Original topic:

Samsung Trade in program - never received an email, now they are charging me $424.88

(Topic created on: 06-06-2024 02:45 PM)
Active Level 1

This is in Ontario, Canada - if that matters...


I see that there have been a lot of issues with the Samsung Trade In Program...but I haven't found a post that will help me. 

Earlier this year, I purchased an S22 Ultra and I received the following emails:

- "order confirmation" on Feb 24, 2022

- "order delay" March 23, 2022

- "goods are on the way" April 1, 2022

 - "order has been delivered" April 4, 2022

- "Samsung Trade in Program Charge notification" Aug. 16, 2022

I have been trying to find someone to help me figure out why they never sent me an email with the return address label so I could return my old phone, but they proceed to debit my bank account $424.88 due to non-return of the device.  I have tried to contact people to ask for the missing email, but they replied,

"The email was sent out on 04/29/22

with the shipping label, and as per terms and conditions we are unable to accept the trade in and clawback will occur.

Apologizes for the inconveniences that this might cause you."

Per the Terms and Conditions, they were supposed to send me the email - but they didn't

I have no other emails from them. And trying to reach customer service is pointless. I call and they say, I'll send an email and they will get back to you. 

My point is, they didn't honour the agreement; how can they take funds from my bank account?  

I have the device and wanted to return it, but they never told me how. 

What can I do to rectify this?

I created a ticket, but they just said (paraphrasing): we sent the email, and now it too late, so too bad.

Who else can I contact?

Any suggestions?


This doesn't sound good.  I thought it would be an easy process - it's Samsung!  I've never done a trade in before, but this has been a difficult process after all. 

I paid via Paypal, so they said they'd take the funds through Paypal (from my bank account) and there is no way to dispute the process in Paypal. 

I hope your daughter has a much easier experience.  

Expert Level 5
Thats what I am worried about. She worked the summer and is using her hard earned money...I will be very pissed if **bleep**** goes south!
Active Level 1

How did your ordeal end-up?

Active Level 1

I have had an identical experience with 3 out of 4 orders on several S24 devices I bought this year. Only 1 trade-in return label was emailed, and after several chat sessions I was assured that the trade-in labels would be sent. In the end, Samsung charged my credit card the $500+ per phone x 3. They insist it's my fault, yet no emails were ever sent. Only 1 email for one trade in was ever properly delivered to me by Assurant. 

I have indicated to Samsung that when a purchase is made with a trade-in, the original delivery of the purchased items SHOULD ALREADY include the trade-in return labels, so the original box can be used to return the trade-in with the already provided physical return label.

After reviewing the terms and condition as per their own link, here is some legal analysis from my end: (remove the spaces after each /)

http:// pages.samsung.com /ca /promotions /English /SamsungTradeInProgram_TermsofUse_EN.pdf 


There are several things to understand here:
  • First, it states in section 1 of the Terms and Conditions that Assurant is responsible for providing shipping labels. The first point makes it perfectly clear that the responsibility to ensure the shipping label is provided to the client is with Assurant/Samsung. Assurant/Samsung is FULLY responsible to provide the shipping label. PERIOD. 
  • Second, it states in section 8 of the Terms and Conditions, that a confirmation email will be sent to the client, which will INCLUDE a prepaid shipping label. It is important to indicate, however, that the sample confirmation email that I received from one of the 4 purchases I made in Jan 2024, did NOT include a shipping label (as an attachment, for example). Instead a LINK is provided to DOWNLOAD the shipping label and instructions. Basically, NO emails from Assurant actually INCLUDES the prepaid shipping label. The Shipping Label is available for DOWNLOAD from ANOTHER site, not as an attachment in the email.
  • Third, the terms and conditions indicate in section 8 that " The used device must be shipped using the prepaid shipping label no later than 21 days after you RECEIVE the confirmation email."  It is important to note that the deadline to send the device is 21 days AFTER RECEIVING the confirmation email. NO proof from Samsung has been provided to me that I have RECEIVED the confirmation email. Only an email log has been sent to be indicating when the confirmation emails were ALLEGEDLY *sent* to me, NOT received. Further, the reminder emails from Assurant are proof that THEY already KNOW that the emails have not be received, otherwise WHY are they sending reminders? 


If they insist on not refunding the claw back for 3 phones (over $1500) I will be filing with Small Claims Court in Ontario. If anyone wants to contact me, I'm available at:

carlos (at) lameiro (dot) net

Active Level 5
Theirs trade in programs are truly awful. Samsung customer service is a joke. You call in 3 times and get 3 different stories. They never take responsibility and blame the customer even when it's their fault. No consistency, no support, it's absolutely disgraceful. Their procedure and their methods are laughable. Love my Samsung products. It my god, their customer service is almost not worth it.