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George Gaylord Simpson published some 21 books and monographs, 79 notes, and 271 research articles from 1925 through 1971. This primary literature totals 371 titles and 12,656 pages; 4,451 pages (35%) are devoted to mammals, and 2,363 pages (19%) are devoted to evolution. Simpson published primarily on Mesozoic and Paleocene mammals, but he also contributed significantly to the study of Eocene and Pleistocene mammals as well. Early work was concentrated on North American faunas, but interest later shifted to South America. Simpson published some 224 titles and 5,785 pages of empirical work, much of it during the first 20 years of his career. He published 109 titles and 6,675 pages of theoretical work. Research collections and museum support were important throughout Simpson’s working life. The concentration of empirical research early in Simpson’s career, with later emphasis on theoretical questions, affirms that observation and experience are important in generating ideas of lasting value.

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