The expert mid-wife a treatise of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also, of the best ways and means of help in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the various maladies of new born babes. A work more full than any yet extant: and most necessar [sic] for all bearing women, mid-wifes, and others that practise this art. By Mr. James McMath, M.D.

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The expert mid-wife a treatise of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also, of the best ways and means of help in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the various maladies of new born babes. A work more full than any yet extant: and most necessar [sic] for all bearing women, mid-wifes, and others that practise this art. By Mr. James McMath, M.D.
Macmath, James, 1648-1696.
Edinburgh :: printed by George Mosman, and are to be sold at his shop in the Parliament Closs.,
M. DC. XCIV. [1694]

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"The expert mid-wife a treatise of the diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also, of the best ways and means of help in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the various maladies of new born babes. A work more full than any yet extant: and most necessar [sic] for all bearing women, mid-wifes, and others that practise this art. By Mr. James McMath, M.D." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 2, 2024.


CHAP. IV. Of Incontinency and diffi∣culty of Ʋrin.

THey both proceed of the big distended Womb, compressing the Badder plac∣ed upon, and adhering to it: For while it greatly compresses the Bottom thereof, t,

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marrs the Reception of a due Quantity of Ʋ∣rin, and Retention a just time (tho this may come from Resolution of the Sphincter) whence the bigger she grows, the ofter she Pisses: And compressing the Neck thereof (as happens the first Months, to these who have the Womb fallen, and in the last, after the Child is turned, and falls lower) it marrs its Egress and makes a Laborious Pissing. The Acrimony beside of her Ʋrin, may irritat its Premature Exclusion, as may the Heat and Scal∣ding thereof, inflaming the Neck of the Blad∣der, or Ʋrinacy Passages, cause a Suppression, or this Difficulty. A Stone also striking against the Neck of the Bladder in Pissing. And whiles some drops of Ʋrin remaining after Pissing, in folds of the Neck of the Bladder (which are greatly pressed, and plyed down∣ward the last Months) and turning sharp through stay theren, smarts and provokes to this frequent Pissing, and with great La∣bour, and no less Pain, then she had a Stone or Ʋlcer.

They are very Irksome and Hurtful for the big Womb, which must needs loosen, and bear much down, in a long continuance of these frequent Endeavours, Vehement forcings down∣ward, and trouble in Pissing: Yea may be urg∣ed

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(the Annoyance remaining) to cast the Fruit untimely.

If the turgid Womb be the cause hereof, as oftest, she may ly along before she make Water, and when it is to come, raise up the Bottom of her Belly with both hands: She may also carry it up in a Swath, or then keep Bed.

When they proceed from Acrimony, and heat of the Ʋrin, she must use a Cool, Leen Humectant Dyet (especially what is made of Baley) as what else may contemper that Hea, and Sharpness of the Humours, Cool, and Cleanse the Ʋrinary ways: As waters of Mal∣lows, Red Poppies, Puslane, Lettice, with Syrup of Violets, Red Poppies, Jujubes, Sal∣prunellae: Or the Decoction of Cold Seeds: Or yet Whey therewith: Emulsions also of Almonds, the Cold Seeds, and of White Pop∣pies, with Barley-Broth: Or made of Ches∣nuts, with the Decoction of Liquirish and Lettice Seeds: Or large Draughts of new milked Milk: Small Ale, Ptisan also, or Barley Water, wherein Liquirish is Boiled; or with Syrup of Violets: Forbearing things Acrimonious, Acid, Salt, strong Liquors, Spi∣ceries, strong Purges: And it thus she ease not, Bleeding is ordered: Cooling and Emol∣lent

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Applications for the outward entry of the Neck of her Bladder: with the like Injecti∣ons thereinto: Half Baths also in extremity. And if yet the Woman cannot make Water, it must at last be brought away with a Cathe∣ter, softly introduced into the Hollow of the Bladder, or a Wx Candle anointed with Oyl of Roses; which serves also to remove back the Stone, if it stop the Neck of the Bladder: and is all can then be done with a Big One, though endeavours may be made for ex∣tracting the Smaller.

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