Quantum Computing Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Which currently known quantum algorithms cannot be derived from the QSVT algorithm?

I have just started reading the paper A Grand Unification of Quantum Algorithms. There is a claim on page 2 that "by simply adjusting the parameters of QSVT, one can construct nearly all known ...

user avatar asked by Miriam K. Score of 6
user avatar answered by Miriam K. Score of 2

Are operators unitary on a real quantum computer?

The question is more from the physical side of quantum computers. Can we say that operators are unitary or due to the NISQ nature, the operator (impact on particles) in reality deviates from this ...

experimental-realization unitarity noise nisq  
user avatar asked by Марина Лисниченко Score of 5
user avatar answered by glS Score of 6

Is there any mathematical technique to find the exact solution of a QUBO problem?

Suppose I am given a QUBO problem consisting in the minimization of a quadratic function $\vec{x}^T Q \vec{x}$ over a binary-valued vector $\vec{x} \in \{0, 1\}^n$, with $Q$ a symmetric indefinite ...

linear-algebra optimization hamiltonian qubo  
user avatar asked by SimoneGasperini Score of 4
user avatar answered by MonteNero Score of 6

What exacly is passManager and passes in qiskit?

I am trying to understand what exactly is passManager, what exactly it its use, where exactly we need to use it? https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-tutorials/blob/...

qiskit programming  
user avatar asked by Manu Score of 3
user avatar answered by MonteNero Score of 0

How to calculate guessing probability for quantum key distribution?

There are 3 Projections $P_1$, $P_2$, and $P_3$ corresponding to 3 inputs $x = 1, 2, 3$ for Alice. Similarly, the same projections are used by Bob for $y = 1, 2, 3$. Each input has 2 outcomes, $a = 1, ...

optimization bell-experiment qkd semidefinite-programming  
user avatar asked by alpacino Score of 3

What's so bad about preparing magic states by measuring Clifford gates?

Suppose we want to perform a gate from the third level of the Clifford hierarchy for example $ T,CS, CCZ, CCX $. To implement such a gate using gate teleportation we need to take as an input certain ...

quantum-state fault-tolerance state-preparation magic-states state-distillation  
user avatar asked by Ian Gershon Teixeira Score of 3
user avatar answered by Craig Gidney Score of 4

Wong's "Introduction to Classical and Quantum Computing" Exercise 7.23

I am currently working my way through "Introduction to Classical and Quantum Computing" by Thomas Wong. I am trying to solve the following problem: Exercise 7.23. Answer the following ...

quantum-algorithms textbook-and-exercises grovers-algorithm  
user avatar asked by student Score of 3
user avatar answered by DaftWullie Score of 3

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Is there any online Bloch sphere simulator?

While writing this answer I realized it would be really helpful if I could show the OP a video or .gif of how qubit states in Bloch spheres transform under certain unitary operations. I googled up a ...

resource-request simulation bloch-sphere  
user avatar asked by Sanchayan Dutta Score of 15
user avatar answered by glS Score of 10

How to fix an error : " QiskitBackendNotFoundError: 'No backend matches the criteria' "

I am trying to run the Quantum Teleportation Algorithm using Qiskit on Jupyter Notebook. Here is my code below where I am finding an error - ...

qiskit teleportation  
user avatar asked by sohamb172 Score of 1
user avatar answered by Paul Nation Score of 1

An impossible quantum adder claimed by a journal article?

In Quantum adder of two states that are themselves superpositions, I asked: I have two states $|a\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt N}\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}|i\rangle|a_i\rangle$ and $|b\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt N}\...

quantum-algorithms quantum-circuit superposition  
user avatar asked by Paulske Score of 22
user avatar answered by Craig Gidney Score of 35

How can I implement an n-bit Toffoli gate?

I want to create a Toffoli gate controlled by n qubits, and implement it in QISKit. Can this be done? If so, how?

quantum-gate programming qiskit  
user avatar asked by Ali Javadi Score of 29
user avatar answered by Ali Javadi Score of 25

CNOT expressed with CZ and H gates by taking into account HZH =X

From this link: Where equation 1 is: I can probably brute-force this by explicitly calculating this quantum circuit's effective 4x4 matrix and seeing that its equivalent to this teleportation ...

quantum-gate gate-synthesis pauli-gates  
user avatar asked by Steven Sagona Score of 4

How accurate is this figure by TIME magazine?

Below is a figure from a TIME magazine edition. I have a few questions regarding this representation of quantum computing: Is saying "0 and 1 at the same time" a correct statement? Isn't ...

user avatar asked by Rydberg Score of 8
user avatar answered by Craig Gidney Score of 21

What is quantum gate teleportation?

Quantum state teleportation is the quantum information protocol where a qubit is transferred between two parties using an initial shared entangled state, Bell measurement, classical communication and ...

quantum-gate teleportation  
user avatar asked by Kiro Score of 40
user avatar answered by DaftWullie Score of 37

Can you answer these questions?

QMA-QCMA oracle with quantum gates

While reading the QMA-QCMA paper by Aaronson and Kuperberg I wondered how their result extends to quantum circuits. Suppose you have an oracle $O$ such that $O\left|\psi\right>=-\left|\psi\right>...

quantum-circuit linear-algebra oracles  
user avatar asked by nippon Score of 1

Reducing Estimator time for calculating expectation values

I have a circuit with $2N + 1$ qubits and with depth $2t + 2$, where $t$ is essentially the number of trotter steps, or the number of times a fixed block of gates repeats itself in the circuit. After ...

qiskit programming quantum-algorithms  
user avatar asked by Soumyadeep sarma Score of 1

Code distance and existence of isometry in tensor networks

Recently, I've been looking into quantum error correction codes as tensor networks. I collected the following "facts" (which may be wrong, if so, please feel free to correct me on them). A $[...

error-correction tensor-networks  
user avatar asked by Elias Rothlin Score of 1
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