
Welcome to the Powered by Tasty Bytes - Zero to Snowflake Quickstart focused on Cost Management!

Within this Quickstart, we will learn about Cost Management in Snowflake by diving into Snowflake Warehouses and their configurability, Resource Monitors, Account and Warehouse Level Timeout Parameters, Budgets and Exploring Cost.

For more detail on Cost Management in Snowflake please visit the Cost Management Overview documentation.


What You Will Learn

What You Will Build


Within this Quickstart we will follow a Tasty Bytes themed story via a Snowsight SQL Worksheet with this page serving as a side by side guide complete with additional commentary, images and documentation links.

This section will walk you through logging into Snowflake, Creating a New Worksheet, Renaming the Worksheet, Copying SQL from GitHub, and Pasting the SQL we will be leveraging within this Quickstart.

Step 1 - Accessing Snowflake via URL

Step 2 - Logging into Snowflake

Step 3 - Navigating to Worksheets

Step 4 - Creating a Worksheet

Step 5 - Renaming a Worksheet

Step 6 - Accessing Quickstart SQL in GitHub

Step 7 - Copying Setup SQL from GitHub

Step 8 - Pasting Setup SQL from GitHub into your Snowflake Worksheet

Step 9 - Click Next –>


As a Tasty Bytes Snowflake Administrator we have been tasked with gaining an understanding of the features Snowflake provides to help ensure proper Financial Governance is in place before we begin querying and analyzing data.

Step 1 - Role, Warehouse and Database Context

Before we create a Warehouse, let's first set our Role and Warehouse context.

The queries below will set our Role to tb_admin using USE ROLE, our Warehouse to tb_de_wh warehouse using USE WAREHOUSE and our Database to tb_101 using USE DATABASE .

To run the queries, please highlight the three queries in your created Worksheet that match what you see below and click the "► Run" button in the top-right hand corner.

Once these are executed you will see a Statement executed successfully. result and notice the Worksheet context reflect the Role, Warehouse and Database as shown in the screenshot below.

USE ROLE tb_admin;

Step 2 - Creating and Configuring a Warehouse

Within Snowflake, Warehouses are highly configurable to meet your compute demands. This can range from scaling up and down to meet compute needs or scaling out to meet concurrency needs.

The next query will create our first Warehouse named tb_test_wh. Please execute this query now which result in another Statement executed successfully. message.

COMMENT = 'test warehouse for tasty bytes'
    WAREHOUSE_TYPE = 'standard'
    WAREHOUSE_SIZE = 'xsmall' 
    SCALING_POLICY = 'standard'
    AUTO_RESUME = true

Based on the query we ran, please see the details below on what each configuration handles within our CREATE WAREHOUSE statement.

Step 3 - Click Next –>


With a Warehouse created, let's now use it to answer a few questions from the business. While doing so we will learn how to resume, suspend and elastically scale the Warehouse.

Step 1 - Setting our Role and Warehouse Context and running a Query

To begin, let's run the next three queries. The first two will set our tbadmin role and tb_test_wh context and the final one will query our raw_pos.menu table to find all food items sold at our Plant Palace branded trucks.

USE ROLE tb_admin;
USE WAREHOUSE tb_test_wh;

FROM raw_pos.menu m
WHERE truck_brand_name = 'Plant Palace';

Step 2 - Scaling Our Warehouse Up

After completing a basic query against one of our dimension tables, let's now get ready to query our much larger orders data set.

Let's now instantly scale our tb_test_wh up by executing our next query leveraging ALTER WAREHOUSE... SET warehouse_size.

Upon completion we will recieve another Statement executed successfully result.

ALTER WAREHOUSE tb_test_wh SET warehouse_size = 'XLarge';

Step 3 - Run an Aggregation Query Against a Large Data Set

With our Warehouse scaled up, let's now run our next query which uses CONCAT, COUNT and SUM to calculate orders and total sales for Tasty Bytes customer loyalty members.

    CONCAT(clm.first_name, ' ', clm.last_name) AS name,
    COUNT(DISTINCT o.order_id) AS order_count,
    SUM(o.price) AS total_sales
FROM analytics.orders_v o
JOIN analytics.customer_loyalty_metrics_v clm
    ON o.customer_id = clm.customer_id
GROUP BY o.customer_id, name
ORDER BY order_count DESC;

Step 4 - Scale our Warehouse Down

Having seen the instant upward scalability of our Snowflake Warehouse and how it can aggregate large result sets with ease, let's now instantly scale our tb_test_wh back down by running the next query.

Upon completion we will recieve another Statement executed successfully result.

ALTER WAREHOUSE tb_test_wh SET warehouse_size = 'XSmall';

Step 5 - Suspend our Warehouse

To cap things off, we previously set the auto_suspend to 60 seconds on our tb_test_wh but let's also take a look at how to manually suspend a warehouse by executing our final query.


Note: Depending on how fast you have run through these last statements, you will receive one of the following two results:

  1. Statement executed successfully: This means you were very fast in executing the steps in this section and have beat the auto_suspend Warehouse setting we configured to 60 seconds.
  2. Invalid state. Warehouse ‘TASTY_TEST_WH' cannot be suspended: This means that the amazing auto_suspend Warehouse setting we configured to 60 seconds has won the Warehouse suspension race.

