Tag: Nepal

Sitting on the edge of a cliff in Thailand taking it all in backpacking the asian trail
Ultimate Backpacking Guide To Asia After growing up in Canada’s frozen tundra and counting down the days until my annual hibernation ended; when I decided to leave for good, I vowed to spend my days in some paradise where the sun would always shine. After falling in love with Asia…
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Getting Away From It All In Nepal When you think of Nepal, the first thing that typically comes to mind is Everest, Kathmandu, Pokhara and The Annapurna Base Camp. Sure, they’re well trotted for a reason but if you’re looking to get a little off the grid in order to…
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taking a ride on a yak on the trail to Everest Base Camp
Guide To Everest Base Camp I wake up in the dark, and wonder if daylight is coming soon. With my headlamp, I check the time. It is 5:00 AM, and I am fully awake. In my warm sleeping bag, I wait for the grey of dawn. The day begins, and…
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Guide To Annapurna Base Camp “Wake up Shannon, its time…” A voice whispers. It’s 4:30 in the morning and a shiver runs down my spine as I wrap my yak wool scarf closer to my neck before putting on my wet socks and equally wet boots that never dried. “I’m Ready,”…
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Where Are The Craziest Festivals In South Asia? South Asia is one of the most colourful, chaotic and crowded sub-continents in the world. It is also one of the most religious, which makes for some spectacular festivals. Come with your dancing shoes on, and be prepared for (usually friendly and…
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