The expert mid-wife a treatise of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also, of the best ways and means of help in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the various maladies of new born babes. A work more full than any yet extant: and most necessar [sic] for all bearing women, mid-wifes, and others that practise this art. By Mr. James McMath, M.D.

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The expert mid-wife a treatise of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also, of the best ways and means of help in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the various maladies of new born babes. A work more full than any yet extant: and most necessar [sic] for all bearing women, mid-wifes, and others that practise this art. By Mr. James McMath, M.D.
Macmath, James, 1648-1696.
Edinburgh :: printed by George Mosman, and are to be sold at his shop in the Parliament Closs.,
M. DC. XCIV. [1694]

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"The expert mid-wife a treatise of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also, of the best ways and means of help in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the various maladies of new born babes. A work more full than any yet extant: and most necessar [sic] for all bearing women, mid-wifes, and others that practise this art. By Mr. James McMath, M.D." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 2, 2024.


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CHAP. XXII. Of the Venereal Disease in Pregnant Women.

IF the Mother be Pocky, so must her fruit, being constitute of polluted Principles, getting also a vile Acrimonious Nutri∣ment, which converting into its Substance breeds these Pustuls, Scabs, Byles, Spots, and Ʋl∣cers, which the Infants of such bring with them from the Womb, or appears soon after; making the greater Impression and Havock of their soft Bodys as they are Weaker, or the Mothers stain the greater: especially if she have Ʋlcers, exulcerat Chops or Clefts about the Genitals, which soon impart the Venom to the Child in the Womb.

This being a Virulent pernicious Malady, with a Train of most dreadful rageing Symp∣toms, making speedy Havock of all (the Malignant Contagion being dispersed through the whole Body) needs a most skilfull, speedy and thorow Cure; which Some place in Salivation only, which yet if her time be

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near, is best forborn till after Delivery: Else the Labour coming on the time of the Cure, might kill her and the Infant. If her Pox beside be Recent, Gentle and with easie Symp∣toms, this Cure must also be deferred till af∣ter Child-bed, using the while Gentle Purges, Sudorificks, Alexipharmicks, through the con∣stant use of which this Pocky Habit in Some, hath been throughly altered, a new Salubri∣ous Habit produced. Yet if this Pox afflict her when young with Child, in the highest Degree, with the worst of Symptoms, be rebellious, and stuborn, this Cure must be plyed, if strength admit: Being her safest Course; seeing the Disease, and its pernici∣ous Symptms still augmenting more and more, must in continuance certainly kill her. Beside, that Some suffer more by Remedies for other Acute Diseases in their Pregnancy, yet are safe.

This Flux or Salivation is raised by Intern Medicaments, Suffumigation, or then Ʋnctions with Ʋnguentum Neopolitanum▪ or other Mer∣curial Oyntment: which last is securest in her Case: yet must be of her upper Parts only, as the Palms of her Hands, Wrists, El∣bows, Shoulders, alongst the Back-bone also, if it rise slow: And to be managed with all Se∣curity,

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Care and Caution, that the Evacuati∣on be rather by little at a time, and the longer then too copious and suddain: Proceeding in the Quantity, and Reiteration to her Strength, and Facility of the Flux: Sure to be still Masters thereof. So if she be strong, anoint once every Morning for the first two Dayes: Morning and Evening for the third and fourth: Afterwards but once a day, till the Flux appear: If it come easily, once every Morning: If she be weak once every other Day. After the Ʋnctions she is to keep warm in Bed for an Hour or two, and Sweat mo∣derately. She must the while be kept warm: Her Regimen also ought to be strict: Chief∣ly careful, no Loosness or belly Flux arise. The rest as occasion shall direct, and are suf∣ficiently known.

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