Shannon Wolf

Shannon Wolf

Born in Toronto, Canada, Shannon Wolf has lived and worked around the globe as a freelance writer and photographer. Over the years her work has been featured and published both in print and online in various publications. Shannon has travelled over 40+ countries on 4 continents in the last 3 years and is an avid food lover and adventurer with an open itinerary and no intent of stopping.

Georgetown Penang, Malaysia
What to do see and eat in Georgetown Penang As the ferry rolled into the dock of Georgetown; you can hear the sound of prayers singing in the distance; accompanied by a warm breeze rolling off the sea as the city awoke with me. I’m half asleep and yet wide…
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Kawah Ijen Volcano in East Java, Indonesia
No rush, no fuss DIY Road Trip: On a Motorbike from Bali to East Java and North Bali in 4 Days To celebrate my good friend Ashley’s big 25th birthday this year, we had deliberated a plan to reunite in Bali to embark on an unforgettable 177km DIY motorbike journey…
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Scooters and tuktuks in the night market laneways and bars in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Nightlife Guide To Phnom Penh, Cambodia You wouldn’t know from first glance but the capital city of Cambodia has a booming nightlife scene just as cool as anything back in the western world. Do yourself a favor and leap into a night full of hipster delight amongst expats and locals alike.…
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Adventure Guide to Vietnam
Adventuring Around Vietnam If you’re looking for a wild journey packed full of exploration feeling like Che Guevara in “The Motorcycle Diaries” - book your next flight to one of the best countries in South East Asia: Vietnam. Below, we’ve broken down the top festivals and adventure activities throughout Vietnam…
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Ha Giang Loop in Vietnam by Motorcycle
Discover Vietnam's Ha Giang Loop by Motorcycle There is no better feeling in the world than to be on a motorbike in a foreign land with your hair blowing in the wind as your eyes widen in amazement around each bend. Driving Vietnams tourist-trail from Hanoi to Saigon is a…
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Sitting on the edge of a cliff in Thailand taking it all in backpacking the asian trail
Ultimate Backpacking Guide To Asia After growing up in Canada’s frozen tundra and counting down the days until my annual hibernation ended; when I decided to leave for good, I vowed to spend my days in some paradise where the sun would always shine. After falling in love with Asia…
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Raddest Thailand Festivals
Where and When are the Best Thailand Festivals If you ask us why you need to add Thailand's raddest festivals to your bucket list  – We could go on for hours listing all the ways. From the music, the ambiance, the food to the weather; landscape to it’s rich culture…
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What to Do In Pai Thailand As you hitchhike along highway 107 followed by the 1905 – Chiang Mai’s busy city is replaced by lush hillsides and fresh mountain air as the sun warms your skin in the back of a pickup truck on your way to Pai Thailand. Although…
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Things To Do In Hiroshima, Japan
One of the best parts about travelling is reuniting with old friends and during our time in beautiful Japan; Victor and I hitchhiked all the way to Hiroshima to reunite with my good friend Phil I had met the year prior in Thailand. Although Hiroshima is a somewhat sleepy town…
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