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Does Pet Insurance Cover Surgery?

Written by
Graci Daby
Written by Graci Daby Author

Graci Daby graduated from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She has written for 365 Pet insurance, and edited pet insurance categories across other Insurance focused sites, including MarketWatch. Recently, Graci has been working as an SEO analyst and editor in the pet field for the past 2 years. In her spare time, Graci looks after her fur babies.

12/21/2023 01:02 PM

Some pets go through their entire lives accident and illness-free, while others seem to always be victims of accidental injuries or illnesses. You never really know what kind of life your pet will have. Illnesses and accidents can be very expensive for your pet, and one of the most expensive procedures a pet can go through is surgery.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Surgery for a Dog or Cat?

Hearing their pet needs surgery can almost sound like a death sentence to many pet owners due to the cost. Wouldn’t it be great if you could be protected against the high cost of veterinary bills for life-saving techniques? Pet insurance can be a great form of protection against high vet bills. The real question is does pet insurance cover surgery. Read on to get the facts.

What Types of Surgery are Common for Dogs?

Although the idea of our dog needing surgery may seem frightening not just for the cost but also because it’s surgery, there are some types of surgeries that are quite common for dogs.

  • Spaying and neutering
  • Dental surgery
  • Benign skin growths
  • Elective procedures
  • Malignant tumors on the skin
  • Spleen cancer
  • Skin lacerations
  • Internal bleeding
  • Fractures
  • Torn ACLs
  • Orthopedic surgery
  • Bladder stones
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Removal of foreign bodies
  • Ophthalmic surgery

Remember that the cost of surgery usually covers the recovery period, anesthesia and even medications that are there for recovery post-operation. You have to find out if your desired pet insurance policy covers surgery to help inform your decision.

What Types of Surgery are Common for Cats?

Dogs are not the only pets that commonly require surgery. Some common types of surgery for cats, which are very similar to dogs, include:

  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Skin abscess or laceration
  • Fracture repair
  • Internal bleeding
  • Tumor or mass removal
  • Malignant skin tumors
  • Urethral blockage or bladder stones

Certain types of surgery are not covered for dogs or cats regardless of the pet insurance. These may include elective surgeries for removing claws, spaying or neutering, and surgery for pre-existing conditions. Even though the pet insurance may not pay for these procedures, it may cover the cost of complications from the procedures as long as they didn’t happen before the policy was past its waiting period.

Average Surgery Costs

The cost for surgical procedures on your pet can range from a couple of hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. Things that can affect the cost are the type and size of the animal, the time involved in the surgery, and where you take the animal. Where you take the animal can play a large part in the cost. A large veterinary hospital is going to cost more than a small veterinary clinic.

Certain organizations, such as humane societies, often offer low-cost veterinary services and surgeries. Below are the average costs for surgeries. Again, keep in mind that these are not exact figures and can vary.

Spaying or neutering$100 to $600
Hernia repair$250 to $1,000
Dental extractions$285 to $300
Glaucoma surgeryCan be up to $6,000
Cataract removal$1,500 to $2,000
Laser eye surgery$5,000
ACL repairCan be up to $5,500
Dewclaw removal$125 to $325 per dewclaw
Hip dysplasiaCan be up to $8,000
Cancer tumor removal$500 to $1,500 if it’s minor surgery
Broken bones or fracturesCan be up to $3,700 to $4,000
Foreign body removal$900 to $3,000

Plans that Cover Surgery & What They Cover

Certain pet insurance policies will cover surgeries. Although surgery is something pet owners seldom think will happen, it’s more common than you might think. It’s important for pet owners to research pet insurance companies so they know which ones will cover surgical procedures and what they all cover. Knowing how much they will pay is as important as the does pet insurance cover surgery question. Below is some information on four major pet insurance companies and what they cover as far as surgical procedures.


Embrace has several types of pet insurance coverage. Their accident and illness policy covers certain surgeries that are the result of a covered accident or illness. They cover hip dysplasia, tumor removal, cataracts, foreign body removal, root canal, and ACL repairs, among others. If you purchase the Wellness Rewards policy, it will pay for preventive and routine surgeries for things like spaying or neutering, dental procedures, umbilical hernia, and gastropexy.

To learn more, read our Embrace Pet Insurance review

Pets Best

Pets Best offers a BestBenefit Accident and Illness plan that covers a variety of pet surgeries. It also offers pet owners a choice of the type of policy they want. You can choose a policy that covers most surgical procedures or one that covers unexpected surgeries resulting from an accident. In addition to paying for the surgeries, Pets Best also offers coverage for things related to the surgery, such as blood work, MRIs, cat scans, X-rays, hospitalization, and rehabilitation.

To learn more, read our Pets Best Pet Insurance review.


Pet owners are often attracted to the fact that they can choose from three levels of coverage through Figo: Essential, Preferred Ultimate. The levels offer different deductibles, annual benefits, and reimbursement rates with the highest level having an unlimited reimbursement rate. Figo covers hospital and emergency care as well as surgeries if the surgeries are related to a covered illness or injury. They also cannot be part of a pre-existing condition.

To learn more, read our Figo Pet Insurance review.

Healthy Paws

Healthy Paws also pays for surgical procedures if they result from a covered illness or injury. They also cover hereditary conditions if they manifest after the pet is enrolled and completed the waiting period. The surgery cannot be related to a pre-existing condition. Healthy Paws also offers different types of coverage. They do not offer wellness and preventive policy but will cover surgeries if their specific conditions are met.

Don’t let a potential surgery deter you from getting your pet the care they need. With today’s advancements in veterinary medicine, the costs have gone down, while the survival rates and care are excellent. To afford this level of quality care, make sure you have a good pet insurance policy.

To learn more, read our Healthy Paws Pet Insurance review.