Step 6 - Click Next –>


With monitoring in place, let's now make sure we are protecting ourselves from bad long running queries ensuring timeout parameters are adjusted on the Warehouse.

Step 1 - Exploring Warehouse Statement Parameters

To begin, let's run the next query to find all Warehouse Parameters related to Statements using the SHOW PARAMETERS command.

SHOW PARAMETERS LIKE '%statement%' IN WAREHOUSE tb_test_wh;

Step 2 - Adjusting Warehouse Statement Timeout Parameter

Having seen the two available Warehouse Statement Parameters, let's first adjust statement_timeout_in_seconds to 30 minutes by running the next query.

Since this parameter is in seconds we will set it equal to 1800 (30 minutes x 60 seconds).

Once executed we will receive another Statement executed successfully. result.

ALTER WAREHOUSE tb_test_wh SET statement_timeout_in_seconds = 1800;

Step 3 - Adjusting Warehouse Statement Queued Timeout Parameter

Next, we will adjust statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds to 10 minutes by running the next query.

Since this parameter is also in seconds we will set it equal to 600 (10 minutes x 60 seconds).

Once executed we will receive another Statement executed successfully. result.

ALTER WAREHOUSE tb_test_wh SET statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds = 600;

Step 4 - Click Next –>


The Timeout Parameters we set on our Test Warehouse are also available at the Account, User and Session level. Within this step, we will adjust these at the Account level.

Moving forward we will plan to monitor these as our Snowflake Workloads and Usage grow to ensure they are continuing to protect our account from unneccesary consumption but allowing for expected longer jobs to complete

Step 1 - Adjusting the Account Statement Timeout Parameter

To begin, our Account level Statement Parameter changes let's adjust statement_timeout_in_seconds to 5 hours by running the next two queries.

Since this parameter is in seconds we will set it equal to 18000 ([5 hours x 60 minutes] x 60 seconds).

Once executed we will receive another Statement executed successfully. result.

USE ROLE accountadmin;

ALTER ACCOUNT SET statement_timeout_in_seconds = 18000; -- 18000 seconds = 5 hours

Step 2 - Adjusting the Account Statement Queued Timeout Parameter

As we did with our Warehouse, let's now adjust statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds to 1 hour by running the next query.

Since this parameter is also in seconds we will set it equal to 3600 ([1 hour x 60 minutes] x 60 seconds). Once executed we will receive another Statement executed successfully. result.

ALTER ACCOUNT SET statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds = 3600;

Step 3 - Click Next –>


With a Test Warehouse in place, let's now leverage Snowflakes Resource Monitors to ensure the Warehouse has a monthly quota.

This will also allow Admins to monitor credit consumption and trigger Warehouse suspension if the quota is surpassed.

Within this step we will create our Resource Monitor using SQL but these can also be deployed and monitored in Snowsight by navigating to Admin -> Cost Management.

Step 1 - Creating a Resource Monitor

To begin, lets create our first Resource Monitor using CREATE RESOURCE MONITOR by executing the next query.

    CREDIT_QUOTA = 100 -- 100 credits
    FREQUENCY = monthly -- reset the monitor monthly
    START_TIMESTAMP = immediately -- begin tracking immediately
        ON 75 PERCENT DO NOTIFY -- notify accountadmins at 75%
        ON 100 PERCENT DO SUSPEND -- suspend warehouse at 100 percent, let queries finish

For additional detail on what each configuration handles in our statement above please see below:

Step 2 - Applying our Resource Monitor to our Warehouse

With our Resource Monitor successfully created, let's now apply it to our created Warehouse using ALTER WAREHOUSE ... SET RESOURCE_MONITOR.

Please execute the final query of this step which will result in another Statement executed successfully. message.


Step 3 - Click Next —>


Within this step, we will help our Finance department attribute consumption costs for the Test Warehouse to our Development Team.

We will create a Tag object for associating Cost Centers to Database Objects and Warehouses and leverage it to assign the Development Team Cost Center to our Test Warehouse.

Step 1 - Create our Tag

To begin, let's our Cost Center Tag using CREATE TAG by executing the next query which will result in a Tag COST_CENTER successfully created. message.


Step 2 - Set Tag on Warehouse

Now we will to set the Development Team Cost Center Tag to the Test Warehouse byu executing the following query which will result in a Statement executed successfully. message.


Step 3 - Click Next —>


Snowflake also provides many ways to visually inspect Cost data within Snowsight.

Step 1 - Overall Account Costs

To access an overview of incurred costs within Snowsight: 1. Select Admin » Cost Management. 2. Select a warehouse to use to view the usage data. • Snowflake recommends using an X-Small warehouse for this purpose. 3. Select Account Overview.

Step 2 - Drill Down into Incurred Costs

To access and drill down into overall cost within Snowsight: 1. Select Admin » Cost Management. 2. Select a warehouse to use to view the usage data. • Snowflake recommends using an X-Small warehouse for this purpose. 3. Select Consumption. 4. Select All Usage Types from the drop-down list.


Fantastic work! You have successfully completed the Tasty Bytes - Zero to Snowflake - Cost Management Quickstart.

By doing so you have now:

If you would like to re-run this Quickstart please leverage the Reset scripts in the bottom of your associated Worksheet.

Next Steps

To continue your journey in the Snowflake AI Data Cloud, please now visit the link below to see all other Powered by Tasty Bytes - Quickstarts available to you.