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Pepperdine | School of Public Policy

Homeland Security Advisory Council

The Homeland Security Advisory Council at the School of Public Policy (HSAC@SPP) is an innovative academic enterprise focusing on disaster preparedness, crisis management, and resiliency through engaging the public, private, and civic sectors. Formed in partnership with the renowned Los Angeles Homeland Security Advisory Council, HSAC@SPP is the latest addition to the School of Public Policy's robust cross-sector initiatives, positioned to prepare the current and next generation of leaders by exploring a full range of cross-sector and information technology solutions to public policy challenges.

HSAC Initiatives

HSAC currently offers a variety of programs focused on technology, engagement, capability building, and partnerships for crisis managers, policymakers, and public safety professionals, in addition to students pursuing a graduate degree. Through the partnership with the School of Public Policy, HSAC will expand its current offerings, create new educational and training programs, and reach a broader participant group that includes graduate students and audiences throughout California and the nation.

HSAC maximizes community resilience by advancing technological innovations. SALUS - The Crisis Hub, HSAC's web-based crisis and event management platform, puts the power of geographic information systems (GIS) directly into the hands of crisis managers, public safety professionals, and policymakers, providing its users an innovative way to visualize information and effectively analyze data. 

Through the Distinguished Speaker Series, Crisis Management Case Challenge, and Crisis Leadership and Emergency Management Workshop, HSAC facilitates open and effective communication and collaboration, and inspires new ideas among forward-thinking leaders

HSAC's Crisis Management Internship Program, Public Safety Fellowships, and Regional Emergency Management Exercise Program integrate technical expertise and evidence-based research into effective and accessible solutions pre, trans, and post-crisis.

HSAC recognizes the importance of creating opportunities for leaders across the various sectors to learn from each other. Current offerings include:

  • Public Safety Delegations and Information Exchanges
  • Executive Round Table
  • Homeland Security Professional Alliances 


Press Release

Pepperdine School of Public Policy Forms New Academic Enterprise With Los Angeles Homeland Security Advisory Council

The Pepperdine School of Public Policy formed an innovative academic enterprise with the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC)  that strives to catalyze and support a multi-jurisdictional and comprehensive approach to preparedness, security, and resiliency in the Los Angeles region.

The new enterprise, to be called the Homeland Security Advisory Council at the School of Public Policy, is positioned to prepare the current and next generation of crisis managers, public safety professionals, and policymakers  by providing innovative technology and opportunities for engagement, capability building, and partnerships for the public, private, and civic sectors across the region.


What People Are Saying

"Building a more resilient Los Angeles requires that we tap every resource at our disposal—and that means deepening partnerships with HSAC, relying on critical insights from institutions like Pepperdine, and equipping our leaders and first responders with vital data from SALUS in the face of disruptions, crises, or natural disasters. Our top priority is keeping Angelenos safe and secure, and we will continue to deploy every tool in our arsenal to strengthen public safety across our city."

Mayor, City of Los Angeles

“The Annenberg Foundation has supported initiatives like HSAC that utilize technology to foster improved communication and collaboration to positively impact our city. Our longstanding commitment to education is another way in which we seek to strengthen communities. We applaud the new HSAC endeavor with Pepperdine to grow the organization's ability to strengthen Los Angeles and help foster our next generation of crisis leaders."