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The objective of this volume is to define and summarize in a brief and systematic manner the essential characteristics of all economically significant types of Canadian mineral deposits. These summaries reflect the current general understanding of mineral deposits, and correspond closely to the definitions of mineral deposit types in common use.

Each deposit type summary begins by identifying the main diagnostic geological characteristics, the contained commodities, and examples of deposits of that type, both Canadian and foreign. It subsequently outlines the economic significance, typical size and grade of deposits, and geological features such as geological setting, age, host rocks, associated rocks, form and distribution of mineralization, mineralogy, and alteration. Genetic models, related deposit types, and guides to exploration are also summarized. References and a selected bibliography provide an introduction to the most relevant literature.

Deposits of metallic minerals and some industrial minerals are treated in this volume, but not those of fossil fuels. Each deposit type included in this volume has accounted for at least a moderate or historically significant amount of Canadian production and/or reserves, is represented by mineral occurrences in Canada, or is judged to have potential for significant undiscovered deposits in Canada.

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