-1985.” Population Studies Center, University of Michigan. Christenson, Bruce...
Journal Article
Demography (1989) 26 (4): 691–704.
Published: 01 November 1989
...Samuel H. Preston; Christine Himes; Mitchell Eggers Abstract This article develops and applies two expressions for the rate of change of a population's mean age. In one, aging is shown to be negatively related to contemporary birth rates and death rates. In a general sense, aging occurs when vital...
Journal Article
Demography (1980) 17 (4): 345–364.
Published: 01 November 1980
..., Denver, Colorado, April 11, 1980. References Abernathy J. D. ( 1979 ). The Exponential Increase in Mortality Rate With Age Attributed to Wearing Out of Biological Components . Journal of Theoretical Biology , 80 , 333 – 354 . 10.1016/0022-5193(79)90098-5 Aesádi György...
Journal Article
Demography (2018) 55 (1): 361–386.
Published: 22 January 2018
... estimate impacts of Seguro Popular for the population aged 50 and older on a set of indicators related to health care including utilization, diagnostic/preventive tests, and treatment conditional on being ill. Using the longitudinal Mexican Health and Aging Study over the period 2001–2012, we conduct...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2018) 55 (1): 341–359.
Published: 22 January 2018
...Ana Lucia Abeliansky; Holger Strulik Abstract We analyze human aging —understood as health deficit accumulation—for a panel of European individuals, using four waves of the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE data set) and constructing a health deficit index. Results from log...
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Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2017) 54 (6): 2043–2071.
Published: 03 November 2017
... and an important role of cohort dynamics in generating that variation, with younger cohorts often less healthy at comparable ages than the older cohorts they are replacing. We further find evidence of heterogeneous effects of life course processes on health trajectories. The results have important implications...
Published: 22 January 2018
Fig. 5 Aging in Europe: Women (panel a) and men (panel b). The figure shows age-dependent health deficits ( D – A ) across countries, according to Eq. ( 4 ) when the country-specific force of aging α ig is fed in from the estimates of Table 4 More
Published: 21 May 2018
Fig. 2 Predicted aging vectors of chronic conditions. Data are from SHARE (Sweden and Netherlands), ELSA (United Kingdom), and HRS (United States). Predictions are based on Model 1, Table S 1 (Online Resource 1 ). Solid lines = Higher education; dashed lines = Lower education More
Published: 21 May 2018
Fig. 3 Predicted aging vectors of functional limitations. Data are from SHARE (Sweden and Netherlands), ELSA (United Kingdom), and HRS (United States). Predictions are based on Model 2, Table S 1 (Online Resource 1 ). Solid lines = Higher education; dashed lines = Lower education More
Journal Article
Demography (2022) 59 (2): 535–562.
Published: 01 April 2022
... ). In the context of population aging, intergenerational transmission might work the other way around, from adult children to older parents. If well-educated adult children provide better old-age support and improve their parents' health, investment in children's education could be a cost-effective means...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2013) 50 (4): 1363–1386.
Published: 14 March 2013
... programs may also have an impact on aging adults by increasing household resources or inducing changes in allocations of time of household members, which may be of substantial interest, particularly given the rapid aging of most populations. This article contributes to this underresearched area...
Published: 03 November 2017
Fig. 1 Aging vector graphs of functional limitations, by country More
Published: 25 December 2014
Fig. 2 Average evolution of the rate of aging by wave in selected cohorts of women (all countries). The series represent the evolution of the mean rate of aging (for the whole wave) at different ages. The vertical dashed lines indicate the mean onset of manifest aging. Source : Authors More