FOX Nation Presents podcasts, Women of the Bible Speak. Shannon Bream host of FOX News @ Night and author of the new book Women of the Bible Speak: The Wisdom of 16 Women and Their Lessons for Today examines the timeless stories of women in the Bible.

On this episode, Shannon is joined by CEO and President of Concerned Women for America and host of the podcast, Concerned Women for America Penny Nance to share the stories of�Deborah�and Jael,�prophets�and heroines�in the Old Testament�and how their�stories can be�applied�into the world today.

They discuss how women must decide, when called�to�”battle,”�if�they will take up the�weapons�they’ve been given�by God, the�word of�truth,�and things women�must�fight with�to�combat everyday�struggles.

Available on March 30th, pre order your book here.

Follow Shannon on Twitter: @ShannonBream